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A National Economic Perspective :: September 10, 2004 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
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A National Economic Perspective
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Standing here today, I have a much better appreciation for why this
part of the country has inspired so many songwriters and artists over
the years. I am hoping it will inspire me in my monetary policy
responsibilities, because I have come to view that particular role as
involving a good measure of art as well as science.
Everyone knows that we rely on economic data and theory in
conducting monetary policy, but it is every bit as important to decide
how to interpret those statistics and use those theories in a realworld, and real-time, context. And that’s the point where the
artwork of setting policy really emerges.

Sandra Pianalto
President and CEO,
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Remarks to the Ohio Bankers League
and Illinois League of Financial
Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico
September 10, 2004

Bankers in the Fourth District have been providing me with invaluable
information about our economy and banking issues for many years,
and I always welcome your input. Recently, the advice that I have
been getting from some bankers and businesspeople in my District is,
“Don't raise interest rates too fast or too high,” and many
businesspeople have been telling me that they like these low interest
Today I want to give you my perspective on why interest rates really
can’t stay this low forever—and why the Federal Reserve should not
keep monetary policy accommodative indefinitely. First, I will talk
about how the economic expansion has unfolded. Then I will turn to
the economic outlook. Finally, I will discuss monetary policy and
moving policy toward a more neutral position.

The Unfolding Economic Expansion
So let me start by painting a picture of the economic expansion that
began nearly three years ago. Back in the spring, when I first began
thinking about the remarks I would share with you, the economic
expansion was just beginning to get its legs. Two months later, as I
started outlining this speech, the economy appeared poised for
exceptional growth, with labor markets improving and the Midwest
industrial economy regaining some luster. Last month, as I started
writing this speech, I found myself curbing my enthusiasm somewhat.
So here we are, in early September, and I am continuing to fine-tune
my remarks. Today I come to you with a picture of an economy
growing at a respectable pace, and an economic expansion that
continues to unfold in irregular and unpredictable ways. Why do I say
irregular and unpredictable? No expansion unfolds in exactly the
same way, but economists often take the average of past expansions
and call it the “typical expansion.” Using that as a benchmark, this
expansion has been far from typical.
Let me point out several primary differences between this expansion[4/29/2014 2:15:46 PM]

A National Economic Perspective :: September 10, 2004 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
and the so-called typical expansion:
Consum er spending
First, consumer spending remained stronger than usual during the
recession itself, and it has remained strong. Consumers have been on
a spending spree in this expansion, buying about a million new homes
and 17 million new automobiles and light trucks in each of the past
three years. That’s a record pace.
Capital spending
Capital spending is a second area that seems to be exhibiting some
different behavior. Although it has picked up during the past four
quarters, capital spending has lagged in this expansion to a greater
extent than would be considered typical. The large run-up in
investment spending during the “tech boom” that preceded the last
recession has likely been a restraining factor in many industries.
Productivity growth
Another difference in this expansion can be found in the productivity
performance of most businesses. Productivity growth has been
unusually high and remains so. Throughout the expansion we have
seen exceptionally large year-over-year productivity increases in the
overall economy, and productivity in the manufacturing sector has
out-paced productivity gains in the overall economy. Companies have
been able to achieve these strong productivity results by using new
technologies and restructuring their business processes.
Business confidence
The lag in capital spending might also have something to do with
another difference on my list: business confidence. Even as the
economy was picking up steam, business executives were still
cautious about the future and therefore reluctant to invest in capital
equipment. This caution on the part of businesspeople is not
surprising. Not only did they experience a recession but they also
faced terrorist attacks, accounting scandals, and wars in Afghanistan
and Iraq. Confidence was shaken, and businesses reacted by avoiding
W eak em ploym ent growth
This brings me to perhaps the most pronounced difference between
this expansion and the typical expansion -- the employment situation.
In a typical expansion, employment returns to its pre-recession levels
in roughly two years. We are now three years into this expansion, and
we have yet to return to pre-recession employment levels. Part of
the reason that employment growth has been weaker than usual is
the strong productivity performance I just described. Last week, the
Bureau of Labor Statistics released information about the August
employment situation. Payroll employment increased by nearly
150,000 jobs, and the employment numbers for June and July were
revised up. All in all, I found the report mildly encouraging, because
it broke the recent pattern of meager employment growth. In
addition, manufacturing employment registered a small gain for the
month, and manufacturing employment is up overall for the year.
This is a distinct reversal of the trend we saw in the previous couple
of years.

The Economic Outlook
Now that I have described several of this expansion’s unusual
characteristics, I’d like to tell you how I see economic conditions
I am tempted to tell you that this is a particularly difficult time to
interpret the economic indicators. But I know enough about
policymaking to confess that predicting economic activity and
charting a course for monetary policy have always been demanding.[4/29/2014 2:15:46 PM]

A National Economic Perspective :: September 10, 2004 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Based on both the data and a considerable amount of anecdotal
information, the national economy appears to be set on a path of
sustained expansion. Through the first half of the year, GDP, adjusted
for inflation, grew at an annual rate of nearly 4 percent, which is
somewhat above its historical long-run average growth rate of 3.25
percent. I expect growth to remain at a solid pace for the
foreseeable future. In addition, I am less concerned today than I was
in the spring about the prospects of a sustained increase in inflation.
Let me explain how I’ve come to this view. First, the data: Although
employment gains have been sluggish, personal incomes expanded at
a 5 percent pace during the past year. Consumers still seem eager to
buy houses and durable goods. Yes, the pace of spending might be
slowing a bit, but sales remain at very high levels. Early reports
about back-to-school sales, on the other hand, have been slightly
downbeat. Judging from the data on capital goods orders, business
spending for a wide range of equipment and computer software
seems to be holding up fairly well.
The combination of strong demand and an unrelenting focus on
productivity has yielded good profit growth in recent quarters. Many
S&P 500 companies continue to report near-record profits. In
northeast Ohio, 30 public companies just reported a rise in secondquarter profits—nearly four times the number reporting lower income
or losses. One CEO declared that today’s environment for industrial
manufacturers is the best he has seen in more than three years. A
group representing large manufacturers stated that 24 out of 27
industries showed improvement in new orders or production in the
second quarter compared with a year ago.
In regard to inflation, it now seems clearer that commodity price
increases have not, for the most part, been passed along into final
goods prices to any significant degree. Furthermore, many commodity
price increases themselves appear to have leveled off or declined
Anecdotal evidence also leads me to think the expansion will be
sustained at a respectable pace. My business contacts report
reasonably solid growth in the demand for their goods and services.
Business leaders across a broad array of industries tell me that they
expect to see steady sales growth through the end of 2004. As orders
and corporate profits have grown, many business executives are
finally demonstrating renewed interest in expanding capacity.
Businesses are more likely to make investments when corporate
profits and productivity growth are strong, and these are the
conditions we have today. Several of my contacts report paying
higher prices for used equipment. This is a big change from a year
ago, when equipment prices were being heavily discounted. Several
bankers are also telling me that business borrowing has picked up,
lending further support to my view that the economy will continue to
expand at a solid pace.
But remember, I’m a central banker and I am paid to worry. So I also
have a cautionary viewpoint to report. Some are questioning whether
the expansion will be self-sustaining. The CEO of a large, global
industrial company I spoke with recently told me that his company’s
orders have finally returned to their peak 1990s levels, but he does
not believe that this level can be sustained, let alone surpassed. He
can’t point to any specific reason, but his concerns about oil prices,
the situation in Iraq, and rising health care costs all add up to an
uneasy feeling. I know that he is not alone in this belief.
Of the several concerns I just mentioned, the gyrating oil market
tops my current list of “things to watch.” Crude oil prices increased
to more than $45 per barrel last month, far above their January price[4/29/2014 2:15:46 PM]

A National Economic Perspective :: September 10, 2004 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
of about $34 per barrel. Although this level is not unprecedented in
real terms, the speed at which oil prices have risen this year has
been a major surprise for businesses and households. On one hand,
our nation uses less energy to produce a dollar of GDP than we did in
the 1970s. On the other hand, we are producing less energy
domestically and therefore our reliance on imported energy has not
changed very much. We still import about the same share of energy
per dollar of GDP as we did in the 1970s.
Historically, surges in energy prices have been followed by economic
slowdowns and even recessions. Under certain conditions, energy
price spikes can also set off inflationary pressures if the Federal
Reserve does not adjust monetary policy accordingly. Fortunately,
recent signs show that energy price pressures are abating, but I
intend to continue to pay very close attention to the unfolding
energy market situation.

Monetary Policy
Let me now turn to monetary policy and how it has responded to
economic conditions. As you know, in June, for the first time in more
than four years, the Federal Reserve increased its target for the
federal funds rate by 25 basis points. In mid-August, we moved that
target up by another 25 basis points, to 1.5 percent. Each of these
actions reflected a measured response to the ongoing economic
Fortunately—and not accidentally—these moves have not come as
much of a surprise. The Federal Open Market Committee has worked
to become more predictable and credible over the years, and at
improving our communications. We recognize the importance of
having public support for and understanding of our policy goals, and
we see real benefits for the economy when people correctly
anticipate our actions. So, I regard the fact that we have surprised
virtually no one this year as a positive development.
As we point out in every press release following our FOMC meetings,
the objectives of the FOMC are sustainable economic growth and
price stability. In other words, we try to prevent inflation and
deflation from affecting the economy’s performance. Price stability
in practice means a low-inflation environment that the public expects
to continue into the foreseeable future.
This year, for reasons I have already explained, I began to see
consistent signs that the economic expansion was self-sustaining, and
that the potential for further disinflation, which I was worried about
last year, seemed highly remote. And for the first time since
becoming a member of the FOMC last year, I had to start thinking
about the circumstances that could possibly lead to accelerating
inflation. Under these conditions, I thought it was vital that the FOMC
begin to remove its unusually large degree of accommodation and to
gradually adjust the federal funds rate back to a more neutral level.
What do I mean by “neutral”? Well, in simple terms this means a
federal funds rate that is no longer either accommodative or
restraining. There is not one specific value for the federal funds rate
that always equals a neutral policy stance. It’s a little like aiming at
a moving target, and one that can seem a bit blurry at times.
The neutral range for the federal funds rate during the next several
quarters and beyond will depend on how economic conditions unfold,
but our experience suggests that during extended periods of
reasonably sound and sustained economic performance, the neutral
federal funds rate will almost certainly be above today’s level of 1.5
percent.[4/29/2014 2:15:46 PM]

A National Economic Perspective :: September 10, 2004 :: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
In fact, historical experience suggests that when our economy is
operating soundly and when resources are at high levels of capacity
utilization, the neutral range is likely to be 3 to 5 percent. Where
does this estimate come from? Without going into the exact formula,
the most important components in the equation are the rates of
productivity growth and expected inflation. As either one of these
factors moves up or down, so too will the neutral federal funds rate.
At the moment, evidence from futures markets indicates that
financial market participants expect the federal funds rate to
steadily move up into that neighborhood over the next two years. If
you think about it, this interest-rate forecast can be taken as a vote
of confidence in the way our economy is expected to perform.
By now, I hope that you can understand why I am convinced that the
current 1.5 percent funds rate lies below neutral. In short, our
economy no longer requires the substantial amount of policy
accommodation that it did until relatively recently.
It’s a lot like using cruise control on your car. You want to maintain a
certain speed, but the amount of gas you use will depend on the
terrain you cover. When people are cautious, and prefer safe, liquid
assets instead of making riskier capital investments, then a lower
federal funds rate is similar to the cruise control signaling the fuel
pump to send more gasoline to the engine to get the car up a hill. As
conditions begin to normalize and the car approaches more level
terrain, that fuel pump will begin slowing down to maintain the
cruise control speed. As the economy continues to expand, we can
continue to withdraw our policy accommodation—so that we do not
unintentionally promote an inflationary environment down the road.

The FOMC’s job - my job - is to ensure that our nation’s monetary
policy supports the economy by delivering price stability. In my
opening comments, I mentioned that some people have expressed
satisfaction with interest rates at their current levels and I said that I
do not think interest rates can stay this low forever. I encourage you
to view the FOMC’s recent policy direction as good news. At this
stage of the expansion, rising interest rates in fact reflect a return to
a more normal economic environment. With improved conditions and
greater confidence, businesses will increasingly look for investment
projects that will lead to further innovation, economic growth, and
job creation. As credit demands pick up, the price of credit—interest
rates—will naturally increase as well. None of us has a crystal ball,
though. Because I cannot know exactly how the economy will evolve,
I cannot predict the extent and timing of future movements in
market interest rates or the federal funds rate.
I do know that I will continue to rely on you in the banking industry
for your insights and input as I continue to combine science and art
in setting national monetary policy.

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