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Before the Bankers Roundtable, Phoenix, Arizona
April 4, 1998

The Federal Reserve's Role in the Payments System and Its Effect on Competition
Thank you for inviting me to speak with you today. I am pleased to have this opportunity to
discuss the Federal Reserve's role in the payments system with you for two reasons. The
Bankers Roundtable includes many of the major participants in the U.S. payments system.
Also, our role in the payments system has received considerable attention recently not only
by the Federal Reserve itself but also by Congress, the GAO, and the banking industry,
including the Bankers Roundtable.
As a central bank, the Federal Reserve needs to ensure that the payments system of the
United States (1) supports economic growth, which can best be done by ensuring open
access, (2) manages risk well, (3) is resilient in the face of crisis, and (4) continues to evolve
to keep pace with the needs of an evolving economy. To achieve these goals, we serve as
both payments provider and regulator.
Today, I would like to focus on how the Federal Reserve influences the level of competition
in the market for payment services and how we hope, through competition, to foster
continuing improvements in the payments system.
Current Role of Federal Reserve as Service Provider
As you know, the Federal Reserve Banks provide a range of payment-related services. Some
of these services are generally viewed as critical to the execution of the Federal Reserve's
core central bank responsibilities. For example, the Federal Reserve's cash services are
integral to one the Fed's primary responsibilities -- to provide for an elastic currency. The
Fedwire funds transfer system facilitates final settlement of interbank payments in central
bank money and provides liquidity to the financial markets to support a growing economy.
Our net settlement service facilitates the final settlement in central bank funds of payments
cleared by outside the Federal Reserve.
For retail payments, however, the appropriate role of the Federal Reserve is not so obvious.
Historically, we can understand why the Federal Reserve began to process check and ACH
payments. In an era of rudimentary communications and a fragmented banking system in the
early part of this century, the Reserve Banks' involvement in check collection helped to
improve the workings of the national economy, spur trade, and overcome some of the
structural impediments that had contributed to the financial panics in the late 1800s and
early 1900s. At that time, checks were used far differently than they are today, and
represented a primary means of making interbank wholesale transfers. Sixty years later, in
the 1970s, the Federal Reserve's early participation in and subsidization of the automated
clearing house system provided the impetus to launch that new nationwide electronic
payment mechanism.

I believe that fostering a competitive environment is critically important for all portions of
the retail payments system, including those in which the Federal Reserve is a participant.
Indeed, the effectiveness of the U.S. retail payments systems can be credited largely to the
competitive marketplace in which payments are provided. The Federal Reserve promotes a
competitive marketplace in part through innovations that enhance the cost effectiveness and
quality of our services. An example of current initiatives we have underway that I think
holds great potential is the use of web browser software to enable banks to communicate
with the Federal Reserve to send and retrieve information. This technology will make it
much easier, for instance, for banks to order cash, retrieve images of checks, and submit the
financial information that we ask banks to provide regularly. It will also significantly
improve our ability to respond quickly to the evolving needs of our customers.
The Federal Reserve is also working to streamline the check collection process through the
use of electronics and image processing. Last year, more than 2.2 billion checks -- or about
14 percent of all checks collected by the Reserve Banks -- were presented electronically. In
addition to the growing array of image services provided by the Reserve Banks, the Fed is
also leading efforts to develop industry standards for the exchange of check images. Another
example of current Fed innovation is in the ACH arena. The Federal Reserve will soon
provide financial EDI translation capability available to all banks that receive ACH
transactions through our Fedline software. This capability will support the Treasury's EFT99
initiative and help facilitate end-to-end electronic payments.
In 1980, in part to promote competition among the Federal Reserve and private-sector
service providers, Congress enacted the Monetary Control Act. MCA requires the Federal
Reserve to price its payment services to recover all costs of providing the services over the
long run, including imputed costs that would have been incurred and imputed profits that
would have been earned had the services been provided by a private firm. The Federal
Reserve has fully met this requirement, and I believe MCA has enhanced the competitive
environment for the provision of payment services and has improved payments system
We must recognize, however, that the competitive market envisioned by Congress in the
Monetary Control Act may not be fully realized due to several fundamental differences
between the Federal Reserve and private firms.
First, the Federal Reserve is immune to insolvency or default. Therefore, its customers do
not need to concern themselves with credit risk associated with using the Federal Reserve as
an intermediary bank in payment services.
Second, the Reserve Banks continue to have some legal advantages over other providers of
check services, even though the Federal Reserve Board has taken steps to reduce these
advantages through its Regulation CC same-day settlement rule.
Third, the Federal Reserve has a different risk-taking profile than do the private firms with
which it competes. As you know all too well, many innovations that appear to have great
promise fail in the marketplace, while others succeed. The public nature of the Federal
Reserve, along with its self-imposed objective of achieving industry average profit margins
on each service line, virtually dictates a more conservative approach in the marketplace. In
contrast, a private firm may be more willing to risk the funds of its shareholders in
anticipation of achieving significantly higher profit margins.

Finally, Federal Reserve Banks lack the flexibility afforded their private-sector competitors
to be selective in the customers to which they will provide payment services and in their
pricing of those payment services. We are also subject to far greater public scrutiny and
disclosure than our competitors.
You can see from these examples that the Federal Reserve has some material advantages as
a competitor, but also some impediments to being an effective competitor. Both the
advantages and the impediments should be kept in mind.
Rivlin Committee Study
Because of these competitive inequities, it is all the more important that the Federal Reserve
periodically reassess the need to continue to provide check and ACH services as market
structure, technology, and competitive conditions evolve. We last did so in 1996 and 1997
after Chairman Greenspan established the Committee on the Role of the Federal Reserve in
the Payments System, or the so-called Rivlin Committee. The Committee examined a range
of alternative scenarios under which payments could be provided and sought views from a
large number of payments system participants.
Most participants urged the Federal Reserve to continue to provide check and ACH
services. Many expressed concern as to whether private-sector service providers would
adequately meet the needs of all depository institutions, especially small institutions and
those in remote locations, if the Federal Reserve were to exit these services. In particular,
they noted that the Federal Reserve serves certain market segments that may not yet have
demonstrated adequate market competition, specifically, providing check and ACH services
to low-volume banks and providing check services to banks throughout the country that
need to collect checks drawn on small, remote banks.
The Rivlin Committee concluded that the Federal Reserve should continue to provide check
and ACH services, with the objectives of enhancing efficiency, promoting integrity, and
ensuring access. Given the Federal Reserve's current dominant market position in these
services and the risk of disruption if the Federal Reserve were to exit quickly, this
conclusion makes sense. The Committee also concluded that we should play a more active
role, working collaboratively with providers and users of the payments system, to help
evolve strategies for moving to the next generation of payment instruments.
Future Role of the Federal Reserve as Service Provider
For the longer term, will the conclusion that the Federal Reserve should be a provider
continue to be the correct one? This question hinges in large part on the extent to which the
Federal Reserve's participation is needed to ensure the smooth functioning of the payments
system that achieves the four goals I outlined earlier and whether there are significant
barriers to private firms entry into the interbank check and ACH markets. In other words,
we need to assess whether the Federal Reserve's operational involvement in retail payment
services would foster or impede competition and progress as the market for these payment
services evolves.
There has been much debate regarding the extent to which check markets are "contestable,"
or truly subject to competition, particularly those segments of the market that only the
Federal Reserve serves. Are there significant barriers to competition in these markets? If so,
can they be reduced? The Federal Reserve's market position in some segments may simply
indicate that there is insufficient volume to support more than one bank presenting checks to
very low-volume endpoints. If that is the case, does this suggest that a private-sector

provider could fill the gap if the Fed were to exit this service? If the market will only support
one provider, would potential entrants provide sufficient market discipline on that provider
to ensure that the terms of its service are reasonable or would regulation be required? One
possible barrier to correspondent banks providing services equivalent to the Federal
Reserve's is their more limited presentment abilities. As I will discuss shortly, we are
currently evaluating this issue.
Private-sector entry into ACH appears to face different obstacles. Today, the ACH service
exhibits economies of scale over broad volume levels, which suggests that efficiency may be
enhanced and unit costs minimized by having few ACH operators. Thus, the Federal
Reserve may have an advantage because it processes the large bulk of ACH payments. We
believe that the competitive environment that results from multiple ACH operators will best
ensure continued efficiency improvements and innovation in this service. I believe it is
important that the Federal Reserve take appropriate steps to stimulate the competitive
environment in the ACH. Our planned enhancements to our net settlement service, which
will provide significant operational benefits for private-sector ACH operators and other
private clearing arrangements, is clearly a step in this direction.
As market conditions change, we should reassess the ability of the private marketplace to
foster the efficiency and integrity of, and access to the full range of, retail payment services
without the Federal Reserve's operational involvement.
In particular, continued geographic expansion by major correspondent banks resulting from
interstate branch banking will lessen the Federal Reserve's distinction as a nationwide
service provider. In addition, continued fast-paced technological advancements will likely
result in further substantial reductions in the cost of data processing and data communication
services. These technological improvements may reduce the barriers faced by other firms in
establishing or expanding the scope of their payment services. Finally, the Federal Reserve's
operational role in retail payments will decline inevitably as other types of retail payments
not provided by the Federal Reserve grow. These changes may promote the competitive
environment for the provision of retail payment services and may diminish the Federal
Reserve's dominant market position in the provision of these services.
Emerging Retail Payment Systems
I know some of us are impatient with the pace of the migration of retail payments to
electronic alternatives. Earlier predictions of a cashless, checkless society clearly missed
their mark. Technological advances, however, are providing new opportunities to accelerate
the migration to electronic payments. New payment methods will likely continue to
supplement, rather than supplant, existing forms of payment. Given the track record of
previous forecasts, I will refrain from speculating on the future pace of this shift from paper
to electronic payments.
The stakes for banks in making the transition from paper-based retail payments to electronic
ones are high. Some industry observers estimate that payments businesses represent as much
as one-third of industry revenues, expenses, and profits. The risk to banks is that expenses
from the current payments systems stay while significant new investments for emerging
payment methods are required. As I see it, banks would be well advised to manage the
transition, leverage their advantage from established customer relationships and information,
and harness industry-wide energy.
Experience has taught us that there are often significant lags between the introduction of a
new payment instrument and its widespread use. These lags are due to several factors, such

as the time required for the needed physical infrastructure to emerge, the time required for
consumers and businesses to become familiar and comfortable with using a new payment
method, and the time necessary to achieve the critical mass of acceptance by both payors
and payees. In addition, it often takes a long time for service providers to realize the scale
economies that would make the new instrument cost effective compared to existing ones.
Moreover, the speed of adoption depends on the distribution of risks, costs, and benefits of
the new payment methods among the end users of the payments as well as resistance from
incumbent service providers. Even if the marginal cost of a new payment technology is
equivalent to that of an existing payment, incumbents may have advantages over rivals with
new technologies because they may have already incurred the fixed costs of providing their
service or may have already gained market share and familiarity with consumers. For
example, incumbents may have achieved the benefits from a large network of users, referred
to as network externalities by economists.
Adoption of new technologies may also be slowed if they require considerable amounts of
coordination. A technological leader can try to establish the de facto standard. Or,
developers can try to negotiate common standards, which is a time-consuming process that
may constrain technological innovation, but spreads risk while permitting competition for
customers. The result is a natural tension between maintaining an adequate level of
competition and achieving a level of cooperation that enhances efficiency and consumer
I do not believe that the market for new retail electronic payment services reflects the
existence of market failures that would suggest a need for direct Federal Reserve operational
involvement. These products, and the markets in which they operate, appear to be evolving
adequately on their own, just as the credit card, debit card, and ATM networks evolved
without a Federal Reserve operational presence.
Therefore, with respect to the Federal Reserve as a service provider, I think we have a role
as provider and enhancer in traditional payment services, check and ACH, but probably will
not be a provider of newer retail services. I have confidence that the private-sector
marketplace can provide the combination of new products, services, and service providers to
meet the needs of consumers and businesses. Our goal is to determine how we can best aid
the process of moving to these new instruments without preempting private sector creativity
and problem solving.
Federal Reserve as Regulator
I've focused my comments thus far on the Federal Reserve's operational role in the payments
system. In addition to the Reserve Banks' role as provider of payment services, the Federal
Reserve Board also regulates aspects of the payments system. While our role as provider of
payment services goes back to the inception of the Federal Reserve, our authority to
regulate the interbank collection or execution of payments not processed by the Federal
Reserve is only about a decade old.
In exercising this regulatory authority, the Board has focused in large part on improving the
competitiveness of the market for interbank check collection. The Board's 1994 same-day
settlement rule enhanced the ability of correspondent banks to compete with the Federal
Reserve Banks in collecting checks. The Board adopted this rule because it believed it was
in the best interest of the payments system, even though it knew the rule would reduce the
Reserve Banks' check volume. Our goal was competition in the check collection market, not
preserving Federal Reserve market share.

As I mentioned earlier, even with the same-day settlement rule, correspondent banks may
still have difficulty competing with Federal Reserve Banks in some check collection markets
due to their more limited presentment abilities. Several weeks ago, the Board issued an
advanced notice of proposed rulemaking designed to assess market experience under the
same-day settlement rule. The comments we receive will be helpful in assessing whether
further reductions in the legal disparities between the Federal Reserve Banks and privatesector banks would further enhance competition and the overall efficiencies that could result
from that competition.
This analysis is a complex one. I believe that in principle reduction in legal disparities
between the Federal Reserve and private-sector banks will enhance market competition. The
benefits of regulatory change, however, have to be balanced with a potential increase in
costs to paying banks and their check-writing customers. In other words, we should continue
to look for ways to reduce legal disparities between the Federal Reserve and private-sector
banks, but some of these changes may not reduce costs for all participants in the system.
The Federal Reserve's role should also include identifying and reducing regulatory burdens
that unreasonably inhibit innovations that improve the efficiency, security, and convenience
of payment methods. Regulation may reduce uncertainty for some, but it may also
discourage investment in new products or technologies by others. This is particularly true if
the product is relatively new and demand for it is relatively uncertain, as is currently the
case with a number of emerging electronic payment methods, such as stored-value cards.
The government should avoid regulatory actions that may inhibit the evolution of emerging
payments products and services or prevent the effective operation of competitive market
forces. It is not clear whether, or what type of, regulation will be needed for many new
products and it is important to avoid jumping to the conclusion that such regulations are
inevitable over the longer term. Often the best regulation is that which addresses specific
abuses or public policy concerns. Regulation that anticipates potential future problems runs
the risk of resulting in overregulation that unduly stifles innovation.
I'd like to conclude by re-emphasizing the role of competitive markets in fostering continued
efficiency and innovation in the U.S. payments system. The Federal Reserve is striving to
foster the competitive environment for those retail payment services in which it plays an
operational role as well as those services in which it does not. For those services in which
the Reserve Banks have an operational role, they strive to provide them in a cost-effective,
high-quality manner and take advantage of technological advances. We also plan to enhance
the efficiency and help to foster improvements in the services in which we have an
operational role. I believe the Federal Reserve has an obligation as a public entity to
periodically assess -- as we have just done -- the extent to which it needs to continue to
provide interbank retail payment services in competition with private firms.
For newer payments mechanisms, we do not strive to become an active provider. However,
we can encourage private-sector initiatives and remove regulatory hurdles to
experimentation, where appropriate. We can also help, in collaboration with the private
sector, to overcome barriers and market imperfections. Ultimately, however, the marketplace
will decide which payment products and services will best meet the needs of households and
businesses for reliable, secure, and efficient payments.
No matter whether we are discussing existing services, possible new products, or regulatory
actions, the Federal Reserve seeks to foster efficiency, integrity, and broad access in the

payments system. Our attention to this area reflects our recognition that a smooth
functioning payments system is critical to the smooth functioning of the nation's economy.

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