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At the Money Marketeers of New York University, New York, New York
February 25, 1999

Evolution of Financial Institutions and Markets: Private and Policy Implications
This evening I would like to spend a few minutes discussing some of the implications of the
rapid and ongoing evolution of our financial institutions and markets. New financial
instruments, innovations in portfolio management, and the technological capability of
implementing new risk management strategies offer opportunities to reduce risk and to
improve efficiency by allocating risk to those most willing to accept it. Reductions of trade
barriers and the freer flow of financial capital around the world mean better resource
allocation, improved productivity, and higher standards of living for citizens of the United
States and many other nations.
While the current and potential benefits of financial and technological change are real and
substantial, they do not come without some costs. For example, the rapid pace of
technological change and the wide array of innovative financing techniques have in some
ways made it more difficult for outside investors and policymakers to evaluate the risks
borne by individual institutions and the broader markets. And, nearly instantaneous
communications and heightened interdependencies among nations speed the effects of poor
investment and policy decisions around the globe. Recent experiences in Asia, Russia, Latin
America, and at home have taught us a lot about the risks of an increasingly interdependent
world linked by complex financial relationships.
In this rapidly evolving world of inevitable benefits and costs, the key question for both
financial policymakers and market participants is: How can we retain the benefits of rapid
technological and financial innovation and of freer movements of goods and financial capital
across national borders, while simultaneously protecting our financial institutions and
markets from the risks that these changes might bring? This is not a new question, and I am
sure that most of this audience is well aware that many efforts are underway in both the
public and private sectors to address the variety of issues that this question evokes. As
always, there are no simple answers. But I believe that a number of fundamental principles
have emerged that should be used to help shape both public and private policies and
Private Market Discipline Is the First Line of Defense
Perhaps the most fundamental principle that must guide us is that private market participants
are the first line of defense against excessive private and public risk in the financial system.
Private borrowers, lenders, investors, institutions, traders, brokers, exchanges, and clearing
systems all have huge stakes in containing their risks as individual agents and risks to the
system as a whole. Private market participants can discourage excessive risk taking by
choosing to do business with those firms that demonstrate sound risk management systems
and portfolios that balance appropriately risk and expected return.

If private markets are going to perform their risk control functions, then market prices must
send the right signals to all participants about the risks and rewards of a particular
transaction or at a given firm. In order to improve the ability of market prices to accurately
reflect risks and returns, I believe that we should take action ourselves and encourage action
by others in at least three areas.
First, we should seek ways of improving the transparency of financial institutions and
markets. As we all know, full information is a fundamental requirement of free and
competitive markets. More particularly, financial institutions and individual investors must
be well informed about their own and their counterparties' exposures, the nature of new
financial instruments, and the extent of overall market liquidity. I believe that banks and
other financial institutions could significantly improve their disclosures by providing more
information to the market about their risk management policies and practices and about the
values of internal risk measures. At present, the market seems to grant great weight to bank
regulatory capital ratios that are only crude indicators of an institution's risk profile. That
attention is driven in large part by the fact that these regulatory measures provide a
consistent basis for comparison. The regulatory and financial communities should work
together to identify more meaningful statistics to meet the market's needs.
At the international level much work is being done, and much remains. One of the key
lessons of our most recent financial crises is that international accounting and public
disclosure standards are often inadequate. An important step forward was the publication
last November by the international Basle Committee on Banking Supervision of guidelines
for enhancing bank transparency. That report provides guidance to banks and banking
supervisors around the world on the nature of core disclosures that should be provided to the
public. Much more, however, should be done to provide the public and supervisors with the
information they need to exert effective market discipline.
A second area where we could improve market discipline is in affecting how market
participants view what has come to be known as the too-big-to-fail problem. In this regard, I
would emphasize that the FDIC Improvement Act of 1991, or FDICIA, contains rather
tough language about too-big-to-fail--language that I assure you the Board takes very
Perhaps it would be useful to review briefly what the law says. FDICIA requires that,
regardless of the size of a bank, the bank resolution method chosen by the FDIC be the least
costly of all possible methods for meeting the FDIC's obligation to protect insured deposits.
In addition, FDICIA prohibits the FDIC from assisting uninsured depositors and creditors, or
shareholders of an insured depository institution. Add to these FDICIA provisions the
depositor preference provisions in the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, and you
have some rather potent reasons for the market to be disciplined in its dealings with insured
The only exception to these obligations is the so-called "systemic risk exception." But the
systemic risk exception is quite tough and explicit. It requires concurrence by two-thirds of
the Federal Reserve Board, two-thirds of the FDIC Board, and the Secretary of Treasury in
consultation with the President that conformance with least-cost resolution would "have
serious adverse effects on economic conditions or financial activity" before the FDIC is
allowed to "take other action or provide assistance as necessary to avoid or mitigate such
effects." In addition, if the systemic risk exception is used, any insurance fund losses arising

from such exceptional actions must be recovered through special assessments on all
depository institutions that are members of the relevant federal deposit insurance fund.
Lastly, the Comptroller General must subsequently review the agencies' actions and report
its findings to Congress. The sum total of these conditions establishes, in my view, a rather
high hurdle that must be cleared before the systemic risk exception can be used.
The FDICIA and other reforms have, I believe, altered market perceptions of too-big-to-fail.
Nonetheless, the obvious need for the central bank and other government agencies to
prevent a systemic collapse of the banking and financial system, the creation of seemingly
ever-larger financial organizations, and the inherent uncertainties involved in the
management of any crisis leave room for doubt in some observers' minds. Perhaps by its
very nature this is an issue that can never be fully resolved. But it seems clear to me that any
institution, regardless of size, can fail in the sense that existing stockholders can lose their
total investment, existing management can be replaced, and uninsured creditors can suffer
losses. In some cases it may be necessary for an institution to stay in operation and be
wound down in an orderly way over a transition period. Ultimately, the institution could be
sold in whole or in part. But even in such cases the expectation of owners, managers, and
uninsured creditors should be that real and significant losses will be incurred. In my
judgment, if policies consistent with these principles are followed, then we will have
eliminated much of the moral hazard associated with the federal safety net for depository
institutions while simultaneously being able to achieve our goal of preserving financial
One way to enhance the ability of market participants to limit risk taking by banks might be
to require at least the largest and most complex banks to issue a minimum amount of
subordinated debt. Many such proposals have surfaced over the last decade, including some
from within the Federal Reserve System. And while I think that it is premature to endorse
any one proposal, indeed there are a number of thorny details that would need to be worked
out, I am strongly attracted to the basic concept advanced by proponents of subordinated
The fundamental notion behind requiring at least some banks to issue traded subordinated
debt is to create a set of uninsured bank creditors whose risk preferences are similar to those
of bank supervisors. Because subordinated debt holders have downside risk, but virtually no
upside potential, subordinated debt holders tend to be risk averse in much the same way as is
the FDIC. Thus, when a bank sought to issue subordinated debt the price that investors were
willing to pay would bring direct market discipline aimed at controlling excessive risk taking
by the bank. A second key objective is to create a set of market instruments that would
provide clear, and frequent, signals of the market's evaluation of a bank's financial condition.
Such signals could act as a deterrent to a bank's tendency to take excessive risk, and could
perhaps alert bank supervisors to examine, or otherwise intervene in, a bank more quickly
than they otherwise would. Changes in the market prices of traded bank subordinated debt,
and perhaps other actions by the owners of this debt, have the potential to provide such
signals. In this way subordinated debt could be used to bring indirect market discipline on a
Supervisory Discipline Must Be An Effective and Dynamic Second Line of Defense
While market discipline must be our first line of defense for ensuring financial stability, bank
supervision also has an important role to play. The very nature of a systemic disruption,
which imposes costs on not only the perpetrators, but also on many and diverse economic
agents far removed from the immediate event, means that market participants find it

impossible to fully incorporate systemic risks into market prices. Indeed, it is this very aspect
of systemic risk that justifies the existence of a government safety net for depository
institutions. The inevitable moral hazard of the safety net requires that bank supervisors
have the ability to exert supervisory discipline on the riskiness of banks.
I would like to comment tonight on what I consider two of the most pressing needs in the
bank supervisory area: the need to make capital standards more risk sensitive, and the need
to focus supervisory practice more on risk measurement and management.
I need not explain to this audience why the maintenance of strong capital positions is critical
to the preservation of a safe and sound banking system. Indeed, ensuring strong capital has
been a cornerstone of bank supervision for decades. However, the development by some of
our largest and most complex banks of increasingly sophisticated models for measuring,
managing, and pricing risk has called into question the continuing usefulness of the current
capital standards--the so-called risk-based capital standards--that are part of the Basle
Accord. The Basle Accord capital standards were adopted in 1988 by most of the world's
industrialized nations in an effort to encourage stronger capital at riskier banks, to include
off-balance sheet exposures in the assessment of capital adequacy, and to establish more
consistent capital standards across nations. The Accord was a major advance in 1988, and
initially proved to be very useful in promoting safety and soundness goals. But in recent
years calls for reform have begun to grow. I will outline briefly one of the key problems we
are currently facing with the Basle Accord.
The Basle Accord divides on- and off-balance sheet assets of banks into four risk buckets,
and then applies a different capital weight to each bucket. The basic idea is that more capital
should be required to be held against riskier assets. However, the relationship is rough.
Perhaps most troublesome, the same risk weight is applied to all loans. Thus, for example, a
loan to a very risky "junk bond" company gets the same weight as a loan to a "triple A"
rated firm.
While the Accord has the virtue of being relatively easy to administer, it also clearly gives
banks an incentive to sell or not to originate loans that their internal models say need less
capital than is required by the Basle Accord. Conversely, banks are encouraged to book
loans that their models say require more capital than does the Basle standard. Not
surprisingly, some banks have devoted substantial resources to attempting to achieve both
adjustments to their portfolios. The resulting "regulatory arbitrage" surely causes some
serious problems. For one thing, it makes reported capital ratios -- a key measure of bank
soundness used by supervisors and investors -- less meaningful for government supervisors
and private analysts.
Efforts are currently underway to redress many of the deficiencies in the current Basle
Accord. But many of the issues are complex, and the optimal changes are still unclear. A
consensus does seem to have developed that the Accord must be more risk sensitive. But
how risk sensitive, and how should that risk sensitivity best be implemented? I foresee a
multi-staged process with perhaps some modest and relatively noncontroversial "fixes" being
proposed, possibly in the very near future, and more fundamental reforms being developed
and implemented over a period of several years. Given the dynamic nature of change in the
financial sector, such a phased, or evolutionary, approach to revising the Accord is probably
not just the only practical strategy, but also the most prudent as well.
The need for an evolutionary approach can be made with perhaps even more force to other

supervisory policies and procedures. For example, the increasing use and sophistication of
credit risk models at the largest and most complex domestic and foreign banks has profound
implications for supervisory activities as well as capital regulation. Understanding and
evaluating credit risk models and related risk measurement techniques are quickly becoming
required skills of bank supervisors. This need is fueled by the ever-growing array of
securitizations, credit derivatives, remote originations, financial guarantees, and a seemingly
endless stream of other financial innovations. Add to this the fantastic speed with which
financial transactions can now be conducted, and one begins to get a feel for the many
challenges facing bank supervisors.
With these realities in mind, supervisory practices at all of the banking agencies are
changing. Oversight of banks has become much more continuous and risk-focused than even
a few years ago, especially at the largest and most complex organizations. It is recognized
that we can no longer rely on periodic on-site examinations to ensure that these large
institutions are operating in a safe and sound manner, but rather must be assured that their
risk management practices and internal controls are sound on an on-going basis. Still, on-site
examinations, in my judgment, remain critical. However, on-site examinations must evolve
to be both as effective and as unobtrusive as possible. We are devoting substantial efforts to
attracting, training, retaining, and using effectively the highly skilled personnel that modern
bank examinations require.
The new procedures place greater importance on an institution's internal management
processes, beginning at the top. Consistent with the view that private agents are the first line
of defense against excessive risk, boards of directors are expected to be actively involved in
establishing the overall environment for taking risk, staying informed about the level of risks
and how they are managed and controlled, and making sure that senior management is
capable and has the resources it needs to be successful. Management is expected to develop
and implement the policies and procedures needed to conduct a banking business in a safe
and sound manner. Internal controls, evaluated by an independent internal auditing function,
must be sound.
I hope that my brief review of some of the key challenges facing economic policymakers
and private participants in banking and financial markets has convinced you, if indeed you
needed convincing, that these aspects of the modern world of finance are important,
exciting, and deserve the serious attention of all participants. The rewards, current and
potential, of modern banking and finance are great. But there are also some very real risks
that we need to address in effective, cooperative, and inevitably evolving ways.

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Last update: February 25, 1999, 6:45 PM