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Remarks by Robert P. Forrestal, President
Federal Reserve Bank o f Atlanta
to the Chamber o f Com m erce, Jackson, Mississippi
Decem ber 2,1987

Good afternoon! I am pleased and honored to have this opportunity to meet with
the Jackson Chamber. I have been asked to offer you my perspective on the economic
situation in the nation and the southeast.

We are living in interesting times,

economically speaking—probably a bit too interesting for some. Since the stock market's
crash on October 19, much has been written and said about the condition o f our financial
markets and what they are telling us about the potential direction of the economy. We
have heard predictions of disaster from some quarters, while from others we are told
that the event had meaning only for overheated exchanges. Fortunately, the aftershocks
of "Black Monday" seem to be leveling out now, and so we should be at a point where we
can bring some balance to the discussion o f the outlook for our national and regional

Let me say at the outset, that the prospects for continued health in the

financial community are excellent.

The turbulence since mid-October has tested the

depth and resiliency o f the capital markets, and they have not been found wanting. Amid
the gyrations o f prices, we were again reminded o f the Fed's steady commitment to
ensure that the financial system has sufficient liquidity, an example o f the sturdy
structures that remain in place to undergird the soundness of our economic institutions.

The markets' turmoil also points up other themes on which I was asked to comment
and which are integral parts of my outlook—the global economy and the budget and trade

Internationalization o f markets is, in my opinion, the most important dynamic

affecting the economic picture today.

We need look no further than the worldwide

extent of mid-October’s collapse in equity markets to realize that events in one country's
finances generate virtually instantaneous responses of unprecedented proportions in all


the world’s financial capitals.


I will begin, then, with a review of the national outlook

and an assessment of our region’s prospects, which are, o f course, determined in large
measure by what happens in the nation as a whole. Then I shall discuss the role o f the
Federal Reserve System—another of your requests—and leave a few minutes for any
questions you may have.

The National Econom ic Outlook
As you know, there are three basic measures o f performance commonly used to










unemployment, and inflation. I look for real GNP to expand this year at a rate o f about 3
percent, and to com e in a bit under that in 1988. Unemployment has fallen from the 7
percent level, where it remained lodged most o f last year, to 6 percent in October. I am
hopeful that it will remain in that range, which is a seven-year low and close to what I
consider the "natural rate" of joblessness. Inflation, as measured by the consumer price
index, is clearly above last year's very low pace.

Prices will probably end up about 5

percent higher for 1987 and rise by a little less than that in 1988.

Developments in the international sector are critical to this outlook. The higher
prices in this forecast are due in large part to the lifting o f oil prices from very low 1986
levels but also to the rise in prices of other imports, which as of the end of the third
quarter were up 7 percent.

As for GNP growth, improvement in the foreign trade

situation will remain the engine behind our moderate but healthy rate of expansion. The
trade deficit is already shifting in our favor in real terms, although the gap between
imports and exports is taking longer to narrow in current dollars. Even in nominal terms,
however, the October trade deficit figure o f $14.1 billion was a welcome sign o f some

With this turnaround in net exports, and particularly in strong export

growth, we have seen an improvement in the manufacturing sector. Industrial production




is now 5 percent higher than it was last year at this time, and capacity utilization is the
highest it has been in over three years.

Consumption, while slower than in past years, may be helped by international
developments. The growth in salaries associated with manufacturing's rebound—factory
wages tend to be higher than those for service-sector jobs—should help bolster consumer
spending. Nonetheless, consumption, which accounts for about two-thirds o f GNP, is not
likely to be nearly as strong as in recent years—nor should we expect it to be. First, the
stock market plunge has adversely affected consumers' wealth. More fundamentally, the
low savings rate and high debt-to-incom e ratios that resulted from very high consumer
spending growth over the past few years will dampen household expenditures as we go

Another factor retarding growth in the consumer component o f GNP reflects the
beginning of a long-term trend we at the Atlanta Fed have been predicting for some
time, namely, smaller annual increases in per-capita consumption.

This is largely the

inevitable "morning after" following the spending binge that we as a nation have been
on—both publicly and privately—almost since the start o f this decade.

Now we must

embark on what will be a rather long period o f paying back to the rest of the world some
of the debt that we amassed to finance that binge, and, o f course, we have to pay back
not just the huge principal but also the increasing burden of debt service. The only way
we can accomplish this task is by consuming less o f our own increases in production and
exporting more.

International developments will also have a bearing on investment, a small but
important part o f GNP. First, recent stock market volatility around the globe has added
an element o f uncertainty that clouds the outlook for investment even though interest



rates fell in the wake o f the crash. Second, by treating some aspects o f investment less
favorably, changes in the tax code have exacerbated the effects of residential and office
overbuilding that occurred over the past several years. In time this should lead to a more
efficient allocation of capital as the revised tax code encourages investment dollars to
be distributed more in accordance with the dynamics o f supply and demand. In the near
term, though, there is considerable excess space to absorb. Even in an environment of
lower mortgage rates single-family housing is likely to remain weak at least until the
latter part of next year. On the other hand, the fact that I look for exports to increase,
means that investment in equipment, factories, and warehouses should be reasonably
strong as domestic manufacturers boost output.
come up with little change in investment.
push GNP growth.
downward slope.

Combining the two components, we

Thus, on balance it will neither retard nor

As for government purchases, budget deficits are, thankfully, on a
At this point, Congress and the Administration appear to be making

some further headway in achieving a permanent reduction in the full-employment budget
deficit relative to GNP, but we will need more o f this since progress on this front is vital
to our econom ic health as a nation.

At this point we might do well to take a look at the interrelationship between the
nation's fiscal deficit and our trade imbalance. The two provide a good example of the
impact international events have on the domestic economy as well as the problems
associated with overly large deficits. To understand how our trade deficits are linked to
fiscal deficits, it is necessary to look back to the tax cut of 1980 and the increase in
defense spending.

As federal revenues diminished relative to spending, the U.S.

government had to borrow increasingly to make up the difference. It became clear that
our domestic pool of savings was insufficient to provide the necessary funds to support
both private investment and government financing needs. The shortfall drove up interest
rates on investments here, attracting the attention o f foreigners with excess capital to




invest. In Japan, for instance, people save at a rate o f some 18 percent compared to our
5 percent or less.

Countries like Japan, Germany, and the OPEC nations also had hefty

trade surpluses. With their edge in excess funds these countries became major players in
the market for government debt instruments. In the process they bid the dollar to great
heights as they purchased U.S. currency to buy bonds. The high dollar made our products
expensive overseas and so reduced sales o f U.S. goods abroad while making foreign goods
cheaper here.

Now, however, I pin much o f my positive forecast on an improvement in net
exports. I expect this improvement for two reasons. The first is the decline in the value
o f the dollar in foreign exchange markets. According to a dollar index developed at the
Atlanta Fed, our currency has fallen 30 percent against those of most of our major
trading partners since its peak in February o f 1985.







It has not fallen nearly as much


and the newly

industrializing countries o f the Pacific rim, however. From February o f 1985 to the end
o f late November, for example, the dollar was o ff only about 6 percent vis-a-vis the
Canadian dollar and 8 percent against the currencies o f countries like Taiwan, Korea,
Hong Kong, and Singapore. In this current, highly volatile environment I would not want
to speculate on what will happen to exchange rates in the future. I can say, though, that
the currency realignment we’ve already had is starting to have a positive e ffe ct on our
economy. In fact, exports began picking up in real terms in the last three months o f 1986
while imports flattened.

Real net exports had improved for three consecutive quarters

for the first time since 1980 before reversing course slightly in the third quarter of this

Despite the third quarter decline, which was largely due to an increase in oil

imports, exports from this country continued to show significant gains. This seems to be
passing through to our manufacturing sector, which had been so adversely affected by the
dollar’s earlier appreciation.



The second reason to expect a turnaround in the trade sector is related to
something that we are all concerned about, namely, that we cannot keep increasing our
borrowing from abroad indefinitely. For some time now we have been spending more on
consumption, investment, and government than we actually produce domestically. The
substantial expansion o f the federal budget deficit contributed to this situation. To meet
our financing needs, we have been borrowing from abroad.
tells us this cannot go on forever.

Of course, common sense

Our creditors may become less willing to lend, and,

just as any borrower eventually learns, debt service inevitably rises along with the debt
and becomes a burden. So the time has come to start repaying. While GNP or national
output will grow at about the same rate in 1987 as it did last year, more of that increase
in output will be exported and less of it will be available for domestic use.

While the

current market situation renders any forecast less certain, we can at least hope that the
stock market's message has been received in time for those in power to resolve their
differences and embark our federal government on a lasting course of deficit reduction.

Outlook for the Southeast
What does this outlook imply for the Southeast, which includes not only prosperous
and fast-growing cities like Atlanta, Nashville, and most o f Florida but also weak or even
depressed places such as Louisiana? The main factors that will determine U.S. economic
performance this year will also have a primary bearing on how this part of the country
does. Continued stability in the energy sector is especially relevant to Louisiana and the
parts o f Mississippi that were adversely affected by the sharp fall in oil prices last year.
Lower unemployment rates in both states are evidence o f some improvement.

I feel

confident that they have reached bottom and are in position to begin to turn around.
Agriculture, too, remains depressed but at least exhibits encouraging signs. The cotton
crop is excellent this year, and prices are up. Except for feed grains and rice, total crop




output is better than last year, and a combination o f reduced acreage, higher yields, and
stable or higher prices is expected to improve net farm revenues substantially.

A few

years o f similar results could bring the industry back to health.

On a more immediately positive note, improvements in the trade balance should
ultimately spell good news for many southeastern manufacturers who were subject to
either intensified import competition or greater difficulty in marketing abroad after the
dollar appreciated in the early 1980s.

One particular problem that affected many

industries here is the failure of the dollar to depreciate against major foreign
competitors such as Canada and the newly industrializing countries o f the Pacific rim.
Consequently, the Southeast’ s important forestry industry continued to be hurt by the
influx o f Canadian softwood.

The same has been true o f apparel makers who compete

with clothing manufacturers in Taiwan, Korea, and Hong Kong.
situation has finally begun to show some progress.

Fortunately, this

In the first ten months o f 1987 the

dollar fell more sharply vis-a-vis Taiwan’s currency, for example, than against the
currencies of our other trading partners.

I expect such realignments to help.


foreign competition has led certain traditional southeastern industries to restructure
through increased automation.

This means that whatever turnaround the textile and

chemical industry and others in similar situations undergo is not likely to have a dramatic
impact on employment. Any rise in output will generate some new jobs, but employment
gains will not be proportionate to advances in output.

Other locally important industries are likely to face mixed prospects this year.
Auto and related manufacturing, which is a significant and growing economic activity in
Georgia, Tennessee, and Alabama, may not perform as strongly as last year if consumer
spending for durables tapers o ff at the national level.
and butter of

Defense contracts are the bread

many o f the region's electronics producers as well as makers of


transportation equipment like aircraft.



With spending by the federal government

expected to slow, activities in these industries may be somewhat weaker.

These regional developments, particularly increases in energy and farm prices and
the lower dollar, are generally good news for the Mississippi economy, which is expected
to grow at a faster pace in 1988 than in 1987. However, the probable winding down o f
the national defense build-up may partially offset this positive trend, at least in the Gulf
Coast area.

Another more broadly negative factor on Mississippi’s horizon is the

likelihood of continued out-migration from the state’s rural areas.

Several longer term factors must also be considered when we look at Mississippi’s
economic prospects.

First, the state remains largely rural and the service sector, of

which we hear so much, tends to be more o f an urban phenomenon. Second, Mississippi’s
industry mix is still heavily oriented toward production of apparel and other nondurable

These industries will continue to face competititve pressures from much lower-

wage foreign producers. Thus, Mississippi’s economic growth rate is unlikely to catch up
to the national pace in the foreseeable future. Nonetheless, in 1988 Mississippi’s growth
should be faster than in the past six years.

R ole o f Federal Reserve Policy in the Econom ic Outlook
Having briefly examined the outlook for the nation and the Southeast, I will turn to
the challenges the current situation holds for the Fed in its formulation o f monetary
policy. It will come as no surprise that the internationalization of markets and the twin










on our

Internationally, we have found that we cannot act alone.



Perhaps we

never could, but we have become much more cognizant o f that fact recently. In the past
two years, for instance, we have been pressuring the Germans and Japanese to pursue



more stimulative domestic policies to help reduce imbalances in world trade flows,
especially our huge trade deficit.

While Japan and, o f late, Germany have begun to

implement such changes, their slow response is one reason our trade balance has not
narrowed much even though the dollar has declined on a bilateral basis against the
Deutschemark and the yen almost to levels where it stood before our trade accounts
began to go into the red.

At the same time that we have come to appreciate the need for international
policy coordination, our domestic situation has heightened awareness of the importance
o f the monetary and fiscal policy mix.

As I mentioned earlier, our massive federal

budget deficit caused interest rates to rise in the early 1980s, and foreigners increased
their purchases o f dollars to take advantage o f those higher interest rates. Concurrently,
the dollar began an appreciation that reached a peak in early 1985. Relatively expensive
dollars led to unprecedented trade imbalances.

As this situation continued, the Fed's

generally accommodative policy designed to address the domestic economic situation had
the positive side-effect o f lowering the dollar. While the dollar declined and U.S. exports
began to improve as a result, in the absence o f lasting progress toward reducing the
deficit, monetary policy eventually reached the limits o f its ability to deal with the trade
situation. On one hand, despite its beneficial effects on trade, currency depreciation can
eventually lead to substantial price pressures, as imported goods cost more and more.
This is particularly true if the economy is operating close to capacity. At the same time,
in an environment where the United States is dependent on capital inflows from abroad
to finance its borrowing needs, an interest rate differential in favor o f U.S. issues is
essential to maintaining the attractiveness of dollar-denominated assets to foreigners.
Thus the Fed is essentially backed into a corner in terms o f how much easing it can do as
long as federal budget deficits continue and foreign central banks are unwilling to
maintain the interest rate differential by loosening their reins on money and credit in




concert with the United States.

It might seem that we are in a new ball game in the wake o f the stock market's
Black Monday, with the dollar dropping to all time lows and the Fed providing ample
liquidity. But this situation is our response to increased demands for liquidity, and not
providing it would have been deflationary.

Interest rates also declined, reflecting a

pronounced shift in preferences in favor of fixed-incom e assets.

The Fed has been

readily able to carry out its responsibilities as a central bank. More recent data suggests
that the health o f the financial system and markets is improving. Precious metal prices
have remained stable, and interest rate spreads between private and Treasury securities
have narrowed in recent weeks.
deficit remains.

Still, the fundamental problem of the federal budget

What the Fed can do to "help" the economy will depend very much on

how much progress Congress and the Administration can make in reducing the fullemployment budget deficit. If they are not successful, the U.S. economy will be saddled
with an imposing debt burden that will fall largely on the next generation's shoulders to

Real interest rates will stay higher than they would otherwise be.

As a result,

investment and future growth will suffer.

I do not want to leave you with the impression that I am pessimistic about the
future of our economy, however.

On the contrary, my attitude remains one o f cautious

optimism regarding the prospects for business activity.

While I respect the difficulties

we face, I am not daunted by them. After all, our recent economic performance and the
outlook through this time next year reflect good health—GNP growth is moderately
strong, unemployment and inflation are low, and the dollar has reached low enough levels
that I expect our net exports to continue improving. In addition, I am hopeful that the
signals we have been given by the financial markets will be heeded by those in a position




to act. As that happens, we will begin to sense the imbalances that have plagued us for
several years start to disappear on their own. Finally, while monetary policy is not, as I
have pointed out today, autonomous, it never really was independent of domestic fiscal
policy or o f international developments.

It is just that modern technology lets us see

their reactions and responses much more quickly.

Notwithstanding these constraints,

monetary policy has certain special advantages—it is flexible and subtle. For this reason,
I remain confident that the Fed will be able to continue to meet its mandates to ensure
the safety and soundness of one financial system and foster the greatest possible non­
inflationary economic growth.
