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L. O WE N ,


I n t h e S e n a t e of t iie U n ited S ta te s ,
Monday, April 16, 1911.



Mr. OWEN. Mr. President, a few days since I received a let­
ter from a well-known lawyer in Oklahoma advising me that
many of the people in his neighborhood were opposed to war
with Germany, and saw no reason for it, and asking me, gravely,
what justification 1 could offer for it. It is clear from my
correspondence that seme of our citizens do not fully under­
stand some of the most important facts which justified the
United States in accepting the repeated challenge to war by the
Imperial German Government. Some of our people seem
moved by ti e obvious truth that war is deplorable and to believe
we ought not to engage in this war.
Mr. President, certainly war is deplorable, but abject cowardly
submission to tyranny, to persistent wrong, to brute force, is
more deplorable— it is despicable. America is incapable of such
Submission to the brute force of Germany by France, by
Russia, or by England in the last two years would probably
have ended the democracies of the w orld; would have put the
United States in the most deadly peril; and for us to submit
to her brute force now would put both our present and our
future in jeopardy.
I rejoice that the President of the United States has pointed
out the danger to the world and to the civilization of the world
of the triumph of the Imperial Government of Germany in this
European conflict. I rejoice that on entering this conflict the
mighty powers of this great Republic will be used alone in de­
fending and preserving liberty; not in a spirit of malice or
hatred of the German people, but against the house of Hohenzollern; to assist in taking from the hands of William II the
power to further brutalize the great German people who have
infinitely deserved a better fate.
I have always admired the German people. I have admired
their sturdy common sense, their industry, their virtues
and their home-loving qualities. I have admired their intellec­
tual attainments, their internal democratic development their
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progress in the sciences, in the arts. I have loved their music
and enjoyed their poetry and their literature. Notwithstanding
their confessed good qualities, their natural peace-loving quali­
ties, the actual governmental control of the German people has
since 1870 been under the directing hand of the Prussian mili­
tary machine, that subordinates every other interest of state­
craft— agriculture, factories, commerce, school, church, home—
to military power and to the aggrandizement of the house of
Hohenzollern and of the smaller allied German kings and
The Prussian King, ex officio Emperor, claims to rule by
“ divine right,” without the consent of the German people, and
he does rule them without their consent.
Any citizen who criticizes the Government, the Emperor, or
the King of Prussia is guilty of a crime, lese majeste, subject
to instant imprisonment. The citizen is a subject; he is not
The press is not free, and the educational system, from kinder­
garten, gymnasium, and high school to university, is controlled
by the dominant power of the Kaiser, and the people have been
taught systematically and thoroughly that obedience is the first
duty of a subject of the Kaiser and that the doctrine of the
military powers is right; and, unhappily, the doctrine of the
military powers of Germany is that might makes right; that
military necessity is not bound by treaty, by moral law, or by
any other law ; that terrorism or frightfulness is a lawful
weapon in the hands of the military machine; that when a sol­
dier makes himself terrible by wholesale slaughter and destruc­
tion, regardless of the laws of humanity, he shortens the war by
intimidating those who would oppose.
Thus it is that the German people have been led to their doom
by this ungodly, vicious military machine; thus it is that they
have alienated the sympathy of the whole world, and those
Americans who have loved the German people see no way to
protect the world or to protect the German people except by
overthrowing Prussian militarism, overthrowing the Hohenzollerns.
While the people of Germany are by nature democratic and
peace loving; nevertheless, their order, obedience, industry,
their very virtues, their efficiency, as subjects of the Kaiser,
have been made an instrumentality in the hands of the military
machine which threatens the peace of the whole world, which
threatens our peace, and has waged war on us in spite of every
effort on our part to prevent it.
Mr. President, while Bismarck made many concessions to the
development of local democracy in Germany and developed a
great democratic efficiency in Germany as a concession to the
constantly increasing intelligence of the German people; as a
concession to the constantly increasing demand for democracy
in Germany, nevertheless in framing the German Empire he
and the Hohenzollerns so framed it as to put that Empire under
the practical domination of the Kingdom of Prussia, whose
King claimed to govern mankind by the “ divine right ” and in
partnership with Almighty God Himself, a doctrine descended
from Frederick II, sometimes called “ the Great.” but who did
not believe in God at all in the affairs of men except i.n so far
as the affectation of that belief served his selfish ambitions.
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The control of the German Empire by Prussia and the control
of Prussia by the house of Hohenzollern left William the Sec­
ond the master of the army and navy, of the war machine, with
the power to declare war. The consent of the subordinate Bundesratli, composed of appointees of the Kings and princes of
Germany was not necessary. He and his military captains have
been moved by the principle o f the Hohenzollern family, ambi­
tion, first, last, and all the time; ambition, wrapped in the
cloak of pure patriotism, parading as Germany, as the fatherland ; but always beneath has been the determined purpose to
aggrandize the house of Hohenzollern and the army. Hence
arose the military slogan “ Deutschland Uber Alles,” which
being interpreted meant “ The house of Hohenzollern and the
military autocracy— Uber Alles.” Hence the greatly exploited
notion of “ Weltmacht,” which meant power over the world by
the Hohenzollerns and their military autocracy. Hence that
mysterious toast “ Her Tag.” which meant t h e day when the
house of Hohenzollern and the military autocracy would rule
all mankind, the day when autocratic military power would rule
mankind under the blasphemous claim of “ divine right,” and
should impose its will over the liberties of the civilized and
uncivilized nations of the world through brute force and terror­
ism or “ schrecklichkeft.” The world is compelled to teach the
Kaiset and his subject soldiers the follv of trying to terrorize
the world.
In some things this Government may well profit by the glorious
example of the German Government. They have magnificently
developed vocational industrial education, have established in­
numerable cooperative democratic societies, State insurance
against old age, accidents, and so forth, and have thoroughly
cared for the unemployed man and made him self-supporting,
and have wonderfully developed municipal ownership, and so
forth. Organized industrial democracy has been made the help­
less tool of political military autocracy, and the Germans in
large measure seem not to see this.
In August, 1914, when the ambitious Hohenzollerns had art­
fully contrived to prepare their war machine with an overwhelm­
ing supply of cannon, powder, shells, machine guns, rifles trans­
portation material, and all the accouterments of war • when thev
found France inadequately protected, Bussra without war sup­
plies England with no army, Luxemburg and Belgium incapable
of defense, they threw suddenly this desolating war machine of
terrorism like an avalanche on the fair fields of Luxemburg
Belgium, and France, intending to seize Paris, fore* a treaty
with France, impose a giant indemnity, as It did it 1870 then
dominate Russia, and establish throughout the world
Tag,” “ Weltmacht,” “ Deutschland iiber alles,” and establish the
house of Hohenzollern as the military autocratic rulers of man­
kind in the sweeping destruction of the liberties of the world *
The Hohenzollerns under Frederick William of Brandenburg
and Prussia, under Frederick the Second and his successors have
always followed the doctrine that—•
Might makes right.
They have always despised the American doctrine of Abraham
Lincoln, who had “ the faith to believe that right would make
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The Hoheuzollerns always believed in the doctrine of absolute
monarchy as against limited monarchy or democracy in any
form. Under them Prussia has been an armed camp, an army
for over a hundred and fifty years, glorifying war and military
power and for 50 years keeping Europe in a state of constant
suspense and apprehension of the blow which all Europe fea red
but believed would some time surely fall. The Holienzollerns
believed in the false monarchial doctrines of the Bourbons,
whose principles you will find cast in bronze on the cannon we
took from Spain in 1898, now mounted at the north end of the
War Department in Washington City.
On the mouth of one of these cannon, called de Mareschal Ee
Due de Humieres, you will find these words—
“ Le passe par tous ”—•
The passway through everything. That is, the cannon’s mouth
is the passway through broken treaties, through the boundaries
of undefended neighbors, through justice and righteousness,
through industry and honor— the pathway to the so-called
“ glory ” of kings and the ruin of peoples. On the base of that
cannon you will find the words—
■*Nec pluribus impar ”—
Not unequal to many. That is, the cannon is not unequal to
many people— to very many people. It can slay people; it can
dominate people; it can tax millions without the consent of the
people. This is the doctrine of autocracy against democracy.
On the body of that Bourbon cannon you will find the phrase
“ Ultima ratio regum ” —
The final argument of kings. When the people argue for
self-government, when the people argue that justice is justice,
that right is right, that their conscience is the whispering of the
spirit of God, then the people hear the final argument of kings,
the final argument of the Hohenzollerns and of military autoc­
racy— the cannon's roar— who would teach the world the per­
nicious doctrine that might makes right.
These are the real principles of military autocracy when moved
by the royal family pride; by cold selfish ambition, playing upon
the prejudices, the weaknesses, the ignorances of mankind. Yes;
playing upon the most sacred sentiments of mankind; playing
even upon the trust of mankind in the Divine Spirit. These
vicious military autocratic forces which are now assailing the
liberties of mankind under the grossly false pretence of protect­
ing the German people against their supposed enemies are the
same in spirit that established the “ Holy Alliance ” signed by
“ Alexander the First,” Emperor of Russia, of the Romanoff
fam ily; by Francis the First, Emperor of Austria, of the Hapsburgs; by Frederick William the Third, King of Prussia, of the
Hohenzollerns, in 1815, in which they pledged themselves—
“ to take for their sole guide the precepts of that holy religion
(the Savior taught), namely, the precepts of justice, Christian
charity, peace ” ;
Pledged themselves—
“ by unalterable good will, the mutual affection with which
they ought to be animated; to consider themselves ali as mem­
bers of one and the same Christian nation; the three allied
Princes looking on themselves as merely delegated by Providence
92727— 17258

to govern tliree branches of the one family, namely, Austria.
Prussia, and Russia, thus confessing that the Christian world,
of which they and their people form a part, lias in reality no
other sovereign than Him to whom alone power realty belongs,
because in Him alone are found all the treasures of love, science,
and infinite wisdom— that is to say, God, our Divine Saviour, the
Word of the Most Pligh, the Word of Life.”
The Holy Alliance had for its sinister, deceitful purpose the
misleading of the people of these great countries, through the
piety and good will of the people,-into the belief that their lead­
ership was actually moved by these high holy sentiments.
The history of Europe demonstrated that they were moved by
nothing of the kind but alone by their own selfish ambitions,
and that they made this pretended treaty for the purpose merely
of establishing themselves in the confidence of their people and
of neighboring religious peoples, while in reality they were con­
stantly engaged in enriching themselves and their court favorites
and their own families at the expense of the people, and never
hesitated to sacrifice the poor people, their subjects, their quasi
slaves, on the field of battle or in exile in order to further the
family interests of the Romanoffs, the Hapsburgs, and the Hohenzollerns. It was an autocratic military combination intended
to promote the selfish interests of these families by military
force and to enable them in concert to prevent the people of
Russia, Prussia, and Austria making any headway in self-gov­
ernment, and to prevent the self-government of men making
progress in any other part of the world. This blasphemous
combination— I say blasphemous, because they pretended to
have a charter from the Throne of Grace and to govern by D i­
vine right under the special sanction ofdhe Almighty, when they
well knew the corruption of their own courts and of their own
selfishness—amended this self-serving declaration of 1815 of
their own “ holiness ” by adding several articles to this treaty
of peculiar interest to all democracies.
In 1822 the “ Holy Alliance ” added certain articles known
as the Secret Treaty of Verona, as follows:
“ A rticle 1. The high contracting powers being convinced that
the system of representative government is equally as incom­
patible with the monarchial principles as the maxim of the
sovereignty of the people with the divine right, engage mutually,
in the most solemn manner, to use all their efforts to put an end
to the system of representative governments, in whatever conntry it may exist in Europe, and to prevent its being introduced
in those countries where it is not yet known.
“ A rt 2. As it can not be doubted that the liberty of the press
is the most powerful means used by the pretended supporters of
the rights of nations to the detriment of those of princes, the
high contracting parties promise reciprocally to adopt all proper
measures to suppress it, not only in their own States, but also in
the rest of Europe.”
Here we find the Hohenzollerns and the Hapsburgs, who still
dominate Germany and Austria, making a solemn covenant with
the Romanoffs of Russia and with the Bourbons, through King
Louis X VIII, of France, whom they had placed upon the French
throne, and solemnly engaging in—
A deliberately prepared and deadly compact to destroy all the
democracies of tlie world;
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To stamp out the liberty o f the press in all Europe, even out­
side their own dominions; and thus—
To keep all mankind in ignorance, in order that they and
their families,- who were constantly intermarrying with other
like families, might continue to dominate mankind by military
This blasphemous “ Holy Alliance ” by this very treaty fur­
nished 20,000,000 francs annually to Louis X VIII to wage war
on the limited monarchy of Spain, which the people of Spain
had by painful revolution established and to reestablish an
absolute monarchy in Spain under the same prince, in order to
discourage and break down any right whatever of the people of
Spain to govern themselves. They did not hesitate to cause the
murder of the people of Spain to carry out their “ Holy ” Chris­
tian purposes.
This blasphemous “ Holy Alliance ” then sent an Austrian
army into Italy and accomplished the same identical purpose,
murdering the Italian people for the same “ Holy ” Christian
reasons. This wicked “ Holy Alliance ” then proposed sending
other armies and navies to North and South America for the
purpose, as they said, of “ reducing the revolting colonies of
Spain and Portugal on the Western Hemisphere ” and thus
strangling all representative governments at their birth
throughout North and South America. What they really meant
was that they intended to send an army into Brazil to destroy
a republic in Brazil, to send an army into the Argentine, into
Chile, into Colombia, into Peru, into Venezuela, into the Central
American States, and into Mexico, to suppress the freedom of
the people, to prevent their governing themselves, to put them
again under an absolute monarchy, so that the monarchial
principle should govern all mankind, and democracy never
should be permitted to establish its foot upon the entire earth.
That was their purpose.
Canning, of Great Britain, notified this detestable conspiracy,
knowm as the “ Holy Alliance,” that Great Britain would
oppose such an assault on the former colonies of Spain and
Portugal, for Great Britain, though a limited monarchy, was
arleady a great representative government, loving liberty and
President Monroe, advised of this conspiracy of the houses o f
Hohenzollern and of Hapsburg to invade the liberties of North
and South America, sent his message to Congress in December,
1823, in which he made the following statement of principles
known as the “ Monroe doctrine.”
He said :
“ It is impossible that the allied powers should extend their
political system to any portion of either continent without
endangering our peace and happiness; nor can anyone believe
that our southern brethren, if left to themselves, would adopt
it of their own accord. It is equally impossible, therefore, that
we should behold such interposition in any form with indif­
He said :
“ With the existing colonies or dependencies of any European
power we have not interfered and shall not interfere. But with
the Governments who have declared their independence anil
maintained it -Mid whose independence we have, on great con92727— 17258


sideration and on .just principles, acknowledged, we could not
view any interposition for the purpose of oppressing them or
controlling in any other manner their destiny by any European
power in any other light than as the manifestation of an un­
friendly disposition toward the United States.”
This firm stand taken by Great Britain and the United States
prevented representative government and the democracies of
the Western Hemisphere from being destroyed by the unlimited
rapacity and cold-blooded ambition of the Hohenzollerns, the
Hapsburg, and their “ holy ” associates.
Mr. President, this same group attempted to set up a monar­
ch a l government in Mexico, when the United States was em­
barrassed and in the throes of the Civil War, by sending Mexico
an emperor—Maximilian, an Austrian gentleman of the Haps­
burg family—who quickly had some unhappy dealings with the
democracies of the Western Hemisphere. Let him repose in
peace. The action of the United States overthrew Maximilian
and ended an overt act of the Hapsburgs against our national
Mr. President, those who have observed the development of
‘■h® £reat war machine in Germany as an instrumentality by
which the Hohenzollerns might dominate mankind will see quite
clearly the attitude of the military autocracy set forth in the
book, Germany and the Next War, by its' mouthpiece, Gen
von Bernhardi, October, 1911. Von Bernhardi is fairly a
spokesman of the military autocracy of Germany. He glorified
war. He insisted in that volume— and it was sent all over this
country, by hundreds of thousands— that the German people
n,mst ,)e awakened and compelled to show their military
strength. He praised to the skies the great elector. Frederick
vvniiam of Brandenburg, the first important member of rhe
House of Hohenzollern. Listen to Von Bernhardi praising this
wonderful Prussian general, ruling by divine right a population
o two and a quarter millions, with a hundred thousand armed
men trained to the last degree of efficiency and better supplied
with munitions of war than any other army in Europe. Listen
to Ins praise of the great elector:
“ Tlie great elector laid the foundations of Prussia’s power bv
successful and deliberately incurred wars. Frederick the Great
followed the example of his glorious ancestors. He noticed how
Ins State occupied an untenable middle position between the
petty States and the great powers, and showed his determina­
tion to give a definite character ( decider cet etre) to his anom­
alous existence; it had become essential to enlarge the territory
of the State and corriger la figure de la Prusse if Prussia
wished to be independent and to bear with honor the great name
of k in g d o m . The King made allowance for this political neees
sity and took the bold determination of challenging Austria to
fight. None of the wars which he fought had been*forced upon
him; none of them did he postpone as long as possible He hal
alvxiys determined to be the aggressor:’
Fredeiick II followed him, idealizing war, waging war on
defenseless people, as when he first took his place as King of
Prussia he violated the treaty with Maria Theresa of Austria
broke faith, treated the treaty as a scrap of paper threw 50 000
highly trained, seasoned, skilled soldiers upon Silesia, undefended

92727— 1 i 2o8


because relying upon his good faith, and he kept all Europe in
turmoil for years and years and years, and at that time " aged
seven years of continuous warfare.
It might be said that his opponents in France and in Austria
were no better than he, as far as keeping faith was concerned,
because the house of Bourbon and the house of Hapsburg occu­
pied the French and the Austrian thrones, and were represented
bv those who were just as deceitful as was Frederick himself.
' Frederick the Great is now the ideal of the Prussian military
autocracy. Onlv a year or two ago the United States was pre­
sented with a statue of Frederick the Great, and it is standing
down before our War College now. My own opinion is that the
statue of Frederick the Great ought to be gently and dim tly
removed from its spot and dropped in some quiet place in the
Potomac River where it will no longer serve to give dignitj and
honor to this cruel and unscrupulous prince.
The Imperial German Government presented us with its meal
in the statue of Frederick, the embodiment p f war and rapacity
and broken treaties.
, „
France presented us with the French ideal. Bartholdi s won­
derful c o n c e p t i o n , standing guarding the entrance to our greatest
port—New York—where all the world may see ‘ Liberty en- lightening the world.”
God bless France and speed her prophecy.
Once too often the Hohenzollerns have been the aggressors of
the world’s peace, and now this world-wrecking spirit will be
terminated forever by the indignant power of the whole world
In that respect I am rejoiced to see Brazil following l ie Lnited
States - first o f all, little Cuba declaring war on Germany, and
following her father, the United States, who gave her peace and
cove her liberty against a prince of the Hapsburg family. Heie
comes B razil; the Argentine will follow; Paraguay. Uruguay.
Peru Bolivia, and tlie Central American States may he expected
to follow ; and I expect to see even Mexico show her sympathy
with the democracies of the world, and with this great struggle
t0 put down forever the irresponsible ambitions leading nrmeu
military forces that have no conception of human liberty, whose
one idea is obedience and to rule the world by military efficiency
and by te rrorism.
,. .
Mr. President, I rejoice to believe that this war which we shall
now wage with all the resources of 100,000,000 people; with all
the financial power of the richest Nation on the globe; with all
the vast equipment of material, of factories, of American 1 m en­
tions on the Imperial Government of Germany, will reneei the
most gigantic service to the German people which it is; possible
for one people to render to another in delivering them from the
military tyranny and the political control of the Hohenzollerns
and their military clique, who have taxed and driven the Geunan
people beyond all human endurance; who have kept all t be na­
tions of Europe trembling under the load of universal imr.taij
preparation for 50 years. It was Germany that preventer dis­
armament a few years ago at The Hague. Even Nicholas li
proposed it, and Germany, of all the nations, prevented it.
This German military autocracy have finally driven the people
of Germany te overwhelming slaughter on the battle holds <>t
Europe, and have compelled the liberty-loving, God-tearing
democracies o f the whole world, in defense of liberty am.
92727— 1725S

righteousness, to turn their guns on the unhappy Germans led
to the shambles by the heartless ambitions of the Hapsburgs and
No man who has studied the history of recent Europe ques­
tions for a moment the bloodguiltiness of the Hapsburgs, who
in avenging the wicked assassination of the Crown Prince of
Austria-Hungary imposed 10 demands on Serbia, to everyone
o f which Serbia submitted save the relinquishment of her sov­
ereignty and the violation of her constitution. (See chap. 4,
Obstacles of Peace, by S. S. McClure.)
The gist of the Austrian demands, of which there were 10,
was as follow s:
“ 1. Serbia shall suppress all anti-Austrian publications.
“ 2. Dissolve the Narodna Odbrana and all similar societies,
confiscate their funds, and prevent . heir re-forming.
“ 3. Remove from public education in Serbia all teachers and
teaching that are anti-Austrian.
“ 4. Remove from military and civil service all officers and
officials guilty of anti-Austrian propaganda; Austria will name
the persons.
“ 5. Accept collaboration of Austrian representatives in the
suppression of anti-Austrian propaganda.
“ 0. Take judicial proceedings against accessories to the plot
against the archduke; Austrian delegates will take part in the
“ 7. Arrest Maj. Voija Tankositch and the individual named
Milan Ciganovitch.
“ 8. Prevent and punish the illegal traffic in arms and ex­
“ 9- Send to Austria explanations of all unjustifiable utter­
ances of high Serbian officials at home and abroad.
“ 10. Notify without delay that the above measures are exe­
cuted. Reply before G p. m. on Saturday. July 25.”
The answers to the 10 points may be summarized thus:
“ 1. Yes; will suppress all anti-Austrian publications.
Y es; will suppress the Narodna Odbrana and similar so­
“ 3. Yes; will expel all anti-Austrian teachers and teaching as
soon as evidence is given.
” 4. Yes; will expel all anti-Austrian officers and officials, if
Austria will furnish names and acts of guilty persons.
"5 . Yes; will accept collaboration of Austrian representa­
tives in these proceedings, as far as consonant with principles
of international law and criminal procedure and neighborly
“ 6. Yes; will take the judicial proceedings; will also keep
Austria informed; but can not admit the participation of Aus­
trians in the judicial investigations, as this would be a violation
of the constitution.
“ 7. Y es; have arrested Tankositch; ordered arrest of Ciga­
<‘ 8. Yes; WSIl suppress and punish traffic in arms and ex­
“ 9. Yes; will deal with the said high officials, if Austria will
supply evidence.
“ 10. Yes will notify without delay.
“ If this answer not satisfactory, Serbia will abide by decision
o f The Hague Tribunal.”
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Everybody felt that the Hapsburg note did not seek or con­
template honorable adjustment, but arbitrarily imposed impos­
sible conditions and really meant war, as indeed it did. for in
48 hours Serbia was actually invaded.
The record shows that every possible effort was made by the
authorities of England, through Lord Grey, by the authorities
of France and of Russia, to reach an adjustment, and that it
was the refusal of the German Emperor to cooperate with Lord
Grey which led to the failure to avert the war on Serbia by
Austria, which was instantly followed by the German Emperor
issuing an order to mobilize and then declaring war on Russia
and on France and the sudden and violent invasion of Belgium,
Luxemburg, and France, and Russia; and the German and
Austrian Emperors and their armies were prepared. Luxem­
burg was not prepared. Belgium was not prepared. France
was not prepared. Great Britain had no army. Russia had no
materials of war, had no factories, no adequate means of wag­
ing war. The fact that all the invaded countries were unpre­
pared, and that the German Army had reached the highest point
of its efficiency and preparedness, is the damning answer of all
history to the shameless contention of the German leaders that
they did not bring on this war, but that it was thrust on them.
Let us thank God Himself that they have the decency to pay
tribute to the love of justice and righteousness in the hearts of
mankind by pretending, at least, that they are not responsible
for this gigantic cataclysm in which all mankind is involved and
the blood of all nations is being shed.
Here is a case where the house of Hapsburg and its military
bureau, regardless of the Parliament of Austria-Hungary, re­
gardless of public opinion of the people of Austria-Hungary,
took a step to precipitate war on Servia on a few hours’ notice,
knowing it threatened a general European war, which, indeed,
instantly followed.
Here is an example of where the house of Hohenzollern and
its military bureau refused to cooperate in reaching an adjust­
ment of the threatened war of Austria against Servia, which
the leading powers of Europe earnestly endeavored to avoid in
the hope of avoiding a general European war.

The German and Austrian Imperial Governments stand for­
ever condemned by the judgment and conscience of mankind.
And then Germany, violating her plighted faith to Luxem­
bourg for protection of neutrality, swept with violence the
treaties aside, treated them as “ scraps of paper,” and drove her
soldiers through Luxembourg in violation of the law of nations
and of good faith. The same thing is true of Belgium. The
German Government violated its faith to the nations of all the
world. I have always regretted that the United States did not
on that instant raise a strong protest against this violation of
international law, although under the treaties and under the
understandings of The Hague we were not called upon or ex­
pected to do it.
It will be remembered that it was the ambition of the house
of Hohenzollern which led to the war between Prussia and
France in 1870. The Hohenzcllerns nominated a hereditary
Hohenzollern prince to be King of Spain.
92727— 17258

They wanted to be on both sides of France for “ friendly ”
purposes, so that they could embrace France conveniently when
the time was opportune. France naturally objected, and because
of the excitement which it created in France the foreign office
of France indicated to the King of Prussia, William I, that
they would like to have an assurance that the French peace
would not in the future be threatened in that way by the nomi­
nation of a Hohenzollern prince to take the Spanish crown
They had a right to ask that. Bismarck, the head of the mili­
tary machine, the adviser of William I, changed the dis­
patch sent from the court of William I to Paris in such a
way as to leave the impression of an insult to France, and
m that way, by artfully playing upon the passions of the
french King and upon his pride he was led to take the initial
step It is exactly as though a trained duelist would step on
the foot of an innocent man and then, when the innocent man
resented it shoot him on the spot. That was the act of Bismaiek. The French at that time were utterly unprepared*
there was no order; there was perfect confusion. The Prus­
sian military machine, in good working order, under Yon Moltke
up to the last ounce of working efficiency, pounced upon France
liesieged I aris, starved the people of Paris to utter exhaustion
and surrender, and imposed an indemnity of 5,000,000 000
francs on the French people, and then, through the prestige
gained by overwhelming unprepared France in that way and
through this gigantic fund, established the German Empire
v.tli the hereditary absolute King of Prussia as the " E l i
Emperor of the German Empire. That is what occurred
Ihe Hohenzollerns have been active in putting princes of
I n r Z Z .,lern f 1? 0* on the thrones of adjacent kingdoms? as
Gieece. and just as they proposed to do recently in estab­
lishing a kingdom o f Poland.
J aVe real
bef npurpose.
ahning t0 get contro1 of the whole world
That is their
Just as in recent times the peace of Europe has been overo f X d e r f f i k 'th ^ C r e ^ F ™ * and the HaPsburgs, so in the days
II- i h l r t
G,l ?at Eur°Pe was kept in a turmoil bv Fred­
erick the Great and Ins military bureau
“ AnoeMach?a1ef”F^ L C,kLS lgn, af ter writing his famous book
Anti Machiavel, in which he denounced the dishonest doctnnes of statecraft of Machiavelli, was to practice the craft of
Machiavelli and violate the treaty of Prussia with^^Austria bv
invading and secretly entering the unarmed Province of Silesia
with a large army. During the co n g e st „ f Si S
made a treaty witii France, which lie secretly iKtraved h ? 2
mg an authorised agreement to Austria! and wMch w a s a
cepted by Austria, in contravention with his oblicntinn* t,,
France Frederick then, having by this ruse ob ta in ^ Uie evacu
ation of Silesia by Austria, promptly denied having authorized
the agreement which Austria had accepted and by which he ob^
tamed the retirement of the Austrian troops
The house of Hohenzollern should not be’ regarded merclv
a dynasty; it is a dynasty interwoven with
gigantic mUitaS
machine under the domination of the King of PrussiV who g


Of t h f ^ r n ravfy Gern" ' " r a" J - t i v e gco°LPS r a’,oWS , 5
02727— 17258



Germany is governed substantially by the military powers,
who may illtreat the German subject with perfect impunity.
The German youth and the German citizen are taught from
their childhood to regard their obligations to the army and
the Kaiser as the first duty of good citizenship, and the ideals
of the army have been in this way grafted in a large measure
into public opinion of the German people, who have been led
to believe that loyalty to Germany and ,the German people and
loyalty to the Kaiser and his war machine are identical.
'When William, therefore, under the pressure of his war ma­
chine, gave the order of mobilization, the citizens of Germany
had no alternative except death but to seize their rifles and go
to the trenches in an assault upon their neighbors.
There were 4,000,000 socialist voters who were thus forced
into the ranks against all their principles of international broth­
erhood. They were driven through Belgium against their so­
cialist brothers of Belgium, with unspeakable atrocities com­
mitted by the German soldiers; they were driven against France
and Italy and Russia, against their socialist brethren, without
any regard to their long-taught principles of international
brotherhood. They could not help themselves. They had no
power of organization. They dared not, under penalty of death,
take the first step toward liberty. They were unhappily under
the irresistible domination of Prussian militarism; under a mdnarchial autocratic structure o f government which they had never
been strong enough to change into a democratic government of
the German people, by the German people, and for the German
Under a democracy or under a limited monarchy, with a re­
sponsible ministry and a parliament in control of government,
this enormous disaster to the German people, to the Austrian
people, to the people of all Europe, and to the people of America,
and to the people of the world would not have occurred.
The world ought not to permit the recurrence of this gigantic
disaster at any future time, and the only way in which to pre­
vent its recurrence is that the world shall demand, as England
is demanding, as England has demanded, as France has de­
manded, as Italy has demanded, as Russia and America are now
demanding, the end of the warlike and irresponsible government
of Prussian militarism, the overthrow of the Hohenzollerns, and
the establishment of a government truly responsible to the
German people.
Mr. President, these considerations are far more important
considerations justifying war against Prussian militarism by
the people of the United States and by all the Republics on the
face of the earth than even the murder of our citizens and the
submarining of our ships, because the house of Hohenzolleru
and the house of Hapsburg are sworn and deadly enemies to
the democracies of the world, and if they succeed in overthrow­
ing the democratic people of France, England, Italy, and Rus­
sia this military machine would immediately make war on us,
and with their millions and millions of trained and seasoned
soldiers they might devastate America before we could organize
our armies in adequate resistance.
do not underestimate or ignore the tragedy upon tragedy
which has attended the invasion of our international rights.
92727— 17258

On the Lusitania, without warning, we had 114 American
citizens murdered on the high seas in cold blood, in violation
of international law.
On the (Jutflight we had two Americans killed without
Mr. President, it is one thing for an American citizen to be
killed in a street fight in a foreign country, to be murdered in
a foreign country by some irresponsible citizen or subject of a
foreign country, and it is another thing when the responsible
head of that Government commits murder on a single son of this
Republic by or through executive, military, or naval orders.
On the Armenian we had 23 Americans killed ;
On the Iberian we had 3 Americans killed;
On the Anglo-Californian we had 2 Americans killed;
On the Hesperian we had 1 American killed;
On the Arabic we had 3 Americans killed ;
On the Persia we had 2 Americans destroyed;
On the Ancona we had 7 Americans killed;
On the Englishman we had G Americans killed ;
On the Sabota we had 1 American killed;
On the Marina we had 8 Americans destroyed ;
On the Russian* we had 17 American citizens destroyed;
On the Eaveston we had 1 American destroyed;
On the Vedamore we had 10 Americans killed;
On the Turino we had 1 American killed;
On the Athos, 1 American killed;
On the Lacona, 8 Americans were lost;
On the Sjostad, 1 American killed ;
On the Vigilancia, 5 Americans killed ;
On the Healdton, 7 American were lost;
On the Crispin, 19 Americans were lost; and 18 of our Ameri­
can ships have been torpedoed, sunk, or burned by this subma­
rine warfare, not to mention innumerable ships— over 700 ships—
belonging to other neutral nations, and numbers of citizens of
other neutral nations destroyed, because they had the courage to
maintain their international rights on the high seas.
Our citizens have been ordered to keep out of and not to dare
exercise their international rights on the high seas within an
arbitrary zone a thousand miles long and fifteen hundred
miles in the opposite direction surrounding Europe, where fourfifths of the commerce .of the world must pass. We have been
ordered that we shall not pass this line under penalty of death.
That is military autocracy in action. Over 700 ships of neu­
tral unoffending nations have been destroyed in violation of
international law and neutral citizens innumerable murdered
without notice to intimidate Great Britain and the world to a
profitable peace for the Prussian military autocracy.
Under the international law the failure to maintain our neu­
tral rights on the high seas under the threat of the Prussian
military machine would be a violation of our neutrality, indeed
with other nations, who have the right to buv goods from us
and have a right to ask the delivery of such goods in accord­
ance with international law.
The United States has made every effort that it is possible
for a sell-respecting nation to make in the endeavor to avoid
this war, and we have been unable to do it except at the s->cri92727—17258


fice of our national rights, our national dignity, and our na­
tional honor.
It will l)e remembered that in the Spanish 1\ ar the Imperial
German Government furnished Spain with munitions of war
and undertook to interfere with us in Manila Bay through her
armed men-of-war.
It will be remembered that Germany attempted to interfere
with Dewey in Manila Bay.
It will also be remembered that the battleships of Great
Britain interposed and stopped interference o f Germany with
the rights of this great Republic, although I think that Dewey
could have taken care of himself.
It will be remembered the German Government sent muni­
tions of war to Mexico to be used against America.
It will be remembered the German Government undertook to
invade Venezuela in violation of the Monroe doctrine.
It will be remembered that the Imperial German Government
has distinguished itself by maintaining a fixed hostility to the
Monroe doctrine.
It will be remembered that we were compelled to send the
Austrian ambassador home, representing the Hapsburg war ma­
chine, for his conspiracies against our peace in the United States,
when he, in conjunction with the agents of the Hohenzollern
machine, were promoting the blowing up of American factories,
filling our country with spies, promoting disloyalty in the United
States, and stirring up the hostility of citizens of German ex­
traction against our peace, and stirring up the activities of
hundreds of thousands of German subjects, permitted by cour­
tesy to reside in the United States, to interfere with our peace
at home.
It will be remembered that the German agents have been stir­
ring up disorders in Mexico, in Central and South America, and
promoting war on our borders, and are now doing so at a very
great expense to the United States.
That pernicious activity of the agents of Prussianism will go
far to account for the things we have found difficult to under­
stand ; why the South American Republics did not feel more
friendly to us in view of our sincere friendship for them; why
little or no reciprocity. It was because the Hohenzollern agents
persuaded those people that we had designs upon their peace and
upon their property.
Perhaps the crowning offense against the United States was
disclosed in the proposal of Zimmermann, representing the Prus­
sian military machine, to make an alliance with Mexico at a
time, January 19, 1917, when we were still at peace with the
Imperial German Government, in which Zimmermann proposed to
Mexico that Germany and Mexico would make war together on
the United States and make peace together; that Germany
would give Mexico general financial support and that Mexico
should reconquer the lost territory of Texas, New Mexico, and
A r i z o n a ; and that Japan should be invi ed to join Germany and
Mexico in this war on the United States.
There was no alternative for the President of the l nited
States, charged as he was with the protection of the people of
the United States, informed as he was of all the things I have
mentioned, and very many other things equally sin'ster and cor92727— 17258


<vti\ro of the e\ il intent of the Imperial Gor inmi Government against the Tjiiited istates, except to sever relations with
the German Empire and to take up the gauge of battle flung
into our teeth.
I agree with the President of the United States that it is a
fearful thing to lead this great, peaceful people into war, and I
“ also appreciate that the right is more precious than’ peace
and we shall fight for the things whicty we have always carried
nearest our heart—for democracy, for the right of those who
submit to authority to have a voice in their own governments
for the rights and liberties of small nations, for a universal
dominion o f right by such a concert of every peoples as shall
bring peace and safety to all nations and make the world itself
at last free.”
No treaty and no agreement with the Prussian miiitarv gov­
ernment or with the house of Hohen'zollern is worth, dr ever
will be worth, the paper it is written on except where those who
have the pledge have the military power to compel obedience to
t he promise. Their treaties are “ scraps of paper.” If they
Muceed in Ibis war, they will attack us at their convenience.
1 am pleased now that we join with those who are determined
b 1Sh ,hl)erty- 111 the worl(1- Together we shall establish
the peace and happiness of mankind.
The world can not allow the Prussian miiitarv machine to
succeed, otherwise their brutality would dominate the world.
+l,„ 1“JLer.t ,as aa addenda to my remarks the brutality shown by
orders <)f, tlle German military machine in deaf
in.-, with the peaceful, unoffending people of Belgium wIidsp
i.eutnUity they violated in willful d is r e ^ r d o f u S T p l g h S
faith to the people o f Belgium.
y ■
Mr. President, I fervently pray with all my heart that the
h!',!i ' i h ) ir y' OVin? German people, who in their local affairs
l ave developed such a high degree of representative self-governlimit, \\ill overthrow the house o f Hohenzollern, whose wicked
leadership has led them to this ruinous war and to the shambles
Whenever the German people establish a dem ocracy-a re resentatn-e “ Government of the people, by the people, and for the
pe°pie - t h e democracies of the world will no longer be unwilb
ing to trust the Government of the German people. Treaties with
republics are sacred; treaties with the Hohenzollerns and Hapsburgs are “ scraps of paper.” No assurances which the Hohenzollerns or the Hapsburgs can give to the democracies of the
world are worthy of any faith or credit whatever, when
against their fancied interest, as the history of the Hohen
zollerns prove from Frederick the Second, of Prussia, down to
the invasion of Luxemburg and Belgium.
Aii. 1 1 esident, the American people wish the happiness and
the welfare of the German people and of the a K
np eop le
as Americans wish the happiness of the British and the French
and the Russian people We wage our war not on the unlmppv
German people but on the military autocracy and on the-house
o f Hohenzollern and the war machine that knows no conscience
no justice no mercy, but can only be persuaded at the cannon’s
mouth. May the Lord of Hosts bless our arms and proteT th e
liberties of mankind.
1 cu
92727— 17258

H H H


Mr. President, I found in a western paper a few days ago art
editorial in the Muskogee Phoenix, Muskogee, Okla., written
by Tams Bixbv, Esq., former chairman of the Dawes Commis­
sion. It breathes a high, pure note of Christian patriotism, which
I think deserves a place in our annals at this time. I wish to
read it. It is very short. It is entitled :


S O L D IE R S !

T h e U n ite d S ta te s o f A m e r ic a
g iv e n to th e
t h e P ilg r im
F a th e rs
t h r o u g h th e ir lo v e a n d d e v o tio n
t o th e O m n ip o te n t R u le r o
th e d e s tin ie s
of m en, h as
d e c la r e d w a r o n
th e a n n iv e r sa r y
S a \ io r s

c ru c ifix io


p ro p er

th a t it

sh o u ld




is .


A m e r i c a n s ' g o f o r t h ® to
w a r S o t o n ly a . th e» c h a m p i o n .^ ® f » b « g
a n d fr e e d o m a n d h u m a n ity b u t a s s o ld ie r s o f th e c r o s .
, . , .1
lm o n t h e c r o s s n e a r ly 2 , 0 0 0 y e a r s a g o f o r t h e s a lv a t i o n o f m a n k i n d
A m e r i c a n s w i l l d f e u p o n t h e f ie l d o f b a t t l e t o m a k e t h i s a b e t t e r w o r l d .
T h r o u g h A m e r i c a 's b lo o d t h e w o r ld i s t o b e p u r g e d o t a b a r b a r i c ,
h e a t h e n i s h d y n a s t y t h a t in i t s l u s t h a s f o r g o t t e n t h e t e a c h i n g s o f o u
S a v io r .
I t is ^ a n o b l e t h i n g t o d i e a n d t o s u f f e r t h a t m e n m a y b e b r o u g h t


n e A m e d c a GOu n a f r a i d , g i r d e d w i t h t h e a r m o r o f r i g h t e o u s n e s s , s t r i d e s
f o r t h t o b k t t l e T h e r e i s n o h a t r e d in o u r h e a r t s ; w e b e a r n o m a i c e
to w a r d o u r e n e m ie s ; w e a sk n o c o n q u e st n o r m a te r ia l re w a r d .
A m e ric a .
t r i l p 4-n
t r a d it io n s t h a t g a v e h e r b ir th , is to w a g e a n o b le , C h n s t ia n
w ar
W e a r e willing t o d i e i f n e e d b e t o b r i n g t o a l l m e n o n c e m o r e
m e m e s s a g e o f p e a c e on e a r th , g o o d w ill.
A n d in t h i s s a c r e d h o u r
A m e rica o ffe r s fo r h e r e n e m ie s th e p r a y e r o f th e c r o s s .
la t h e r , fo r g n e
'T h



A m e r ic a , c h a m p io n
c iv iliz a tio n , a n d

h<\ \ m i ™ m e ^ c l a m o r a n d


th e

C h r is tia n ity ,
c r ie s o f b a t t le

w ith


com e

c le a r

h eart


r ig h te o u s


w illin g

th e s tr a in s o f th e h y m n

o f th e u n ite d a llie s o f m a n k in d :
“ O n w a r d . C h r is t ia n s o ld ie r .

92727— 17258

