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Speech by Richard W. Fisher, President and CEO (2005–2015)

Is German Economic Decline Exaggerated or
Remarks before the American Academy
November 20, 2006 Berlin, Germany
I have known and admired Norbert Walter for a very long time. And I have known and
admired Germany even longer. I have come to Germany countless times over the past 30
years, but what Norbert forgot to say in his overly kind introduction is that this is the first
journey I have made here as a central banker.
Being a central banker makes it especially difficult for me to provide what has been
requested of me by the American Academy: an updated examination of Germany’s economic
health—its physiology and some of its pathologies. To speak as a central banker in any
German forum is daunting. No representative of the Federal Reserve can claim anything but
admiration for the way the FRG’s Bundesbank managed its affairs in the pre-euro days of the
Deutsche mark. The pernicious effect of inflation was well understood by the Bundesbank
when it dominated the European economic landscape.
From its creation on June 21, 1948, until its retirement on December 31, 1998, the DM
retained its value better than any other major currency. Over the 50-year lifespan of the DM,
consumer prices in Germany increased about fourfold. Over the same period in the United
States, consumer prices increased about sevenfold, in significant part due to the laxity of the
1970s, before a grandson of German immigrants, Paul Volcker, restored discipline over
monetary policy. The Bundesbank’s legacy has been solidly imbued in the European Central
Bank. Any central banker anywhere in the world is grateful for Germany as the exemplar of
monetary probity. I certainly am.
But I do not appear here before the American Academy in my capacity as CEO of the Federal
Reserve’s Eleventh District. I am here solely as a friend of Germany, having been asked to
revisit a speech I gave before the Atlantik-Brücke’s annual meeting in June of 2004, well
before I joined the Federal Reserve. The title of that speech was “Can Germany Hold Its Own
in the New World of a Reconfigured Europe, An Ascendant China, and 21st Century
The answer I gave to that question almost two and a half years ago, when I was a private
citizen, was an unqualified “no.” Not at the time I delivered that speech. The question today
is: has anything changed?
First, I want to firmly state that I am not in any way, shape or form speaking today as a
representative of the Federal Reserve. It is standard practice for all Federal Reserve officials,
save the Chairman on only two annual occasions, to state that when we speak in public, we

speak only for ourselves, offering only our own personal views. I often imagine a collective
“amen” follows this prudent disclaimer, especially in my case on those many occasions when
I have spoken about monetary policy and the course of the U.S. economy! I want to
especially underscore that disclaimer today. This is very much a personal speech.
I did not assume my post at the Fed until April of 2005. I was first introduced to Germany in
the spring of 1976. My introduction to Germany came from Jack McCloy via my mentor,
Robert Roosa. McCloy taught me that “Germany is the heart of Europe. It is the backbone of
the European economy. No country is more important than Germany to the United States.”
And he went on to say that “Our alliance with Germany needs close attention, nurturing and
vigilance…because its strength embodies profound advantages, while its weakness could
involve far-reaching dangers and risks.”
I took that advice to heart and have pursued an affectionate interest in Germany ever since
meeting that truly great man. Jack McCloy’s words ring as true today as they did then.
McCloy and Roosa and another mentor, Michael Blumenthal, set in motion a series of
opportunities that have allowed me to meet and follow, up close, the work of Helmut
Schmidt and Helmut Kohl, seminal ministers like Hans-Dietrich Genscher and Otto Graf
Lambsdorff, iconic Bundesbankers such as Otmar Emminger and Carl Otto Pöhl, and
presidents von Weizsäcker and Carstens and Köhler. Over the years, many patient friends
and German public servants, ranging from Walther Kiep to Matthias Wissmann to Wolfgang
Ischinger, and too many business and academic and civic leaders to enumerate, all have
spent countless hours trying to teach me Germany. As has my daughter Texana, a German
studies concentrator at Harvard. I reviewed my long history with Germany in 2004 at the
Atlantik-Brücke. I recount it now in summary form not to boast of my good fortune or to
drop vintage German names, but to make clear that for almost 30 years I have done my level
best to study and understand this country. My interest in Germany’s destiny could not be
more sincere.
I delivered that speech when I was vice chair of Kissinger McLarty, well before I joined the
Fed. In it, I made some pretty undiplomatic but heartfelt statements about Germany.
Specifically, I argued that Germany, in 2004, was “so weakened economically and so riddled
with outdated operating methods that it threatens the prosperity of Europe, the EuroAtlantic alliance and the global balance of economic power.”
That was pretty stern stuff.
Here are some of the more pungent points I made in that speech two years ago, which drew
upon the work of Professor Stephen Silva at the American Institute for Contemporary
German Studies at Johns Hopkins University, an institute I had the pleasure of helping

“German economic growth is anemic.”
“Germany is becoming less and less able to generate employment.”

“Germany’s relative competitive position has been eroding for over 10 years…Your
workers are less productive than you think, and they work too little.”
“Your corporate sector’s R&D spending as a percentage of GDP…is declining….”
“Germany’s financial architecture is dysfunctional…and suffers from ‘Teutonic
“There remain countless impediments to business efficiency…[tying] the hands of
entrepreneurs and productive workers.”
“Corporate governance procedures are opaque and antiquated.”
“Germany’s educational system is overcrowded, under-funded, and [is] suffocating from
bureaucracies that respond more to statutes than to the future needs of students.”
To wrap up that rather mild list of concerns, I cited the then bestseller entitled Das
Methusalem-Komplott to suggest that Germany might well replace Florida as “God’s
antechamber,” so worrisome are your demographics.
And then I concluded with evangelical fervor a quotation from the Book of Peter in the Bible:
“Come, be serious and discipline yourselves.”
As my daughter Texana would put it: “Mein Gott Papa, kannst du bitte mehr direkt sein?—
couldn’t you be just a little more blunt?” But I am pleased to report that the members of the
Atlantik-Brücke and their tolerant guests at dinner that night cordially refrained from pelting
me with their bread rolls. Their lack of outrage, more than anything else, convinced me that
my words had struck a nerve. I had spoken frankly as a friend and admirer of Germany, and I
believe now, as I did then, that I was spot on.
That was then. This is now. Upon rereading that speech to prepare for tonight, I was
reminded of Berndt von Staden, the first German ambassador to Washington I had the
pleasure to meet. He would later describe how Jimmy Carter dispatched his vice president
and another aide to Bonn to convince Helmut Schmidt “to do his part to revive the…sagging
world economy…” With wry criticism, von Staden later wrote: “I watched as the two gifted,
youthful-looking gentlemen gave economic and fiscal advice to the very chancellor who had
led his country through the energy and currency crises like no other had.”
I am not gifted. And I am certainly not youthful looking. I am tremendously sympathetic to
the task that lies before the chancellor as she seeks to lead Germany through a historic crisis
of another sort. And, having not been dispatched by anybody in Washington or by the
Federal Reserve, I do not think it is my place to give advice to the German chancellor or any
other German leader, for that matter.
I can, however, offer a cataloging of the prevailing criticisms I have read and heard about in
tracking Germany’s efforts to overcome the problems I enumerated in 2004. The chancellor
(and, to be fair, her predecessor, although perhaps too late in his tenure) has sought to

initiate change, but still there has been no shortage of critiques in the public domain, even
though most would agree that the German economy has recently undergone a fundamental
Critics argue, for example, that in reality, the economy is only reflecting the benefits of a
cyclical global upswing. These critics also argue that German industry’s role as
Exportweltmeister, even with the headwind of a strong euro, masks deep-seated problems.
Some say that Germany’s increased export performance stems largely from restrained wage
growth relative to its European competitors rather than from improved productivity. This
leads one to wonder how much more successful Germany would be in export markets if
significant supply-side reforms were implemented.
The critics argue that recent corporate tax proposals will only modestly reduce Germany’s
tax disadvantage relative to its competitors. They point out that, on the whole, your private
sector is undercapitalized and overtaxed.
The skeptics maintain that too many product markets remain too highly regulated and that
regulation and high barriers to entry continue to suffocate growth;
That the service sector remains underdeveloped.
And, they argue that Germany has yet to find a way to harness the virtues of what the
economist Joseph Schumpeter called “creative destruction,” a process vital to moving any
economy up the value-added ladder toward greater prosperity.
They warn that Germany’s social welfare system rewards leisure, complacency and
underinvestment, not productivity and risk taking.
They say that recent incremental changes in labor laws are far from sufficient.
They argue that flotation of the Landesbanken HSH Nordbank and the forced sale of Berliner
Sparkasse, while encouraging, do not provide reassurance that—other than at the behest of
Brussels—Germany’s political leaders understand that state-owned banks are a hindrance to
economic progress.
They maintain that the scrapping of the 50-year-old Ladenschlussgesetz in Berlin does not
guarantee that the 16 Länder will take adequate advantage of the June reforms to your
country’s federal system—especially Bavaria!
Critics say the new healthcare proposals fail to sever the link between healthcare costs and
wages, barely increase competition among healthcare suppliers and indeed risk making
matters worse because, these critics argue, they expand the power of the state when
precisely the opposite is needed.
Others worry about the challenges facing education and argue that charging tuition and
board and making admissions procedures more selective are necessary but insufficient
beginnings to educational reform. The recent initiatives taken to grant autonomy on courses
and professorships in North Rhine-Westphalia and the gifts by Klaus Jacobs and Otto

Beisheim, exemplary as they are, are, according to critics, not enough to overcome poor
teaching quality and low rankings among global universities.
They argue that the bureaucratization of elementary and secondary schools does far more
damage to German children than the relentless television barrage of SpongeBob
Schwammkopf in undermining the German education system, once the standard for the
To illustrate the consequences of failing to advance education, detractors note your
continued slippage in rankings put out by the World Intellectual Property Organization. They
note that you currently rank sixth in WIPO’s rankings and have been surpassed by China in
patent applications. And that, according to the Financial Times of October 30, 2006,
“Germany is the worst performer among the larger European countries with a [bare] 2% R&D
increase last year.”
Critics point to recent studies by the International Institute for Management Development
on labor market rigidity and disincentives to work to illustrate their concerns about
Germany’s labor market. They note that Germany ranked dead last among 60 nations in the
IIMD’s combined score, below France, Sweden, Brazil and Argentina.
Other critics open up the recent issue of Foreign Policy magazine and note that Germany
ranks 18th out of 20 countries in the globalization index compiled by A.T. Kearney and the
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. That puts Germany behind Norway, Israel, the
Czech Republic and Slovenia, and only slightly ahead of Malaysia and Hungary. These
researchers cite Germany’s low marks in economic integration, a paucity of foreign direct
investment and middling internet connectivity as factors in the country’s low ranking.
Against this background of concerns, there is, of course, constant comment about the
capability of German government officials to lead. I need not review those arguments for
you. For here in Germany, just as in the United States, questioning leadership has become a
blood sport.
As a central banker, I prefer to steer clear of raw political sparring. Even so, the harsh tenor
of criticisms tossed about by your elected leaders—between parties and even within
parties—is strikingly shrill and worrisome.
In the end, just as there are doubts about America, there are significant uncertainties about
Germany’s ability to adjust to the newly reconfigured world.
So, has anything changed since that 2004 speech? I would say that much progress has been
made since my comments to the Atlantik-Brücke and that, despite the criticisms enumerated
above, I am encouraged.
Were I asked what needs to be done next, my reply would echo any concerned friend of
Germany: that everyone in this country, from the Facharbeiter to the Kundenberater to the
Vorstandsmitglied, must seize the opportunities presented by recent reforms and by the
improving business cycle to help Germany prosper anew.

There is no denying significant efforts have been undertaken to overcome the inertia of the
German economy I described so graphically in 2004. But the work of adapting to a changing
world is never done. Globalization is an inexorable force. Nicholas Sarkosy of France said it
best just two weeks ago. “It would be as pointless to deny [globalization] or oppose it as to
challenge the law of gravity or to stop the movement of the clouds.”
Germany has embarked upon what is certain to be a long and difficult journey to secure its
future in a tough, competitive, globalized world. Success will require the kind of
determination that was the hallmark of the Bundesbank during the postwar period. And just
as the Bundesbank charted the best course to navigate a treacherous world, the German
private and public sectors must again become exemplars of how to successfully navigate a
globalized one.
To wrap up, I am going to do something that I believe no other American speaker would dare
do. I am going to quote Calvin Coolidge! Those who know American history know that
President Coolidge didn’t say much, but when he did speak, he said a great deal. “Nothing in
this world,” Coolidge said, “can take the place of persistence…Persistence and determination
alone are omnipotent. The slogan ‘press on’ has solved, and always will solve, the problems
of the human race.”
Persistence in pursuing economic reform will solve the problems that threaten Germany’s
future. Germany must “press on” with needed reforms to its laws and to its attitudes toward
competition and the pursuit of excellence.
And so I conclude with a modified exhortation from my evangelical 2004 speech: Come, be
serious and discipline yourselves. For the sake of Europe, the Atlantic Alliance and the world.
For your sake. And ours. Press on. There is still much to do.
Thank you.
About the Author

Richard W. Fisher served as president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas from
April 2005 until his retirement in March 2015.