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Governor Randall S. Kroszner

At the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston AMA Conference, Boston, MA
May 14, 2008

Risk Management and Basel II
I am delighted to be here today at this impressive conference. I thank my hosts, President
Rosengren and his staff at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, for the invitation. I also thank
President Rosengren for providing such interesting and informative introductory remarks.
Over the next two days, you will be having a number of discussions on specific aspects of
operational risk and the advanced measurements approaches (AMA) for calculating risk-based
capital requirements under Basel II. Therefore, I can probably best contribute to this conference by
offering a broader perspective about risk management and Basel II, using examples from the field of
operational risk management. I will discuss the implementation of Basel II, including enhancements
to the framework being undertaken by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in light of
recent market events, as well as a proposal to implement in the United States a less complex version
of the Basel II framework, known as the standardized approach.
I believe focusing on risk management today is certainly topical, given some of the risk
management challenges that financial institutions have faced over the past year. Recent market
events have shown that a number of institutions have not maintained satisfactory risk management
practices; however, we also can point to many examples of sound risk management practices during
the recent disruptions.1
Individual institutions are responsible for maintaining sound risk management practices. But
supervisors, of course, also have a role to play both in promoting effective risk management and
offering incentives for bankers to make improvements to their practices. There are a number of
methods supervisors use to that end--some informal, some formal--including speeches, one-on-one
discussions, supervisory guidance, onsite examinations, formal supervisory actions, and
regulations. One substantial initiative that seeks to improve risk management practices at banking
organizations is Basel II.
Importance of Basel II
As you all know, banking activities must be supported by both sound risk management and strong
capital levels. For example, even where robust internal controls are in place, the potential for losses
from fraud can never be fully eliminated, meaning that institutions need to hold sufficient capital to
offset unexpected losses. Determining the right level of capital to hold for fraud and other elements
of operational risk is not necessarily easy, as many of you here can attest. But the AMA is designed
to make that determination more risk sensitive and more accurate.
In this manner, Basel II represents a major step forward in banking regulation. While the existing
Basel I capital regime was a significant advance when introduced in 1988, it has become outdated
for large, internationally active banking organizations. Retaining Basel I for these institutions
would have widened the gap between their regulatory capital requirements and their actual risk
profiles. That is one reason why the Federal Reserve supports Basel II so strongly.

With regard to credit risk, the advanced approaches of Basel II improve regulatory capital measures
by requiring banks to distinguish among the credit quality of individual borrowers. Generally
speaking, banks holding riskier credit exposures are required to hold more capital. Similarly, the
AMA framework requires a more systematic approach for assessing the operational risk to which a
bank is exposed and ties an explicit regulatory risk-based capital requirement to these exposures.
Under Basel I, this charge was indirect and embedded in credit and market risk measures. In
contrast, under the AMA, banks with higher levels of operational risk--such as those more heavily
involved than others in activities that have elevated loss potential from fraud, business disruption, or
systems failure--generally should have higher capital requirements. By establishing a much more
refined approach that requires banks to hold capital commensurate with the actual risks of their
exposures and activities, Basel II should lead institutions to make better decisions about assuming,
retaining, and mitigating risks.
Not only does Basel II establish more risk-sensitive and meaningful regulatory capital requirements,
it also encourages ongoing improvements in banks' risk management practices. The U.S. final rule
for Basel II includes extensive system and process requirements and U.S. supervisors have high
standards for banks seeking to qualify. One reason for such high standards is that the framework
will only function as intended if Basel II banks have solid risk management infrastructures and
robust quantification methods on which to base capital requirements. Another reason for such high
standards is that the risk management improvements in Basel II offer broader safety and soundness
benefits, beyond those associated with capital requirements.
Risk Management and the AMA
There are strong linkages between the AMA and supervisory expectations for sound management of
operational risk. The AMA builds upon the longtime best practices of banks to develop techniques
for identifying, measuring, and attributing capital for operational risk. I commend those of you here
today who have made strides in improving operational risk management, and heartily encourage you
to maintain your efforts. Supervisors have been working actively with bankers to improve
operational risk management and help bankers move toward qualification under AMA. A good
example is the research and analysis conducted by my colleagues here at the Federal Reserve Bank
of Boston: their useful papers have covered such topics as estimating operational risk loss
distributions, evaluating various measurement techniques, and analyzing the reputational impact of
operational risk losses. Supervisors have also conducted a series of loss-data collection exercises in
which many of you have participated. More generally, I think supervisory attention on operational
risk management has provided support to risk managers striving to improve practices within their
The AMA has specific qualification requirements that are intended to bring about risk management
improvements. For example, institutions are required to categorize operational risk losses by event
type, which promotes identification of the underlying risk drivers of each category. The AMA also
requires consistent comprehensive operational risk capture, which promotes an enterprise-wide
assessment across all business units within an entire organization. Moreover, qualifying for the
AMA requires strong senior management and board oversight of the entire process. In designing
AMA requirements, supervisors decided against creating a mandated, standard treatment and instead
allowed for considerable flexibility. Allowing more flexibility lets banks create an AMA reflective
of their organization, and it promotes innovation in AMA approaches. But that flexibility makes
banks more responsible for creating a solid and robust process rather than simply providing inputs to
a supervisory-determined formula. Operational risk management is a relatively new field, and a
number of challenges remain, such as collecting sufficient and relevant data and developing
appropriate modeling techniques to capture low probability events of high severity. Naturally,
validating the techniques used in the AMA is also very important, as with any quantitative models.
Pillar 2 and Pillar 3
While Pillar 1 minimum capital requirements are very important, people sometimes forget that Basel
II has three pillars of equal significance. Under Pillar 2, banks are required to have an internal
capital adequacy assessment process (ICAAP), subject to rigorous supervisory review. The bank's
ICAAP should ensure that the bank is holding enough overall capital to support its entire risk

profile, and it should provide a cushion against the potential impact of periods of financial or
economic stress. In its ICAAP, for example, an institution may choose a solvency standard for
overall capital adequacy that is higher than the 99.9 percent implied by the AMA--for example, a
solvency standard of 99.95 or 99.97 associated with a certain credit rating. As most of you know,
estimating capital needs in the tail of a loss distribution becomes more and more difficult the farther
out one goes, so simply "scaling" the AMA measure will likely not suffice for truly assessing capital
adequacy against a higher solvency standard.
More broadly, one of the supervisory expectations surrounding the ICAAP is that institutions should
understand the limitations of models and conduct stress testing and scenario analysis to provide
greater information about potential losses and capital needs. Even good models have their limits-such as incomplete data or assumptions that have not been tested across business cycles--and need
to be supported by more qualitative measures and sound judgment. Put another way, Pillar 2 is not
just about using "one number," but requires institutions to develop a robust process to evaluate the
full range of potentially adverse outcomes that could affect capital adequacy. This process certainly
includes considering the potential for operational risk losses becoming correlated with losses in
other risk areas. Recent events provide ample evidence that underestimating the potential for
concurrent losses in multiple risk areas can put pressure on capital levels.
Pillar 3 plays an important role in providing greater information on banks' risk profiles and their
ability to manage them. In addition to disclosing their capital requirements for operational risk
under the AMA, banks will have to provide a description of their AMA process, including their
measurement approaches and relevant internal and external factors considered. They will also have
to provide information about the use of insurance to mitigate operational risk. As a strong believer
in market discipline and the importance of information in market transactions, I believe Pillar 3 will
improve bank disclosures about risk profiles and enhance discussions between bankers and market
participants about risk-management practices.
Next Steps with Basel II Implementation
In the United States, Basel II has been an official regulation for just over a month. But the full
implementation process will take time. While I believe that expeditious application of Basel II will
have significant benefits, it is of the utmost importance that the implementation be undertaken
thoughtfully and deliberately. As you know, following a successful four-quarter parallel run, a
banking organization would have to progress through three transitional periods--each lasting at least
one year--before being able to fully implement Basel II. A banking organization would need
approval from its primary federal supervisor to move into each of the three transition periods.
Of course, we recognize the substantial work that bankers have undertaken over the past several
years to prepare themselves for Basel II, and we think that preparation will pay off. Thus, before
setting a parallel run target start date, we strongly recommend that banks conduct a sober and frank
self-appraisal of their current state as well as their ability to meet requirements of the final rule.
Systems development can take time, for example, and it is important to make sure that these systems
function appropriately.
As stated in the final rule, and as the U.S. agencies articulated several years ago, a key instrument in
the qualification process is a bank's implementation plan. This written implementation plan,
approved by a bank's full board of directors, is a detailed and tangible representation of how the
bank complies, or intends to comply, with the rule's qualification requirements. Our hope is to
provide a bit more information in the next month or so about our expectations for these plans, so I
will only provide high-level comments here.
One important part of a credible implementation plan is a thorough assessment of how the bank
intends to address the gaps it has identified between its existing practices and the qualification
requirements set forth in the rule for the advanced approaches that cover all consolidated
subsidiaries. The implementation plan also must include objective, measurable milestones-including delivery dates--and a target date when the bank expects its advanced approaches to be
fully operational. The bank must establish and maintain a sound, comprehensive planning and

governance process to oversee implementation efforts, and it must demonstrate to the full
satisfaction of its supervisor that it meets the qualification requirements. Because the
implementation plan (including the gap analysis) is the only requirement to enter parallel run, the
agencies have high expectations for its overall quality and the reasonableness of the approach taken
by the banks in assessing their current state.
The large, internationally active banks subject to the final rule on a mandatory basis--the core banks-have until October 1st of this year to adopt an implementation plan and have it approved by their
board of directors. This deadline for submission of plans by core banks is intended to ensure that
the board of directors will provide the necessary resources and oversight and prevent delays in
implementation efforts. Of course, banks may always submit their plans earlier. Once they have
adopted an implementation plan, banks have ample time to fully meet the qualification
requirements, since the final rule allows a bank up to 36 months before it would have to exit parallel
run and enter the first transition period. As with all things, however, waiting until the last possible
moment leaves little margin for error.
Again, as supervisors, we understand that banks face challenges in implementing Basel II, and we
stand ready to assist bankers as they work to meet the high standards we expect. For one, we have
already engaged in a number of discussions with bankers to address their questions on certain
aspects of the final rule. In that effort, supervisory staffs of all the U.S. agencies are working
together to ensure that we give consistent messages to bankers, and we intend to maintain such
cooperation among the agencies throughout the implementation process. We have also been
preparing our examiners to assess banks' practices during the qualification process. In this manner,
we have been working to ensure that qualification is done thoroughly, fairly, and consistently.
Enhancements to the Basel II Framework
One of the substantial benefits of the Basel II framework is its overall flexibility and adaptability to
new practices, instruments, and circumstances. That is, Basel II provides a robust structure within
which to integrate new information and enhanced risk management practices as needed. As such,
the Basel II framework is well suited to address some of the current challenges seen with the current
Basel I framework. For example, the new framework's credit risk capital charges for mortgages
vary with the underlying riskiness of the exposures unlike Basel I. Basel II also takes into account
off-balance sheet exposures much better than the Basel I framework.
Just as lessons learned from recent events can help bankers improve risk management practices,
they can also help supervisors further increase the effectiveness of the Basel II framework. Indeed,
members of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision recently announced plans to strengthen
the resiliency of the framework based on the lessons we have learned over the past year. The Basel
Committee's plans to enhance aspects of Basel II are entirely consistent with what we have done in
the past with regulatory capital rules upon receiving new information and represent good
supervisory practice. These proposals to enhance the resiliency of the Basel II framework are fully
consistent with one of its key objectives--improving risk management--and should in no way
interfere with institutions' efforts to meet the process and system requirements in the U.S. final rule.
The Basel Committee's enhancements, which it outlined in an April 16 press release,2 are intended
to improve Basel II's ability to make the banking system more resilient to financial shocks. For one,
the Committee will revise the framework to establish higher capital requirements for certain
complex structured credit products, such as so-called "resecuritizations" or collateralized debt
obligations (CDOs) of asset-backed securities, which have been the source of many losses during
the recent market disturbances. There are also plans to strengthen the capital treatment of liquidity
facilities extended by banks to support off-balance sheet vehicles such as asset-backed commercial
paper conduits.
Furthermore, the Committee will strengthen the capital requirements in the trading book, given the
large growth in trading-book assets and the wide range of instruments held there, some of them
quite complex and less liquid. The current value-at-risk based treatment for assessing capital for
trading book risk is limited in its ability to capture extraordinary events that can affect many

complex and less liquid exposures. The Committee is working with the International Organization
of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) on an interim treatment for certain instruments held in the
trading book, such as complex securitizations, and will conduct further analysis to determine a
suitable longer-term approach.
The Committee plans to issue Pillar 2 guidance in a number of areas to help strengthen banks'
practices and help them better prepare for financial shocks that could affect capital adequacy. Areas
under consideration include proper asssessment of the risks from off-balance sheet exposures and
securitizations, as well as the need to address reputational risk and apply proper stress testing.
These efforts relating to Pillar 2 are certainly in line with my earlier comments that bankers must
understand the limitations of their more formal risk models, and think creatively to ensure that they
have captured all risks and addressed them appropriately.
Going forward, the Committee will monitor Basel II minimum requirements and capital buffers to
evaluate their appropriateness. It will also assess banks' internal capital management processes and
associated risk management practices. This oversight will be particularly important given some of
the breakdowns in risk management at institutions over the past year and the associated pressures on
capital ratios. The Committee is also working to promote better disclosures by banking
organizations under Pillar 3.
Standardized Approach in the United States
As a final point, I would like to mention that U.S. agencies plan, fairly soon, to publish for public
comment a set of proposed rules that would provide an optional capital framework--known as the
standardized approach--for those banks not subject to the advanced approaches of Basel II. The
proposed standardized approach would help increase risk sensitivity and foster competitive equity.
Since we have not yet formally issued the proposed rules for public comment, I will provide just a
brief overview on aspects of the proposal that the agencies have already discussed publicly.
The proposed U.S. standardized approach will be based on the approach of the same name in the
international Basel II framework, modified in some areas to suit the U.S. banking system. The
standardized approach would enhance risk sensitivity by increasing the number of risk-weight
categories to which a bank would assign credit exposures. It also would increase capital
requirements for certain off-balance sheet exposures, such as liquidity commitments, and allow for
broader recognition of credit risk mitigants, such as collateral and guarantees. In addition, the
approach will include a specific capital requirement for operational risk.
Banks not required to adopt the Basel II advanced approaches are facing a choice about whether to
opt-in to them. Some of these banks may be sophisticated institutions that exhibit sound risk
management, but they might not wish to undertake the extensive effort to meet the advanced
approaches of Basel II. The agencies recognize that such institutions should be afforded an
alternative to more-risk-sensitive capital requirements, one not as complex as the advanced
approaches. Therefore, the proposal is being developed as an optional risk-based capital framework
for all banking organizations not required to adopt the Basel II advanced approaches. We plan to
retain our existing Basel I-based regulatory capital framework for those banks that would prefer to
remain under that regime.
I encourage all interested parties to review and comment on this proposal once it has been issued.
We are keenly aware of the need for capital requirements to make sense from a standpoint that
considers safety, soundness, and competitiveness; we recognize that a one-size-fits-all approach is
probably not the best for our banking system, in light of our wide range of institutions. We remain
sensitive to the principle that if we have multiple regulatory capital frameworks they must work
together to support the safety and soundness of our entire banking system without artificially
creating competitive inequalities.
My remarks today have focused on the risk management aspects of Basel II, with particular
emphasis on operational risk. Events of the past year have shown that institutions should never let

their guard down when it comes to risk management. Even though most of the high-profile losses
during the past year have--so far--stemmed from market and credit risks, one should not, therefore,
assume that less attention should be paid to operational risk management. The Basel II capital
framework is a positive step forward through its combination of more risk-sensitive capital
requirements with strong incentives for improved risk management. In this manner, we expect
Basel II to make the U.S. banking industry more resilient in the face of future financial turbulence
and generally more safe and sound.

1. Randall S. Kroszner (2008), “The Importance of Fundamentals in Risk Management,” speech
delivered at the American Bankers Association Spring Summit Meeting, Washington, DC, March
11. See also President’s Working Group Issues Policy Statement To Improve Future State of
Financial Markets, and Report of the Financial Stability Forum on Enhancing Market and
Institutional Resilience. Return to text
2. Basel Committee on Banking Supervision announcement on strengthening the banking system, Return to text
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