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Governor Randall S. Kroszner

Federal Housing Administration Housing Stabilization and
Homeownership Act
Before the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives

April 9, 2008
Chairman Frank, Ranking Member Bachus, and other members of the Committee, I am pleased to
be here today to discuss efforts to address the current problems in the mortgage and housing
markets. In my testimony this morning, I will briefly review the current situation in the housing
market and ongoing efforts to help prevent avoidable foreclosures. Then I will expand on what
additional steps might be taken by homeowners, lenders, servicers, investors, and the Congress to
address this important issue. I will also address the need to take the housing situation seriously and
some aspects of the discussion draft of the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Housing
Stabilization and Homeownership Retention Act of 2008.
The Current Situation
The mortgage market has long been a source of strength in the U.S. economy, but it is facing very
significant challenges today, especially in the subprime segment that serves consumers who have
shorter or weaker credit records. In recent years, slowing home prices and a loosening of
underwriting standards have contributed to sharp increases in delinquencies and foreclosures. As of
January 2008, the most recent month for which data are available, about 24 percent of subprime
adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) were 90 days or more delinquent, twice the fraction that were
delinquent by this definition one year ago. For mortgages overall, more than 1.5 million foreclosures
were started during 2007, up 53 percent from the previous year. All told, the consensus expectation
is that the number of foreclosures in 2008 will likely exceed the number in 2007.
Both delinquency and foreclosure are traumatic experiences for the families and communities
affected. Recent declines in house prices have eroded the equity that homeowners have in their
homes, which has made it difficult or impossible for many of them to refinance their mortgage on
more favorable terms compared to their current mortgage, even if interest rates have declined since
they took out their loan. Tighter lending standards have also limited opportunities for these families
to refinance. When struggling homeowners cannot put themselves on a sustainable financial footing,
neighborhoods also suffer--properties are not maintained and foreclosures, particularly when they
are clustered together, put further downward pressure on house prices. This is bad news for
investors, too, because as property values decline, the substantial costs associated with foreclosure
rise even further. Finally, falling home prices can have local and national consequences because of
the erosion of both property tax revenue and the support for consumer spending that is provided by
household wealth.
Ongoing Efforts to Help Struggling Borrowers
Given the high cost of foreclosures to everyone involved--lenders, investors, borrowers and their
communities alike--it is in everyone's interest to develop prudent loan modification programs and
provide for other assistance to help borrowers avoid preventable foreclosures. Indeed, policymakers
and stakeholders have been working hard to find effective responses to the increases in
delinquencies and foreclosures. The steps that have been taken so far include initiating programs
designed to expand refinancing opportunities and efforts to increase the pace of loan workouts.
One example of positive steps being taken is the effort by NeighborWorks America and the

Homeownership Preservation Foundation to offer financial counseling services through the
Homeowner's HOPE Hotline.1 With the encouragement and leadership of the Treasury Department,
the national Hope Now Alliance--a broad-based coalition of government-sponsored enterprises
(GSEs), industry trade associations, counseling agencies, and mortgage servicers--is working to find
ways to help troubled borrowers, particularly those facing interest rate resets, through loan
modification plans.2 Recent actions by the Federal Open Market Committee to lower the target
federal funds rate and resulting decreases in short-term interest rates also should help mitigate the
problems associated with interest rate resets.
Useful steps also are being taken by the FHA, which provides insurance on a variety of fixed- and
variable-rate mortgage products that can be used by borrowers who want to refinance their home
and who meet specified underwriting and other criteria. For example, the agency recently
established the FHASecure plan to help borrowers who are delinquent because of an interest rate
reset and who have some equity in their home. FHASecure provides such borrowers the opportunity
to refinance into an FHA-insured mortgage. Separately, the FHA's loan limits recently were raised
significantly by the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008, further expanding the potential reach of the
FHA's mortgage insurance programs. We understand that the FHA is studying additional ways that
the agency's insurance programs could be expanded or modified, consistent with existing statutory
authorities, to better help troubled borrowers.
The Federal Reserve has been working with financial institutions and community groups around the
country to address the challenges posed by problem loans. For example, we have been providing
community coalitions, counseling agencies, fellow regulators, and others with detailed analyses that
identify neighborhoods with especially high concentrations of foreclosures. Last week the Federal
Reserve made available to the public a set of dynamic maps and data that illustrate the regional
variation in the condition of securitized, owner-occupied subprime and alt-A mortgage loans across
the United States.3 Armed with this information, community organizations and leaders can better
target their scarce resources toward helping borrowers in the greatest need of counseling and for
other interventions that may help prevent foreclosure.
Communities also are searching for ways to address the challenges that foreclosed homes can
present, such as decreased home values and vacant properties that can deteriorate from neglect.
Toward this end, the Federal Reserve has recently engaged in a partnership with NeighborWorks
America to identify effective strategies to stabilize neighborhoods that have large clusters of vacant
properties due to foreclosures. Working together, we will develop materials and tools as well as
convene training sessions to help communities build local capacity for acquiring and managing
vacant properties. The ultimate goal is to return these properties to useful purposes, whether it is to
provide affordable rental housing or to supply new homeownership opportunities in low- and
moderate-income communities.
Loss-Mitigation Strategies to Reduce Foreclosures
In cases where it is not possible for the distressed mortgage borrower to refinance his or her
mortgage into a more sustainable mortgage product, the next-best solution may be some type of
loss-mitigation arrangement between the lender or servicer and the distressed borrower. The Federal
Reserve, in conjunction with the other federal banking agencies (which include the Office of the
Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Office of Thrift
Supervision), the Conference of State Bank Supervisors and the National Credit Union
Administration, has issued guidance urging lenders and servicers to pursue such arrangements,
when feasible and prudent, as an alternative to foreclosure. For the lender, servicer, and investor,
working out a distressed loan with a struggling borrower makes economic sense if the net present
value (NPV) of the payments under a loss-mitigation strategy exceeds the NPV of proceeds that
would be received in foreclosure.
Loss mitigation can be advantageous to both the borrower and the lender because the costs
associated with foreclosure can be very substantial. Historically, the foreclosure process has usually
taken from a few months up to a year and a half, depending on state law and whether the borrower
files for bankruptcy. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the time to complete a foreclosure has been

increasing recently, as the number of foreclosures has risen and the average time that properties
remain on the market has lengthened. The losses to lenders and investors from foreclosures include
not only the missed mortgage payments during that period, but also the costs of taxes, legal and
administrative fees, real estate owned sales commissions, and maintenance expenses. Additional
losses arise from the often significant reduction in value when a property is repossessed even in
stable housing markets, particularly if the property is unoccupied for some period. In fact, a recent
estimate based on subprime mortgages foreclosed in the fourth quarter of 2007 indicated that total
losses exceeded 50 percent of the principal balance. Whether the losses are that large in all cases is
difficult to know, but what is known is that the foreclosure process itself destroys considerable
value. The existence of such costs raises the real prospect that, by restructuring distressed loans in
those cases in which the borrower wants to stay in the home, borrowers, lenders, servicers, and
investors may all be able to achieve a better outcome than is attainable if the foreclosure process is
allowed to run its course.
Lenders, servicers, and investors have historically relied on repayment plans as their preferred lossmitigation technique. Under these plans, delinquent borrowers typically repay the mortgage arrears
over a few months in addition to making their regularly scheduled mortgage payments. These plans
often are most appropriate if the borrower has suffered a reversible setback, such as a temporary
illness. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that even in the best-case scenarios, borrowers given
repayment plans redefault at a high rate, especially when the arrears are large.
Loan modifications, which involve any permanent change to the terms of the mortgage contract,
may be preferred when the higher payments associated with a repayment plan do not result in a
sustainable solution. In a loan modification, the borrower's monthly payment is reduced through a
lower interest rate, an extension of the maturity of the loan, a write-down of the principal balance, or
a combination of all three of these measures. The effort by the Hope Now Alliance to freeze interest
rates at the introductory rate for five years for eligible borrowers with an adjustable-rate mortgage is
an example of a modification, in this case applied to a class of borrowers.
To date, permanent modifications in this credit cycle episode, as in the past, have typically involved
a reduction in the interest rate or an extension of the loan terms, while reductions of principal
balance have been quite rare. But the current housing difficulties differ from those in the past,
largely because of the pervasiveness of situations known as negative equity positions in which the
amount owed on the mortgage exceeds the current market value of the property. A distressed
borrower with a negative equity position may have neither the means nor the incentive to remain in
the home. In this environment, servicers and investors may well find principal reductions that
restore some equity for at-risk homeowners to be an effective means of avoiding delinquency and
Although principal write-downs may be especially germane today given the prevalence of negative
equity positions, they are not necessary or appropriate for all borrowers who have negative home
equity or who become delinquent on their mortgage. On the contrary, a strategy of targeting writedowns to certain groups of borrowers may provide the best path forward. For example, one
possibility would be to limit the availability of write-downs to those borrowers with high debt
payment-to-income ratios and loan-to-value ratios significantly in excess of 100 percent before loan
modification, but with the capacity to carry a written-down mortgage. In any event, it seems clear
that principal reductions should be part of the tool kit that servicers and investors bring to bear as
they deal with delinquent loans.
Additional Actions That Could Help Reduce Avoidable Foreclosures
Several steps could be taken to provide further impetus to loan modifications, including principal
write-downs, in appropriate circumstances. One such step that could be taken relatively quickly by
the industry is the development of a template that would guide servicers and others as they consider
whether, and under what circumstances, to pursue various types of loan modifications, including
principal write-downs. Enhanced guidance on loan modifications could help forge a common
understanding among servicers and the investor community on when a particular loan modification
tool is most appropriate. This guidance would help address the concern expressed by servicers that

expanding the rate of principal reductions may expose them to increased litigation risks even in
situations where the servicer reasonably determines that such action is beneficial to investors in
comparison to other available options. The Hope Now Alliance organized by the industry and the
Treasury Department successfully created guidelines dealing with interest rate resets. Leadership
also is needed to provide guidance for other loan modification tools and to clarify the "best
practices" to be followed by servicers in order to mitigate servicers' litigation risks.
The Congress can take another important step to facilitate greater use of loan modifications by
moving quickly to reconcile and enact FHA modernization legislation permitting the FHA to
increase its scale and improve the management of potential risks borne by the government. Such
legislation could improve the FHA's ability to reach a wider range of borrowers while allowing the
agency to develop appropriate underwriting and pricing methodologies for any increased risks
Separately, the GSEs--Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac--could be asked to do more. Recently, the
Congress has greatly expanded Fannie Mae's and Freddie Mac's role in the mortgage market by
temporarily increasing the conforming loan limits for these GSEs. In addition, their federal
regulator, the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, has lifted some of the constraints that
were imposed on these entities because they have resolved some of their recent accounting and
operational problems. Thus, now is an especially appropriate time to ask the GSEs to move quickly
to raise more capital, which they will need to take advantage of these new securitization and
investment opportunities, to provide assistance to the housing markets in times of stress, and to do
so in a safe and sound manner. As the GSEs expand their roles in our mortgage market, there is a
strong need for the Congress to move forward on GSE reform legislation, including the creation of a
world-class GSE regulator. As the Federal Reserve has testified on many occasions, it is very
important for the health and stability of our housing finance system that the Congress provide the
GSE regulator with broad authority to set capital standards, establish a clear and credible
receivership process, and define and monitor a transparent public purpose--one that transcends just
shareholder interests--for the accumulation of assets held in their portfolios.
Desirable Characteristics of an Initiative to Encourage Loan Workouts
Going beyond the current proposals for FHA modernization and permitting the FHA greater latitude
to set underwriting standards and risk-based premiums for mortgage refinancing--in a way that does
not increase the expected cost to the taxpayer--would allow the FHA to help more troubled
borrowers. For example, an FHA-insured refinancing product with insurance priced to reflect the
risks to the taxpayers might encourage servicers to consider providing delinquent, at-risk mortgage
borrowers a principal write-down as a loan modification alternative. The draft FHA Housing
Stabilization and Homeownership Retention Act of 2008 includes provisions designed to allow the
FHA to offer such products, which could be a useful tool in helping reduce preventable foreclosures.
As you move forward in considering whether to enact a bill and, if so, what its precise design should
be, it will be important to consider a wide range of issues. In many cases, a judgment must be made
as to how to strike an appropriate balance among competing considerations. Among the issues you
will have to consider are at least the following five:
1. Mitigating moral hazard. Homeowners who can afford to pay their current mortgage
should not be encouraged to default in order to qualify for a write-down. To discourage
borrowers who would otherwise have the ability to continue making their payments
from becoming delinquent, a variety of steps could be taken. For example, eligibility for
assistance under the program could be restricted to borrowers who had relatively high
debt payment-to-income ratios at some specified date before the creation of the
program. In addition, steps could be taken to make it costly for homeowners who
attempt to quickly cash-in on the equity provided through a principal write-down. For
example, participating borrowers could be required to pay an exit fee when the
refinancing loan is extinguished. As another example, borrowers could be required to
share with the government or with the holder of the borrower's existing mortgage either
the equity created through a write-down or the future appreciation in the home price, or

both, over some specified time period. In other words, the government or investor
would have what is known as a "soft-second." In addition, programs that provide for the
voluntary participation of lenders and servicers should provide a natural brake on moral
hazard, as lenders and servicers would remain free to pursue other options available to
them in situations where they believe the borrower has the ability to repay his or her
existing mortgage.
2. Mitigating adverse selection. A robust defense against adverse selection--the
incentive of current servicers or lenders to send only their worst credits to the
government-insured mortgage program--is necessary to protect the interests of the
taxpayer. Mechanisms that would discourage adverse selection include: (i) a loan
seasoning requirement (for example, a period during which the new loan could be sent
back to the original servicer/lender if it redefaults) and (ii) a fee structure that imposes
costs on the servicer/lender if the new government-insured loan goes bad within a
specified period or pays a bonus if the loan continues to perform over the whole of that
3. Turning the FHA into a world-class mortgage insurer. With modernization and
expansion, the FHA could play an important role in relieving stress in the mortgage and
housing markets as well as in restarting securitization markets. Securitization markets
are needed to help relieve capital stresses on banks and to provide more affordable
mortgages to borrowers. To this end, more consideration needs to be given to how the
FHA can scale up quickly and improve its processes and underwriting systems so that
they are comparable in quality with those currently being used by Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac. In addition, providing the FHA with broad authority to offer innovative
products that meet market needs and to outsource loan underwriting and other program
elements to private-sector providers could allow the FHA to insure more mortgage
borrowers and to do so more quickly. The FHA needs to be better able to compete in
today's marketplace and it needs access to the best risk-management tools available
when managing the risks to the government.
4. Protecting the taxpayer. Any government-insured mortgage offered under a
refinancing program needs to be prudently underwritten, regardless of whether a
principal write-down is part of the deal. First and foremost, this means establishing a
meaningful amount of homeowner equity. Second, it means using sound underwriting
criteria to ensure that borrowers are reasonably likely to be able to repay the
government-insured loan on a sustained basis. Third, it means allowing the FHA to
engage in sensible risk-based pricing of its mortgage insurance products, including
substantial flexibility in setting its initial premium and annual premiums.
5. Negotiating junior liens. From one-third to one-half of all subprime mortgages
pertain to properties that also have junior liens. When held by an entity other than the
first lien holder, these junior liens present a variety of serious obstacles to a successful
refinancing, especially one involving a principal write-down. Typically, the junior lien
holder must agree either to remove his lien in return for a portion of the proceeds from
the refinancing or re-subordinate his claim to the new loan. The valuation of the junior
lien holder's claim on the property is often difficult to negotiate. One way of dealing
with this problem in the case of a restructuring with an FHA-insured mortgage is to
offer a junior lien holder a specified share of the government's or investor's "soft
second." Another way of dealing with junior liens is to provide the servicer with
financial incentives to aggressively negotiate with the junior lien holder while capping
any potential payout available to the junior lien holder from the government program.
Elements of these considerations are already reflected in the discussion draft. For example, Title I of
the discussion draft includes exit fees and shared appreciation mortgages to address concerns about
borrower moral hazard. It also contains features to protect the taxpayer, such as widening the range
of insurance premiums and creating a meaningful amount of borrower home equity. As for adverse

selection, risk-based insurance premiums paid by the servicer are crucial, and Title I could be
clearer about the FHA's authority to use risk-based premiums. Other steps to guard against adverse
selection could include a loan seasoning requirement or other forms of warranties given by the
lender to the government about loan performance.
Given the magnitude of the potential foreclosures on the horizon, more steps should be taken to
modernize the FHA and to deal with the junior lien holders. The FHA needs the resources and the
incentives to manage the risks to the government well and to offer mortgage insurance products that
will be attractive to servicers. As for junior lien holders, despite the government's best efforts, it may
be difficult for servicers or lenders to negotiate with junior lien holders on the borrowers' behalf.
The FHA needs substantial flexibility to provide incentives to servicers to negotiate with junior lien
holders to address this difficult problem.
The Congress may be concerned that the loan-by-loan approach could prove insufficient. Title II of
the discussion draft would permit substantial flexibility to expand the program if needed by
introducing a bulk-refinance mechanism if economic conditions warrant such action. This
mechanism would rely on an auction-based process to price and deliver mortgages for refinancing.
Note that an auction-based approach would still have to contend with some of the problems
mentioned above, including moral hazard, adverse selection and the resolution of junior liens. Title
II would grant authority to the implementing agencies to build in features needed to address these
and other issues. If you move forward with this legislation, it will be important that the
implementing agencies have full latitude to exercise such authority.
In the design and details of a principal write-down program based on a government-insured
refinancing, it is critical to strike the right balance between the interests of borrowers, servicers,
investors, and taxpayers. For example, the larger the required principal reduction on a troubled loan,
the fewer loans that lenders or servicers will offer voluntarily for refinancing into an FHA-insured
product, thereby reducing the "take up" rate for the program. However, a larger principal writedown better protects taxpayers from future losses and gives the borrower a greater incentive to stay
current on the refinanced mortgage.
As another example, the more incentives given to servicers to use an FHA refinancing program,
either through direct payments or through shared appreciation agreements, the more they would be
willing to incur the costs of refinancing borrowers. Such incentives might increase the number of
borrowers who might be considered for a government-backed program. But such incentives also
would raise the cost of the program for the borrower and possibly for the government as well.
As a final example, providing investors with some of the benefits of any shared-appreciation
agreements might encourage them to allow servicers to write down principal and refinance
borrowers into a government-backed program. However, providing the government with such
agreements could be one means of compensating taxpayers for shouldering the risks associated with
the program.
Even if the right balance for the program can be struck, obstacles remain to the successful
implementation of a government program designed to forestall preventable foreclosures. For
example, even though workouts may often be the best economic alternative, mortgage securitization
and the constraints faced by servicers may make such workouts less likely. Trusts vary in the type
and scope of modifications that are explicitly permitted, and these differences raise operational
compliance costs and litigation risks for the servicer. So that servicers do not try to unduly avoid
litigation risks, leadership is needed to clarify their duties.
FHA modernization and GSE reform are needed to address the ongoing shortcomings of current
mortgage-oriented government initiatives. In addition, the GSEs should be strongly encouraged to
raise additional capital so that they can fulfill the expanded role that the Congress has recently
extended to them.

Separately, the Congress should carefully evaluate whether to take additional actions to reduce the
rate of preventable foreclosures. Properly designed, such steps could promote economic stability for
households, neighborhoods, and the nation as a whole. Although lenders and servicers have scaled
up their efforts and have adopted a wider variety of loss-mitigation techniques, more can, and
should, be done.
The fact that many troubled borrowers have properties that are now worth less than the principal
amounts remaining on their mortgages suggests that lenders and servicers should give greater
consideration to the use of principal reductions as one of the loan modification options in their tool
kit. Principal write-downs would be facilitated by providing the FHA the flexibility to insure a
broad range of refinancing products for a larger number of at-risk borrowers, including products that
offer borrowers an affordable, restructured mortgage if their lender voluntarily agrees to write-down
the principal amount of the borrower's mortgage. The voluntary nature of the program assures that
only borrowers who the servicer or lender believes cannot successfully carry their current mortgage
contract would be considered for such a program. If the Congress decides to move down this road, it
should carefully consider the steps that should be taken to mitigate moral hazard, avoid adverse
selection, and ensure that the financial interests of the taxpayer are adequately safeguarded.

1. The telephone number for the nationwide Homeowner’s HOPE Hotline is 888-995-HOPE. Return
to text
2. Hope Now is an alliance between counselors, mortgage market participants, and mortgage
servicers to create a unified, coordinated plan to reach and help as many homeowners as possible.
For more information see: Return to text
3. The maps show data for each state and for most counties and zip codes. They are available on the
website of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Return to text
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