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For release on delivery 12:00 Noon E.D.T. Saturday, June 11, 1983 "Monetary Policy in an Environment of Change" Address by Preston Martin Vice Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System before the 72nd Annual Convention New Mexico State Bankers Association Albuquerque, New Mexico June 11, 1983 It is a pleasure to be here today with you. I am particularly pleased to have this opportunity for a discussion with a group of bankers because each of you — deeply and services, tomorrow. swiftly affected changes that by changes large and small in the -- is being provision of banking are here today and will certainly not be gone On the contrary, tomorrow’s banking environment is bound to be different to a startling degree in the services banks provide to the public, how they provide those services and the rising competition from outside of commercial banking that must be dealt with successfully, as I believe your bank will, in order to continue to serve the public. On several occasions, we have all discussed these changes at some length, — in the financial context altering our system system. Today I want to look of as a bird's-eye they affect at the other overview the nation's of forces financial side of the coin: the implications for monetary policy of the swift evolution or revolution that is transfiguring the financial can be no mistake: banking, more For there change is thrust upon us by the deregulation of the coming metamorphosis something system of this nation. competitive, your of a segment entry into of the fields industry into previously the exclusive preserve of contiguous financial industries, and the provision of banking services by powerful nonbanking institutions. You recognize the march of events that is moving us toward a breakdown of the barriers to interstate banking -- these forces and factors are all shaped by the transformation in the scope and reach of services made possible by the onrushing information-handling revolution. trends, reinforcing each other, have profound making and effectuation of monetary policy. I deeply believe that these implications for the A A further current complication to the economic stabilization job of the monetary authority must be considered the unprecedented funding requirements arising from the megadeficits in the federal budget in coming years. Consider with me today the relation to monetary policy of three of events: streams the upheaval in the financial services landscape, the many suggestions, in part resulting from those upheavals, for altering supervision and regulation of the financial system, and the nation's economic agenda as set forth in the federal budget. In the last several years, private financial management has exhibited agility and innovation in the presence of a severe need for both qualities. Much of the impetus for change can be traced to innovators surmounting the artificial obstacles to the market's will; that is to say, the cost of circumventing aging statutory constraints — such as "regulatory" ceilings on interest — have become far less than the gains in market share and profitability likely to be realized. This relationship between the costs, including opportunity costs, to your customer of continuing to honor outmoded and uneconomic constraints and the benefits they were invented to bestow half a century ago, has not changed simply due to the corrosion of time. It has changed because market and attitudinal circumstances have changed. The extreme heights to which inflation rose, and with it interest rates, in recent years, swiftly brought has been a major and about an education focusing factor. in the public, These events which realized the extent to which the statutory limitations on deposit interest rates were damaging -- to both heightened their cash. consumer individuals and business and business -- and has resulted sophistication in the management in of Technological progress has both enhanced and validated change giving the public an adequate real return and breaking the old statutory bonds. Several examples illustrate the point. Deposit interest rate ceilings that fell far behind increases in market yields inspired a whole new industry, money market mutual funds. These funds provided access to highly liquid assets carrying market yields. This industry grew from $10 billion in assets in 1978 to over $200 billion in assets by the end of 1982. The prohibition of interest payments on demand deposits led banks and their customers to find new instruments -NOW accounts, sweep arrangements transactions balances, with savings -- to reduce the costs of holding and gave transactional capabilities to balances characteristics. In the process, the traditionally distinctive functions of commercial banks were called into question, and the demarcation financial firms interstate of who does what was used their financial marketing systems to blurred further and technological offer bank-like as nondeposit expertise services. As and two examples of this trend among many, the CMA account developed by Merrill Lynch provides ready access to credit and checking, while debit cards offered by various vendors serve a payments function. The banking regulators, with the help of Congress, have met these challenges to the traditional and statutory restraints of banking by a massive program of deregulation under the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control provided this by legislation, the Act of 1980. regulators have With the freed authority up banking substantially, notably in the deregulation of deposit interest rates and -4- the granting of broader powers to depositories. It is highly significant that as of the end of April, nearly $400 billion of the $1.1 trillion outstanding in small time and savings and loan associations and mutual that did not exist before 1982. liberalized banks by the constraints permitting commercial loans them and other deposits at banks, savings banks was in accounts The Garn-St Germain legislation also on to savings savings issue and loans demand assets. deposits We may should have been married to gradualism. and mutual opine and savings to that acquire deregulation However, you will be able to compete and I believe management can use the new tools effectively in communities of various sizes. As particularly more financial firms services, and payments offer as bank-like more deposit services, accounts and instruments compete freely with open market yields, the implications for the setting These and changes implementation affect shorter-term monetary economic ability expansion of the the transmission growth targets and price central of monetary policy grow more serious. intended stability. bank to mechanism carry to promote They out for also its achieving sustainable impinge crucial upon role the as the ultimate source of assured liquidity for business and finance. Implementation complicated deposits held in environment. A policy large has variety of become new more types of and the old distinctions drawn among them thereby become Liquid money substitutes permit the public to minimize amounts more large-scale this monetary is filling the continuum between "transactions" and "savings" instruments, cloudy. in of traditional change in the transactions way the accounts. public — both This rapid and individual and - 5- corporate -- holds its money and performs transactions means many things to many people. To the monetary authority it means a number cf things also, but, probably most important, "money" to spending it means that the relationship of and to income has become altered -- diminishing, certainly at least during a transition period, the reliability of past behavior as There little doubt is a mechanical influence growth product. Extensive taking place in guide that to monetary growth nominal in monetary aggregates study within to quantify further policy these the aggregates including and outside for the affect gross the Federal relationships present. and national Reserve and their is lead times. For one thing, complex issues arise to the extent that money substitutes are held in nondepositories that are not required to post reserves at the Federal Reserve. Ideally, any balances functioning as transactions accounts would be subject to uniform reserve requirements. All issuers of such accounts would thereby have an equal "cost" of doing business and the impact of monetary policy as transmitted reserve positions would be evenhanded and more predictable. has taken us far afield from this ideal balances are lodged in interest-bearing world; some through Innovation transactions "sweep" receptacles, some are now held outside depository institutions, and some are in highly liquid instruments that are converted readily to transactions these are not the only, The success of monetary control financial system. these accounts. But or perhaps even the most important, results. innovations and equity, bears implications not only but also for the element of risk for in the -6- So much for -- very briefly put — some of the complications for monetary policy of banking deregulation, the future coalescing of commercial and bank and savings institutions, the rapid, massive innovations in the way money and credit can be held and used. I want now to turn to my second and related changes that have been made in recent years and others that are being put forth or considered in the relationship of the central bank to the Congress — which is the central bank's creator and to which the central bank is subordinate. Much of the attention focused on the central bank concerns its responsibilities for economic stabilization. Understand ably, the global as our economy has economy, become more interdependent with as fiscal policy has been rethought and reevaluated and with the drastic alteration of the financial system, questions have arisen that fall into a general category of "How can we make the central bank function better and more responsively?" That is, plainly, a loaded question with everything depending on your definition of "better" "responsively." Nevertheless, that and is a question that must be dealt with. Section 12 of the Federal Reserve Act, better known as the Humphrey-Hawkins amendments, passed in 1978, reflects this emphasis. It requires the Federal Reserve to maintain a rate of growth of money and credit over time that advances the economy's long-run potential, and to report semiannually to each house of Congress on monetary and credit aggregate ranges. This focus on the Federal Reserve's economic stabilization function in no way diminishes the Federal Reserve's vital function as provider of essential liquidity to the economy. subject: -7- The latter role framers of the Federal was most prominent in the minds of the Reserve Act of 1913, who had seen the economy reel from repeated banking "panics" in which a key factor was the lack of any institutionalized and adequate means of providing liquidity in the face of contraction. The Act describes the Federal Reserve's primary functions establish as a more "to furnish effective an elastic supervision of currency. banking . . (and) . . . . to The establishment of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in the 1930s was another response interruption in to the the ability debilitation of banks of to the economy discharge and their an payments responsibilities and preserve depositor wealth. From government designed could this legislative regulation to minimize jeopardize and the the history supervision possibilities payments came of of system, efficient functioning of financial growth. Regulation of nondeposit somewhat different purpose: various depository large-scale the markets, and industry and the increase in jobs and the public's forms of institutions failures that savings, the the expansion of commerce income dependent upon that financial institutions involves a it is focused on protecting the public from misuse of resources and abuse of trust, but the safety and soundness of these institutions insurance in the institutions. bear a larger depositories. are not same way protected of supervision and as the safety and soundness of depository When weak firms fail, share by regulation, the the private sector consequences Along with regulations than intended is is liable to the to protect case the with public against undue concentration of resources, regulation of banks and other depositories clearly reflects the special place accorded them as the center of the financial system, the institutions whose primary function is to provide the seminal credit that is the lifeblood of industry and commerce. -8- For some years to come, the share of various payments system "markets" served by nonbanks will financial services "transactions" provided services remain moderate. Likewise by banks will build over "commercial", e.g. short and the years, term lending, will be particularly your province as bankers. side, the greatest volume of private international nonbank but business On the asset credits are more likely to be provided by commercial bankers than by investment bankers or thrift executives. degree than others. Euromarkets will serve bankers to a greater The interbank markets are not likely to become the interinsurance company markets. In sum, we must recognize both the coalescing toward a common center and the residual core of functional differences among types of institutions. "Broader powers" newly on the statute books do not become instant assets on the balance sheet. Deposit normal insurance discount window source of liquidity — depository. and and as the Federal Reserve's role at the lender of last resort -- the ultimate recognize the special nature of the bank as Deposit insurance was designed to promote confidence that wealth stored in depositories would be available when desired. It is appropriate today to review its role and what part market discipline could play. The presence of deposit insurance eliminates credit risk from covered deposits institutions at interest costs below those intermediaries. reflect this and thereby allows the operation of depository Yet money market deposit advantage. Obviously, you paid by other, uninsured, account pricing has yet to in banking need to recapture market share lost to money market funds, and future MMDA rates could be set in differing relationships with competitive rates. There is little question to in beneficial. my mind Further, that I do restoring not your accept the ability argument compete that is smaller -9- institutions cannot survive and pay market rates. Regulation Q was not promulgated by the Roman Emperor Diocletian (Price control was, and it wasn't effective then, either). The Federal Reserve exercises its lender of last resort role through the discount window to assure that financial institution does liquidity. Through eligible not impair the depositories systemic discount to permit functions window, them funds to meet weakness due can to be in one lack of disbursed temporary to liquidity shortfalls that they could not cover from other sources. And it is also understood channel through that the depositories Federal Reserve to nonbank stands borrowers ready to in extreme funds situations that threaten to carry repercussions throughout the financial markets— as in the case, for example, of the Penn Central bankruptcy a decade ago. Reserve Through its regular influences the general open market liquidity of operations, capital the Federal markets on a continuing basis. We welcome the review that is in progress, in and out of the Congress, of developments in recent times in the financial markets, and their relation to the central bank. Re-examination of the existing legislative framework is beyond doubt an urgent matter. Much of the institutional change that has taken place is innovative and needed, and has come about through a combination of technological developments, and market innovations, plus the opportunities opened up by deregulation. However, we are anxious that this review should take a broad perspec tive, considering the total domestic financial and payments systems, and the interrelation of the various aspects of the international financial system and of the economy at large. - We account, in 10 - strongly suggest that a balanced fashion, all the on-going review of the central take bank's responsi bilities for economic stabilization and liquidity of the economy. clear that the process of recommended for many years deregulation -- has -- evolved much of to meet into which It is we certain have specific objectives. We are now at a stage in which broad considerations appropriate. How do particular regulatory/supervisory measures fit into the fundamental requirements of monetary policy? a safe and stable financial competitive access to preservation of system? services effective To the maintenance of To an assurance of equitable and by consumers means are for and businesses? transmitting the To the influence of monetary policy to the economy at large? An relationship — of monetary ancillary, but important sometimes doubted — policy with the consideration is the of the formulation and effectuation regulation and supervision of banking in this area is institutions. One of that the the most important considerations achievement of particular objectives in the regulatory and supervisory area, should be conditioned by a view of these objectives linked to a wide perspective of financial markets, and an appreciation of the more generalized effects likely to result from actions directed at individual depositories. This requires the direct knowledge of the complex interactions among financial markets, and a sensitivity to the interdependence sectors, including the international funds markets. and up-to-date institutions and among markets and - 11 - Supervision of depository institutions puts the governmental supervisor in direct case-by-case basis. and frequent At one level, regulations contact with depositories on a such contact provides assurance of compliance with designed to serve a desired overall objective. At another, that contact provides a flow of information back to policymakers and yields important feedback on the efficacy of policy actions and any strains that might be arising. Actions in the supervisory, regulatory and monetary policy realms tend to affect one another. comes from values, the and the An example of this interdependence effect of monetary policy on level of economic activity; interest these rates, effects asset in turn obviously may affect the condition of depository institutions and may, in this way, also have secondary effects on the economy. Awareness of this interdependence affects considerations, such short-run policy as the speed with which monetary aggregates are returned to target paths, or decisions whether, or in what degree, to accommodate conditions. design of near-term liquidity It also bears monetary needs in light of implications for the policy, as a healthy longer-run financial increases the flexibility available to monetary financial system market strategic obviously institutions, through which monetary policy is transmitted directly to other sectors of the economy. Regulation another example of and the supervision of interdependence bank of holding the companies Federal is Reserve's responsibilities for the overall functioning of the financial system and the safety and soundness of individual holding companies banks. An expansion of bank into a new area may have implications not only for those holding companies and their affiliates directly involved, but also - 12 - for other participants in the financial markets that may be competing with these institutions or using the services they provide. Bank holding company developments can affect the entire financial system by the way in which financial business is transacted, the geographic scope of competition in financial services, the degree of interdependence among major market participants, and the strength and stability of those participants. It is essential that bank holding company regulation be formulated not only in light of potential effects on the competitive position of the organizations directly involved, but also in light of its effect in shaping a financial system that can adapt to innovations, absorb occasional shocks, and convey monetary policy intentions in a predictable way to other sectors of the economy. The changes pervading our financial system are profound and exciting. won't. Some will withstand Unfortunately, this the test period of the marketplace, coincides with federal others budget deficits so huge as to be likely to exert unprecedented strains on the financial system after current economic slack has been taken up. The Federal deficit is expected to average 5% to 6% of 6NP both this year and next, and despite a continuing recovery, remain in that range during 1985 and 1986. five years The prospect of persistent megadeficits over the next implies regulatory system. monetary policies price stability. considerable risks and major challenges for our Moreover, those deficits alone promise to complicate designed Nominal to promote economic interest rates have growth and reasonable remained at elevated levels relative to the current pace of price inflation, inhibiting the capital formation necessary vigorously in world markets. to improve productivity and compete -13We are pleased that the ongoing reviews inside and outside the Congress that I have referred to are being undertaken. They are needed to unshackle us from past provisions of law and regulation that have become hobbles. will At the same time, we recommend that these reviews result in a modernized legislative and regulatory framework that has certain clear characteristics that have been important in the past and that continue to be important. Among these are: -- Recognition of the depositories play; unique role in the economy that — Flexibility of law sufficient to permit financial institutions to adapt smoothly to innovation but that also permit regulation and supervision of the financial system of a scope and kind calculated both to let the market do its work and to give every reasonable protection to the safety and soundness of our financial institutions; -- Recognition of the many inter-connected roles the central bank plays, and the need for the central bank to be free to come down on the side of policies aimed at lasting economic growth and prosperity in real terms. Such a framework is essential, in my view, to the stability of our financial markets, and to the full functioning and effectuation of monetary policy in its basic roles as promoter of a sound and productive economy and protector of the economy's liquidity. If forth indeed in the end, long-lived period this we shall of high is the have, kind of reformulation that issues in my opinion, opened the way to a employment, high productivity, profitable business, small as well as large, and safe and profitable investment of our savings and profits.