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NOVEMBER 12, 1964_________

Thank you, F e r g , v ery much.

I would hope I d eserve, and m ore im portant,

live up to the nice .things you have said.

Before I say another word, I want to

thank you, F e r g , for your untiring efforts in making our plant opening and this
gathering such a su cce ss.

You have handled the hundred and one details in

addition to Your very taxing job.

It is a good example of the cooperation which

exists in our Thomson fam ily.

On behalf of some 1100 employees of Thomson Company it is my privilege to
welcome you this evening, with a p articu larly w arm greeting to our many new
friends in M artinez and Evans who have provided our magnificent new M artinez

Time would not perm it referen ce to the contribution of each individual.

Buddy Grey is the sparkplug who determined that industry m ust com e to M artinez
and brushed aside all ob stacles.

What an a sse t he is to your community.

Tonight, we Thomson employees take the opportunity to proudly look back to
our beginning, and re fle ct upon our p ro g re ss.

It has been a happy journey, made

possible only by the hard and dedicated work, the jubilation and heartaches of
many people.

The founding ©f Thomson Company on January 6, 1936 reflected the initiative and
courage of H arry Johnson, A rchie Clarke and Lavelle M cCampbell.

What we


have seen today justifies th eir courage and confirm s th eir good judgment.
in its firs t year Thomson prospered.


By 1940 we had expanded by opening the

Millen plant. In 1955 H arlem was added. In 1958 we built a huge Service C enter,
to efficiently handle our cu sto m ers1 o rd e rs.

Opening M artinez reconfirm s the

confidenceof our Company in the Central Savannah R iver a re a .
employ about 120 op erators.

Initially we will

T hereafter we have the space to double our payroll,

and that is our intention.

Our slacks line at the beginning consisted of a couple of styles in a couple of
fa b rics, in the cheapest construction retailing at $ 1 .4 9 to $2. 49 .


the product was upgraded, reflecting both the ability of southern operators to
produce garm ents of better quality, and the A m erican C onsum er's d esire, and
ability, to buy better products, with m ore money to spend and m ore leisu re time
for recreatio n .

By 1948 we had advanced com pletely into d ress slack s.


our m en’s slacks a re in the middle p rice bracket, retailing from $5. 95 to $1 9 . 95.
Our lad ies’ slacks - "M r. T hom son.. .p le a se ! " have reached national leadership
in a rem arkably short tim e.

Next Spring M r. Thomson will add coordinated

tops and jack ets, of which many of you have seen a preview this afternoon.


products a re sold to the great chains, whose support and confidence we will always
cherish, and strive to d eserve, - J . C. Penney and the Belk Stores, and to re ta ile rs ,
large and sm all, throughout the country.

Another great m ilestone was reached on April 20 of this y ear, when Thomson
b e c a m e a wholly owned subsidiary of Salant and Salant.

Salant, in 72 y ears


since its founding in 1893* has been successful and has earned the highest
reputation for integrity. In its twelve m odem plants it produces m ore than
twenty-five million slack s, utility pants, sh irts, jackets and children's outfits
per y ear.

The Thomson stockholders conclucded that the Salant philosophy of

business conduct, that its resp ect for its employees, coincided with ou rs, that
our officers and employees would be assured of a compatible association, and
that together the two companies could prosper m ore than they could ap art.

What is the key to the su ccess of all en terp rises?

To us a t Thomson there a re

two fundamental ingredients: good people and good corporate citizenship.
never forget Charlie W ilson's "G eneral M otors is people".
"is people".
many people.

L e t's

Thomson likewise

As a case in point, opening a new plant involves hard work by
To give the impetus in training a la rg e number of new operators

Ju el T urner, General Forelady and Bum ease Lane, Training Supervisor at
Millen, Ethel Poole, General Quality Supervisor and Mildred Cowart, Quality
Supervisor at Thomson, Jim C arpenter, Bob M urray and Em m et Brown, Industr
Engineers, and Bill Ansley and Ed Pounds, respectively in charge of building and
m achinery maintenance, a re making a long round trip daily.

These people

would rath er be at their own jobs at home, but their creed is cooperation.
here tonight, and I thank all of them from the bottom of my h eart.

T hey're

E v ery operator,

cu tter, bundle boy, and order picker, every forelady and forem an, supervisor
and m echanic, each department head and officer - they a re Thomson. I want you
to m eet some of these key people.

Each is equally im portant, so I will introduce

t hem alphabetically.

I will ask them to stand and remain standing as a group:

First, two w h o contributed so m u c h and are n o w enjoying
well deserved retirement - Harry Johnson and Leonard Berry.
H a m Berry, Vice President, w h o is responsible for
manufac tu ring.
Gordon Buss, Executive Vice President and General Merchandise
Manager, and our m a n with Penney.
Gene Cook in charge of production.
Joe Gladden, Vice President in charge of Male Retail Sales.
I wish that Mrs. Jules Gorlitz, known in the trade as A n n Behrens,
our W o m e n ’ Sportswear styles^ and
Jules Gorlitz, nMr. T h o m s o n ” in person, w h o heads our
W o m e n ’ Sportswear Department could be here, but they are
busy selling, and that comes first.
P e rrow Jones, Vice President in charge of customer service,
and the m a n so v/ell regarded by Belk.
Harrison Jones, Assistant Secretary of the company, and
the first of the active employees.
D o n N e w s o m e , Director of Planning and Engineering w h o
prepared our operating plans and directs our staff of
industrial engineers.
Bob Wilson, our Treasurer.
Ferg Young, w h o handles the merchandising of our W o m e n ’
and last, the m a n m a n y of you will see most often, Bill Bryant, Manager of
the Martinez plant.

Our people perform well together.

T h o m s o n selects people w h o enjoy their work.


We a re surrounded with compatible people.

We do our jobs in an attractiv e

Engineering R esearch is continuously directed to in creasing our

efficiency, and of utm ost im portance* Thomson is dedicated to sharing the rewards
with all our people.

E v ery employee gets paid r e c e s s e s , holidays and vacations.

E v ery employee is provided with group life insurance, hospitalization and surgical
insurance, entirely at company expense,
F e d e ra l Old Age Insurance leaves off.

Our Retirem ent Plan picks up where

We pay the m aximum average wages that

the competitive p rice structure of oux industry p erm its.

We a re as happy as our

operators when we com pare present average wages to the 2 2 - l / 2 £ hourly rate
in 1936, - just im agine, 2 2 - l / 2 £ an hour!

We place g reat emphasis on individual incentive bonuses w herever possible, so
that the individual can d irectly benefit from his efficiency. A ll those key people
that I introduced to you, and a number of others, d irectly participate in the profits
of the company.

Out efforts have been well rewarded.

gold watches upon the completion of 10 y e a rs 1 se rv ice .

We have given 440 employees
A fter 15 years* serv ice our

employees a re entitled to a third week's paid vacation and 18.5 will enjoy that third
week this y ear; 87 of our employees have received a sterling silv er flatware service
upon the completion of 20 y e a rs ' serv ice .
The second important factor is that as a company we m ust behave as a good citizen
in the broadest sense.

Tonight it is appropriate to look at one important facet of

good citizenship, - our behavior in each of the communities in which we operate.

N o relationship can be closer than that of a community and its industries.
look to the community for its help and cooperation.


W e have the obligation, in turn,

to constantly support our communities.

Since 1936 w e have paid out m o r e than $40, 000, 000 in salaries and wages in
the three communities in which w e operate.

Our payrolls in the Central Savannah

River area will run at an annual rate of $4, 000, 000.

But w e must do m o r e than that

to merit the confidence and support of our communities.
activities in every respect available to us.

W e must support community

W e must do everything w e can to m a k e

each community a m o r e pleasant place in which to w o r k and live.

This w e intend

to do in Martinez w e are n o w doing in Thomson, Millen and Harlem.

If any short­

comings on our part b e come apparent w e hope w e will be promptly told.

N o w I will short-cut our chairman, selfishly because of the pleasure the assignment
gives to me.

I want you to meet one of the finest friends I have ever had, in m y

judgment the ablest all-round executive in the apparel industry and the m a n w h o is
running Salant and Salant, - Joe Lipshie.
Thank you.

I hope he will give us a few words.