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10:00 a.m., EDT
Nay 16, 1989

Testimony by
Martha R. Seger
Member, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
before the
Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs and Coinage
of the
Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs
of the
U. S. House of Representatives

May 16, 1989

Thank you for the opportunity to offer the comments of the
Board of Governors on H.R. 736, the "Truth in Savings Act."
H.R. 736 would require that certain information be provided to
existing or potential deposit account holders regarding the terms
of a deposit account.

Depository institutions would have to

disclose rate and cost information in advertisements, to provide
more detailed rate and cost information in a schedule, and to
inform account holders when terms are changed.

The Board would

be required to write rules to implement these requirements.
The Board is mindful of the interest in ensuring that
account holders have adequate information on which to base their
savings decisions, and fully supports that concept. In fact, the
Board's Regulation Q has, for many years, required
disclosure of account terms in advertisements, and institutions
have been encouraged to make schedules of their fees available to
their account holders.
It appears that the industry recognizes the value of full
disclosure as well.

Our experience in examining State member

banks tells us that the majority of our institutions already
provide comprehensive written disclosures outlining their fees
and the terms of their accounts.

Further, consumer surveys

conducted by the Board reflect that most depositors believe that
they are receiving adequate information.
With this as background, the Board is ambivalent about
H.R. 736.

On the one hand, the goal of the legislation is

consistent with the Board's objectives, and with general banking

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On the other hand, any set of complex rules of the

type that will be required by this legislation will increase an
already heavy regulatory burden.

Particularly for small

institutions, the cumulative effect of individual regulations,
each well-intentioned in its purpose to address a specific
problem, can be overwhelming.

For example, just since the

beginning of last year, extensive new requirements have been
mandated relating to funds availability, adjustable rate
mortgages, credit and charge card solicitations, and home equity

Each of these new regulations has required institutions

to revise or create printed forms, adopt conforming policies and
procedures, provide training for personnel, and, particularly in
the case of funds availability, make extensive data processing
system changes.

And, of course, these additional requirements

are over and above the ongoing regulatory burdens financial
institutions bear.
Because of our experience with these recent laws— as well
as with numerous other consumer statutes for which we have rulewriting authority--we know first hand that simple concepts
invariably result in complex regulations.

For example, the

concepts of improved funds availability and uniform consumer
credit disclosures appeared to be simple and straightforward.
Yet, as history has shown, to encompass the diversity of business
practices and products among financial institutions, the
implementing regulations of necessity are intricate and

Moreover, we have learned that even rules which are

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not designed to affect the number or diversity of products— such
as simple disclosure requirements— may have the practical effect
of standardizing products.

If fewer options are available,

consumers may be deprived of the benefits of variety.
Consequently, we believe that a compelling need should be
demonstrated before new legal requirements are added to the array
of existing rules.
In the case of account disclosures, our best information
suggests that by and large institutions are providing the
information, which depositors say they need, either voluntarily
or as a result of existing account advertising regulations such
as Regulation Q.

We would, therefore, question the need for H.R.

736 at this time, particularly because of the additional
regulatory burden it would impose on depository institutions.
If the Congress nevertheless decides to go forward with
legislation, H.R. 736 should be carefully tailored to avoid
unnecessary complications and burdens.

In particular, we

recommend the following actions.
H.R. 736 would require the disclosure of an "effective
percentage yield" on accounts with maturities of less than one
year, in addition to the annual percentage yield (APY) that must
be disclosed for all accounts.

Requiring a yield relating to a

portion of a year would directly conflict with the notion of APY,
and would tend to confuse the consumer about the return on the
account. Consumers have become accustomed to the concept of
annual percentage figures through the "annual percentage rate"

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disclosed in consumer credit transactions pursuant to the Truth
in Lending Act.

The Board recommends that disclosures in

advertisements and account schedules for a rate other than an APY
on accounts with maturities of less than one year be deleted from
H.R. 736; alternatively, a statement could be appended to the APY
which discloses that the "yield assumes that the funds are on
deposit for a full year."
The bill would require depository institutions to send "in
a regular mailing" schedules of terms and conditions to existing
account holders no later than 90 days following the effective
date of regulations implementing the Act.

The Board believes

that 90 days is too brief a period for depository institutions to
review the new regulation, effectively reexamine their entire
deposit product line, and prepare, print and mail account
schedules to existing customers.

In our view an appropriate

minimum time period for mandating compliance is 180 days after
the effective date of the regulation.

Also, depository

institutions should be given flexibility to decide in what manner
to mail the required schedule to their existing customers.


example, if a depository institution wished to send its schedule
in a special mailing, it should be permitted to do so.


requiring the schedule to be included in a "regularly scheduled"
mailing should be deleted.
We note that the civil liability provisions of this bill
are quite sweeping, and, in covering advertising, are broader
than those in other consumer disclosure laws such as the Truth in

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Lending Act.

A violation of the advertising provision of H.R.

736 would be subject to statutory penalties which would allow an
individual to recover a minimum of $100 and allow class actions
with the potential for recoveries far out of proportion to any
actual harm.

Further, suits could be brought by individuals who

have no relationship with the financial institution or its
consumer deposit products other than having viewed a newspaper

Particularly since financial institutions will be

examined for compliance by federal regulatory agencies, the Board
believes that the Congress can achieve the purposes of the
legislation without subjecting institutions to costly litigation
by the public at large.
To clarify coverage, H.R. 736 should expressly provide in
its definition of "account" that the Act applies only to consumer
deposit accounts, and not to business purpose accounts.


would reduce the compliance burden somewhat and would focus the
disclosures on the class of depositors who might most need them.
In addition, H.R. 736 should make clear that the requirement to
notify account holders of a change in a term that "may reduce the
yield" is not intended to govern a decrease in yield in
accordance with a variable rate term previously disclosed.


will avoid institutions having to mail a "change in term" notice
when yields vary as a result of routine rate adjustments.
H.R. 736 would preempt state laws relating to the
disclosure of deposit account information to the extent the state
law is inconsistent with the new federal law.

H.R. 736 does not,

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however, provide a mechanism for determining if a given state law
is preempted.

Similarly, the bill would allow depository

institutions to rely on rules issued by the Board, but does not
provide a means for interpretation of formal Board actions.


ease compliance burdens by alleviating uncertainty, and to
promote greater uniformity of enforcement of H.R. 736, the Board
recommends that the Board be given the express authority both to
determine if state laws are preempted under the Act and to
authorize an official to issue interpretations of the regulation.
This follows the approach taken in other consumer financial
services legislation such as the Truth in Lending Act and the
Electronic Fund Transfer Act.

We have found that such provisions

allow us to provide greater certainty about disclosure
requirements in an efficient and flexible manner.
Finally, while the focus of our comments has been on
reducing the burden of regulatory compliance, we note that
accounts of depository institutions are being advertised by
organizations which are not subject to H.R. 736.

For example,

national brokerage firms offer certificates of deposits of
selected depository institutions to consumers in conjunction with
some of their accounts.

While we have reservations about the

need for the bill, as a matter of equitable coverage we encourage
the Congress to consider whether consumers should be afforded the
same protections under the Act whether they deal directly with
the institution of account or through an intermediary.
We appreciate the opportunity to offer our views on the
proposed legislation and hope that they will be helpful to you.
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