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For immediate release

January 17, 19U6

Statement for the Press by Chairman Eccles
My personal view of the Board's decision to. increase margin re~
quirements to 100 per cent may be summed up sLs follows;
By this action, the jBoard has used its authority to prevent the
further flow of borrowed money into stock market operations. There is no
further recourse left to the Board, so far as restraining speculative
activities in listed stocks is concerned, except possibly to order that
all existing margin accounts be put on a cash basis and to make some of
the administrative provisions applying to banks more rigid. To whatever
extent the Board's action will tend to dampen speculative activity, it is
desirable, as a preventive step, at this time of strong inflationary pres*sures and until such time as inflationary dangers are passed.
As I have frequently sought to emphasize in the past, the primary
source of the inflation danger which overhangs the domestic economy on all
fronts is the vast accumulation of currency and bank deposits at the dis-*
posal of the public as a result of the fact that far too much of the cost
of the war was financed through the creation of commercial bank credit and
not enough was financed out of i?axes and the savings of the public» Credit
for stock market as well as other purposes has been curbed all along, but
it is a minor and not a major factor in the inflation picture. "While credit
curbs are justified for such restraint as they may impose on speculative
activities in a time of inflationary danger, they cannot reach the real
source of danger, which is the huge amount of money already created through
bank credit. Price controls, rationing, allocations, etc., are vitally
necessary for holding the line until the danger is past, but they are not
designed to prevent the excessive money supply from flowing into speculation
in capital assets, such as homes, farms, business properties and securities.
The most effective way that I know of to curb speculation in
capital assets would be to increase substantially the rate of the capital
gains tax, or the holding period, or a combination of both. For a long time
I have advocated enactment of legislation to this end as a temporary protective measure applicable to all future purchases. This would not deter
the selling of assets held at the time the measure was introduced in Congress,
but it would greatly deter buying for the speculative rise after that date.
It would not affect the purchase of capital assets of any kind which have
been or are being bought for personal use or long-term investment rather than
for the speculative rise.




In addition, it is important to point out that so long as the
public debt continues to be monetized through the' purchase of Government
securities by the banking system, the supply of money will continue to
increase, thus tending further to reduce the interest rate on savings and
investment funds* The resultant pressure of an increasing money supply
and of lower interest rates is bound to have a further inflationary effect
upon all capital assets and to increase the difficulty of holding down the
cost of living.
It is, therefore, imperative that the process qf further
monetizing of the public debt through the banking system be ended so that
the rate of return on investments would be stabilized and would reflect
the supply of savings and investment funds in relation to the demand instead of reflecting an increasing amount of bank credit. This process
needs to be stopped not only by bringing about a balanced budget, but also
through measures to check further unnecessary expansion of commercial bank
holdings of Government securities•
Only by a vigorous, comprehensive attack along the entire economic front can the battle be successfully waged against inflationary
pressures. Credit curbs are at best supplementary and not basic measures
fpr reaching the. underlying causes of these pressures.