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Statement to be made by Chairman Scales at Chairmen1s Conference*
January 26. 19A2
The Chairmen may recall that at the request of the Board a
special committee of the Presidents1 Conference submitted a report on
the adoption by the Federal Reserve Banks of a program of self-insurance*
At the last Presidents1 Conference it was agreed that the Insurance
Committee of the Conference should discuss the matter with insurance
companies with a view to obtaining their comments and suggestions with
respect to competitive plans that might be offered by such companies*
The Insurance Committee expects to hold another meeting next
Tuesday and Wednesday, at which time they will receive reports from
insurance companies. There is reason to believe that insurance companies will offer to make substantial reductions in present insurance
rates* It is understood that the Insurance Committee will submit its
report to the forthcoming Presidents1 Conference on February 2 and
that Mr* Rounds and Mr* Stroud, the Chairmen of the two Coranittees,
have both been invited to meet with the Presidents1 Conference and explain their respective reports*
The Board feels that it is desirable that a decision be
reached on this matter as promptly as possible and to that end the
Board addressed a letter to the Presidents1 Conference on November 3
which read in part as follows:
"Since System self-insurance has been under consideration
for a number of years and since the Comnittee appointed to
stucfy- the subject, after carefully considering the matter
for approximately a year, rendered a comprehensive report
on August 23, 1941* setting forth both the advantages and
disadvantages to the System of carrying its own blanket
bond and registered mail and express insurance, the Board
believes that the report should receive prompt consideration* As pointed out in its report, the Committee estimates that the System can save at least $250,000 a year by
adopting the plan recommended* This saving seems to the
Board to warrant the System's carrying its own insurance
on the type of risks referred to and the Board agrees in
principle with the report of the Committee although it has
not considered any of its details* In view of these circumstances, it is hoped that the Insurance Committee of
the Presidents1 Conference will submit a prompt report on
this matter so that it can be acted upon by the Presidents
not later than at the next meeting of the Presidents1 Conl