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For release on delivery
10:00 A.M. EDT
September 19, 1989

Testimony by
Manuel H. Johnson
Vice Chairman
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
before the
Subcommittee on Financial Institutions Supervision,
Regulation and Insurance
of the
Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs
United States House of Representatives
September 19, 1989

I am pleased to be here today on behalf of the Board
to discuss the state of the bank insurance fund and the adequacy
of the supervisory framework for banking institutions.

It may

seem surprising to some that we find ourselves addressing the
adequacy of that fund, after having just enacted major and
costly thrift legislation which included provisions to
strengthen both the bank and the thrift insurance funds.
However, it is precisely because of the nature and severity of
the problems experienced by thrifts, and the fact that the
commercial banking system has, itself, gone through an
exceptionally difficult period, that it is entirely appropriate
that we do so.
The thrift legislation (FIRREA) includes numerous
provisions and substantial financial resources that should
strengthen both the nation's depository institutions and their
federal deposit insurance programs.

Only time will tell whether

the funding provided is ample or will require future
adjustments, but the resources already provided will permit the
agencies to take decisive actions toward resolving problems that
have already lingered too long.

Stronger capital standards for

thrifts, enhanced enforcement powers, and other actions should
also improve the safety and soundness of the depository system,
in general.

Measures to increase insurance assessments on both

thrifts and commercial banks should provide much needed


resources to rebuild the insurance funds and to reduce the
likelihood that further taxpayer monies will be required to
support either the bank or thrift fund.

Additional proposals

for improvements may emerge from the broad study of the deposit
insurance system required by the thrift legislation.

shall begin my comments with a brief overview of the

condition of the commercial banking system and then draw from
that assessment to evaluate the relative strength of the bank
insurance fund.

I will also discuss several elements that the

Federal Reserve believes are essential to a sound deposit
insurance and supervisory program.

While I recognize that the

Subcommittee is also interested in issues affecting the credit
union insurance fund, I will focus my prepared remarks
principally on the banking industry, given the long-standing and
important responsibilities of the Federal Reserve as a bank

Developments Affecting Banking Risks

This decade has been a difficult and challenging one
for the U.S. banking system.

It began with the collapse of oil

prices and back-to-back recessions that inflicted heavy damage
on many business sectors and was associated with historically
high and volatile interest rates.

Increased levels of

competition from both foreign banks and domestic nonbank firms,
deregulation of interest rates, technological innovations, and a
general blurring of distinctions between banking and securities
markets have also forced virtually all U.S. banking


organizations to respond to new competitive pressures and
demands from the market.

These and other events, together with

excesses in both domestic and foreign markets, led, in some
cases, to extensive losses in such areas as real estate and
foreign lending.

The high interest rates, combined with

depressed commodity prices, also adversely affected many farming
communities and led to record numbers of Midwestern bank
Some of these problems remain.

Lower oil prices and

overbuilt real estate markets, resulting in part from excessive
lending and investment practices, have created substantial
problems in the Southwest for both banks and thrifts and have
been a common factor in the failure of many of the institutions
in that region.

This sector could still strain the economic

recovery of financial institutions in that area for years to

Resolving the huge volume of assets of foreclosed thrifts

could put pressure on certain segments of that real estate
market for some time.
Elsewhere, real estate markets in the Northeast and in
pockets of the Southeast have also shown growing signs of
weakness during the past year.

This factor, combined with the

rapid growth of real estate development lending by banks in
those areas, suggests that some new problems will appear there.
Problem loans to heavily indebted foreign countries
remain a major area of concern for many of the nation's largest
banking organizations, even though their exposures have declined
in relative terms.

As of March 31, 1989, claims on rescheduling


countries of the nine most internationally active U.S. banks
represented 101 percent of their primary capital (principally
their equity and reserves). This relative exposure is down
sharply from the 233 percent at the end of 1982, but is
substantial, nonetheless.

The improvement reflects, in part,

efforts by banking organizations to strengthen their capital and
reserve positions.

However, some difficulties clearly remain,

and we believe it is appropriate for these institutions to
continue to take steps to assure that their reserve levels are
consistent with the risk exposure in their loan portfolios.


contrast, most regional and super-regional banks have virtually
eliminated foreign exposure as a material factor affecting their
financial health.
Growing exposure to highly leveraged borrowers,
including involvement in leveraged buyouts and other highly
leveraged financings, also has important implications for the
risk profiles of banking institutions.

Such transactions can be

important vehicles for the necessary restructuring of some
companies, and, in this way, may contribute to the operating
efficiency and financial performance of U.S. businesses.
Nevertheless, the higher debt levels and relatively lower equity
cushions that characterize such transactions can also weaken the
borrower's ability to withstand financial adversity and, other
things being equal, can raise the level of risk in bank loan

This is an area that warrants particularly close

attention by bank managers and supervisors alike.


Ultimately, though, it is the size and number of banks
that fail or that require federal assistance that affects the
deposit insurance fund, and those figures remain stubbornly

More than 150 banks have already failed during the first

eight months of this year, a pace that is similar to the record
number set last year.

Although the assets of this year's failed

banks are significantly less than those at this time a year-ago,
at more than $25 billion they are still very large by historical
Despite the picture I have painted, not all of the
recent developments have been negative.

Most of the largest and

most severe problem institutions that loomed over us for months
have now been addressed and, barring some further setbacks or
shocks, should be resolved.

They include what had been the six

largest Texas bank holding companies— each of which had numerous
subsidiary banks.

With conditions in the Midwest stabilizing

and the worst problems in Texas apparently resolved, there is
reason to believe that we may have "turned the corner" and might
finally begin to see fewer and smaller bank failures in the
During the past year, banking industry earnings also
rebounded sharply from the net losses of 1987, which were caused
when the larger banks created their special foreign debt

As a percent of assets, last year's earnings of the

50 largest banking organizations were near their post-World War
II highs, and have remained strong through the middle of this

Recent earnings of smaller companies are also generally



Capital at major banks has continued to improve, not

only in preparation for new risk-based capital standards, but
also in recognition by many banks and bank holding companies
that their capital ratios had fallen too low.

Much of the

improvement has come through stronger earnings and lower
dividend payout rates, while other gains have come from new
equity issues.

Higher capital cushions, as recognized by the

Congress in passing FIRREA, are critical in enhancing the
condition of individual institutions, promoting the stability of
the banking system as a whole, and protecting the strength of
the deposit insurance funds.
In short, the banking system is basically sound, but
there remain some unresolved problems that could continue to put
pressure on the deposit insurance system and the supervisory

These pressures will come from growing competition

in capital markets and from continued financial innovations, as
well as from persistent asset quality problems.

Strength of the Bank Insurance Fund

I should acknowledge at the outset that the easiest
way to evaluate the adequacy of an insurance fund is in

We can examine the general condition of the banking

system, assess trends and risks that have appeared, and compare
existing resources and coverage ratios of the fund to those of
the past.

Except in extreme cases, however, there is no obvious

procedure or magic figure that will indicate whether existing
resources are adequate to deal with future unpredictable events.


That said, I can offer some observations about the relative
strength of the bank insurance fund.
The exceptional problems that the FDIC has faced this
decade have reduced the fund, relative to the size of insured
deposits, to an historically low level.

At the end of 1988, the

fund equalled only 0.80 percent of insured deposits, which was
sharply lower than the level the year before and extended the
generally steady decline in the coverage ratio that began in the
late 1950s.

Currently at its lowest point in history, the

coverage ratio is also well below the statutory target of 1.25
percent recently set by FIRREA.

Even in absolute terms, the

fund declined $4.2 billion during 1988 to $14.1 billion, and by
year-end was at its lowest level since 1982, when insured
deposits were roughly one-third lower.

Continued large outlays

this year have further reduced the fund's resources.

It should

be rebuilt as soon as possible, and fortunately, steps are
already being taken to do that.
Under FIRREA, deposit insurance premiums for banks are
scheduled to rise from the current 8.3 basis points of deposits
to 12 BPs in 1990 and then to 15 BPs beginning in 1991.
Applying the 1991 rate to mid-year 1989 domestic deposits would
yield an additional $1.4 billion annually of revenues for the
fund, an amount equal to 10 percent of its balance at year-end

Such future increases, matched with what should become

declining payout rates, should do much to restore the fund to
its traditional levels.

It may still, however, be several years

before that target is reached.


Meanwhile, we should recognize that recent events have
demonstrated the strength of the bank insurance fund.

The large

number of failures we have witnessed, combined with the
unprecedented size of the banks that failed, has tested the
ability of both the fund and the bank supervisory system to deal
with major problems.

Throughout this trying period, the fund

balance has remained substantial and capable of handling the
difficult problems it has faced.

Deposit Insurance Reforms
While FIRREA takes several major steps toward
improving the safety and soundness of the depository system,
even its most ardent supporters recognize that it does not
address a number of other significant reforms that might also be

The Act, therefore, mandated a major study of the

deposit insurance system by the Treasury, in consultation with
the depository institution regulatory agencies, the OMB, and
private experts.

This study, along with recommendations for any

necessary administrative and legislative actions, is to be
submitted to the Congress in early 1991.

Concurrently, the GAO

is required to conduct a study of the deposit insurance system.
The Board attaches considerable importance to these
studies, and it intends to participate actively in the
Treasury's effort.

A review, at both a conceptual and practical

level, is needed of the consistency of an insurance system that
evolved out of the Great Depression, on the one hand, with
today's deposit-gathering industry of both small institutions


and giant modern financial services organizations that operate
across markets and national boundaries, on the other.

It will

be a difficult task that will require considerable care.
It is obviously premature to judge the conclusions of
the study, and I have no wish to do so.

Nevertheless, this is a

subject to which much thought has already been given, and I
would like to discuss some key ideas that should receive
The existence of a federal safety net for depository
institutions— consisting of federal deposit insurance, the
discount window, and guarantees of the payments mechanism— will
inevitably lead some owners and managers of firms that benefit
from the safety net to increase their willingness to expose
their depositories to excessive risk.

The problems raised by

such actions are endemic to all insurance programs, public and
private, and have been given a descriptive name: moral hazard

There are many ways for the insurer to reduce the

seriousness of moral hazard risk, and since, as a practical
matter, none of the means for controlling this risk is
sufficient by itself, several strategies are typically employed.
In the Board's view, two components must be included
in a program for controlling moral hazard risk in the deposit
insurance system.

First, the risk position of the insured

institutions must be monitored and measured by the regulator on
a timely and accurate basis.

For depository institutions, this

means that there are no substitutes for good accounting data and
frequent on-site examinations of the financial condition of the


insured depository.

Only with timely and accurate data and the

unique insights that can be gained on-site can informed
decisions be made as to whether the depository is exposed to
excessive risk and what corrective actions are needed.


strategy does not require that the depository be subject to
detailed and onerous regulations in virtually every facet of its

It does require, however, that the supervisor be well

informed regarding the financial condition of the insured
Second, owners and managers must be given as much
incentive as is possible to control the risk exposure of their

If private individuals have such incentives, then

there is far less need and tendency for public supervisors to
become regulators and exert hands-on control of a depository

This in turn provides for maximum flexibility for

depositories to respond to a dynamic financial environment while
still not imposing unacceptable risks on the safety net.
Strong incentives for owners and managers to control
risk are best achieved, we believe, by requiring that those
owners who would profit from a depository institution's success
have appropriate amounts of their own capital at risk.


acts as a buffer against unexpected shocks to a firm and thereby
helps to insulate both individual firms and the depository
system from risk.

But more importantly for today's discussion,

there is no better way to ensure that owners exert discipline on
the behavior of their firm than to require that they have a
large stake in that enterprise.

Indeed, the need for larger


cushions to absorb unexpected losses and for increased private
incentives to monitor and control risk are the fundamental
reasons why increasing the amount of capital in the insured
depository institution system has been a major goal of Federal
Reserve policy in the 1980s.
Appropriate public policies for controlling moral
hazard would not eliminate bank failures nor would they put an
end to supervisory mergers and acquisitions.


pressures will continue and likely increase.

Various sectors of

our economy and of the world economy will no doubt experience
unexpected changes in supply and demand.

There will always be

some owners and managers whose fraudulent behavior or outright
incompetence puts their institutions at peril.
The continuing need to deal with insolvent or nearly
insolvent depositories suggests that other policies to control
moral hazard and minimize the adverse effects of capitalimpairing events may be desirable.

One such set of policies,

and a set which is to be examined in the Treasury study, are
actions to be taken with respect to the recapitalization or
closure of insured depositories whose capital is depleted to, or
near the point of, insolvency.

Surely the thrift debacle has

taught us that allowing insolvent institutions to remain open by
living off the safety net can easily lead to massive taxpayer
costs, not to mention serious misallocations of credit and
distorted competitive incentives.

It may be that we need to

establish a clearer and more automatic set of regulatory actions
that will be taken as a depository institution's capital falls


below established minimums.

These actions should probably be

increasingly severe as capital ratios decline, culminating in
closure or recapitalization and new ownership and management.
The point would be that as private owners take risks and cause
their equity in the business to decline, they give up management
discretion to the caretakers of the public interest who insure
the institution.

Such a policy would help to internalize to

management the cost of exposing the safety net.
Other policies designed to harness private incentives
to control risk also deserve serious consideration.


include various proposals for use of subordinated debt to impose
greater market-like discipline, and risk-based deposit insurance

With regard to risk-based premiums, without

prejudging the issue, I would emphasize that it would be vital
to make any such system consistent with the risk-based capital
policies adopted by virtually all of the major industrialized
countries in 1988.

Supervisory measures

The implementation of any changes to the deposit
insurance program, as well as the day-to-day maintenance of an
effective supervisory framework, requires the timely detection
of insolvent or near-insolvent institutions.

For this reason,

the Federal Reserve has long-employed a number of techniques to
maintain the quality and effectiveness of its supervisory
activities, and recently has taken some additional steps to
strengthen its supervisory program.

Although I have alluded to


some of these actions already, I believe it is useful to
highlight a few in greater detail.
Capital adequacy.

The Federal Reserve and the other

U.S. banking agencies, as well, have long stressed the
importance of strong capital positions for banking

In establishing capital requirements and

assessing capital adequacy, the Federal Reserve has endeavored
to utilize asset valuations based upon realistic and reasonably
current on-site examiner assessments of the credit quality of
bank assets.

Equally as important, it has been Federal Reserve

policy to exclude or severely limit goodwill and other
intangible assets when assessing commercial bank compliance with
minimum capital standards.
Since the early 1980s, the banking agencies have
employed supervisory guidelines for minimum levels of capital to
total assets, and have generally encouraged banking
organizations to operate above the minimum levels.

Our efforts

in this regard have extended beyond the examination process and
into the administration of the Bank Holding Company Act and
other banking laws.

Specifically, we have expected banking

organizations undertaking significant expansion to maintain
strong capital positions, well above supervisory minimums,
without significant reliance on intangibles.
One of the most recent and important steps we and the
other U.S. banking agencies have taken to strengthen bank
capital is to adopt the new international risk-based capital
standard, which will apply to banks of most major countries.


That standard was designed to recognize the different levels of
credit risk inherent in various types of bank assets and
off-balance sheet activities and also to lead to a more
equitable basis for international competition.

The new standard

will be fully phased-in by the end of 1992, and specifies an
interim target for the end of 1990.

It stresses the need for an

adequate level of "core” shareholder funds, defined as common
equity and perpetual preferred stock (net of goodwill), and
limits the amount of loan loss reserves that may be included in
the total capital base.

Still other risks that can affect a

bank's financial health, such as interest rate exposure, are
under review and may result in additional measures or
refinements to the newly adopted risk-based standard.
Bank capital plays a critical role in protecting the
deposit insurance system, both by absorbing losses and by giving
bank investors the incentive to operate their institution in a
safe and prudent way.

These new risk-based standards should

assist us in our effort to ensure that the banking system
remains adequately capitalized.
On-site examinations. The Federal Reserve believes
firmly that on-site examinations provide the best way to
evaluate the true financial condition, including the asset
quality and capital adequacy, of commercial banking

As I have already suggested, only by making

timely and realistic assessments of the credit quality of bank
assets can a truly accurate measure of bank solvency and capital
adequacy be derived.

In addition, on-site examinations afford


supervisors an ideal opportunity to assess directly the
effectiveness of bank management, as well as the quality of the
bank's internal operating practices and systems for monitoring
and controlling risks.
Although reviewing periodic financial reports is also
an important function, on-site examinations remain the
cornerstone of our supervisory program.

In this regard, it is

the Federal Reserve's policy to examine all state member banks
and bank holding companies with significant operations annually,
either directly or in conjunction with state supervisory

Problem institutions are examined more frequently,

and subject to other more rigorous supervisory reviews.
Conditions of the past several years, in both the
banking and thrift industries, have imposed significant
pressures on our field examination resources.

This year, in

particular, our involvement in thrift institution examinations
and closings has forced us to postpone the regular periodic
examinations of some institutions that appear to be healthy and
to limit the examination scope of others.

While we can make

such adjustments temporarily, we cannot do so for extended

Such actions would increase the possibility that

problems could develop and grow without early detection.


light of these and other developments I have discussed in this
statement, it is crucial that we continue to devote adequate
resources to on-site examinations and other critical supervisory

It is also essential that we take any steps


necessary to attract and retain qualified field examiners and
supervisory personnel.
Other supervisory and regulatory measures.


this year, the Board reiterated its policy regarding loans to
highly leveraged firms.

Among other things, that statement

stressed the importance of a thorough and independent assessment
by the lender and re-emphasized the need to consider the
strength of such borrowers under various economic conditions,
including the possibility of an economic downturn.

The policy

also emphasized the need for senior bank management to put in
place procedures to monitor the performance of such credits, as
well as effective internal controls to limit bank exposures to
individual or related borrowers and industries.

Our view is

that any loan whose repayment is not based upon identifiable
sources of cash flow that are realistic in terms of current, as
opposed to future or expected, economic conditions is
speculative and could involve undue risks.
Leveraged buyouts and other highly leveraged
financings may offer substantial benefits to the economy, and,
when properly structured, should also be sound extensions of

However, as I have already mentioned, such credits can

involve significant risks and until we have more experience with
these financings, the Federal Reserve plans to monitor these
bank exposures carefully.

We must obviously remain particularly

sensitive to the potential effect of any possible economic
slowdown on the ability of highly leveraged borrowers to repay
their debts.


A number of other long-standing laws, regulations and
supervisory policies exist to limit bank risk-taking.


particular, the banking agencies enforce numerous statutes and
regulations that establish limits, collateral requirements, and
appropriate review and approval terms regarding loans to
affiliated companies and bank insiders.

These areas, where

credit judgments might be more readily compromised, are also
closely evaluated during on-site examinations.

The Federal

Reserve has a broad array of enforcement powers, including cease
and desist authority and civil money penalties, which it has
used to address violations of banking laws and regulations and
to prevent unsafe and unsound banking practices.


enacted provisions of FIRREA should provide additional tools to
limit bank risk-taking.

Among other things, this legislation

contains provisions which call for the implementation of minimum
collateral requirements for real estate loans, the establishment
of appropriate appraisal standards for real estate loans,
prohibiting the use of brokered deposits by troubled
institutions, and expansion and strengthening of the banking
agencies' enforcement authority.

Organizational structures.

The final issue I will

mention relates to the structure through which banking
organizations should properly conduct any activities that carry
risks not traditionally associated with banks, or activities
that, as a matter of public policy, should not be supported by
the federal safety net.

The focus here is not on any specific


banking powers, but rather on how best to limit risks to the
federal safety net when distinctions between banks and other
financial companies are becoming blurred.

There are several

organizational possibilities: (1) permit the bank to perform the
activity directly; (2) permit the bank to perform the activity
only indirectly through a subsidiary of the bank; or (3) require
the activity to be conducted outside of the bank in a separate
subsidiary of the bank holding company.
As a rule, the Federal Reserve believes that the third
approach provides the greatest protection to any affiliated
bank(s) and, in turn, offers the most protection to the deposit
insurance fund and federal safety net more generally.


such activities in subsidiaries of banks, the second option,
seems to offer only limited protection to the bank, since any
problems of the subsidiary would be transmitted immediately to
the consolidated financial statements of the parent bank.


bank subsidiary structure also seems more vulnerable to legal
challenges by creditors of the subsidiary to "pierce the
corporate veil" and attach assets of the parent bank.

In summary, it is our view that the bank insurance
fund has weathered a very difficult period and, while it remains
sound, will benefit from the much-needed additional resources
provided by FIRREA.

Further changes and proposals for

strengthening the deposit insurance system may come from the
study required by that legislation.

In our view, for the system


to remain sound it must be governed by an adequate supervisory
framework that strikes the proper balance between reasonable
prudential rules, such as minimum capital standards, and an
adequate on-site supervision and examination program.

It is, of

course, in the interests of both Congress and the regulatory
agencies to work in a cooperative fashion to establish all of
the components necessary to protect the stability of our
nation's financial system and the health of our deposit
insurance funds.

Much progress has been made with the enactment

of FIRREA, and we look forward to working with the Congress on
further necessary steps in the future.