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Perspectives on the Economic Outlook and Banking Supervision and Regulation

Loretta J. Mester
President and Chief Executive Officer
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
The Community Bankers Association of Ohio Annual Convention
Cincinnati, OH
August 2, 2017

I thank the Community Bankers Association of Ohio for the opportunity to speak at your annual
convention and for your ongoing engagement with the Federal Reserve. That engagement actually goes
back to the very beginnings of the Federal Reserve System. It might surprise some of you to know that in
1913, Elvadore Fancher, a vice president with Union National Bank of Cleveland, wrote to Congress
suggesting how the regional Reserve Banks might be structured. A year later, Fancher was chosen to be
the first head of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, a position in which he served for two decades. 1
Today, I enjoy the fruits of the strong relationship that has developed between Ohio bankers and the
Cleveland Fed. The bankers who serve on our Community Depository Institutions Advisory Council
(CDIAC) and on our board of directors generously provide me with their valuable insights into regional
economic and banking conditions. As you all know, community banks play a vital role in the economic
health of their communities, providing creditworthy businesses the wherewithal to prosper and
households the ability to improve their financial standing and quality of life. Because of their important
work, community bankers are among the most knowledgeable about changes in conditions on the ground
in local areas. Such information often takes much longer to show up in official statistical reports. So I
find the insights gained from speaking with bankers to be especially valuable as part of the mosaic of
information I use in formulating my views on appropriate monetary policy.

Of course, from time to time, I also hear from community bankers about matters pertaining to banking
regulation and supervision. Recently, these conversations have highlighted the burden of the regulatory
changes put in place since the financial crisis. I am grateful to the bankers who willingly discuss both the
economy and regulation with me, and today I would like to return the favor and provide you with some of


For further information about Elvadore Fancher, see

my perspectives on both. Of course, the views I’ll present today are my own and not necessarily those of
the Federal Reserve System or my colleagues on the Federal Open Market Committee.

The Economic Outlook and Monetary Policy
The economic expansion turned eight years old this summer. It got off to a slow start from a very weak
place, but now this expansion is one of the longest on record. The sustainability of the expansion through
various economic shocks is a testament to the U.S. economy’s resiliency, and I believe the underlying
fundamentals supporting the economic expansion remain sound. While the quarterly pattern has had its
share of ups and downs, it is usually a good idea to smooth through this volatility when trying to assess
underlying conditions. Over the expansion, output growth has maintained a moderate pace of a bit more
than 2 percent, on average. This year, growth in the first quarter was a bit soft, but it picked up in the
second quarter. Favorable fundamentals should support GDP growth over the next year at somewhat
above trend, which I estimate at 2 percent. These fundamentals include accommodative monetary policy
and financial conditions, a sound U.S. banking system, improved household balance sheets and income
growth, continued strength in the U.S. labor market, and improving conditions in the economies of our
trading partners.

In 2016, the economy added over 2.2 million jobs, about 187,000 per month on average. So far this year,
that strength has been sustained, with an average increase of 180,000 jobs per month. The pace is well
above estimates of trend employment growth, which range from around 75,000 to 120,000 per month,
depending on what one assumes about labor force participation. The trend pace of employment growth is
lower than it was a few decades ago because there has been a downward trend in participation, reflecting
demographic factors, including the aging of our population. The fact that the participation rate has been
basically stable for the past three years in the face of a declining trend is another sign of strength in the
labor market.

Over the expansion, as the economy has added jobs, the unemployment rate has been moving down. The
unemployment rate peaked at 10 percent after the Great Recession. In June, it stood at 4.4 percent,
matching the lowest level reached in the previous expansion. In addition, broader measures of the
unemployment rate, which track the number of part-time workers who would rather work full time and
the number of people who have been discouraged from looking for a job, have also fallen significantly
since their business cycle peaks. Given the progress that has already been made, payroll job growth is
likely to slow a bit from its current pace, but I expect that over the next year the unemployment rate will
stay below my estimate of its longer-run rate, which I now estimate at 4-3/4 percent. I recently lowered
my estimate from 5 percent, and even though this change is not statistically significant, I thought it was
time to acknowledge that even as labor markets continue to tighten, inflation has remained moderate.

Inflation has had its ups and downs over the expansion. It has moved up from the very low levels seen in
2015 when it was held down by falling oil and import prices. But the last couple of readings were on the
weak side and inflation continues to run below the Fed’s goal of 2 percent. In assessing where we are
relative to the goal, it’s always a good idea to look through transitory movements in the numbers, both
those above and those below our goal, and focus on where inflation is going on a sustained basis. Some
of the weakness in recent inflation reports reflects special factors, like the drop in the prices of
prescription drugs and cell phone service plans. It may take a couple of months for these factors to work
themselves through, but these types of price declines aren’t signaling a general downward trend in
consumer prices. I’ll be scrutinizing incoming inflation data and reports from my business contacts, but
at this point, my assessment is that the conditions remain in place for inflation to gradually return over the
next year or so to our symmetric goal of 2 percent on a sustained basis. These conditions include growth
that’s expected to be at or slightly above trend, continued strength in the labor market, and reasonably
stable inflation expectations.

Based on the economic outlook and risks around the outlook, the Fed has begun to normalize the stance
of monetary policy by removing some of the extraordinary accommodation that was necessary in the
wake of the financial crisis and Great Recession. Appropriate adjustments in monetary policy are those
that will sustain the expansion so that our longer-run goals of price stability and maximum employment
are met and maintained. We can’t wait until the goals are fully met because monetary policy affects the
economy with a lag. We need to remain focused on the medium-run outlook, and risks around the
outlook, assessing what incoming economic reconnaissance implies about the outlook and risks. If
economic conditions evolve as anticipated, I believe further removal of accommodation via gradual
increases in the fed funds rate will be needed.

The gradual path that the FOMC has communicated for some time is appropriate given the outlook will
help prolong the expansion, not curtail it. A gradual removal of accommodation helps avoid a build-up of
risks to macroeconomic stability that could arise if the economy is allowed to overheat, as well as risks to
financial stability if interest rates remain too low and encourage investors to take on excessively risky
investments in a search for yield. The gradualism has allowed us to follow a consistent strategy even as
the data on the economy and inflation have shown some fluctuations. I see benefits to this consistency: it
removes some ambiguity and it underscores the fact that we set monetary policy systematically, with a
focus on the medium-run outlook and risks around the outlook and their implications for our policy goals.

It’s important to notice that the gradual path I anticipate does not entail an increase at each FOMC
meeting, and last week, the Committee decided to maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at 1
to 1-1/4 percent; it also announced that economic conditions are expected to evolve in a way that will
warrant further gradual increases.

Normalizing the stance of monetary policy also means taking steps to normalize the Fed’s balance sheet
in terms of the size and composition of assets. The balance sheet grew when, to address the Great

Recession, the Fed undertook several programs to purchase longer-term assets, including longer-maturity
Treasuries and agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS). These purchases aimed to put downward
pressure on longer-term interest rates once the FOMC’s traditional policy tool, the fed funds rate, had
been reduced to effectively zero. As a result of the purchases, the Fed’s balance sheet has grown from
nearly $900 billion in assets in 2007 to about $4.5 trillion today, and its composition has changed from
mainly short-term Treasury securities to mainly longer-maturity Treasuries and agency MBS.

From the very start of using the nontraditional tools, the FOMC recognized it would need to eventually
return to a more normal balance sheet. In June, the FOMC described its program for normalizing the
balance sheet by gradually reducing the amount of reinvestments it is making in a predictable way. 2 Last
week, the FOMC said it expected to begin implementing the program relatively soon. 3

Once started, the plan is to allow up to $6 billion a month of maturing Treasuries and $4 billion a month
of principal payments of agency MBS and agency debt to run off the balance sheet. These caps would be
increased by $6 billion and $4 billion per month, respectively, every three months, until they reach $30
billion per month for Treasuries and $20 billion per month for agency MBS and agency debt. Thereafter,
those caps would be maintained and the balance sheet would gradually decline. The gradual, predictable
decline allows balance-sheet normalization to run in the background and monetary policy to focus on
setting the appropriate level of the funds rate, our conventional monetary policy tool.

Regarding the ultimate size of the balance sheet, the intention is to reduce it over time to the smallest size
needed to implement monetary policy efficiently and effectively. We know the balance sheet will be

See “FOMC Issues Addendum to the Policy Normalization Principles and Plans,” Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System press release, June 14, 2017


See the FOMC post-meeting statement of July 26, 2017

larger than it was prior to the financial crisis for the simple reason that the public’s demand for currency
is rising over time. 4 But it will also likely be considerably smaller than it is today. Just how much
smaller depends on how the FOMC implements monetary policy in the future. The FOMC has not yet
decided whether its long-run framework will be one in which bank reserves are scarce, as was the case
before the financial crisis, or one in which reserves are abundant. 5 However, because it will take several
years to reduce the size of the balance sheet through asset run-off, the FOMC can begin normalizing the
balance sheet before we have decided on the balance sheet’s ultimate size.

It’s important to remind everyone that there are risks around the economic outlook, and because of that,
monetary policy is not pre-set. In March, the FOMC began providing confidence bands around its
economic and policy path projections. 6 These are visual reminders to both the public and policymakers
that there is always a lot of uncertainty around economic forecasts. Policy needs to remain systematic in
how it reacts to incoming information relevant to the outlook, but not be dogmatic should the outlook
indeed materially change. That said, I view the steps the FOMC is taking to normalize monetary policy –


Since the financial crisis, currency has doubled in quantity, from about $770 billion in 2007 to about $1.5 trillion
today. For projections of the Fed’s balance sheet, see “Projections for the SOMA Portfolio and Net Income,”
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, July 2017

For an accessible description of frameworks for implementing monetary policy, see Jane E. Ihrig, Ellen E. Meade,
and Gretchen C. Weinbach, “Rewriting Monetary Policy 101: What’s the Fed’s Preferred Post-Crisis Approach to
Raising Interest Rates?” Journal of Economic Perspectives 29 (Fall 2015), pp. 177-198
For discussions of the pros and cons of different frameworks for implementing monetary policy, see George A.
Kahn, “Monetary Policy Under a Corridor Operating Framework,” Economic Review, Federal Reserve Bank of
Kansas City, Fourth Quarter 2010 (; Todd
Keister, “Corridors and Floors in Monetary Policy,” Liberty Street Economics, Federal Reserve Bank of New York,
April 4, 2012 (;
and Ben S. Bernanke, “Should the Fed Keep its Balance Sheet Large?” Brookings Institution Blog, September 2,
2016 (

See the confidence band charts in the Summary of Economic Projections portion of the Minutes of the Federal
Open Market Committee, March 14-15, 2017

both the fed funds rate and the balance sheet – as a welcome acknowledgment that the economy is
transitioning back to normal after being in the abyss of the financial crisis and Great Recession.

Financial System Regulation
As everyone in this room knows, the crisis and its aftermath were very dark times for households,
businesses, banks, and policymakers. That the financial system was at the heart of the crisis attests to the
fact that a sound financial system is a vital part of a vibrant economy. The 2008 financial crisis exposed
gaps in the regulatory and supervisory architecture in the U.S., which contributed to a buildup in financial
imbalances and systemic risk. In response to the crisis, changes were made to how banks are regulated
and supervised, and banks themselves have made changes in how they monitor risks and run their
businesses. As a result, the U.S. financial system is considerably stronger and more resilient than it was
leading up to the financial crisis. This strength and resiliency benefit the economy and must be preserved.

However, just as the improved economy affords us the opportunity to begin to normalize monetary
policy, the improved health of the banking industry makes this an opportune time to consider whether any
adjustments to the regulatory and supervisory framework could make it even more effective. I won’t
keep you in too much suspense: the Federal Reserve and the other financial regulatory agencies are
already taking steps to improve the effectiveness of their supervision. Before I discuss some of the steps
that are particularly relevant for community banks, it might be helpful to review why banks are regulated
and the basic approach to effective regulation.

A risk-based approach to bank regulation and supervision
Banks play an important role in the economy by providing funding to creditworthy borrowers, both
businesses and households, by offering customers methods to save and make payments, and by helping
people and firms manage their financial affairs. Community banks play a crucial role in their local
economies, and particularly so in many small towns and rural areas where the choices of financial

services are limited. 7 Small businesses rely heavily on community banks for credit, and given the
important role that small businesses play in the economy, it isn’t hard to see that serving these types of
firms helps to promote growth. 8 In addition, community banks tend to have close ties to the communities
and customers they serve, and this allows them to offer products and services tailored to their customers’
needs. 9

But banks of all sizes are able to provide these valuable credit, payment, and financial management
services because they are designed to take risks and are highly leveraged compared with nonfinancial
businesses. This risk-taking and leverage raise the possibility of systemic problems that could threaten
the functioning of the financial system, hurt real economic activity, and impose significant economic
costs. The bank regulatory and supervisory framework is meant to address the potential problem of
systemic risk, as well as the safety and soundness of individual institutions. The framework aims to foster
a financial system that’s resilient: one in which financial institutions remain strong enough to continue to
lend and offer other valuable services through the ups and downs of the business cycle.


See, for example, “The Role of Community Banks in the U.S. Economy,” Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Economic Review, Second Quarter 2003, pp. 15-43


Three-quarters of U.S. businesses have fewer than 10 employees. Over a quarter of U.S. private-sector jobs are at
firms with fewer than 50 employees, and over half are at firms with fewer than 500 employees (based on data from
supplemental tables F and G of the National Business Employment Dynamics Data, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,
available at For further discussion of the role small businesses play in
the U.S. economy, see Loretta J. Mester, “The National and Regional Economic Outlook and Monetary Policy,”
remarks at the African American Chamber of Commerce of Western Pennsylvania Annual Business Luncheon,
Pittsburgh, PA, November 30, 2016

See Allen N. Berger and Gregory F. Udell, “Small Business Credit Availability and Relationship Lending: The
Importance of Bank Organisational Structure,” Economic Journal 112, February 2002, pp. 32-53 (working paper
version available at, and Allen N. Berger,
Christa Bouwman, and Dasol Kim, “Small Bank Comparative Advantages in Alleviating Financial Constraints and
Providing Liquidity Insurance Over Time,” Review of Financial Studies, forthcoming (working paper version
available at

Post-crisis regulatory changes focused on increasing resiliency in two ways: first, by lowering the
probability of another financial crisis, and second, by reducing the costs imposed on the rest of the
economy when a shock hits the financial system. Important components of the regulatory-supervisory
framework include capital requirements, liquidity requirements, stress tests, living will resolution plans,
and resolution methods that allow systemically important institutions to fail without causing problems for
the entire financial system.

The focus on risk management means that institutions that pose the most systemic risk should face
enhanced prudential standards and supervisory attention. The Dodd-Frank Act took a step in this
direction and the Federal Reserve takes a tiered approach to banking supervision. Aligning oversight with
risk helps to ensure that institutions aren’t burdened by rules that make it more costly for them to serve
their customers but that do little to further the goal of a healthy and resilient financial system.
Community banks generally don’t impose costs on the rest of the financial system or create the kinds of
contagion that can put the entire financial system at risk, so their oversight should differ from that of
systemically important institutions. At the same time, as the savings and loan crisis in the 1980s and the
commercial real estate crisis in the late 1980s and early 1990s remind us, when many smaller institutions
get in trouble at the same time, this can also harm the economy. So maintaining the safety and soundness
of smaller institutions cannot be neglected. It’s a matter of aligning oversight with potential risk.

Steps to reduce the regulatory burden on community banks without sacrificing financial resiliency,
safety, and soundness
This tiering of oversight by risk adds some complexity to the financial system’s regulatory framework.
But the U.S. financial system is quite complex and ever-changing, with various types of banks and
nonbank providers of financial services. So some complexity is to be expected. To paraphrase H.L.
Mencken: “For every complex problem there is a solution that is clear, simple, and wrong.” That said,
it’s important that the regulatory framework avoid excessive complexity, which can complicate

supervision, risk monitoring, compliance, and enforcement. Too much complexity can make it harder for
banks to understand the standards they are being asked to meet, and harder for regulators to assess
compliance and overall risk. Better aligning our regulation and supervision with the risks imposed could
allow simplifications without sacrificing safety, soundness, and resiliency.

The Volcker rule is perhaps an obvious example of this. Dodd-Frank generally limits banks from
engaging in proprietary trading of financial instruments and investing in hedge funds and private equity
funds. But the rule is quite complex. Given that community banks are not likely to participate in such
activities, there doesn’t appear to be much to gain from having them maintain a compliance program. So
I support exempting community banks from the Volcker rule.

Other simplifications are already taking place. Earlier this year, the federal banking agencies completed
their decennial review of banking regulations to identify provisions that are outdated or unnecessary. 10
As a result of the review, 78 guidance letters were deemed out-of-date and were eliminated, and the datareporting requirements for small community banks were reduced and simplified, resulting in a shorter
Call Report.

In addition, exam frequency has been reduced for a large set of institutions. Now, 83 percent of all
insured depository institutions qualify to be examined every 18 months rather than every 12 months, as a
result of a provision in the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act that raised the asset
threshold from $500 million to $1 billion.


This review is required by the Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act. See the Federal
Financial Institutions Examination Council’s Joint Report to Congress on Economic Growth and Regulatory
Paperwork Reduction Act, March 2017 for additional details

The agencies are also working to develop a simplified capital framework for community bank
organizations. 11 For large banks, the combination of risk-based capital requirements, a leverage ratio
requirement as a back stop, liquidity requirements, and annual stress testing is appropriate. But one has to
ask whether the compliance costs faced by small community banks in adhering to a complicated riskbased capital regime outweigh the benefits in terms of safety, soundness, and financial system resiliency,
compared to an alternative regime comprising a leverage ratio requirement based on high-quality capital,
combined perhaps with a simplified risk-weighted capital requirement.

The guiding principle of aligning the degree of prudential oversight with risk applies not only to
community banks but also to larger banks. Dodd-Frank requires that banks with assets between $10
billion and $50 billion be subject to company-run stress tests and that banks with assets of $50 billion or
more be subject to annual supervisor-administered stress tests, capital planning, living will, and other
enhanced prudential requirements. I support some increase in the thresholds but also believe that the
combination of these requirements at systemically important banks has led to a stronger and more
resilient financial system and should be maintained. 12

Some of the amendments I’ve mentioned would require legislation; others would require coordinated
action across the bank regulatory agencies. But the Fed is also working to improve its own supervisory
processes to make them better aligned with risk and more efficient so that speedier decisions can be made.
Since 2014, the Fed has used a risk-focused consumer compliance examination framework for community


See a summary of some of the steps being considered in the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council’s
Joint Report to Congress on Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act, March 2017


The Fed has already exempted nonsystemic banks with less than $250 billion in assets and less than $75 billion in
nonbank activities from the qualitative, capital planning part of the stress-testing process. See “Federal Reserve
Board Announces Finalized Stress Testing Rules Removing Noncomplex Firms from Qualitative Aspect of CCAR
Effective for 2017,” Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System press release, January 30, 2017

banks that helps examiners focus their attention on more serious compliance issues. 13 While this has been
helpful, I have heard from several community bankers that it is still taking too long to close compliance
examination findings. In looking at the timelines, even though some of the cases are complex, I have to
agree that we can and should do a better job of reaching decisions in a reasonable period of time.
Clarifying supervisors’ expectations with respect to consumer compliance and community development
rules would also be a good step.

The Fed is also undertaking a comprehensive review of its safety and soundness examination framework
for community banks, and developing analytical tools so that we can better focus our supervisory efforts
on the highest risks while reducing the regulatory burden on low-risk community banks.

I hope this brief review illustrates that the Federal Reserve is committed to following the guiding
principle of aligning regulatory and supervisory oversight with the level of potential risk. This will allow
us to reduce undue regulatory burden without compromising the health and resiliency of the financial
system, an approach that will benefit banks of all sizes and the overall economy.

The financial crisis and ensuing Great Recession took a toll on all of us. Now, the economy and financial
system have returned to health, and the goal is to keep both of them there. Monetary policymakers need
to set policy appropriately to ensure that the expansion continues and our policy goals of maximum


Jeffrey Drum, “Risk-Focused Consumer Compliance Supervision Program for Community Banks,” Consumer
Compliance Outlook, Second Quarter 2014 (, and “Community Bank Risk-Focused
Consumer Compliance Supervision Program,” June 2014 Update to the Consumer Compliance Handbook, Federal
Reserve Board of Governors Division of Consumer and Community Affairs

employment and 2 percent inflation are met and sustained. In my view, that means continuing on the path
of gradually normalizing interest rates and the balance sheet. With respect to financial regulation and
supervision, it means ensuring that the financial system remains resilient, with an appropriate focus on
limiting systemic risk and the costs such risks impose on the economy when they are realized, helping to
ensure that banks remain sound and able to extend financial services to their communities through the ups
and downs of the business cycle, and avoiding regulations that impose burdens but do not further these
goals. Getting the right balance entails a tiered approach to banking supervision and regulation. This
tiered approach recognizes that the risk a banking organization poses to the financial system is likely to
vary according to its size, range of activities, and complexity, and so supervision and regulation should
vary along these dimensions as well. The rules and oversight that apply to community banks should not
be the same as those that apply to systemically important institutions.

The Federal Reserve has been taking steps to right-size its oversight of banking institutions consistent
with the risks they pose to the financial system because a sound financial system conveys benefits on
households and businesses. Bankers have also taken important steps to better monitor their risks so that
they can better deliver services to their customers.

At the end of the day, the public will be the judge of whether we have successfully met the challenges.
According to the Financial Trust Index, published by the business schools at the University of Chicago
and Northwestern University, there is still a ways to go. 14 While there has been some improvement since
2008, still only about 27 percent of those polled for the index said they trusted their financial institutions,
broadly defined to include banks, the stock market, mutual funds, and large corporations. Lest I leave
you on that disappointing note, I want to mention that the survey results differ significantly by type of


The Financial Trust Index is based on an annual survey of a representative sample of about 1,000 American
households. For further information, see the website:

institution. Nearly 60 percent of the people polled said they trusted their local bank. 15 This is an
encouraging sign that by focusing on safety, soundness, resiliency, and customer service, we can create a
financial system that the public views as beneficial, and one that truly is.


The 2015 results by bank category are available on the Financial Trust Index website at I thank Professor Luigi Zingales at the University of
Chicago for providing the updated results for 2016. In the 2016 survey, while 38 percent of respondents reported
trusting their banks, 57 percent indicated that they trust their local bank.