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11:00 A.M.
Wednesday, May l8, 1966


Karl R. Bopp
President, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

Before the

46th Annual Conference
of the
National Association of Mutual Savings Banks

The Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa.
Wednesday morning, May 18, 1966


It is a distinct pleasure to be with you today in observance of the
150th anniversary of the savings bank movement in this country.
the morning of December 2, to be exact —

It vas in l8l6 —

that Mr. .Curtis Roberts of Philadelphia %

walked into the office of the Philadelphia Savings Fund Society and became the
first depositor at a mutual savings bank.

Mr. Roberts left $5 vith PSFS.

At the

end of the day, the new institution had accumulated a tot^al of $25 in deposits.
Today, deposits at mutual savings banks total more than $53 billion.


Mr. Roberts and the Reverend Duncan could be with us today, they would be astounded
‘to learn that savings banks now number over 500 with some 1,200 offices serving
depositors who hold more than 22 million savings accounts.

They would no doubt

be pleased to find that savings banks hold the mortgages of 3 million families
and that $8 billion in new mortgage loans were made last year alone.
Mr. Roberts and the Reverend Duncan probably would nod approvingly as well
(if they could be coaxed away from the marvel of television and granulated detergents)
at the aggressiveness of the 150-year old savings bank industry, an aggressiveness
highlighted this year by the quest for federal chartering and the power to make
consumer-type loans.
Today, in your sesquicentennial year, I should like to look both backward
and forward with you.

I should like to discuss some of the factors important in

both the past and present evolution of savings banks and financial institutions
in general.
This may seem at first blush a bit "far out." to you at a time when we all
face complex and pressing problems every day.
employee turnover —

Interest rates, deposit flows,

these and countless other factors occupy much of our time and

However, before I am finished, I hope to be able to suggest some important

implications for you in taking such a broad view.

First, let me sketch 'briefly the broad factors important in the
growth of savings hanks and other financial institutions.

It is not difficult to see why financial institutions developed and
prosperèd In the United States, a nation with great industrial potential,
bountiful natural resources, and an expanding population.
we needed funds to finance business and agriculture.

As our nation grew

We needed mortgage money

and depositories for our savings.
To meet our growing financial requirements, the following alternatives
were possible:

Existing financial institutions could expand their
operations to encompass new needs, or


Additional institutions could be established as
financial demands evolved.

In fact, existing institutions were either reluctant to meet or unable
to satisfy fully our dynamic demand for financial services.

As a result, new

institutions were established as new needs became more evident.

But let us

turn back the pages of time and see for ourselves.
Our first financial institutions, of course, were commercial banks.
The first chartered bank in our young country appeared in 1781. Hy 1034, we
had 500 banks.

By l86l, we had 1,600.

Banks developed in response to increasing demands for hand-to-hand
currency and a need for commercial and agricultural credit.

They met both of

these needs by lending their own personal bank notes to merchants and others.
The loan transaction provided credit.

The borrower put the notes into circu­

lation in payment of his own obligations, thereby increasing the supply of

Later, of course, commercial banks went heavily into the demand

deposit business.

But the early ba^ts did not provide nearly the range of services that
banks do today.

Bankers felt, first of all, that the nature of their liabilities

prohibited them from making either long-term business loans or housing loans.
Since their deposits and bank notes were payable in gold on demand, and since
only a fractional gold reserve was held against these liabilities, they reasoned
that their credit activities should be limited to short-term loans of 30- to
60-day maturity.

Such loans, they believed, would insure a continuous inflow

of funds and thus easily enable them to meet their demand liabilities.
Nor did bankers concern themselves with consumer lending.

To lend

for consumption purposes, they felt, was to violate the very principle on which
banking was built —


Finally, and in spite of their emphasis on thrift,

bankers made no provision for interest-paying time deposits.

We can see, then, that a number of voids were evident in our growing
economy *— voids destined to be filled, if not by bankers, then by someone else.
Rising incomes in the United States and the expansion of urban popu­
lation helped-emphasize one of our first and most pressing financial voids.
Early in the nineteenth century more people began to accumulate savings.


individual savings, however, were not large enough to Justify the purchase of
stocks or bonds.

Some alternative outlet was needed, one which would be safe,

liquid, and yield some interest.
At the same time an acute housing shortage was developing on our
Eastern Seaboard.

Immigration from abroad had begun to swell Philadelphia,

Boston, New York, and other cities.

Expanded housing facilities were urgently

Public-spirited men began to ponder these problems.

They concluded

that institutions should be set up to encourage thrift by accepting interestpaying deposits.

And what, they asked, would be more reasonable than to invest

these funds in mortgages?

The result was the mutual savings bank.

The nation's first mutual,

as already noted, was opened in Philadelphia in l8l6.
second was chartered in Boston.

In the same year, a

But the demand for mortgage credit grew faster
In 1831, another type of institution vas estab-

than the mutual savings bank.

llshed, the savings and loan association.

The savings and loan association,

served the same function as the mutual, accumulating savings and making mortgage
Along with the growing demand for mortgage funds, an increasing flow
of long-term business capital was required as we built new factories, expanded
our railroads, and as we pressed westward toward the Pacific.
Fortunately, the rising, demand for capital funds coincided with a
second developing economic need.

People in the United States were becoming

With our rising Incomes, we had begun to think not only

of the present but also of the future.

We became willing to part with a portion

of our present income to assure our future economic well-being.

In short, we

became interested in insurance.
The need for security thus gave rise to a new and important source of

And this particular source was peculiarly suited to long-term uses.

Unlike bank deposits, insurance-type payments were more regularly received and
less likely to be withdrawn.

Moreover, it was found that current claims could

generally be met from current receipts. Thus liquidity was less of a problem.
Funds channeled into insurance-type institutions could be comnitted for the
long term, to finance our burgeoning industrial expansion and to meet further
housing needs.
Given the needs, the insurance-type institutions began to appear.
Fire, casualty, marine, and then life insurance companies were first on the
scene, followed by trust companies, private pension funds, and much later,

investment companies.

Some, including the insurance companies, had prototypes

in operation even before the signing of the Declaration of Independence*


the real period of development and expansion came after 1850, vith the
unprecedented expansion in Industrial activity and real incomes.
But not all of our rising incomes were paid into trust funds, savings
Between 1850 and 1900, the United States

deposits, or Insurance premiums.

economy vas gradually assuming the high-consumption personality that so veil
characterizes it today.

Who could resist the gaily painted bicycles pouring

off our production lines?

What young housewife could forego that wonderful

Invention, the sewing machine?

Consumer sales soared.

And rising sales of consumer goods were accompanied by an expanding
demand for consumer credit.

Characteristically, however, existing institutions

were reluctant to enter this new and unexplored field.
consumer down the length of their collective noses.

They looked at the

Where credit was extended,

it was usually the seller of goods who obliged.
This situation, however, was to be short-lived.

Some of the first

institutions specializing in consumer credit were the prototype personal
finance companies which began to appear in the 1870*8. ■They were followed by
Credit unions in the early 1900's.

At first, these Institutions lent not to

facilitate the purchase of specific consumer goods but to tide the borrower
over some temporary emergency that had arisen in his life.
Later, in the twentieth century, personal finance companies and credit
unions finally became important sources of credit for specific durable consump­

Then, along with their new competitors, the sales finance companies,

they were quick to respond to the wails of the Infant which vas to become the
giant of American Industry, the automobile.

In 1900 there were about 8,000 automobiles in the United States.
almost 2 million units a year were sold.

And with the automobile came radios,

washing machines, refrigerators, toasters, etc., *etc.
consumer credit had begun.

By 1917

The modern period of

Where consumption loans had been* calculated in

millions of dollars, they were now expressed in billions I Consumers had become'
the backbone of big business.
All of these developments did not escape the eye of the commercial

He saw the growing demand for housing, for business capital, and for

consumer credit.

And he was not unaware of .the profits which accrued to the

specialized financing institutions.

But throughout the nineteenth century and

part of the twentieth, the demands for his traditional ware -- short-term
commercial credit — were generally adequate to absorb most of his funds and
thus keep him in an orthodox frame of mind.
Let his traditional demands become inadequate though, and the banker
might prove less orthodox than many suspected.

Indeed, he might reverse the

entire trend of the development of financial institutions in the United States.
Bather than specialization, he might usher in a new era of diversification
in financial services.
In the 1930's, after the first financial shocks of the great depression
.were spent, we had the first real test of the banker's orthodox preference for
short-term lending, for his excess reserves skyrocketed while commercial loans
became scarce.
With surplus funds, the banker began to cast about for additional

In his quest, he noticed certain structural changes that had

developed in our economy —

changes which might help him bridge the yawning

gap between short- and long-term lending.

The Federal Reserve System gave

him a source of credit on which he could draw in case a liquidity crisis

should arise.

The growth of commercial bank time deposits provided funds less

subject to sporadic and sudden withdrawal.

The introduction of Government-

insured mortgages and of a secondary mortgage market added to the safety and
liquidity of mortgage lending.
The structural changes plus the existence of surplus funds turned
the trick.

Mortgage loans, long a staple of the rural banker, became a much

more significant portion of the urban banker's loan portfolio.

The banker

became ever more willing to make long-term loans to business.

And, noticing

that the sales finance companies didn't "go under" during the depression as
he had expected, the banker began lending on a larger scale to consumers.


age of specialization had Indeed given way to the age of diversification.


structure of our financial institutions was changing toward its present-day
The point of this brief chronology, is that a changing environment
has called forth the development of new institutions to meet new needs.


fore, the first phase of development was the creation of a variety of special­
ized financial institutions.
Then came a second phase, one in which.the specialized institutions
saw green grass in the other fellow's back yard.

In a very general sense —

and like all analogies, this should not be pressed too far — the development
of financial institutions •has been similar to biological evolution.

The simple

organism which washed ashore somewhere eons ago, found a new environment and

As it adapted and developed, it became an increasingly complex being.

Similarly, financial institutions, orginally more like single-celled entitles,
have become more complex as they have adapted to a changing environment in
order to survive.

Let me emphasize, however, that today's financial manager is not a
passive pawn of his environment.

He acts as well as reacts.

You and other

leaders in the financial sector cause change. You help shape economic condi* tions, financial markets, statutory and regulatory provisions, and social
attitudes just as your development is affected "by these factors.

Much of the

impetus for change lies with financial institutions themselves.
An example of the fate awaiting those financial institutions which
fail to adapt or are un^le to adapt to a changing environment is found in
the postal savings system.
which abolished the syBtem.

Several weeks ago the President signed a "bill
Although it was a competitor of mutual savings

hanks> you had little cause for joy at its demise.
was in fact an obsolete competitor.
killed it.

The postal savings system

It had outlived- its purpose, so Congress

Had the system over the years been able to adapt, to find new

purposes, to compete vigorously, it would not have shriveled up or have been
cast away«
I should like to look briefly at some of the principal arenas in which
this dynamic process of adaptation and competition is taking place at the present.
After this I shall attempt to define the environmental factors responsible for
the present flux.
As for the arenas, financial institutions — as you well know —


slugging it out in markets which range all the way from consumer loans to
mortgages and from savings deposits to business financing.
In the'mortgage markets, the old competitors are hard at it.

In an

effort to compete more effectively, mutual savings banks are engaged in a wellpublicized struggle to secure federal chartering, thus opening new geographical
frontiers for expansion.

As you well know, one problem is that mutual savings

banks have been missing out on much of the cream of residential mortgage
demand which occurred in the Southwest and West -- areas not served by savings
banks. The extent of the competition for mortgages is well illustrated by
the fact that, since i960, commercial banks have increased their mortgage
holdings by 71 percent.
In the consumer lending field, efforts are underway by organizations
of savings banks and savings and loan associations to secure statutory and
regulatory permission to make consumer loans. Moreover, life insurance companies
are making more loans against cash value of policies and thereby competing in
the consumer loan market as well as in the real estate mortgage market.


loans to holders of life policies are no minor item; they stood at 4.8 per cent
of total life insurance company assets at the end of 1965»
Life insurance is not sacrosanct either.

Mutual savings banks in

New York, Massachusetts, and Connecticut have long been active in the field,
and creation of the Savings Bank Life Insurance Co. of Connecticut has made
possible the extension of SBLI to other states as well.
And the changes which are occurring are not limited to the asset side
of the balance sheet.

Competition for deposits is intense.

Commercial banks,

which had found themselves trying to finance longer-term assets with liabilities
payable on demand, have found it necessary to rely more on longer-term liabilities
But they could not compete effectively with savings banks and savings and loan
associations which had access to longer-term deposits by paying higher rates of

The revolutionary changes in commercial banks’ scope of operations

justified more intense competition for deposits. Innovations were made in savings
and time deposit accounts and new terminology was employed in bank advertising and
the so-called savings race was on.
a sometimes painful fact —

The new competition for savings is now a fact

of life for all financial institutions.


Other areas of intense competition are evident in the struggle "between
savings çnd commercial banks.
of a £ew decades ago.

Mutual savings banks today scarcely resemble those

They now compete with commercial banks in offering safe

deposit facilities, selling traveler's checks, and providing collection facilities
for depositors.

Savings banks as yet do not accept demand deposits; but savings

are paid virtually on demand and a depositor can draw a money order against his

Other dramatic changes among financial institutions have occurred in

recent years, with the result that mutual savings banks, savings and loan associa­
tions, and commercial banks are just not so different now as they once were.
All these examples point out this second kind of adaptation.
institutions are encroaching upon each other's areas of operation.

The growing

complexity and blurring distinctions among institutions in our increasingly complex
society is completely natural.

We note it in other areas of society.

The sciences

no longer can be divided simply into such branches of learning as chemistry,
biology, astronomy, physics, and the like.
physics, for example.

We now have bio-chemistry and astro­

Even the old familiar classifications of industry are


increasingly meaningless.
It seems to me there are at least two very basic environmental reasons for
current competition among financial institutions.

One-has to do with the desire of

the various institutions to isolate themselves from the effects of contracting or
confining specialized markets.

The other concerns the modified attitude of many

regulatory authorities.
As for markets, I think managers of financial institutions are aware that
in a rapidly changing economy their area of specialization may not always continue
to grow adequately.

For example, after two decades or so of rather feverish

activity, the housing market has turned soft in many, area? of the country in recent


months. The fact is that multi-celled institutions may he better able to.adapt to


the environment than their uni-celled counterparts.

single cell poses


danger to the whole institution.

and growth require a more complex structure.

Damage to a

Security, stability

Therefore, financial institutions

became more complex through diversification into new areas and expansion of their ,
base of operations.
A second cause of institutional change is a modified attitude of many1
regulatory authorities.

As the bitter memories of the e^rly 1930's fade (and as

public policies have evolved to help insulate the economy from convulsive disruptions),
authorities have become more receptive to innovation.
We have witnessed broad expansion in the powers of commercial banks in
recent years which has enabled them to compete more vigorously with many types of
nonbank institutions.

And as each of these institutions finds itself competing

with commercial banks on home territory, it seeks regulatory permission to counter­
attack in au area which had previously been the private domain of commercial banks.
We have a domino' effect which soon has affected many different types of institutions.
We have seen how several types of financial institutions have, under
present-day supervision of the regulatory authorities, adapted to change and how
the lines of démarcation between institutions and markets have become blurred.
All of this adds up to increased competition.
Is increased competition among financial institutions desirable?
a crucial question.

This is

And it is one which is more difficult to answer than appears

at first glance.
Certainly one of the most desirable social effects of increased competition
is that the public is given more options in selecting the most favorable benefits
from its relationships with financial institutions.

A prospective homeowner

has- more financing alternatives where mutual savings banks, commercial banks, and
savings and loan associations compete.

Similarly, an automobile buyer has


more options if he can

look to several types of institutions for financing.

Furthermore, we may expect individual institutions to be able to operate more
efficiently through the flexibility provided by a broader base of operations.
These factors should yield better service at less cost to people seeking satisfaction
of a broad array of needs.
There is, however, an aspect of increased competition among financial
institutions which may carry a substantial social cost.

When financial, institu­

tions bid vigorously for the opportunity to lend money, credit standards may be
forced downward.

Where reduced yields on high-quality loans result from increased

competition, management may seek to compensate by securing higher yields on lower
quality#loans. Assumption of excessive risks, however, may weaken the entire
■financial system. The dangers as well as the real opportunities emphasize the
* '
vital importance of high-quality professional management for financial institutions.
Certainly we cannot allow competition among financial institutions to
approach Spencer's notion of survival of the fittest.
acted to modify the harshness of this philosophy.

Society long since has

Regulation of financial institu­

tions is desirable to protect the institutions and the public as well.
But regulation should not be brandished as a shield against competition.
The health of society depends on a balance of the two forces, of regulation and
Moreover, it should be noted that, if financial institutions desire
to play in the same ball park —
same financial assets —

compete for the same depositors and for the

it is only equitable that they be subject insofar as

possible to the same set of rules. Laws and regulations, unless uniform,
confer undue advantage.
At present many institutions possess special advantages.

These range

from various forms of tax advaxf€age to privileged concessions such as the

ability to underwrite municipal bonds and deal in United States Government

If financial institutions are to compete more across the hoard,

then that competition must he fair and equitable.
In short, the problem of financial institutions and authorities today
is to foster innovation, to nourish adaptation, to promote flexibility —
while maintaining a sufficient degree of safety —


so that the financial sector

is best able to serve society in an ever-changing environment.

Your concern

and mine Is that each change, Innovation, and adaptation is aimed at maximizing
the vigor, flexibility and safety of the financial system so that it best meets
the needs of a changing economy.

JCR: 5-4-66