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K l N O V SEMINAR AGENDA "Economic Education Through The Grades" .JederrlReserve Bank of Philadelphia Whittier Room, .925 Chestnut Street_ Co-sponsors, DVCEE and E.S.B. 9:00 A.M. Welcome with Coffee 9:30 Greetings, Lawrence Murdoch, Host Vice President & Business Economist Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Introductions, Seminar Purpose and Speaker William M. Pollshook, DVCEE Chairman Associate Dean, Graduate School, Temple University 9:40 Speaker, George L. Fersh, Associate Director Joint Council on Economic Education President, Board of Education in a Long Island, N.Y., School District 10:30 Pretest of Economic Understanding Philip U. Koopman, DVCEE Secretary Superintendent, Lower Merlon School District 11:15 "Economic Education: A Part Of The Main" Presented by The Joint Council on Economic Education and The Sears-Roebuck Foundation as a "premier film showing" \/L 1uncheon and Host Speaker Karl R. Boppf President Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia 2:00 "Problems'end Progress of Economic Education in Delaware Valley" - Panel Discussion Roy E* Moor - Panel Moderator Vice President and Economist The Fidelity Bank 9-1967 2:00 Continued Panelists: Edward Campbell, Teacher Dotmingtown High School Samuel Clay, Teacher-Chairman Lower Moreland High School Dr. Thonas Hamill Education Research Council of Southcentral Pennsylvania Dr. Philip Koopman, Superintendent Lower Merlon School District Richard Knippel, Dean Social Studies Instruction Pennsbury Schools Dr. Kermit Stover, Superintendent Marpie Newtown School District