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Darryl Francis: Maverick in the Formulation of Monetary Policy


Jerry L. Jordan
President and CEO
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Luncheon Address
Federal Reserve Bank of S t Louis
25thAnnual Economic Policy Conference
Honoring Darryl R. Francis

October 19,2000

Darryl Francis retired from this Reserve Bank almost a quarter century
ago, but his imprint on the culture and reputation of the Bank endures to the
present time.
Before I left the Bank, and for some time after, people would ask about
him and I found that all immediately understood when I answered, “Darryl is
the Harry Truman of the Federal Reserve.”
I don’t know what it is about someone with a rural background, and a
disarmingly friendly nature, from the “Show Me State” that causes them to be
so clear minded and resolute in their convictions.
Both for himself and his staff, Darryl lived true to the expression,
“First be sure you are right, then go ahead.”
This fostered the ideal atmosphere for a balanced emphasis on
economic theory and empirical research.
Darryl Francis was already president of this Bank when I joined the
research staff at the invitation of Homer Jones, its venerable research
director. For any Reserve Bank economist captivated by monetary policy
issues, the nature of the bank’s president is bound to be a crucial matter. In
my case, Darryl Francis nurtured the ideal environment for someone in
transition from academic studies to hands-on policy advising. In addition to

monetary policy, Darryl was interested in the effectiveness and efficiency of
all aspects of our central bank mission.
A couple of years after I came here, he sent me off in exile to run the
data processing and other departments. Exile was not punishment, rest
assured, but was in the nature of missionary work on behalf of economists,
among others. At that time computers scarcely had surfaced in System
research departments. The Banks’ computers were used for processing
checks and accounting records, and their design would have to be rethought
in the light of growing demands to run regressions, maintain data banks, and,
potentially, operate the increasingly popular large models of the economy.
These models, containing hundreds of equations, were making inroads with
the Board of Governors’ research staff, who were hoping to assist in the
formulation and implementation of monetary policy by opening many of the
black boxes connecting monetary and fiscal policy tools with the ultimate
As everyone knows, St. Louis did not follow the Board down the path
of gargantuan models of the economy. Instead, we focussed on direct
empirical tests of rival conjectures about monetary and fiscal impulses.


Darryl Francis was indeed a monetary policy maverick. But let me
first explain the sense in which I use the term “maverick,” for the word has
several meanings. The old Webster’s Unabridged dictionary in the Cleveland
Reserve Bank library explains that the word can be traced to one Sam
Maverick, a Texas rancher of the mid 19thcentury who refused to brand his
cattle. On that account, unbranded, stray cattle came to be called
“mavericks” and were considered the property of the first person that branded
them. Clearly, this is not my meaning. Darryl Francis never allowed himself
to be appropriated and branded by any person or group.
The second dictionary definition of maverick is simply of a person who
had “escaped from the herd.” This, too, is not my meaning. Darryl Francis
did, in fact, escape from the Federal Reserve herd in 1949 to spend five years
in private sector banking. But then he rejoined the Fed’s herd in 1953 and
remained until he had spent 10 years leading the St. Louis herd as president
of this bank.
A third definition comes closer to my intended usage: “an
independent,” but a fourth hits the nail on the head. This defines a maverick
as “an independent individual who refuses to conform with his group.”


Now, some might say that Darryl Francis was a conformist, not a
maverick. That is, he conformed to the image of St. Louis Reserve Bank
presidents as mavericks, for he was not the first. Delos C. Johns, president of
this Bank from 1951 to 1962, is said to have been chosen for the job in part
because he could be counted on to nettle William McChesney Martin, Jr.,
Chairman of the Board of Governors and of the Federal Open Market
Committee from 1951 until 1970. McChesney Martin himself, of course,
started his career as an examiner here at the St Louis Fed. Even earlier than
that, according to Milton Friedman, Chairman Martin’s father, William
McChesney Martin, Senior, displayed an instinct for the maverick in open
market committee meetings while he was governor of this Bank from 1929 to
But I digress.
Foremost among the groups with which Darryl Francis refused to
conform, of course, was the Federal Open Market Committee. His record is
clear. He participated in well over one hundred FOMC meetings and was a
voting member of the Committee for three years in this Bank’s rotation with
the Atlanta and Dallas Reserve Banks. During those voting periods of 1967
- 68,1970 -71, and 1973 - 74, he dissented from the Committee’s decision


more than one third of the time, at 13 meetings. More than that, he was alone
is his dissents on eight of those thirteen occasions.
This is a brave man.
Darryl became president of the Bank in January, 1966, but he didn’t
become a voting member of the Committee until March of 1967. By the time
of his third vote, at the May meeting, he struck out on the path he was to
follow for the remainder of his term as president. He dissented—alone
among the twelve members of the Committee—in favor of what history
surely must judge to have been a better direction than the other members
chose. He dissented three more times in that first voting year, each time
arguing that the Committee’s anticipated paths of money and bank credit
were more expansionary than would be consistent with an already
expansionary fiscal policy and with the renewed economic expansion that
could be expected that year and thereafter.
It would have been difficult to engage the Committee in a meaningful
discussion of this alternative point of view because the members displayed no
visible commitment to a common strategic target such as maintaining stable
purchasing power of the dollar. This “incoherence,” as Bill Poole recently
called it, shows through in the Directives to the trading desk for the conduct


of monetary policy during inter-meeting periods. They simply reflected the
news of the day, evolving from meeting to meeting.
The policy of the first meeting of 1967 was to be “conducive to noninflationary economic expansion while recognizing the need for progress
toward reasonable equilibrium in the country’s balance of payments.” The
next three meetings sought to be “conducive to combating the effects of
weakening tendencies in the economy.” At the May meeting the Committee
wanted to be “conducive to renewed economic expansion.” In July,
“renewed” became “continuing” and the balance of payments concern for the
remainder of the calendar year became “recognizing the need for reasonable
price stability for both domestic and balance of payments purposes.” In
August, the Committee switched from “continuing” economic expansion to
“sustainable” economic expansion.
By the time of the November 1967 meeting, inflation was taking its toll
on the viability of the dollar exchange standard and the Bretton Woods
international monetary system. The British had devalued the pound sterling
by 50%, the President of the United States was compelled to publicly
reiterate that the United States intended to maintain the $35-per-ounce peg to
gold, and the Fed had raised the discount rate half a percent. The Committee


described this as a period of market “turbulence” and gave no pretence of
strategic objective. It merely stated a desire to facilitate orderly adjustments
to the increased discount rate. A month later, the Committee changed course
again, stating its policy was to “foster financial conditions conducive to
resistance of inflationary pressures and progress toward reasonable
equilibrium in the country’s balance of payments.” In January, 1968,
resisting inflationary pressures remained, but the policy went back to
“progress toward reasonable equilibrium in the country’s balance of
When Darryl started his second tour of duty as a voting member of the
Committee, Arthur Bums had become Chairman just the month before. The
Directive began to show signs that Darryl was no longer alone in his concern
for a more strategic approach to policy decisions. The objective of the
Committee, as stated in the Directive, remained unchanged from meeting to
meeting: to “foster orderly reduction in the rate of inflation, while
encouraging the resumption of sustainable economic growth and attainment
of reasonable equilibrium in the country’s balance of payments.”
Who knows? Perhaps these three objectives might have been jointly
attainable in the long run, but for the short-run they sound more like


motherhood and apple pie. In the monetarist tradition of the St. Louis bank,
it might have been preferable to choose a money growth rate as an instrument
for achieving the strategic objective. Nonetheless, at least the Committee
said it was guided by a constant constellation of major stars in 1970 and
1971, rather than focussing on every starlet going down the street.
More evidence of the Committee’s movement toward the maverick
from St. Louis comes from the second, operating instruction paragraph of the
Directive. Initially, it merely stated an objective for money market conditions
thought to be consistent with expected growth paths of money and credit.
Frequently, this was conditioned on smoothing the path for Treasury
financing. Sometimes it even was conditioned on evidence that money and
credit actually were following the Committee’s expected paths. Darryl
dissented in May 1970 because the Committee’s expected paths for Ml
growth seemed excessive.
Then the Committee took time out to deal with a commercial paper
crisis caused by the bankruptcy of the Penn Central railroad. Concrete
evidence of movement came in December when the Committee identified Ml
as what it meant when it mentioned money. This step toward the maverick
from St. Louis did not prevent Darryl from dissenting. Having specified Ml


as money, he wanted less emphasis on bank credit. In addition, he preferred
a lower rate of Ml growth. He dissented again at the January 1971 meeting
and also at the February meeting, which was the last of his second voting
term. He wanted less emphasis on money market conditions in the
operational instruction to the Trading Desk in New York.
A lot happened in the next two years. The United States imposed wage
and price controls in a futile attempt to reduce inflation. It abandoned
official convertibility of the dollar into anything, even for other central banks.
And it devalued the dollar twice in fourteen months, from a nominal gold
content of 1/35* of an ounce to l/42ndof an ounce.
As Darryl began his third term as a voting member, the Committee
appeared to have moved further in his direction, at least superficially. The
Directive’s operational paragraph now instructed the Desk to maintain bank
reserves and money market conditions consistent with expected paths, or
ranges, of Ml and M2. By the end of the year, this operational instruction
had become more sharply defined, stating a range within which the Desk
might move the funds rate in response to movements of the growth rates of
Ml and M2 within allowable ranges.


In retrospect, this seems to have been closer to a shell game than to an
effective operating procedure. That assessment might have been clear to
Darryl Francis at the July and August FOMC meetings. In dissenting from
the Committee’s instruction to the Desk at both of those meetings, he pointed
out that the growth ranges for Ml and M2 were inconsistent with the
constraint placed on movements in the funds rate.
Nonetheless, the procedure might have worked, had the Committee
relaxed its constraint on the funds rate when inconsistencies became
apparent, but that was almost never the case. The December, 1973, meeting
was a classic example. The oil crisis was on; price pressures were apparent.
Seeking the best of both worlds, the Committee announced a new strategic
objective: policy was to resist inflationary pressures and, at the same time, to
cushion the effects on production and employment growing out of the oil
shortage. The Directive called for some easing in bank reserves and money
market conditions, provided that the monetary aggregates did not appear to
be growing excessively. By early January 1974, the Committee was asked to
increase the inter-meeting limit on additions to the SOMA portfolio that
became necessary to accommodate excessive growth in the aggregates. The
majority agreed; Darryl Francis dissented, arguing that banks should be
forced to borrow the needed extra reserves.


A week later, with the funds rate at the top of its allowable range and
the aggregates above the tops of their allowable ranges, the Committee
members had to choose which constraint to honor. The majority agreed to
obey the funds rate constraint, rather than the monetary aggregate constraint.
Darryl Francis dissented. The rest is history. Not until 1979 did the
Committee finally become persuaded that inflation was a monetary
phenomenon—that unless the growth of money was brought down, the rate
of inflation could not be brought down. What might have been a modest
economic adjustment to lower money growth after the petroleum crisis in
1973-74 in fact became the very painful adjustment of 1979-82.
On reflection, Darryl Francis’ three-year maverick voting record
reveals a distinct pattern. In 1967 - 68, the Committee had no apparent
anchor to its decisions—not even maintaining the viability of the
international dollar standard. Darryl pointed to an anchor—a stable trend
growth rate of Ml that was consistent with price stability. By 1970 - 71, the
Committee was moving in his direction, with an unchanging set of strategic
objectives and operating expectations for Ml and M2 growth. By 1973 - 74,
the Committee faced the inconsistency between its operating objectives for
Ml and M2 and the operating procedure it used to attain those objectives.
Despite Darryl Francis’ dissents pointing out that the procedural emperor had


no clothes, the Committee went naked into most of the remainder of the
decade, setting an interest rate without reckoning with the inflationary
consequences. To switch metaphors, push had come to shove, and, until
1979, the Committee shoved along the path Darryl Francis had tried to push
them off.
I find several parallels between Darryl Francis’ FOMC voting
experience and more recent FOMC experience. One is the importance to the
Committee and to each potential maverick on the Committee of maintaining
an overriding strategic objective for price stability. Unfortunately, as time
passed, Darryl’s lessons about monetary targets seem to have become
impossible to apply. At present, the simple and appealing concept of
“money” has no generally accepted empirical surrogate.
It is true, however, that we have been making progress over the past
decade in rebuilding a regime in which people believe that any increase in
inflation and interest rates is temporary, and that the longer-term trend is
toward price stability. Nevertheless, an unfortunate tendency persists in the
financial press to assert that the Fed seeks to slow growth in order to prevent
inflation—in spite of every current FOMC member having declared that
growth does not cause inflation, and that the ultimate objective of monetary


policy is to maximize long-run growth by preserving a stable purchasing
power of money.
Declaring that growth does not cause inflation has not prevented some
Fed-watchers from viewing each increase in the Committee’s funds rate
target over the past 15 months as a potential assault on the longevity of the
longest economic recovery on record. In my view, however, the current
environment of rapid technological innovation and increased productivity has
a crucial impact on monetary policy that must be recognized if we are to
understand a second parallel to Darryl Francis’ maverick tenure on the
Federal Open Market Committee: Raising a nominal overnight interbank rate
does not necessarily ensure a restrictive policy. In the 60s and 70s, policy
was not restrictive because the inflation premium in interest rates was rising
faster than the Committee was raising the overnight policy rate. In today’s
environment, raising the overnight policy rate does not indicate that the
stance of policy has become more restrictive if the real return to capital is
rising faster than the policy rate.
Let me explain.
All of us probably are familiar with the idea that household
consumption behavior tends to reflect expectations about longer-term ability


to consume. This phenomenon has been called the life-cycle hypothesis,
standard or standardized income, and, of course, permanent income by
Milton Friedman in the Theory o f the Consumption Function.
The basic idea is familiar. Transitory changes in measured income or
cash flow fluctuate around some longer-term average; household
consumption behavior does not fully reflect these transitory changes in the
short run. Sharp increases in measured cash-flow income are not fully
reflected in corresponding increases in current consumption—nor are sudden
rapid declines in measured cash-flow income reflected in corresponding
declines in consumption spending.
Both the theoretical framework and empirical observations
traditionally suggest that permanent income is relatively steady, while
transitory changes in measured income are more variable. However, it can
also be the case that periods of rising productivity and significant
technological innovation produce a generalized perception that permanent
income is rising relative to measured or cash-flow income.
People may come to form this expectation in a variety of ways.
Sustained periods of steady employment and growing paychecks may lead
people to expect that not only has their real standard of living risen, but it


will continue to rise in the future—possibly at a faster rate than previously
expected. Or, they may come to expect fewer or shorter periods of
unemployment. Or, they may observe that their 40IK savings plans or
defined-contribution retirement programs now promise a higher future stream
of income than previously thought. In a variety of ways, people come to
expect that they will be able to consume more in the present, as well as in the
future, than they previously thought.
As a result of any (or some combination) of these various forces at
work in the “new economy” environment, households perceive that their
long-term ability to consume is higher. In economists’ language, they have
moved to a higher indifference curve.
In the business or entrepreneurial sector, rising productivity and an
enhanced pace of technological innovation mean that the marginal efficiency
of capital is higher. Again in economists’ jargon, the production possibility
boundary has both shifted out and changed its shape, offering more tomorrow
in return for giving up consumption today. Real interest rates rise as new
opportunities bring a higher rate of return on new business investment.
These higher real interest rates are not a matter of policy choice or of
anyone’s discretion. Rather they are a manifestation of economic forces that


result in better uses for available productive resources. With households and
businesses both increasing their claims on current productive resources, real
interest rates must rise in competitive markets.

Higher real interest rates need not imply higher nominal intei

Just to exclude complications for the moment, consider the case under a gold
standard. Increased productivity and technological innovation would exert
downward pressure on the prices of some goods. Institutionalized monetary
stability implied by a gold standard means that the price level falls. Thus, the
purchasing power of money rises in the face of greater productivity.
The falling price level means that greater permanent real income can
be distributed to society with the same level of nominal income. The falling
price level also implies that unchanged nominal interest rates, or possibly
even somewhat lower nominal interest rates, correspond to higher real
interest rates. These higher real rates are the essential market mechanism by
which competition between consumers and investors rations present
consumption against augmented future consumption.
But we’re not on a gold standard. What happens in a discretionary
monetary policy regime using an interest-rate-pegging procedure? The
upward pressure on real interest rates that is a necessary consequence of


greater productivity and the faster pace of technological innovation initially
puts upward pressure on nominal interest rates. Greater and greater
injections of central bank money then are necessary to keep the pegged level
of the nominal overnight interbank rate unchanged. Rising market interest
rates mean that the opportunity cost of holding money balances is rising.
That, in turn, means the quantity of money demanded declines and the
income velocity of money rises. This combination of a higher trend growth
of velocity and the faster growth of central bank money means that a higher
rate of nominal final demand growth is accommodated by a more
expansionary rate of money growth.
In such an environment^the increase in nominal interest rates—while
initially reflecting upward pressure on real interest rates—will be augmented
by a rising inflation premium. The overnight interbank rate is under
persistent upward pressure so long as it continues to lag behind marketdetermined interest rates.
This dynamic process describes an environment in which acceleration
in the pace of technological innovation and productivity can inadvertently
become an inflationary process. The central bank’s passive maintenance of
an unchanged overnight rate accommodates nominal price increases by


failing to accommodate real interest rate increases. As a result, credit
markets are unable to play their role in rationing available real productive
resources amongst heightened competing demands that reflect the increased
return to real capital.
If that description of policymaking in a period of accelerating
productivity growth makes me seem like a maverick, I’m happy to wear the
This brings me to the third and final parallel I see between Darryl
Francis’ experience with policy implementation and today’s experience.
Each member of the Committee is, by design, an independent free agent.
While the will of the majority always prevails, each member must be
prepared respectfully to disagree. As Darryl demonstrated, the maverick, the
dissenter, the sometimes-lonely voice in the crowd, plays a vital role in the
continuing evolution of policy thinking and policy making. We all salute
him for his courage during an exceptionally challenging period of our central
bank’s history.