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For release on delivery
2:30 a.m. EDT (8:30 a.m. local time)
June 29, 2023

Financial Stability and Economic Developments

Remarks by
Jerome H. Powell
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
at the
Banco de Espana Fourth Conference on Financial Stability
Madrid, Spain

June 29, 2023

Today I will briefly discuss the current economic situation and the stresses that
emerged in the U.S. banking system earlier this year. I will then turn to the evolution of
the financial system since the Great Recession and conclude with a few general
observations. I will highlight how global efforts to boost resilience in the financial sector
over the past decade have been an important success. I will also discuss how recent
developments have revealed residual vulnerabilities that we are going to address, and the
need to be vigilant for emerging risks.
U.S. economic growth slowed significantly last year, and recent indicators
suggest that economic activity has continued to expand at a modest pace. Growth in
consumer spending has picked up this year, and some indicators in the housing market
have turned up recently. At the same time, activity in the housing sector remains far
below its peak in early 2022, reflecting the effects of higher mortgage rates. Higher
interest rates and slower output growth also appear to be weighing on business fixed
The labor market remains very tight. Over the past three months, payroll job
gains have been robust. The unemployment rate has moved up but remains low. There
are some signs that supply and demand in the labor market are coming into better
balance, including higher labor force participation, some easing in nominal wage growth,
and declining vacancies. While the jobs-to-workers gap has declined, labor demand still
substantially exceeds the supply of available workers.
Inflation, however, remains well above our longer-run goal of 2 percent. Over the
12 months ending in May, total personal consumption expenditures (PCE) prices are
estimated to have risen 3.9 percent; excluding the volatile food and energy categories,

-2core PCE prices likely rose 4.7 percent. Inflation has moderated somewhat since the
middle of last year. Nonetheless, inflation pressures continue to run high, and the process
of getting inflation back down to 2 percent has a long way to go.
Since early last year, we have raised our policy rate by 5 percentage points. We
see the effects of our policy tightening on demand in the most interest rate–sensitive
sectors of the economy, particularly housing and investment. It will take time, however,
for the full effects of monetary restraint to be realized, especially on inflation.
The economy is also facing headwinds from tighter credit conditions for
households and businesses, which are likely to weigh on economic activity, hiring, and
inflation. Tighter credit conditions are a natural result of tighter monetary policy. But
the bank stresses that emerged in March may well lead to a further tightening in credit
conditions. The extent of these effects remains uncertain.
At our last meeting, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) decided to
maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at 5 to 5¼ percent while continuing
the process of significantly reducing our securities holdings. We made this decision in
light of the distance we have come in tightening policy, the uncertain lags in monetary
policy, and the potential headwinds from credit tightening. As noted in the FOMC’s
Summary of Economic Projections, a strong majority of Committee participants expect
that it will be appropriate to raise interest rates two or more times by the end of the year. 1
When bank stress emerged in March, we acted in concert with other government
agencies to address it, enabling the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to resolve two
failed banks in a manner that protected all depositors. We also used our liquidity tools to
The most recent Summary of Economic Projections is available on the Board’s website at


-3make funding available to banks that might need it. In addition to our discount window,
we established a new facility under our emergency lending authorities, the Bank Term
Funding Program. Our provision of liquidity through these tools supported the stability
of the financial system without restricting the use of our monetary policy tools to firm the
stance of policy as part of our efforts to reduce inflation. The banking system remains
sound and resilient, deposit flows have stabilized, and strains have eased.
Evolution of the System since the Great Recession
A little more than a decade ago, the Global Financial Crisis required extraordinary
interventions by governments around the world. Stabilizing the U.S. financial system
required coordinated efforts by all parts of the government, including $700 billion in
taxpayer funds to recapitalize banks, a suite of Fed emergency liquidity facilities, as well
as government guarantees on bank transaction accounts and money market mutual funds.
Despite these efforts, the Great Recession brought misery to countless millions.
As the crisis slowly receded, authorities in the U.S. and around the world
implemented a host of reforms. The goal was to build a system that could withstand
severe shocks, including unanticipated ones that might arrive from any direction. In
other words, a financial system that would be a source of strength during stressful
A key pillar was building resilience in the banking system. This effort was
remarkably successful. Over the course of the decade, capital and liquidity at the largest
U.S. banks more than doubled. We began a program of rigorous annual stress tests to
ensure the banking system was capitalized against severe recessions and financial market

-4The Great Recession also underscored the critical importance of the nonbank
sector. Here, too, the authorities have undertaken a number of steps to build resilience,
although much remains to be done.
In 2020 the financial system was again tested, facing a truly unprecedented shock
as the pandemic brought the global economy to a standstill. Investors scrambled for
safety and liquidity during the “dash for cash.” Financial markets came under extreme
pressure. Ultimately, the authorities had to support financial markets again as part of the
extremely forceful monetary and fiscal response to the public health emergency. The
banking system, however, was now far more resilient than it had been before the reforms
and thus well positioned to absorb the shock.
We cannot take the resilience of the financial system for granted, however. The
multiple shocks we have seen over the past year or so—including the extreme volatility
in commodity markets following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and, of course,
surprisingly high and persistent inflation as well as the associated increase in interest
rates—stressed a range of bank and nonbank financial institutions.
Three General Observations Stemming from the Recent Banking Turmoil
Given the efforts to build resilience in the banking system over the past decade
and a half, two natural questions are, why did Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and two other
sizable U.S. banks fail this spring, and why did Credit Suisse—a global systemically
important bank (G-SIB)—require a government-supported rescue acquisition? We are
committed to learning the lessons from the U.S. bank failures for our program of
supervision and regulation. I will offer three observations about the events.

-5The first observation is that it is very difficult to resist the natural human tendency
to fight the last war. In 2008 we saw banks come under stress from outsized credit losses
and insufficient liquidity. Such losses appeared possible in the early days of the 2020
crisis, although they ultimately did not materialize. In our stress tests, we have
considered severe stress scenarios that produced losses on banks’ books, including
outsized credit losses. But, of course, SVB’s vulnerability came not from credit risk, but
from excessive interest rate risk exposure and a business model that was vulnerable in
ways its management did not fully appreciate, including a heavy reliance on uninsured
These events suggest a need to strengthen our supervision and regulation of
institutions of the size of SVB. I look forward to evaluating proposals for such changes
and implementing them where appropriate. 2 Much will depend on getting the specifics
right, and we should bear in mind that there are always tradeoffs in any financial
regulation. In addition, the U.S. has benefited from its rich, multi-tiered banking
ecosystem, and that diversity should be preserved.
The second observation is the value of forthrightly recognizing when a crisis is
building and responding decisively. When SVB failed it was clear that a number of
standard assumptions, even though they were informed by hard experience, were wrong.
Notably, bank runs were no longer a matter of days or weeks—they could now be nearly
instantaneous. Fortunately, in concert with other parts of the government, we were able
to act decisively to meet the liquidity needs of the banking system, protect depositors, and
limit contagion.
Of course, any rule change will go through the standard rulemaking process, including public notice and
comment, and have appropriate phase-in and transition periods.


-6The third observation is the value of having the very largest banks be highly
resilient. Our regulatory system is much stronger for the substantial additional
safeguards we have built around the G-SIBs since the Great Recession. They are subject
to capital surcharges, required to be highly liquid, and held to the highest supervisory
standards. The events of the past couple of months would have been much more difficult
to manage had the largest banks been undercapitalized or illiquid.
The Great Recession was a watershed moment, demonstrating the terrible
consequences a fragile financial system can have on people’s lives. In response,
regulators in the U.S. and around the globe set out to build a much more resilient
financial system. And the ensuing experiences of the pandemic and the past few months
did much to validate this approach.
The bank runs and failures in 2023, however, were painful reminders that we
cannot predict all of the stresses that will inevitably come with time and chance. We
therefore must not grow complacent about the financial system’s resilience. And
building and maintaining that resilience requires collaboration. The system was able to
withstand recent shocks because of the efforts by regulators and legislators, including
our international counterparts in the globally interconnected financial system.
We will take these lessons on board, and we will keep learning, as we must,
because the work of building and maintaining a resilient financial system is never done.