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Speech before an Australian Business Economists luncheon
Sydney, Australia via satellite link from San Francisco
By Janet L. Yellen, President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
For delivery on Wednesday, March 15, 2006, 6:00 PM Pacific Time, 9:00 PM Eastern
(1:00 PM Sydney time, March 16)

The U.S Economy in 2006
Greetings, and many thanks for inviting me to join you today—or, perhaps I
should say “tomorrow,” since it’s only Wednesday, March 15, for me. In my remarks, I
will focus on the U.S. economy, and I’ll organize my comments around three broad
topics. The first is employment and output growth. The second is inflation. My third
and last topic is the conduct of monetary policy.
In preparing for this talk, I took a quick look at the online edition of the Sydney
Morning Herald—just to see if anything might jump off the page as particularly relevant
to this discussion. In fact, something did jump off the page. It was a story on March 4
about Mardi Gras in New Orleans, where the city is still recovering from the devastation
following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.1 I found it especially interesting that the story
was the fifth “most viewed” article that day, indicating the ongoing concern Australians
feel for the people in that beleaguered area—let me add that I also found that gratifying.
This story is relevant to my remarks today, of course, because of the effects that
the hurricanes had on the U.S. economy last year, and because of their reverberations this
year. As the newspaper story indicated, the loss and disruption of life, livelihoods, and
property in New Orleans, and, indeed, in other parts of the Gulf Coast region, have been
tragic. More threatening for the health of the national economy, of course, was the severe


“A river runs through it, into a gulf of misfortune,” by Michael Gawenda, Sydney Morning Herald, March
4, 2006.


beating that the infrastructure took—most notably the infrastructure for energy. The
timing was particularly unfortunate, because, for the preceding year and a half, energy
prices had surged worldwide. So there were concerns that the damage to the Gulf’s
energy infrastructure might lead to a sustained hike in energy prices over and above those
already high prices. Indeed, energy prices did spike after the storms, but then they
retreated fairly quickly. So, at this point, the prices of oil, gasoline, and natural gas are
actually lower than they were before the storms, though they are still a good deal higher
than they were before the worldwide surge.
Overall, the economy has shown considerable resilience in the face of the direct
effects of the hurricanes and the energy price shock. When the storms hit at the end of
August, economic activity had been quite robust for several years, supported by monetary
accommodation and strong productivity growth. Real GDP had grown steadily at, or
above, its potential or long-run sustainable pace, which is estimated at around three and a
quarter percent. This pattern continued even during the third quarter—immediately
following the hurricanes—when real GDP grew by just over four percent.
In the fourth quarter, growth did drop sharply to about 1 ½ percent. However, a
good deal of this slowdown appears to have been due to several temporary factors, none
of which were related to the hurricanes. These included unusually harsh winter weather
which held back retail activity, delays in some federal defense purchases which were
moved from the end of last year into the first quarter of this year, and a dip in auto
As for the current quarter, the monthly data so far show significant strength in
activity following the earlier weak quarter. The key issue is the extent to which this


strength represents the pay-back from the temporary factors that restrained growth in the
fourth quarter or whether it is driven by more fundamental factors that would be longerlasting. At present, we don’t have enough information to know for sure, and we will be
watching the data with the utmost interest to see how this turns out.
My best guess is that a good part of this strength is the flip-side of the factors that
made the economy weak in the fourth quarter, and therefore should not be extrapolated to
subsequent quarters. Therefore, it seems likely that growth will settle back to a trend-like
pattern as the year progresses. One likely contributing factor is the winding down of the
rebuilding effort later in the year. Another is the lagged effect of monetary policy
tightening; in other words, tighter financial conditions will have a dampening impact on
interest-sensitive sectors, such as consumer durables, housing, and business investment.
What could punch a hole in this forecast? Let me focus on a few things in
particular. One would be a serious retrenchment in house prices, which have soared in
the U.S. during the past decade. I know that you have had some experience with housing
booms as well. Starting in the mid-1990s, average house prices rose rapidly in Australia,
but since 2003 they have been about flat and have had some effect in slowing consumer
spending and borrowing. A risk to the U.S. forecast would come from a significant
reversal of the boom in house prices, which could have a very restrictive impact,
especially through negative wealth effects. However, so far, I’d say that we’ve only seen
early signs of a cooling off in U.S. housing markets. While residential construction has
held up pretty well so far, the data for new homes—a good indicator of current market
conditions—show that sales have dropped off and that the median selling price is down
modestly since last fall, although both still remain at relatively high levels. Looking


ahead, the ratio of new houses for sale to those sold—a kind of inventory-to-sales ratio
for homes—has risen rather sharply since the summer, suggesting that other signs of
cooling in the housing market may become more evident.
Second is another issue related to the housing market—the so-called “bond rate
conundrum,” wherein long-term interest rates are unusually low relative to short-term
rates. There are various theories about why the risk premium on bonds is so low, but,
frankly, it remains a conundrum. If risk premiums rose to more historically normal
levels, this would obviously have negative implications not only for housing markets, but
also for long-term business investment.
The third thing that might upset the forecast is a further sustained surge in energy
prices. If these prices stay at their current levels, any negative effect they might have
should dissipate over 2006, and as that happens, it would actually contribute to higher
overall economic growth. However, energy markets are highly susceptible to shocks
from political and other developments—I need only mention Nigeria and Iran to illustrate
the point in the current environment. So this factor remains, as always, a wild card in the
Indeed, not only is there uncertainty about where energy prices will go in the
future, but there also is a good deal of uncertainty about how much of an effect a further
change in energy prices would have. This uncertainty has been heightened by the
strength of consumer and business spending in the face of the surge in energy prices that
started over two years ago. Of course, it’s possible that higher energy prices have had a
negative impact on spending, which has been offset by other stimuli, such as rising home
prices. This remains an open issue.


Turning to labor markets, as the economy has strengthened in recent years, slack
in these markets has gradually, but steadily, diminished—for example, jobs have
increased by more than enough to absorb a growing workforce, and the unemployment
rate has declined. Indeed, for February, unemployment came in at 4.8 percent, a number
that’s slightly below conventional estimates consistent with so-called “full employment.”
And that brings me to the inflation situation. Specifically, this relatively low
unemployment number raises the question of whether the economy has already gone a bit
beyond full employment. If it has, then, with real GDP growth expected to exceed its
potential rate in the first half of this year, the strain on resources could build further,
intensifying inflationary pressures. Additional inflationary pressures at this point would
be particularly unwelcome, because inflation is now toward the upper end of my
“comfort zone.” Let me get quite specific on this point. When I say “inflation,” I’m
referring to the core personal consumption expenditures price index; that is, the index that
excludes the volatile food and energy component. This measure is up by 1.8 percent over
the twelve months ending in January. When I say “my comfort zone,” I’m referring to
the range between one and two percent that I have previously enunciated as an
appropriate goal of monetary policy.
I’ve tried to present the inflation issue in rather stark terms because it is, after all,
of the utmost importance for monetary policy. So let me give you my own take on the
matter. First, I think it’s important to look beyond the unemployment rate to other
measures of slack to get a full picture. Doing so does give a somewhat more mixed
picture. For example, there is some indication of slack from the employment-topopulation ratio—at nearly 63 percent, it is still below its long-run average; of course,


using the long-run average as a benchmark may somewhat overstate the case, since
ongoing declines in labor force participation as the baby boom generation ages will tend
to lower the ratio. Another indicator is the Conference Board’s diffusion index for job
market perceptions. This index appears to be a rather direct measure of perceptions of
labor market tightness, and it remains shaded toward the side of some excess capacity in
labor markets. Measures of slack in product markets also are mixed. Capacity utilization
in manufacturing is above its long-run average, but some measures of the output gap still
show some excess capacity.
So these measures suggest a range of estimates from a modest amount of slack to
a modest amount of excess demand in the U.S. economy. Of course, some would argue
that what matters is not just U.S. productive capacity, but also worldwide productive
capacity. As I’m sure you know the argument is that if the U.S. reaches full employment,
we can simply tap the vast workforces in China, India, and elsewhere around the world
and import those goods to our economy. Since labor costs tend to be low in many
developing economies, the ability to switch from domestic to imported goods could
moderate the wage and price increases which would otherwise occur as slack in the U.S.
labor market shrinks.
In my view, globalization has had a profound impact on the U.S. economy,
affecting product, financial and labor markets. The growing capacity of foreign countries
to supply goods and services to the U.S. market has impacted the structure of wages and
the bargaining power of workers. But there are good reasons to doubt that such factors
are sufficient to sever the usual link between labor market slack and wage and price
pressures. First, many goods and most services—from heart transplants to haircuts and


new houses—must be produced in the U.S., so foreign capacity is not an issue there.
Indeed only 10% of American workers are in manufacturing, which is arguably the sector
most exposed to foreign competition.
Second, there is the issue of foreign exchange rates. The dollar prices of goods
that we import into the United States depend on the prices of those goods in their
respective foreign currencies, and also the exchange rates of these currencies vis à vis the
dollar. However, the exchange rates of many currencies are not fixed vis à vis the dollar
and exchange rate movements—difficult as they are to predict--can offset a good deal of
the effects of import prices on inflation. In order to utilize the productive capacity in
foreign countries, we need to run a trade deficit. In principle, such deficits put downward
pressure on our exchange rates, at least over time, and this tends to raise prices paid for
these goods in the U.S. Looking at the U.S. data on non-oil import prices, in recent years
they have risen at a 2-1/2 to 3 percent rate—which is actually slightly faster than the U.S.
core consumer inflation rate. Finally, growth is strong in many parts of the world, at
present, and it is not just foreign supply but also foreign demand that is expanding.
Indeed, strong global growth has played a role in boosting energy prices.
So, overall, while I’m glad to see some lively debate on this issue, I’m not
convinced that foreign capacity is a major reason to shrug off concerns about the
possibility of overshooting capacity in U.S. labor and product markets. And, as I’ve said,
it appears that the economy is near full usage of resources, but it’s not clear whether we
are slightly above capacity or below.
A second factor to consider in the inflation picture is inflation expectations. As
you know, under certain circumstances, inflation expectations can be like self-fulfilling


prophecies. If people expect higher inflation, they will behave in the marketplace in
ways that will actually generate higher inflation; for example, they will rush to make
purchases thinking that tomorrow's price will be higher than today's. And they will tend
to build higher expected inflation into wage bargaining, raising costs to businesses,
which, in turn, may get built into the prices of their products. So inflation expectations
that are well-anchored to price stability can make a crucial contribution to low and stable
inflation going forward.
On Monday, I gave a speech in Washington D.C. to the National Association of
Business Economists that argued that inflation expectations in the U.S. are not as well
anchored as they could be, and also not as well anchored as they are in many other
developed countries, because those countries have explicit, numerical inflation goals and
the U.S. does not.2 However, I also argued that U.S. inflation has become much better
anchored as a result of the efforts of the Fed to enhance communication and transparency.
A good example of this is that the recent surge in energy prices has generally not been
passed through to core inflation to a significant extent.3 This result shows up in the
stability of our measures of core inflation.
There also is indirect evidence from the financial markets. For example, using
analyses that compare the real yields on Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities, or
TIPS for short, with those on standard Treasury securities that are not indexed to
compensate for inflation developments, we can estimate what the market thinks inflation


See “Enhancing Fed Credibility,” delivered March 13, 2006, to the National Association of Business
Economists’ Annual Washington Policy Conference in Washington, D.C.
Bharat Trehan, “Oil Price Shocks and Inflation,” FRBSF Economic Letter, Number 2005-28, October 28,


will do over the life of the securities.4 Compensation for average inflation over the next
five years has been volatile at times since energy prices began rising in late 2003, and
not surprisingly, has risen on balance by almost a full percentage point over that period.
However, it is notable, and encouraging, that longer-term inflation expectations—those
covering the period from five years ahead to ten years ahead—are essentially
unchanged on balance over that same period.
Both slack and inflation expectations often work through changes in labor
compensation to influence price increases. So, keeping a close eye on compensation can
provide a check on one’s views on the other factors. Looking at this channel, it’s hard to
find evidence suggesting upward inflationary pressures. For example, growth in total
compensation in private industry, as measured by the Employment Cost Index, actually
declined last year to only 3 percent from 3 ¾ in 2004. Going behind these numbers, we
find that they include both a deceleration in wages and salaries and unusually large
increases in benefit costs. Looking ahead, recent surveys suggest that growth in health
insurance costs is likely to moderate significantly this year. To some extent, such
moderation could hold down overall compensation growth, since it’s doubtful that
offsetting increases in wages and salaries would completely fill the gap that quickly.
The final factor in the inflation picture that I’d like to discuss is productivity. For
about ten years now, U.S. productivity growth has been very strong. It grew at around
two and a half percent in the latter half of the 1990s and has increased even more
rapidly—at 3 ¼ percent—so far in this decade. Of course, it’s not reasonable to expect
the rather extraordinary 3 ¼ percent pace to be maintained in the long run. A number of


Simon Kwan, “Inflation Expectations: How the Market Speaks,” FRBSF Economic Letter, Number 200525, October 3, 2005.


leading experts estimate the trend rate at around two and a half percent, still a very high
number that would dramatically enhance living standards in this country over the years.
The issue for inflation going forward is whether productivity growth will match
the trend rate of around two and a half percent. One argument on the side of slowing
productivity growth is the recent moderation in the pace of price declines for high-tech
goods. This could imply that technological progress is slowing to some extent.
While this is a source of concern, it’s too soon to tell how long it will last.
Moreover, there are a couple of reasons to think that firms may learn to use the
technology they already have in place to become more productive, and that could keep
productivity growing rapidly over the next several years. First, some evidence suggests
that the extraordinarily high rates of investment in high-tech equipment during the second
half of the 1990s actually led to a reduction in productivity growth—nearly half a
percentage point during that period.5 The reason is that firms had to devote a lot of
human capital and time to learn how to get the most out of it. If firms continue to
increase their proficiency in using the technology they already have, this could help keep
productivity growing at a robust pace. Second, one fundamental way that technology
enhances productivity is by allowing firms to reorganize and streamline the way people
work. This is a process that takes some time, of course. And all signs suggest that it is
ongoing and likely to continue playing out for a good while.
Let me summarize this discussion of the inflation outlook. When I look at all of
the elements that influence inflation—slack, inflation expectations, oil prices, and
productivity—it seems that the most likely outcome over the next year or so is that

See “Productivity Growth in the 1990s: Technology, Utilization, or Adjustment?” by S. Basu, J.G.
Fernald, and M.D. Shapiro, Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 55, December 2001,
pp. 117-165.


inflation will remain contained. And, while I would be happier if recent core inflation
had been a bit lower, it is encouraging that core inflation has been essentially compatible
with price stability, even in the face of a rather large oil shock that started well before
This brings me to my last point, the conduct of policy. I’d like to start by
summarizing my views on the economic situation: while we face a great deal of
uncertainty, the economy appears to be approaching a highly desirable glide path. First,
real GDP growth currently appears to be quite strong, but there is good reason to expect it
to slow to around its potential rate as the year progresses. Second, it appears that we are
operating in the vicinity of “full employment” with a variety of indicators giving only
moderately different signals. Finally, inflation is near the high end of my comfort zone,
but it appears well contained at present, and my best guess for the future is that it will
remain well contained.
Of course, the key question for policy is what interest rate path will help the
economy achieve the glide path? As you know, the Fed has raised the federal funds rate
by 25 basis points at each of the last 14 FOMC meetings for a total increase of 350 basis
points. Until recently, the funds rate was low enough that it seemed rather clear that this
path of gradually removing accommodation had some way to go. That is why, up until
last November, our post-FOMC-meeting press release stated that “…the Committee
believes that policy accommodation can be removed at a pace that is likely to be
However, once the rate got to 4 percent in November, the issue of exactly how
much accommodation actually remained in the economy became more of a judgment


call. As a result, our most recent press release, from late January, states that, “the
Committee judges that some further policy firming may be needed to keep the risks to the
attainment of both sustainable economic growth and price stability roughly in balance.”
Indeed, I view decisions about the stance of policy going forward as quite datadependent. On the one hand, I will be alert to any incoming data suggesting that
economic growth is less likely to slow to a sustainable pace or that inflation is less likely
to remain contained; however, I will also be looking for signs of the delayed effects on
output and inflation of our past policy actions and will be sensitive to the possibility that
policy could overshoot. While the Committee must always have the flexibility to respond
to changing circumstances, the need for the flexibility to respond appropriately to
incoming data is especially important right now.

Thanks very much for your attention, and I look forward to taking your questions.
