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Home > Former President Jim Bullard > Speeches, Presentations and Commentary

From the President

Welcoming Remarks: 2020 Homer Jones Memorial
March 4, 2020
Remarks: pdf | text (below) | Event Videos
St. Louis Fed President James Bullard welcomed John Cochrane, who delivered this year’s
Homer Jones Memorial Lecture. Cochrane is a senior fellow of the Hoover Institution at
Stanford University. He is known in part for his economic and public policy news and views
blog, “The Grumpy Economist,” and also for his �scal and monetary policy research. During
his lecture, he discussed “Strategic review and beyond: Rethinking monetary policy and
Full text of remarks:
Prepared Welcoming Remarks1
James Bullard
President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
The 2020 Homer Jones Memorial Lecture
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
March 4, 2020
Welcome to the 30th Homer Jones Memorial Lecture.
The Homer Jones Memorial Lecture—one of the Bank’s signature events—honors the lasting
legacy of a former research director.
The �rst lecture was given in 1987, shortly after Homer Jones’ death. The lecture has
persisted, in large part, because of the past support of many organizations and people. These
have included Saint Louis University, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, the
University of Missouri-St. Louis and Washington University in St. Louis. For the past several
years, the lecture series has been a joint collaboration between the St. Louis Gateway
Chapter of the National Association for Business Economics and the Federal Reserve Bank of

St. Louis.
In the early 1930s, Homer Jones taught at Rutgers University. Arthur Burns, a future
chairman of the Fed in the 1970s, was also at Rutgers at the time. If you have attended this
lecture before, you undoubtedly remember that Milton Friedman was a student of Homer’s
at Rutgers University. Homer encouraged Friedman to pursue a graduate degree in
economics. Milton would do so and eventually ended up at the University of Chicago. Homer
eventually landed at the St. Louis Fed.
During his time as research director, Homer Jones presided over the rise of monetary and
macroeconomic research at the Bank. His two-pronged approach—rigorous research using
economic and monetary data and the dissemination of those data—played no small part in
the Keynesian-Monetarist debates in the 1960s and 1970s.
After Jones retired, a distinguished group of monetary economists—including Nobel
Laureate Milton Friedman—published a series of articles praising him and the imprint he left
on economics, monetary policy and the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. This compendium
was published in a 1976 issue of the Journal of Monetary Economics.
The St. Louis Fed’s tradition of rigorous economic research and data dissemination
continues today. For example, last year there were a little more than 13 million visits to the
Bank’s FRED and family set of databases.
An enduring quality of time is that it has an element of forgetfulness. This can be a blessing
or a curse. In his time and place, Homer Jones �gured prominently in the KeynesianMonetarist debates. Over time, though, debates are settled—the Monetarists won, by the
way!—and new strains of research are developed that spawn other debates. The regrettable
result is that �gures from the past and their timeless contributions tend to fade.
The annual renewal of this lecture is our attempt to commemorate the legacy of Homer
Jones—while, at the same time, honoring those who speak with authority on the challenges of
today’s economic problems.
This year’s speaker is Dr. John H. Cochrane. He speaks with authority and knowledge about
many of today’s economic issues.
Cochrane is the Rose-Marie and Jack Anderson Senior Fellow of the Hoover Institution at
Stanford University. Before going to Hoover, Cochrane was the AQR Capital Management
Distinguished Service Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of
His monetary economics publications include articles on monetary policy and the �scal
theory of the price level. His �nance publications include the book Asset Pricing and articles

on dynamics in stock and bond markets, the volatility of exchange rates, the term structure
of interest rates, the returns to venture capital, liquidity premiums in stock prices, the
relation between stock prices and business cycles, and option pricing when investors can’t
perfectly hedge. He has also written articles on macroeconomics, health insurance, timeseries econometrics, �nancial regulation and other topics. He writes occasional op-eds,
mostly in the Wall Street Journal, and blogs as “The Grumpy Economist.” His most recent
innovation is the “Grumpy Economist” podcast.
Having known John for many years, I can assure you that while at times he may be grumpy,
he will by no means leave you sleepy!
Dr. Cochrane will present: “Strategic review and beyond: Rethinking monetary policy and
Please join me in welcoming Dr. Cochrane.
1Any opinions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily re�ect those of the Federal

Open Market Committee.