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Three Funerals and a Wedding
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November 20, 2008
Evansville, Ind.
*I appreciate assistance and comments provided by my
colleagues at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
Marcela M. Williams, special research assistant to the
president, provided assistance. I take full responsibility for
errors. The views expressed are mine and do not
necessarily re ect o cial positions of the Federal Reserve


James Bullard

The U.S. economy continues to face substantial turmoil.
Financial markets are under unusual stress. Wall Street has
been racked by seismic change. Uncertainty over the future
prospects for the U.S. economy has caused consumers
and businesses to pull back on discretionary consumption
and investment spending. Doubts concerning the true
value of complex securities continue to weigh heavily on

President and Chief
Executive O cer

nancial markets worldwide. The still-uncertain fate of
housing markets has kept the value of the underlying
mortgage assets obscured.


The Federal Reserve has been active and innovative in
responding to the evolving turmoil during 2008. In addition
to deploying interest rate cuts, the Fed has implemented a
series of new and unconventional tools. This innovation
has intensi ed in response to market events over the past
several weeks. There may be many more twists and turns
in the policy response going forward.
Tonight I will discuss the challenges my Federal Reserve
colleagues and I face as we strive to implement a policy
that is designed to deliver low and stable in ation along
with maximum sustainable employment.
To organize my talk, I will describe three funerals and a
wedding—that is, three ideas about the U.S. economy that
may be going to their nal resting place and one idea that,

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"Rationally, let it be said in a
whisper, experience is certainly
worth more than theory."
Amerigo Vespucci

once left for dead, may be taking on a new life. I will keep
you all in suspense about what ideas I have in mind.
As always, any views expressed here are my own and do
not necessarily re ect the o cial views of other Federal
Open Market Committee members.
The Fate of the Great Moderation
A common description of current events is that some
cherished theories about the macroeconomy have been
shattered. One idea is that the fabled resiliency of the U.S.
economy over the past several decades is being called into
question. Policymakers and academics alike have
described the period since the mid-1980s as the Great
Moderation, meaning that the volatility of the economy has
been markedly lower during recent decades than it was in
the earlier part of the postwar era, and certainly much less
than during the interwar period during the 1920s and
1930s. Now, that moderation and resiliency may be coming
unraveled. If so, it would be a funeral for the Great
Is it really true that the Great Moderation is coming to an
end? My sense is that it is too early to tell. Let's begin with
a description of why policymakers and academics started
talking about moderation and resiliency in the rst place.
The main idea is simple: Our primary measures of
macroeconomic performance have been a lot less volatile
than they were before 1984. In particular, quarterly GDP
growth rates for the U.S. economy since 1945 show a clear
change in behavior beginning in the middle 1980s. After
1984, these growth rates are only about half as volatile as
they were during the earlier period.(1) So, for the past 25
years, growth rate volatility has dramatically moderated
from what it was in the 1950s, '60s, and '70s.
Furthermore, this phenomenon is not limited to real GDP
growth rates. Almost all macroeconomic data have been
dramatically less volatile since the mid-1980s, according to
academic research.(2) So the Great Moderation is a clear
feature of the U.S. macroeconomic data since the mid1980s. And, as is often the case when the data show a
clear pattern, theories abound about the causes of this
phenomenon. But all the theories have a common theme—
namely, that some important macroeconomic event
triggered a more stable, more resilient American economy
over the past 25 years.
Understandably, many are yearning for a sense of stability
today, and many are questioning what happened to the
resiliency and moderation in the U.S. economy. Two areas
stand out where volatility has been particularly high since
the current nancial turmoil began in earnest in August of
2007. One is in certain interest rates and interest rate
spreads, especially in markets that have experienced
severe di culties since the turmoil began. The closely
watched LIBOR-Overnight Index Swap spread, for instance,

peaked at more than 300 basis points before retreating in
recent weeks. In July of 2007, this spread was less than 10
basis points. Another is in equity markets: The Wilshire
5000 stock price index, one of the broadest measures of
equity valuation, is currently trading near its lows of 2002
and 2003. The Chicago Board Options Exchange market
volatility index, or VIX, has often been above 60 during
October and November of this year; in July of 2007 it was
below 20. The dramatic rise in volatility based on numbers
like these is clear.
Still, it is far too early to organize a funeral for the Great
Moderation. Even though nancial market volatility is
exceptionally high and even though the U.S. economy is
contracting during the second half of 2008, the demise of
the Great Moderation would require much more evidence
than currently exists. Real economic variables, in particular,
would have to swing much more than they have to date,
and the increased volatility would have to continue for a
number of years before we could start to compare the
current environment to the pre-1984 experience and
pronounce the moderation dead. So far, real GDP has fallen
by 0.3 percent at an annual rate, which is the number
reported for the third quarter of this year. To be sure,
current quarter output is expected to fall sharply, followed
by further but less-severe contraction in the rst quarter of
2009. If that scenario materializes, the contour of the
current recession will look much the same as that of the
1990-91 recession. As bad as that feels, it is not enough to
undo 25 years of moderated behavior in the U.S. economy.
Changes in the Financial Marketplace
It is no secret that the current nancial market turmoil has
brought about once-unimaginable changes on Wall Street.
One telling sign of the magnitude of these changes is that
the U.S. economy began the year with ve large investment
banks, but will exit the year with zero. Without question, the
past 15 months of nancial market turmoil is radically
altering the nature of U.S. nancial intermediation. I think it
is fair to say that we are witnessing a funeral for the
nancial system we knew over the past two decades.
A key culprit has been the illiquidity of mortgage-backed
securities and related nancial instruments. Many nancial
rms simply did not manage risk exposure on these
securities well and, as a result, have struggled with losses
and write-downs. The International Monetary Fund has
estimated that more than $1.4 trillion of losses will have to
be absorbed by the nancial sector before all is said and
done in this episode, and that only a portion of these
losses has been accounted for to date.(3) The opacity of
the nancial instruments involved has kept everyone
guessing as to where these losses truly lie, which explains
a lot about how events have unfolded during 2008. No rm
has an incentive to declare that they may suffer debilitating
losses, and; so, markets have to discover which rms are

insolvent and which are likely to survive and build market
share in the post-shakeout industry structure. The sharp
downturn in the real economy during the fall has intensi ed
the pressure. In the meantime, rms have become wary of
trading with one another, certain markets have ceased
normal functioning, and market participants and
policymakers alike have been confronted with a series of
announcements from rms near bankruptcy. In a recent
New York Times editorial, Treasury Secretary Paulson
named the litany of rms experiencing "failure, or the
equivalent of failures": Bear Stearns, IndyMac, Lehman
Brothers, Washington Mutual, Wachovia, Fannie Mae,
Freddie Mac and the American International Group."(4)
The Federal Reserve has been forced to improvise in
response to rms' announcements of this nature. The key
concern has been that, if important nancial market
players are failing, the failure should occur in an orderly
way with the lowest level of market disruption. In the
banking sector, there are well-established procedures for
resolving a failed institution in an orderly way. These
procedures have served the nation well both during the
current crisis and during the savings and loan episode
during the late 1980s and early 1990s. It is very important
to recognize that in the non-bank nancial sector today
there are no such procedures. This regulatory gap is likely
to be a primary focal point for discussions of the future of
nancial market regulation. In particular, any reform has to
address the question of whether and how to set up
systems to resolve failing non-bank nancial rms in an
orderly way.(5) The current system—bankruptcy court—is
not working.
As the shakeout process has unfolded this year, markets
have been continually bracing for further surprise
announcements from nancial rms. The policy response
to this situation has been exceptionally aggressive.
Consider the S&P 500 largest nancial rms by assets as
of the fourth quarter of 2007. The rst 47 rms on the list
accounted for 95 percent of the total assets held by the
sector at that date. As of mid-summer 2008, just one of
these nancial rms had been the focus of a direct policy
response of any kind. That rm was Bear Stearns, which,
back in March, was purchased by JPMorgan Chase with
help from the Fed. Almost all the others were operating as
they had during recent years. The situation is dramatically
different today. As of today, 20 out of the 47 have received
capital injections under the Treasury's TARP effort. Three
of these are non-bank nancial rms that changed their
charters to become bank holding companies, including two
of the largest rms on the list, Goldman Sachs and Morgan
Stanley, and, just recently, American Express. Several other
rms on the list merged with stronger partners, including
Countrywide Financial and Merrill Lynch (both acquired by
Bank of America), National City (acquired by PNC),
Wachovia (acquired by Wells Fargo) and Sovereign
Bancorp (proposed acquisition by Banco Santander). The

assets and debt obligations of Washington Mutual were
purchased by JPMorgan Chase. Lehman Brothers went to
bankruptcy court, but important portions of the company
were acquired by Barclay's Capital. Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac were placed into conservatorship. American
International Group has a restructured loan arrangement
with the Treasury and the Federal Reserve. These events
have touched 31 of the 47 rms on the list. This means
that much of the uncertainty surrounding the fate of U.S.
nancial companies has been addressed in one manner or
another during the past several months. Turmoil is still
signi cant, to be sure, but the policy response has been
very aggressive, and many of the largest uncertainties have
been addressed.
Funeral for a Friend
The nancial market turmoil began during the summer of
2007. The initial analysis—widely accepted among
policymakers and forecasters—suggested that problems in
the subprime sector of the mortgage markets were unlikely
to be large enough to have a substantial impact on the U.S.
economy outside of the nancial sector. Markets seemed
to con rm this judgment during the fall of 2007, as equity
indexes peaked. Late last year, however, it became
apparent that problems were going to be more di cult and
long-lasting than the original analysis suggested. Real GDP
growth in the fourth quarter of last year was slightly
negative based on the revised data available today.
Employment growth turned negative in January 2008.
The Fed responded to the weakening economy by easing
aggressively, lowering the target federal funds rate by 225
basis points during the rst few months of the new year, all
the way down to 2 percent. During the summer, the FOMC
went on hold, but intensi ed turmoil during the fall
combined with weaker-than-expected data on the real
economy triggered further easing moves during the past
several weeks. This has left the FOMC with a federal funds
target at the 1 percent level, with further easing possible as
weak data roll in over the next several months.
Whether the FOMC decides to stay on hold at this point or
eases further and then stays on hold at some lower level,
even zero, may not be the most critical question. The fact
is, monetary policy de ned as movements in short-term
nominal interest rates is coming to an end, at least for now.
It's a funeral for a friend.
The end of nominal interest rate targeting in the U.S. for the
near term means that much more attention will have to be
paid to alternative ideas about controlling in ation and
in ation expectations going forward. An important
characteristic of the current environment is that mediumterm in ation expectations seem to be spreading out
dramatically, with some analysis warning of high in ation,
others warning of de ation and still others expecting
in ation to remain near the levels recently experienced.

One focus of analysis over the coming quarters will be the
experience in Japan. Japan was buffeted by large declines
in equity and real estate markets in the early 1990s. In
response, the Bank of Japan lowered nominal interest
rates to near-zero by the middle of that decade, and it has
not been above 1 percent since. An important part of the
outcome in Japan has been a rate of de ation that has
averaged about 1 percent since the mid-1990s. De ation,
should it occur in the U.S., might be particularly challenging
because some of the core problems we have are in
housing markets, where contracts are written in nominal
terms. An unexpected de ation would make those
contracts more expensive for borrowers.
One idea from the Japanese experience is that, with
nominal interest rates at very low levels, more attention
may have to be paid to quantitative measures of monetary
policy. By announcing and maintaining targets for key
monetary quantities, the Fed may be able to keep in ation
and in ation expectations near target and ward off either a
drift toward de ation or excessively high in ation. This will
be an important issue for the Fed in coming months and
represents a challenge in the communication of monetary
policy going forward.
A Rebirth
So far, I have discussed three funerals, ideas whose times
may have passed. I now want to turn to a macroeconomic
idea that is being rehabilitated as we speak. That idea is
scal policy, in particular the spending side of scal policy
and the idea of more direct intervention in the affairs of
private sector rms.
At least since the 1980s, scal policy de ned by de cit
spending has had a negative connotation in many
macroeconomic policy circles. Former Council of
Economic Advisers Chairman N. Greg Mankiw, writing in
1991, listed as his "dubious Keynesian proposition #4" the
idea that " scal policy is a powerful tool for economic
stabilization." He included this sentence: "In the United
States today, scal policymakers have completely
abdicated responsibility for economic stabilization."(6)
That was 1991, but I think it is a fair assessment of the
thinking in much of the economics profession up until the
current nancial market turmoil. Fiscal policy, at least in
the U.S., was viewed as important for the macroeconomy,
but from a longer-run perspective. To the extent there are
stabilization goals—goals requiring time-critical policy
interventions—the usual idea is that certain types of tax
cuts might be bene cial, but that otherwise the effort is
best left to monetary policy. Not least in this thinking is
that the Fed can act relatively quickly, while the political
process tends to be much slower and more cumbersome.
Yet, during the past two months in particular, scal policy
conceived of as more direct intervention in the operation of
private sector rms has emerged as a leading tool to

combat ongoing nancial market turmoil. This is so, not
just in the U.S., but globally. The passage of the Emergency
Economic Stabilization Act (EESA), with authorization for
the Treasury to spend up to $700 billion to help return
nancial markets to more normal operation, has put the
focus going forward squarely on scal responses. This has
created, in a matter of weeks, a very different policy
environment from the one that had existed in the U.S.
during the past 25 years.
The original idea behind the EESA was to create a market
for the illiquid asset-backed securities and related
instruments that are at the heart of the present situation.
These assets have current prices, to the extent that they
can be determined, that are very low, the so-called re sale
price, because so many rms would like to sell their
holdings and few buyers exist in the current climate.
However, these securities also have a higher, hold-tomaturity price that re ects the likely value of the stream of
revenue for a patient investor who is willing to simply hold
the asset for a period of time. Under the original EESA
proposal, the government would play the role of the patient
investor, buying the securities at a reverse auction and
holding them or selling them at a future moment when
nancial market stress has receded. In principle, this idea
could be executed at no ultimate cost to the taxpayer,
although taxpayer money would be put at risk. An
important part of the concept is that taxpayer money
would be used to purchase assets that would then be sold
in the future, recouping most or all of the initial outlay. The
government would not have to purchase all assets, only
enough to credibly create a market. I thought such a
program, if it could be executed on a su cient scale, may
have helped to liquefy illiquid asset-backed securities
markets and so may have helped progress toward an
orderly nancial market consolidation. This in turn would
have helped to reduce or eliminate the downside risk to
economic performance.
As events have transpired, the asset-purchase program has
been put on hold. Given the rapid ow of events, capital
purchases came to be viewed as a simpler, more timely
and more direct method of intervention. The Treasury's
capital injection program, for which $250 billion is
committed, has taken the bulk of the resources from the
rst $350 billion tranch of the $700 billion appropriation.
Restructuring of the deal with American Insurance Group
has taken an additional $40 billion. With $60 billion
remaining, Secretary Paulson has indicated that he does
not want to commit further funds at this point without input
from the new administration. Also, the remaining amount
from the rst tranch may be too small to run an effective

Tonight I talked about three funerals and a wedding. The
ongoing nancial market turmoil may have caused the
death of many cherished ideas about how the
macroeconomy operates. One funeral was for the idea of
the Great Moderation. Certainly nancial markets have
seen exceptional volatility recently, and some behavior in
those markets has been unprecedented. Still, I am not
ready to bury the Great Moderation yet—we will need a lot
more very volatile data on the real side of the economy to
truly depart from the experience of the past 25 years. A
second funeral was for our nancial system as we have
known it. That transformation has occurred and continues,
with repercussions for U.S. and global nancial market
regulation. A third funeral was for monetary policy de ned
as nominal interest rate targeting. At least over the near
term, any additional in uence through interest rate
reductions will be limited, and the focus of monetary policy
may turn to quantity measures. The wedding—the idea on
the rise—is scal policy de ned as more direct intervention
in certain parts of the private sector. While the Fed will
continue to be innovative in providing liquidity to markets
through existing facilities and possibly some new
programs, an important part of the response to ongoing
nancial market turmoil will come from scal policy
intervention. This runs counter to much of the thinking in
macroeconomic policy circles over the past two decades.
It may be discomforting or rewarding or both, but
stabilization policy in the coming months and quarters is
likely to look very different from what we have been
accustomed to seeing.
1. For a discussion and some theorizing about the Great
Moderation, see my paper with Aarti Singh, "Learning
and the Great Moderation," FRB St. Louis Working
Paper #2007-027A.
2. See J. Stock and M. Watson, "Has the Business Cycle
Changed and Why?" NBER Macroeconomics Annual
2002, Volume 17.
3. "Financial Stress and Deleveraging Macro nancial
Implications and Policy," Global Financial Stability
Report, IMF. October 2008.
4. "Fighting the Financial Crisis, One Challenge at a
Time." Henry M. Paulson Jr. The New York Times
Opinion, November 17, 2008.
5. For some of the thinking on the future of nancial
market regulation, see "Some Thoughts on the
Economy and Financial Regulatory Reform." Speech
presented by Charles I. Plosser, President and Chief
Executive O cer, Federal Reserve Bank of
Philadelphia at The Economics Club of Pittsburgh.
November 13, 2008., and "Global

Financial Crisis and the Regulatory Environment:
Where Do We Go From Here." Speech presented by
Thomas M. Hoenig, President and Chief Executive
O cer, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City at the
Institute of International Bankers, New York, NY.
November 17, 2008.
6. Mankiw, N. Gregory, "The Reincarnation of Keynesian
Economics," (October 1991, Issued in July 1992).
NBER Working Paper No. W3885. Available at SSRN:

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