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St. Louis Fed's Bullard Discusses Debate on Tapering the Fed's
Asset Purchases
BOSTON – Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard gave remarks
Friday on “The Tapering Debate” at the 2013 Municipal Finance Conference, hosted by
the Brandeis International Business School.
During his presentation, Bullard discussed recent developments in monetary policy. In
particular, he noted that at its June meeting, the Federal Open Market Committee
(FOMC) authorized Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke to discuss possible plans for reducing
the pace of asset purchases, which is often referred to as “tapering” asset purchases.
“The nancial market reaction was substantial, even though the Committee did not
actually change any policy settings at that point or at its recently-concluded July
meeting,” Bullard said.
Given that altering the pace of asset purchases will depend on economic conditions,
Bullard shared his views on how four areas of macroeconomic performance—labor
markets, GDP growth, the Fed’s large balance sheet and in ation—might affect
tapering. “The Committee needs to see more data on macroeconomic performance for
the second half of 2013 before making a judgment on this matter,” Bullard concluded.
Recent Developments in Monetary Policy
Current U.S. monetary policy has three components: the policy rate, forward guidance
and asset purchases, he said. The policy rate has been near zero since December
2008, while forward guidance is a promise to keep that rate near zero at least until
unemployment falls below 6.5 percent or in ation rises above 2.5 percent. Asset
purchases of Treasury securities and mortgage-backed securities are continuing at $85
billion per month until there is substantial improvement in the labor market, as stated
by the FOMC.
As the Chairman has emphasized, any decision on the asset purchase program is
conceptually separate from any decision concerning the policy rate. “In particular, a
decision to reduce the pace of asset purchases does not change the nature of the
Committee’s commitment to keep the policy rate near zero,” Bullard explained. He then
discussed some possible arguments that might be made for or against tapering.
Labor Market Performance
Bullard noted that by some key measures (e.g., the unemployment rate and payroll
employment growth), labor markets have improved since the FOMC adopted its current
asset purchase program last September. However, other measures (e.g., the labor

force participation rate and the employment-population ratio) have not seen such
Therefore, a key labor market issue for the tapering debate is whether the FOMC should
focus attention primarily on nonfarm payroll employment and unemployment or
consider a wider range of labor market indicators. “If the former, then labor markets
have clearly improved since September 2012. If the latter, then labor markets may be
judged to remain weak, but the criterion for labor market improvement would be
considerably muddied,” Bullard said.
Growth in Real GDP
Recent real GDP growth has been weak, averaging about 1 percent over the past three
quarters. Bullard noted that while the FOMC would not normally remove
accommodation if real GDP growth was viewed as weak, the FOMC may still wish to
remove accommodation if future growth is expected to be strong.
Bullard then addressed the case for an optimistic view of the U.S. economy, explaining
that many, but not all, of the factors slowing down the U.S. economy are waning. “Real
estate markets are improving, equity markets have rallied, the European sovereign debt
crisis remains subdued for now, U.S. scal brinksmanship has been less of a problem
and household deleveraging is further along,” he said.
Although he expressed caution against relying too much on optimistic forecasts alone,
Bullard noted that a key growth issue for the tapering debate is whether the FOMC
should focus attention primarily on recent growth performance or on future projected
growth. “If the former, then growth has clearly been weak in recent quarters. If the
latter, then growth may be judged to be improving, but forecasting performance for this
variable has been poor over the last several years,” he said.
The Size of the Fed’s Balance Sheet
The Fed’s large balance sheet has been viewed as posing risks to the FOMC’s exit from
unconventional monetary policy, Bullard noted. While the balance sheet is large by the
standards of the past several decades, he pointed out that the Fed’s balance sheet
relative to GDP is not particularly large compared to other major central banks or to
historical data.
Thus, regarding the balance sheet, a key issue for the tapering debate is whether the
FOMC should be more concerned about its exit strategy when the size of the Fed’s
balance sheet relative to GDP is 30 percent than when it is 20 percent. “If yes, then
balance sheet size may be judged a constraint at some point in the future. If no, then
exit is equally di cult if the balance sheet is 30 percent or 20 percent of GDP, and the
Committee need not view balance sheet size as a constraint going forward,” he said.
In ation
Turning to recent in ation developments, Bullard noted that current in ation is low and
that, on balance, in ation expectations have declined since March. “The Committee
would not normally remove policy accommodation in an environment where in ation is
below target and is projected to remain there,” he said.
A key in ation issue for the tapering debate is, therefore, whether the current low levels
of in ation, as measured by the year-over-year percentage change in the personal
consumption expenditures price index, will naturally move up toward 2 percent in the
coming months and quarters. If the answer is yes, Bullard said, the FOMC could reduce
the pace of asset purchases without worrying about pushing in ation even further
below target. “If no, then in ation may be pushed even lower by a decision to taper and
hence the risk of de ation may increase,” he added.

Regarding these four issues for the tapering debate, Bullard suggested that most of
them can be better addressed once the FOMC sees additional macroeconomic data
from the second half of this year. “In particular, it is important to wait to see if better
macroeconomic outcomes materialize in the months and quarters ahead,” Bullard

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