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Systemic Risk and the Macroeconomy: An Attempt at Perspective
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October 2, 2008
Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind.
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*I appreciate assistance and comments provided by my
colleagues at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
Christopher Neely, assistant vice president, David
Wheelock, assistant vice president, and Marcela M.
Williams, special research assistant to the president,
provided assistance. I take full responsibility for errors. The
views expressed are mine and do not necessarily re ect
o cial positions of the Federal Reserve System.

Good evening.(1) The nancial turmoil in the U.S. has been
going on for more than one year. The investment bank Bear
Stearns collapsed in March, and over the summer the
health of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
was called into question. Financial markets have been on
edge. Financial strains intensi ed two weeks ago with the
bankruptcy of another investment bank, Lehman Brothers,
and threatened bankruptcy of insurer American
International Group.
In a short period of time, the landscape of Wall Street and
the American nancial system has changed radically.
Financial market turmoil is widely considered to be the
primary near-term threat to U.S. economic performance,
and market commentary focuses on which nancial
institutions the government considers "too big" or "too
connected" to fail.
Over the past year, several large global nancial institutions
have either failed or have been signi cantly restructured to
avoid failure. But why should any rm, large or small, be
protected from failure? After all, in a dynamic, competitive
economy, individuals can raise capital, organize rms and
enter markets. Obsolete rms, either because the demand
for their products has declined or their management has
not adapted to environmental change, must be allowed to
fail. Why not apply this principle universally? For nancial

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"Rationally, let it be said in a
whisper, experience is certainly
worth more than theory."
Amerigo Vespucci

rms, the answer usually focuses on systemic risk.
Systemic risk refers to the possibility that the failure of one
rm will severely impair or even cause the failure of other
healthy rms or markets. If such contagion became
widespread, it could severely affect the macroeconomy.
Systemic concerns were at the heart of many recent public
policy decisions. For instance, regarding Bear Stearns,
Chairman Bernanke recently explained: "Our analyses
persuaded us . . . that allowing Bear Stearns to fail so
abruptly at a time when the nancial markets were already
under considerable stress would likely have had extremely
adverse implications for the nancial system and for the
broader economy. In particular, Bear Stearns' failure under
those circumstances would have seriously disrupted
certain key secured funding markets and derivatives
markets and possibly would have led to runs on other
nancial rms."(2)
In my remarks this evening I will try to make sense of
systemic risk. An important theme of systemic risk is its
expectations component: In particular, if a rm is known to
be at risk of failure for a substantial period of time, it
cannot normally be thought to pose important systemic
risk. Counterparties in such a case are well aware of the
possibility of failure and can take action to mitigate their
own risk. A second theme is that nancial regulation
should seek to ensure that no nancial rm is "too big" or
"too connected" to fail. The nation needs a regulatory
regime that can liquidate in an orderly fashion non-bank
nancial rms that fail the market test. A third theme is
that an overly aggressive public sector response to the
potential failure of a nancial institution can exacerbate
systemic risks in the nancial system by creating the
expectation that taxpayers will pick up losses for failing
rms. This is the well-known "moral hazard" problem.
Let me stress that I am presenting my personal views,
which are not necessarily those of the Federal Open Market
Committee or the Federal Reserve System.
What Is Systemic Risk?
Let me begin with a discussion of what is commonly
meant by systemic risk and why failures of nancial
institutions sometimes are believed to be more likely to
pose systemic risks than failures of non nancial
Systemic risk is di cult to de ne precisely. The leading
practical de nition seems to be that "we know it when we
see it." In part because systemic risk is considered to be
something of a rare event, it does not play a signi cant role
in commonly used macroeconomic models. As a
consequence, the discussion of systemic risk can be rather
loose. Macroeconomists sometimes de ne systemic risk
as the danger of widespread disruption of nancial
markets and institutions that, in turn, affects the

macroeconomy. For example, former Fed Gov. Frederic
Mishkin de nes systemic risk as "the risk of a sudden,
usually unexpected, disruption of the information ows in
nancial markets that prevents them from channeling
funds to those who have the most productive pro t
opportunities."(3) A key part of this de nition is the word
"unexpected." Should a disruption cause nancial markets
to become badly damaged, all other parts of the economy
may be adversely affected because the ensuing level of
nancial intermediation services may be considerably
lower than they were before the disruption.
For example, consider a banking system. Traditionally,
banks have held deposits with other banks to settle
payments and exchange for services. Large money center
banks often hold deposits for hundreds of other banks. The
failure of a large money center bank thus could tie up the
deposits of other banks, possibly causing large losses for
them as well. Continental Illinois Bank was the largest
correspondent bank in the United States when it failed in
1984. Regulators stepped in to protect Continental's
creditors —even those with deposits exceeding the normal
insurance limit—to guard against the possible failure of a
large number of banks that held deposits at Continental.
Systemic risk is often associated with incomplete
information. In the case of a banking system, systemic risk
can arise when a bank's depositors—even relatively
sophisticated depositors, such as other banks—become
unsure about the condition of the bank in which they hold
their funds. If Continental Illinois' depositors had realized
that the bank was nearly insolvent, they would have
protected their assets by moving their deposits to banks
they considered sound. In fact, many large depositors did
just that, suggesting that the systemic risk associated with
Continental's failure was not very large. Indeed, one study
concluded that few banks would have suffered signi cant
losses even if the FDIC had not fully guaranteed all of the
deposits in Continental.(4)
Recent concern about systemic risk has focused not so
much on depositor runs on depository institutions, but
rather on investment banks that deal in complex nancial
contracts. For example: Suppose Bank A purchases an
option from Bank B to hedge some risk, perhaps the risk of
a change in the term structure of interest rates. If Bank B
later fails, perhaps because of bad investments in the
housing market, then the option that Bank A purchased
becomes worthless. Thus, Bank A—which thought it was
carefully hedging its risk—is adversely affected by Bank B's
problems in housing markets.
Of course, nancial rms can take steps to protect
themselves to some degree in simple situations like the
one I just described. Inside the framework of an economic
model, such steps would in fact fully compensate Bank A
against the possible failure of Bank B. The logic of self-

interested behavior combined with market clearing would
lead to an appropriate pricing of risk—Bank A would have
considered the possibility of the failure of Bank B and
taken this into account in its contingency plan. The
possibility of counterparty failure would be fully priced into
market transactions.
Economic models are abstractions, of course, but they do
contain insight about the world. Is counterparty risk
somehow mispriced in actual markets? It may be that, in
actual markets, nancial arrangements are so complex
that the nature of risk that rms face might not be obvious.
If so, that may be a challenge for those managing the risks.
Nevertheless, as we saw with Bear Stearns and Lehman
Brothers, sophisticated investors and counterparties will
cease to do business with a rm once the rm's weak
condition becomes known.
In recent years, concerns about bank runs have tended to
center on individual institutions, rather than on the banking
system as a whole. However, sometimes all rms in an
industry are "tarred by the same brush" and the failure of
one rm leads investors to shun an entire industry. Banking
panics are the classic example: During the early 1930s,
bank failures were so widespread that the public shifted a
large portion of their funds out of bank deposits and into
cash. Many economists believe that the Federal Reserve's
unwillingness to counteract the resulting decline in the
nation's money supply was an important cause of the Great
Why should the failure of a single rm cause the public to
become suspicious of an entire industry? One answer is
related to the fact that people have imperfect information,
their own private noisy signal, and as a result they may try
to infer information from the behavior of others. I'll give you
a well-known example. Suppose you are driving down a
highway and stop in a small town to eat. There are two
restaurants on Main Street. Would you prefer to eat in the
one with the crowded parking lot or the one whose parking
lot is empty? Many people will infer that the restaurant with
the crowded parking lot has better food and go there.
Many in this audience will know that a situation in which
people infer information from the actions of others is
called an "information cascade," and that it is an active eld
of research. Inferring others' information from their actions
can be misleading, however. For example, suppose the rst
person to stop for lunch that day chose a restaurant
arbitrarily. That uninformed choice might in uence all the
subsequent hungry people who attempt to determine a
restaurant's quality from the number of cars parked in its
As in the restaurant example, if depositors see others
withdrawing money from a bank, they might infer that
those making withdrawals have private information about
the bank's condition. Similarly, if one bank fails, then

depositors—who are unable to independently distinguish
good and bad banks—might decide that the problems that
brought down the failed bank will also affect other banks.
As a consequence, depositors might withdraw their money
from all banks.(5) The collapse of the asset-backed
commercial paper market in 2007 appears to exemplify
such herding behavior, because investors shunned the
asset-backed commercial paper of all issuers more or less
indiscriminately. Herding may explain why all rms in an
industry are "tarred by the same brush" by investors, even if
they are not necessarily tied to each other through explicit
contractual obligations.
Why the Financial System Is Special
Nothing I have said thus far about systemic risk is
necessarily unique to nancial institutions or markets.
Even the failure of a non nancial rm, such as an
automobile manufacturer, will affect the rm's suppliers
and distribution networks. Spillovers to the non-auto sector
will also occur, but the regional effects might be larger than
the national effects. By the same token, a default by an
airline company on its debt obligations might cause
investors to shun the debt of other airline companies if
investors believed that the default re ected an industrywide problem, such as rising fuel prices. Still, over the past
decade, some very large rms have failed, including Enron,
WorldCom and several major airlines, yet none caused
signi cant problems beyond its immediate shareholders,
employees, suppliers and customers. In fact, in recent
years systemic risk has not been a public policy concern
when a non nancial rm has failed. Rarely would the
failure of a non nancial rm threaten the solvency of a
competitor, let alone signi cantly affect the economy more
broadly. Instead, failure of a large industry player often
suggests opportunity for the remaining players to increase
market share and pro tability.
Why do we think the failure of a large nancial rm
presents risks that the failure of a non nancial rm does
not? Several reasons have been emphasized.
The rst is interconnectedness. In the normal course of
business, large commercial and investment banks may
become signi cantly exposed to one another through
interbank deposit markets, transactions in over-the-counter
derivatives, and wholesale payment and settlement
systems. Settlement risk—the risk that one party to a
nancial transaction will default after the other party has
delivered—is a big concern for large nancial institutions
whose daily exposures routinely run into many billions of
dollars. The lightning speed with which nancial
transactions take place and the complex structures of
many banks and securities rms make it especially di cult
for a rm to fully monitor the counterparties it deals with,
let alone the counterparties of counterparties. A seemingly
strong bank that fails quickly may potentially expose other

rms to large losses. Even rms that do not make direct
transactions with the affected bank may be exposed
through their dealings with third parties that do trade with
the affected bank.
A second reason is leverage. Compared with most
non nancial rms, banks and other nancial institutions
are highly leveraged—that is, they have relatively thin
capital margins to absorb losses. Firms acquire their
assets either by selling equity or borrowing funds. If a
nancial rm has borrowed the equivalent of 95 percent of
its assets, a 5 percent loss in asset value will render the
rm insolvent. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the giant
government-sponsored enterprises that have nanced or
guaranteed nearly 50 percent of all U.S. home mortgages,
ran into nancial di culties in part because of their
extreme leverage. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were able
to operate with very little capital because investors widely
viewed their debt as guaranteed by the federal government.
My predecessor, Bill Poole, warned several years ago that
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac held too little capital and
were vulnerable to a downturn in the housing market.(6)
His comments were prescient: Both Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac have lost billions, prompting sharp declines in
their share prices and ultimately a government
A third reason is maturity mismatch. Not only are nancial
institutions typically highly leveraged, but the nature of
their business entails an inherent mismatch in the
maturities of their assets and liabilities that can make
them vulnerable to liquidity shocks. Most nancial
intermediaries borrow short and lend long—that is, they
fund long-term, relatively illiquid investments with shortterm debt. For example, commercial banks traditionally
have used demand deposits, which depositors can
withdraw at any time, to fund loans and other long-term
investments. Similarly, many banks and securities rms
rely heavily on commercial paper, repurchase agreements
(repos) and other short-term funding sources. If depositors
suddenly pull their funds from a commercial bank, or
lenders cease to roll over the commercial paper or repos
issued by a securities rm, the bank or securities rm
could be forced into bankruptcy. Bear Stearns collapsed
when investors refused to roll over the rm's short-term
debt, collateral notwithstanding. Other rms have faced
sharply higher funding costs as markets have reevaluated
the creditworthiness of borrowers. The speed with which
the markets can "turn off the tap" makes nancial
institutions especially vulnerable to temporary disruptions
of liquidity in nancial markets. A parallel was the "hot
money" that was withdrawn from Thailand and other East
Asian countries in the late 1990s—or Mexico prior to that.
Recent Developments in Financial Markets

During the past several years, a large number of nancial
institutions have built up considerable holdings of
mortgage-backed securities and related nancial
instruments. These securities provided holders with a ow
of income derived from the monthly mortgage payments of
the underlying asset. The recent decline in house prices,
along with a slowing economy, caused many homeowners
to default or walk away from their homes—especially those
with nontraditional mortgages. These conditions have
eroded the value of the mortgage-backed securities and
thus reduced the net wealth of those investors and
institutions that held them.
The resulting illiquidity of mortgage-backed securities and
related nancial instruments has caused severe stress for
the U.S. nancial system over the past year. Many nancial
rms simply did not manage risk exposure on these
securities well and, as a result, have struggled with losses
and write-downs. A nancial sector shakeout has ensued,
one that was entirely appropriate considering the
magnitude of the mismanagement involved. As is normal
during an industry shakeout, weaker rms are forced into
bankruptcy or merge with stronger partners, and
opportunity abounds for those rms that are able to
survive and build market share in the post-shakeout
industry structure.
The Federal Reserve has responded vigorously in an
attempt to mitigate the effects of the shakeout on the rest
of the economy. The key concern has been that if
important nancial market players are failing, the failure
should occur in an orderly way with the lowest level of
market disruption. In the banking sector, there are wellestablished procedures for resolving a failed institution in
an orderly way. It is very important to recognize that in the
non-bank nancial sector there are no such procedures.
This has kept the Fed improvising, especially during the
last seven months.
The Bear Stearns episode provided the rst case of a largescale failure. The novelty of the situation suggested that a
Bear Stearns bankruptcy was largely unexpected within
nancial markets and therefore likely to cause signi cant
market disruption. In that case, the Fed helped arrange a
merger with JPMorgan Chase as the stock price of Bear
Stearns was declining toward zero.
During the summer, mortgage giants Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac experienced increasing stress, eventually
inducing an aggressive policy response. Placing these
entities into conservatorship was largely a Treasury action
in conjunction with the primary regulator, the Federal
Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), with only a consultative
role for the Federal Reserve. These government sponsored
enterprises, or GSEs, were previously implicitly backed by
the U.S. government, and the recent action makes that
backing completely explicit. The GSE conservatorship

removes a key uncertainty from the scene and should help
to stabilize markets going forward.
In recent weeks, the investment bank Lehman Brothers
appeared to be in a position similar to Bear Stearns. The
Lehman Brothers situation had been evolving for a year,
and market players had already seen the demise of an
investment bank. In this case, counterparties had plenty of
time to assess the potential for Lehman to fail. As a
consequence, nancial market participants were less likely
to have been surprised and signi cant market disruption
was judged less probable. In addition, the Fed had
implemented additional liquidity facilities in the wake of
Bear Stearns in an attempt to mitigate adverse
consequences from future failures. Lehman led for
bankruptcy. Since then, important pieces of the company
have been sold to Barclays Capital. In a related
development, investment bank Merrill Lynch agreed to sell
itself to Bank of America. The two remaining investment
banks, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, last week
changed their charters to become commercial banks.
These events have left the U.S. with no large investment
One di culty in dealing with a crisis is the element of
surprise. Just as the events surrounding Lehman were
coming to a head, solvency problems at insurer American
International Group, with $1.1 trillion in assets, became
acute. While AIG's stock price had been declining for some
time, its demise was rapid and largely unanticipated. A
bankruptcy ling in the immediate aftermath of Lehman
was judged likely to cause signi cant market disruption.
The AIG board of directors agreed to a Fed bridge loan. The
terms included the ouster of the CEO and an interest rate
set at Libor plus 850 basis points.
It is important to stress that the Federal Reserve's intent in
each of these cases has not been to save these rms but
to orchestrate an orderly transition for nancial markets as
these rms exit the scene in their current form.
Again, because of the lack of a regime for the orderly
resolution of failed institutions in the non-bank nancial
sector, the Fed was forced to improvise in the Bear Stearns,
Lehman, and AIG episodes. These improvised actions have
had mixed success. In the Bear Stearns episode, there was
signi cant, but manageable, turmoil in the aftermath of the
merger announcement. In the Lehman-AIG episode, there
was signi cant turmoil that threatened to spread globally
to seemingly unrelated markets. Part of this was
attributable to the largely unexpected nature of the AIG
bankruptcy threat within 48 hours of Lehman's bankruptcy
ling. The continuing turmoil prompted Treasury Secretary
Paulson to approach Congress concerning a more
systematic method of handling the shakeout in the
nancial sector.

It is far from clear how nancial market turmoil of this
magnitude will ultimately affect the real economy. The
leading modern example for large economies is Japan,
where substantial problems in real estate and the banking
sector were followed by a decade or more of sub par
economic performance. Many Asian countries involved in
the currency crises of 1997 and 1998 suffered through
severe recessions. In the U.S., we have been more
fortunate so far. The 1987 stock market crash has often
been mentioned in conjunction with recent events, but real
GDP growth was actually strong during the second half of
1987: Third quarter growth was 3.7 percent, and fourth
quarter growth was 7.2 percent. At the time, many
suggested that the U.S. was in or would immediately go
into recession due to nancial market upset. It did not
happen, which provides an object lesson about how
di cult it can be to really understand what is driving shortterm dynamics in the economy. Similarly, the collapse of
Long-Term Capital Management occurred in the second
half of 1998, the culmination of a year of turmoil in global
nancial markets. But U.S. real GDP growth in the second
half of 1998 averaged about 5.5 percent.
All of these events offer clues but also differ in important
ways from the current episode. We do not know what will
happen this time around, and we should be humble in our
predictions. Still, these examples suggest that there is
substantial downside risk. There is some possibility of a
relatively benign outcome, where the nancial market
shakeout plays itself out and real economic performance is
muted but not disastrous. But there is also some
possibility of a very adverse outcome in which the entire
economy is drawn into a protracted downturn.
Reducing Systemic Risk
What policies can reduce systemic risk in the nancial
system? Systemic risk may be viewed as a classic "public
goods" problem, in which private rms invest less in the
good than is socially desirable because they are unable to
internalize all of the bene ts of their investment. For this
reason, private rms may invest less in minimizing
systemic risks than would be socially desirable. In addition,
it is likely to be di cult for private rms to coordinate their
activities to minimize or eliminate systemic risks. Because
of these problems, government policy can and should play
a constructive role in reducing systemic risks in the
nancial system. Several proposed changes might reduce
systemic risk in nancial markets: enhanced supervision of
nancial rms; Federal Reserve oversight of payment and
settlement systems; and the creation of a framework to
liquidate investment banks and other securities rms in an
orderly fashion, similar to the framework already in place to
liquidate commercial banks.
Any change in regulation should be designed to ensure that
no rm is "too big" or "too connected" to fail because of

systemic concerns. Bailouts are expensive—not just
because they commit taxpayer funds, but because they can
encourage behavior that increases subsequent systemic
risk. A rm that expects government protection if its
investments go awry may take bigger gambles than a rm
that expects no protection. And if no securities rm were
allowed to fail, then investors would have little incentive to
monitor the activities of the rms in which they invest or to
demand higher interest rates on loans to the riskiest rms.
In short, the expectation of government intervention in the
event of loss reduces market discipline and increases the
incentive for rms to act imprudently.
Monetary policy plays an important role in the stability of
our nancial system. A monetary policy focused on
preserving long-run price stability will, as a by-product,
promote nancial stability. By contrast, nancial rms and
markets are less resilient to shocks when the price level is
unstable. An unstable price level can lead to poor price
signals and cause inaccurate forecasts of real returns to
investment projects. Errors in disentangling nominal and
real returns can result in a misallocation of resources and
eventually in nancial distress that would not have
occurred if the price level had been stable. Business
decisions based on expectations of continuing in ation
often turn out badly when in ation falls, resulting in higher
rates of loan defaults and business failures. In short,
in ation and in ation instability put an economy's nancial
sector at risk. Therefore, it is critical that monetary
policymakers not lose sight of the importance of
maintaining price stability—even during periods of nancial
In summary, the near-term outlook for economic growth
and in ation is above all uncertain. Two keys to future
economic performance will be stabilization in housing and
nancial markets. Financial market turmoil has recently
been severe, and the consequences of this turmoil on real
economic performance entail clear downside risk. If
nancial market turmoil can be contained, the FOMC can
turn attention to achieving better in ation results than
those recently experienced. Until in ation clearly
moderates, my colleagues and I will need to be especially
watchful that our accommodative policy stance does not
begin to worsen the outlook for long-run price stability.
1. Portions of this speech were delivered as: "Near-Term
Challenges for the U.S. Economy," in Murfreesboro,
Tenn., on Sept. 26, 2008.
2. "Financial Regulation and Financial Stability."
Remarks at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.'s
Forum on Mortgage Lending for Low and Moderate
Income Households, Arlington, Va., July 8, 2008.

3. "Systemic Risk and the International Lender of Last
Resort." Remarks at the 10th Annual International
Banking Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of
Chicago, Chicago, Sept. 28, 2007.
4. Cited in George G. Kaufman and Kenneth E. Scott,
"What is Systemic Risk, and Do Bank Regulators
Retard or Contribute to It?" The Independent Review,
Winter 2003, pp. 371-91.
5. For a classic discussion of banking panics, see
Douglas Diamond and Philip Dybvig, "Bank Runs,
Deposit Insurance, and Liquidity." Journal of Political
Economy, June 1983, pp. 401-19.
6. "Financial Stability." Remarks at the Southern
Legislative Conference Annual Meeting, New Orleans,
La., Aug. 4, 2002; "Housing in the Macroeconomy."
Remarks at the O ce of Federal Housing Enterprise
Oversight Symposium, Washington, DC, March 10,
2003; "Reputation and the Non-Prime Mortgage
Market." Remarks at the St. Louis Association of Real
Estate Professionals, St. Louis, July 20, 2007.

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