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Opening Remarks: 2015 Homer Jones Memorial Lecture
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June 3, 2015
President James Bullard delivered welcoming remarks at
the 26th annual Homer Jones Memorial Lecture. He
introduced this year’s speaker, noted economist and
monetary policymaker Athanasios Orphanides, who
discussed “Fear of Liftoff: Uncertainty, Rules and
Discretion in Monetary Policy Normalization.” Jones, a
former research director at the St. Louis Fed, played a
major role in helping the Bank become a leader in
monetary research and statistics.
Remarks: pdf | text (below) | Event videos
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Full text of remarks:
Opening remarks by President James Bullard
The 2015 Homer Jones Memorial Lecture
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
June 3, 2015

Welcome to the Homer Jones Memorial Lecture.

It was June 1990. The average U.S. household owned ve
radios; the "worldwide web" was a term associated with
either spiders, spies or organized crime;1 the rst season
of The Simpsons recently ended; the in ation rate was just
under 4 percent; and the Maestro—Alan Greenspan—deftly
ruled the roost at the Fed. At just that moment, Athanasios
Orphanides took a position as an economist at the Board

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"Rationally, let it be said in a
whisper, experience is certainly
worth more than theory."
Amerigo Vespucci

of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

While it is true that shortly afterward, the U.S. economy
entered a recession—never mind that! Athanasios in 1990
began a remarkable career that has emphasized both
outstanding research and excellent policy advice. As he
rose through the ranks of economists at the Board of
Governors, he took his role as an insider on U.S. monetary
policy seriously and used it to provide insight both to
policymakers and to academics. To get an idea of the
avor of his work, consider his 2004 Journal of Money,
Credit and Banking paper titled "Monetary Policy Rules,
Macroeconomic Stability, and In ation: A View from the
Trenches." It was trench warfare indeed, and Athanasios
was on the front line.

Fast-forward to May 2007. Athanasios departed the
Federal Reserve. A Greek Cypriot, he was appointed to the
governorship of the Central Bank of Cyprus. Cyprus at that
point had just won entry into the eurozone, and one of the
rst tasks Athanasios faced was to transition the island
economy to the new currency. Membership in the eurozone
also meant that Athanasios became a member of the
powerful Governing Council of the European Central Bank,
the European counterpart of the Federal Open Market
Committee. He held this position until 2012, long enough
to help shape the euro area response to the deepest
economic and nancial crisis since the 1930s and to deal
directly with the 2011-2012 European sovereign debt crisis,
vestiges of which remain with us today.

Given this unusual career history, it may well be that
Athanasios Orphanides is the only person on the planet
who has attended Federal Open Market Committee
meetings as well as European Central Bank Governing
Council meetings. Accordingly, he can provide a unique
perspective on global monetary policy.

This is the 26th annual Homer Jones Memorial Lecture.
The lecture series began in 1987, shortly after Homer's
death. The lecture series has persisted, rst, because of
the initial efforts of Homer's former colleagues and friends
at the St. Louis Fed and elsewhere in the community, and,
second, because of the long-lasting support of many
people and organizations. These include the St. Louis
Gateway Chapter of the National Association for Business
Economics, Saint Louis University, Southern Illinois
University at Edwardsville, the University of Missouri at St.
Louis and Washington University in St. Louis.

Homer Jones is often described as "Milton Friedman's
teacher." This is because Jones taught Friedman when
Milton was an undergraduate at Rutgers University in the

early 1930s. At that time, macroeconomics was in its
infancy, and monetary policymakers struggled to come to
grips with their newfound powers—and their limitations.
Eventually, Milton and Homer, each in their own way and
employing different methods, would help to fundamentally
transform the science and practice of monetary economics
and monetary policy.

Jones had come to the Rutgers faculty after studying at the
University of Chicago, where he was a student of legendary
Chicago professor Frank Knight. Also on the Rutgers
faculty at the time: Arthur Burns, future chairman of the
Federal Reserve.

According to Friedman, Jones was one of the primary
in uences in Friedman's choice to study economics, as
opposed to mathematics or statistics. In Friedman's 1976
reminiscence, he says Jones opened his eyes "to the
broader reaches of economics and to the beauties and
intricacies of economic theory."2

Milton Friedman went on to graduate study in economics
at Columbia, and in 1958 Homer Jones came to the St.
Louis Fed as director of research. Homer Jones became
the founding father of the tradition of rigorous economic
research, not just at the St. Louis Fed but for the Federal
Reserve System as a whole. Homer's original efforts to
make the St. Louis Fed a leader in monetary research and
statistics bear an imprint today on an array of Bank
products, including FRED, mobile FRED, ALFRED, GeoFRED,

The most important legacy of Homer Jones is the St. Louis
Fed's unwavering commitment to rigorous, independent
research. Independence of views continues to be a critical
component of U.S. monetary policy. The Fed's ability to
absorb and be open to multiple viewpoints helps prevent
groupthink and leads to superior monetary policy and
ultimately to better macroeconomic performance. Those of
us in the Federal Reserve System who believe that the
ability to question and re-examine conventional wisdom
leads to better policy outcomes owe a great debt to Homer

We are pleased and honored today to welcome Athanasios
Orphanides to give the 2015 Homer Jones Memorial
Lecture. He has moved on from sunny Cyprus and is
currently Professor of the Practice of Global Economics
and Management at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology's Sloan School of Management. Orphanides is
also a Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy
Research, a Senior Fellow of the Center for Financial
Studies, a Research Fellow of the Institute for Monetary

and Financial Stability, and a member of the Shadow Open
Market Committee.

Athanasios has published extensively in professional, peerreviewed journals and co-edited three books. Much of his
work has focused on the di culty of making good
monetary policy choices in real time. The di culty of
interpreting real-time data has often led to questionable
monetary policy decisions, according to his research. For
example, Orphanides has attributed the Great In ation of
the 1970s to policymakers' misreading of trends in
productivity in the early 1970s. His widely-cited
professional publications include co-authored work with
current San Francisco Fed President John Williams,
"Imperfect Knowledge, In ation Expectations, and
Monetary Policy";3 an American Economic Review article
titled "Monetary Policy Rules Based on Real-Time Data";
and a Journal of Monetary Economics article titled "The
Quest for Prosperity without In ation." He also co-authored
an important historical article that I highly recommend,
"The Reform of October 1979: How It Happened and Why,"
with David Lindsey and Robert Rasche in the St. Louis Fed
Review. He obtained his Ph.D. in economics from MIT.

Please join me in welcoming Athanasios Orphanides, who
will speak to us today about "Fear of Liftoff: Uncertainty,
Rules and Discretion in Monetary Policy Normalization."

James Bullard, President and CEO
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


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See Friedman, Milton. "Homer Jones: A Personal

Reminiscence." Journal of Monetary Economics, November
1976, 2(4), pp. 433-6.
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Published in The In ation-Targeting Debate, Ben S.

Bernanke and Michael Woodford, editors, University of
Chicago Press, 2005.
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