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For release:
Nov. 17, 2010
Embargoed Until 8:15 a.m. CT

Marcela M. Williams
Office: (314) 444-8902

St. Louis Fed President Bullard: Opening Remarks
“Past, Present and Future of Government-Sponsored Enterprises” Conference
St. Louis, Mo.| Nov. 17, 2010
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis’ research conference on the
“Past, Present, and Future of the Government-Sponsored Enterprises.”
The role of the housing market has been central in the recent financial crisis. Mortgage financing, in
particular, turned out to be an exceptionally weak link as the crisis unfolded.
The U.S. government has often modified the structure of housing finance after a crisis. For example, before
the Great Depression, a large fraction of mortgages was relatively short term (five-to-seven years). These
loans were mostly non-amortizing balloon mortgages, with low loan-to-value ratios of 50-60 percent.
The intervention of the government changed those terms in favor of fixed-rate mortgages with longer
maturities (20-30 years) and higher loan-to-value ratios (80 percent and above). In 1938, Fannie Mae was
established to create a secondary market to provide liquidity by buying primarily FHA-insured loans. In
1968, Fannie Mae split into a private corporation (Fannie Mae) and a publicly-financed institution (Ginnie
Mae). To provide competition for the newly private Fannie Mae, Congress established Freddie Mac in
The extent of Congressional meddling in this market has been astonishing to the point where one can
barely identify what the private sector outcomes would be in the absence of intervention.
To the extent possible, we need to let the private sector provide the bulk of U.S. housing finance going
forward, without the incentive-distorting set of government programs and taxpayer guarantees that caused
our current system to collapse. Those programs meant well, but ended up costing everyone dearly.
It makes little sense to try to design programs that subsidize everyone. If everyone is subsidized, then no
one is subsidized.
We should perceive the current situation as an opportunity to reform housing finance according to best
principles and sound lending practices. The future of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will depend on the
nature and structure of the new mortgage finance system.

Bullard/GSE Conference Opening Remarks | 2
Here are a few principles that may be used to guide the reform process, and which may be discussed during
the conference today:

Housing affordability: To the extent possible, government subsidies to lower-income and first-time
buyers should be disentangled from housing finance more broadly defined. Subsidies should be
regularly reviewed and subject to Congressional approval and appropriation of funds. These
functions could be merged into the structure of the Department of Housing and Urban
Development along with the government mortgage programs of the FHA and Ginnie Mae.


Mortgage loan origination: One of the rationales for the GSEs is to enhance the flow of credit to
specific sectors of the economy. A key question we need to ask is whether the private market will
allocate credit more efficiently. In most developed countries, mortgage finance is provided by the
private sector. Ideally, in a well-functioning private system, taxpayers can be sheltered so they are
not exposed to insolvency risk.


Leverage: Home equity is the best insurance against default. Loan-to-value ratios of 80 percent or
below should be adequate to insure against most house price movements. Homeowners who
choose higher loan-to-value ratios could be required to purchase default insurance or to increase
the amortization component of their mortgage payments.


Recourse: Many European countries had housing booms and busts of a similar magnitude to the
one in the U.S., but they experienced a different pattern of default rates. For example, in Spain
mortgage debt cannot be discharged in the event of default, and as a result, the default rate is
much lower than in the United States. A possible reform of recourse regulation along European
lines may improve the pattern of default in the U.S., which is currently regulated at the state level.


Transparency, risk, and insurance: The pooling of mortgages into mortgage-backed securities
could be constrained to pool loans with similar characteristics (i.e., $150,000 to $200,000 with a
loan-to-value ratio of 80 percent). In order to avoid one-sided bets, financial intermediaries could
be required to purchase insurance or otherwise appropriately hedge their MBS portfolios.

The research presented at this Conference addresses these important issues and is thus particularly timely.
The range of issues we will study today ranges from the evaluation of the role of the GSEs in the expansion
of the home ownership rate to their role in the purchase of subprime agency debt, as well as several
proposals to reform their structure and regulation. The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis has long
supported fundamental research in economic policy. Our goal has long been to provide perspectives on
whether the policies adopted in the past still serve us well today, and on how recent developments at the
frontier of research can be applied to improve policy. That is what the St. Louis Fed has aimed to do for the
past four decades.
With that in mind, I welcome the speakers who have agreed to share their insights with us today. I trust
that we will all learn quite a lot. Thank you for being here, and have a great conference.

James Bullard, President and CEO
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis