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Effective Monetary Policy in a Low Interest Rate Environment
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March 24, 2009
The Henry Thornton Lecture, Cass Business School, London
Last December, the Federal Reserve's Open Market
Committee reduced its target for the federal funds rate to a
range of 0 to .25 percent. The policy rates of some other
central banks are also at historically low levels, leaving little
or no room for further cuts: The benchmark rate of the
European Central Bank stands at 1.5 percent, the Bank of
England policy rate is 0.5 percent and the Bank of Japan
policy rate is a mere 0.1 percent.(1) Very low policy rates
create a challenge for the global central banking
community. The challenge is to maintain an active and
effective macroeconomic stabilization policy in the face of
a global recession, even when policy rates are low and
many are near zero.
A conventional view has developed—especially over the
past 15 years or so—that describes monetary policy in
terms of a target for a short-term nominal interest rate,
such as the overnight federal funds rate in the United
States. Within this conventional view, the normal policy
response to deteriorating economic conditions and
in ation below a target level is to lower the policy rate. This
view is so conventional, in fact, that many participants in
nancial markets and in the broader central banking
community can envision little else. Thus, with policy rates
at or near zero, it would seem that the world's central
banks have little or no scope for further policy response.
But there is scope for considerable policy response, every
bit as effective as movements in short-term nominal
interest rates. In my remarks this evening, I will discuss
how the Fed and other central banks canprovide additional
monetary stimulus as necessary. To keep stabilization
policy active and aggressive in the current global recession
requires a shift in thinking relative to that of the past 15
years. The shift in thinking is not unlike that brought to the
Fed and the world in 1979 by Paul Volcker.(2) While the
nature of our economic turmoil today is different from the
1970s in many respects, the shift away from a focus on

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Amerigo Vespucci

short-term nominal interest rates is similar. The era of
interest rate rules, inspired by the seminal paper of John
Taylor in 1993(3), is in abeyance, at least for now.
Let me say before I continue that the views expressed here
are my own and do not necessarily re ect the views of
other Federal Open Market Committee members.
Monetary Growth and Expected In ation
At very low nominal interest rates, the expected rate of
in ation plays a larger role. Declines in the expected rate of
in ation, with nominal rates xed, show up as increases in
the real rate of interest. The essence of stabilization policy
is to lower the real rate of interest when macroeconomic
conditions are weaker and raise it when macroeconomic
conditions are stronger. One key to current stabilization
policy is therefore to exert in uence over the expected rate
of in ation.
There is a variety of practical policy tools that a central
bank can employ when the zero bound on nominal interest
rates precludes additional rate cuts. In particular, the zero
bound does not prevent a central bank from taking actions
that increase the growth of the monetary aggregates. It is
well known and widely understood that, over the medium to
long run, in ation re ects the growth rate of money. The
current environment of exceptionally low short-term
nominal interest rates does not prevent a central bank from
increasing the money supply. In this sense, stabilization
policy goals can be accomplished through in uence on the
expected rate of in ation.
The monetary base consists of currency in circulation and
the deposits of banks and other depository institutions
with the central bank. In the United States, the size of the
monetary base doubled over a four-month period
beginning in September 2008. This increase is
astonishingly large. However, the increase in the base is in
part a byproduct of Federal Reserve programs to assist
credit markets and carry out its lender-of-last-resort
function. The lender-of-last-resort programs—on the order
of $1 trillion in the United States in recent months—should
properly be viewed as implying temporary increases in the
monetary base designed to improve market functioning.
Temporary increases in the monetary base—here one day,
gone the next—would not be expected to have an
important in uence on the rate of in ation. Therefore, we
shall have to segregate the temporary increases in the
monetary base associated with lender-of-last-resort
programs from the more persistent increases in the
monetary base associated with outright purchases of
Treasury securities, agency mortgage-backed securities
and agency debt. It is the persistent increases in the
monetary base that should properly be expected to
in uence the rate of in ation and therefore have an
in uence on in ation expectations and real interest rates.
Later in my remarks this evening, I will comment further on

how one might gauge the monetary stimulus re ected in
the extraordinary expansion of the Fed balance sheet and
monetary base over the past six months.
I will also discuss the coupling of balance sheet expansion
with the possibility of establishing an explicit in ation
objective in the United States. In the current environment, a
commitment to an explicit in ation objective coupled with
a systematic approach to expanding the monetary base
could help avoid further disin ation and a possible
de ationary trap, such as the one experienced in Japan.
Further, by anchoring in ation expectations, an explicit
in ation objective could assist the transition back to
conventional policy as normal conditions return and help
ensure that Fed policy does not inadvertently cause a new
round of high and volatile in ation once the current crisis
passes. It is exactly because the current situation is so
uid that the announcement of an explicit numerical
objective for in ation at this point may be particularly
Were it not for the global recession, I am certain that our
discussions about monetary policy tonight would be within
the context of the conventional paradigm of nominal
interest rate targeting. The ongoing nancial turmoil has
changed that, and restoring stability to nancial markets
has been and will continue to be a primary focus of the
Federal Reserve and the U.S. government. The crisis has
revealed clear weaknesses in our nancial infrastructure
and regulatory system. Near the end of my remarks, I
would like to share with you a few thoughts about the
potential for regulatory reform in the United States.
Monetary Policy with an 'M'
Let me now turn to the question of how to conduct an
effective monetary policy in a low interest rate
environment. Conventional monetary policy has come to
be de ned as a central bank establishing an effective
target for a short-term nominal interest rate. This has been
incorporated in the recent practice of central banks and in
textbook and academic discussions of monetary policy. In
textbooks, the nominal interest rate target is derived from a
relationship, or policy rule, involving the long-term in ation
objective of the central bank, deviations of actual in ation
—either observed or forecast—from that in ation objective,
and deviations of actual economic activity from some
measure of potential. This textbook description has been
shown to be a reasonably accurate representation of the
Fed's behavior at least since the beginning of the
Greenspan chairmanship. The public is now wellconditioned to think about U.S. monetary policy in terms of
a target federal funds rate and predictable adjustments of
the target in a rule-like fashion.
Under ordinary circumstances, nominal interest rate
targeting can work quite well. However, with policy rates at
or near zero, nominal interest rate targeting is no longer an

option for combating low rates of actual and expected
in ation and a global recession. With policy rates near
zero, there is no ordinary policy rate move to make to react
to output that is below potential and to in ation that is too
low. Instead, central banks lose their ability to use interest
rate movements to signal their policy moves to the public.
This creates considerable uncertainty in the
One danger of the current situation is that, because the
interest rate signal mechanism has been turned off, the
private sector's medium-term in ation expectations can
begin to drift. Given the severity of the global
macroeconomic shock, the possibility of a de ationary trap
cannot be dismissed. Central banks therefore must adopt
alternative policy approaches if they are to anchor in ation
expectations, avoid sustained de ation, and maintain an
active and effective stabilization policy.
One way of providing a credible nominal anchor for the
economy is to set quantitative targets for monetary policy,
beginning with the growth rate of the monetary base. This
has several advantages. First and foremost, the monetary
base is relatively easy to understand, fostering better
communication about the thrust of policy. Second, we can
be reasonably certain that sustained rapid expansion of the
monetary base will be su cient to head off any sustained
de ation.
One important disadvantage is that the linkages between
the growth rate of the monetary base, monetary
aggregates and key macroeconomic variables are not
statistically tight. This is in part because past data were
produced under an interest-rate-targeting regime. The lack
of precision can make it di cult to determine how rapidly
to expand the base to achieve a speci c in ation objective.
We know this from long and exhaustive debates rooted in
the 1980s concerning monetary instruments versus
interest rate instruments for monetary policy. This older
debate is part of what set the stage for John Taylor's paper
and the return of nominal interest rate rules. I am well
aware of this intellectual history, and I stress that I would
not advocate a monetary base control approach in normal
times. But, I also stress that these are not normal times.
We know that we face some risk of further disin ation and
possible de ation globally. We have seen the example of
Japan. We know that persistent monetary growth can
prevent further disin ation and the accompanying
counterproductive rise in real interest rates that would
entail. A policy geared toward maintaining an elevated
growth rate of the monetary base provides a clear, easily
communicated strategy combating additional disin ation,
even while further signi cant reductions in the nominal
interest rate target are no longer possible.
Persistent versus Temporary Growth in the Monetary Base

The U.S. monetary base has expanded enormously over
the past several months, re ecting an extraordinarily large
expansion of the Federal Reserve balance sheet. But the
meaning of this expansion is blurred because it is di cult
to discern at a glance how much of it is associated with
the temporary lender-of-last-resort role of policy and how
much is associated with a persistent rise in the growth rate
of the base that can be expected to feed into in ation
As an example, in the aftermath of 9/11, the Fed doubled
the level of reserves in the U.S. banking system for a period
of several weeks. This temporary expansion was a classic
response to stressed nancial conditions. The in ationary
consequences of this injection and subsequent removal
were minimal or nonexistent. Something similar is going on
during the current crisis, but on a grand scale and over a
much longer time frame.
Since December 2007, the Federal Reserve has established
several lending programs to provide liquidity and improve
the functioning of key credit markets. The Term Auction
Facility, Term Securities Lending Facility and the Primary
Dealer Credit Facility, for example, help ensure that
nancial institutions have adequate access to short-term
credit. The Commercial Paper Funding Facility provides a
backstop for the market for high-quality commercial paper.
In addition, the Federal Reserve has entered into bilateral
currency swap agreements with some foreign central
banks to help ease conditions in dollar funding markets
globally. Finally, over the past year, the Fed has provided
loans to support speci c nancial institutions. The TAF,
CPFF and swaps in particular have added about $1 trillion
to the size of the Fed's balance sheet in recent months.
These programs belong to a family of policy responses
associated with the lender-of-last-resort function of
monetary policy. We should view them as temporary, as
they are intended to be wound down as nancial stress
abates, and they are structured so that it is feasible to wind
them down over a short period. As such, they are unlikely
to have a meaningful impact on in ation or in ation
More recently, the Federal Reserve announced that it would
purchase substantial quantities of debt and mortgagebacked securities issued by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Within the past week, the Federal Reserve, in cooperation
with the U.S. Treasury Department, has begun to operate
its Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF).
Under the TALF, the Fed could purchase as much as $1
trillion of asset-backed securities collateralized by real
estate and various other types of loans.
All of these facilities and programs affect the size and
composition of the Fed balance sheet. However, before
September 2008, the Fed offset increases in its lending to
nancial institutions by selling Treasury securities in the

open market. Doing so largely kept these facilities from
affecting the overall size of the Fed balance sheet and
growth rate of the monetary base. The base increased by a
mere $20 billion, or about 2.2 percent, between Aug. 1,
2007 and Aug. 27, 2008.(4)
A key question for understanding the thrust of monetary
policy going forward is how much of the enormous
increase in the Fed balance sheet since last September is
likely to be temporary and how much is likely to be
persistent. The temporary components, which mainly
re ect the liquidity injected by the Fed in carrying out its
lender-of-last-resort function, remain very large. The more
persistent components, which to date re ect mainly open
market purchases of agency debt and mortgage-backed
securities, are smaller, but growing rapidly. The persistent
components are likely to have greater in ationary
consequences going forward because these components
are unlikely to shrink as much or as quickly as the lesspersistent components of the balance sheet. Put
differently, the growth in the persistent components of the
balance sheet will have more impact on the medium- to
long-term growth of the monetary base and hence the
outlook for in ation than does the growth of the lesspersistent components.
A Clear In ation Objective
Uncertainty concerning the path of policy and the
implications for in ation could be reduced with the
announcement of a speci c in ation objective. A clearly
articulated in ation objective would help anchor in ation
expectations and reduce uncertainty about the long-run
goals of policy. Right now, in ation expectations are
unusually diffuse. The ballooning of the Fed balance sheet
and large government scal de cit have created worries
about higher in ation in the future, while at the same time
the weak economy, disin ation and the recent history of
the Japanese economy are raising the specter of de ation.
By making its long-run in ation objective explicit, the Fed
could help provide a credible commitment that the growth
of the monetary base will slow as de ation risks recede.
Further, by reducing in ation uncertainty, the
announcement of an explicit in ation objective would
reduce in ation risk premiums in interest rates and
promote e cient resource allocation.
The Future of Financial Intermediation
Maintaining price stability is surely one of the most
important ways that a central bank can promote the
stability of the nancial system. A credible commitment to
long-run price stability enables a central bank to respond
aggressively to nancial crises without unmooring in ation
expectations. The ongoing nancial crisis demonstrates,
however, that price stability alone will not guarantee
nancial stability. The crisis has revealed important
problems in our system of nancial regulation and

oversight, and I would like to spend my remaining time
discussing some lessons suggested by the recent nancial
One obvious lesson is that our present system of nancial
oversight and regulation is not up to the challenges posed
by the size and complexity of the modern global nancial
system. Some very large, complex international nancial
rms are at the epicenter of the nancial crisis.
Comprehensive regulatory reform must better address the
regulation and oversight of rms with global operations.
This will require continued close cooperation among
nancial regulators of all countries where large
international nancial rms do business. International
cooperation may be especially critical to the success of
any attempt at improved oversight and regulation.
One reason for enhanced regulation and oversight of large
complex nancial organizations is that governments are
unlikely to permit such rms to fail; or, if they do fail, the
government will substantially protect many of the rm's
creditors from loss. As stressed by Gary Stern and Ron
Feldman,(5) it is simply not credible in most times and
places that a government will allow a large nancial failure
to occur. This creates a "too-big-to-fail" problem. Any new
regulation has to be soberly designed with this problem in
mind. It is not su cient for policymakers to simply
announce that they will "get tough next time."
The present, disorderly too-big-to-fail regime creates a
moral hazard: Firms whose liabilities are guaranteed have
an incentive to take greater risks than rms without such
guarantees. In the United States, the perception that the
government would guarantee the liabilities of Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac enabled those rms to borrow heavily in
debt markets at relatively low interest rates and to maintain
much lower capital ratios than other nancial rms.
Ultimately, nancial losses eroded the thin capital cushions
of Fannie and Freddie and pushed both rms into the
hands of a government conservator. Without the
perception of government backing—which turned out to be
a reality—markets surely would have forced Fannie and
Freddie to hold more capital, which would have made the
rms less vulnerable to losses on their mortgage
portfolios.(6) The experience with Fannie and Freddie
shows how expectations of what will happen in the failure
regime really in uence all pricing and behavior during
normal times. It is a serious distortion, and it suggests that
the nature of the policy in the event of failure needs to be
clearly delineated and understood both by the private
sector and the government.
The present too-big-to-fail regime also creates tremendous
uncertainty because it is inherently disorderly. When rms
are failing, they simply have to be broken apart, liquidated
or reorganized in some way. Unspeci ed government
intervention in the event of failure leaves this process open,

making stakeholders wonder what will happen next. Also
unspeci ed is which rms are considered too big to fail. If
the top ve rms are in this category, how is a crisis at the
number six rm to be handled? Or, is the government to
extend the unspeci ed protection to all rms in the
industry? Leaving the nature of the intervention in the event
of failure unspeci ed, and in addition leaving the list of toobig-to-fail rms unspeci ed, creates substantial uncertainty
that could be avoided with a well-designed reform.
These two aspects of the too-big-to-fail problem clearly
point toward the need for improvement in the current
system. The improvement would be to design a resolution
regime for large, insolvent nancial institutions considered
too big to fail. The resolution regime should have several
features. First, it should be explicit and well understood by
all players. Second, while it would likely involve some level
of government assistance, the nature of that assistance
(even if state-contingent) should be clear. Third, it should
be credible, in the sense that when the crisis arrives, the
government will have incentives to follow through on the
plan without deviation. And fourth, it should be made clear
which rms would use this alternative resolution regime
and which rms would use bankruptcy court.
The resolution regime now in place for commercial banks
in the United States works reasonably well and could serve
as a model for resolving failures of other types of nancial
institutions. Bank failures are generally resolved quickly
with little disruption to the broader nancial system. The
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) takes control
once a bank's primary regulator determines that a bank is
insolvent. The FDIC either liquidates the failed bank or,
frequently, arranges a merger with another bank. Insured
deposits are either transferred to the new bank or, in the
case of liquidation, paid out quickly. The process is
transparent and relatively painless for most depositors and
borrowers of the failed bank.
An improved resolution regime might require bringing all
too-big-to-fail nancial organizations under an umbrella
regulator. The regulator would continuously supervise
those organizations and enforce rules to minimize the
chance of nancial system disruption. Rules that limit the
size of nancial organizations or discourage excessive risk
taking might also be necessary. A macroprudential
regulator of this sort would take into account broad
economic trends and consider the impact of a rm's
actions on the entire nancial system, not just on the rm's
own creditors. To some extent, the Federal Reserve and
other regulators already consider broad economic trends
and effects. However, our present system was not
designed to control broad macroeconomic risks posed by
complex nancial organizations with far- ung operations.
The success of any macroprudential regulation would likely
rest not with the allocation of the responsibility, but with
the tools given to implement the mandate.

Many other changes in regulation have been suggested to
better manage risks in the nancial system, and there isn't
time today to discuss all of them. The issues are complex,
and though reforms are necessary, they should be well
thought out. Any changes to the regulatory environment
will spur innovation in the private sector to legally
circumvent restrictions. Reform has to be undertaken with
this in mind.
Let me now turn to some brief conclusions.
The nancial crisis has challenged our thinking about both
monetary policy and nancial regulation. In the present
environment, it is not useful to think about monetary policy
in the conventional way. We need a shift in thinking, similar
to the one adopted by the Volcker Fed under different
circumstances in October 1979. A shift away from interest
rate rules and toward quantitative approaches is
appropriate in the current environment, even if interest rate
rules are more appropriate in normal times. As we make
this shift, all of the important lessons of the past two
decades concerning the nature of good monetary policy
must be kept in mind. In particular, we need a clearly
articulated, credible policy that stretches out for several
years and indicates how the central bank plans to respond
to macroeconomic events going forward. The Fed can
accomplish this by continuing to expand the persistent
components of its balance sheet so as to keep the
monetary base growing at an elevated rate to avoid further
disin ation and the rise in real interest rates that would
entail. A credible plan would also name an explicit in ation
objective to help control the currently very diffuse
expectations of medium-term in ation. And, a credible plan
would also specify more explicitly how the central bank
intends to keep base growth under su cient control for the
medium and longer term to meet the in ation target.
Over the near term, monetary policy will continue to focus
on containing the fallout from the ongoing nancial crisis.
The crisis has clearly exposed faults in the structure of
nancial regulation and supervision, especially of large,
complex nancial organizations considered too big to fail.
Above all, the current crisis has demonstrated that "too big
to fail" is not good public policy. One of the key remedies is
to put in place a resolution regime for rms considered too
big to fail, one that is clearly articulated, credible and well
understood by all players.
I appreciate the opportunity to speak here tonight and I
welcome your questions.
1. These rates were current as of March 23, 2009.
2. See "Re ections on Monetary Policy: 25 Years after
October 1979," Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Review March/April2005, for a compilation of the
conference proceedings as well as personal
re ections commemorating Oct. 6, 1979.
3. Taylor, John B. Discretion versus Policy Rules in
Practice. Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on
Public Policy 39: (1993), pp. 195-214.
4. The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Adjusted
Monetary Base (seasonally adjusted) increased from
$856 billion on Aug. 1, 2007 to $876 billion on Aug.
27, 2009.
5. See Gary H. Stern and Ron J. Feldman, (2004), Too
Big to Fail: The Hazards of Bank Bailouts, Brookings
Institution Press, Washington, D.C.
6. William Poole, former president of the Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis, noted the inherent risks
posed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in a series of
speeches: "Financial Stability." Remarks at the
Southern Legislative Conference Annual Meeting,
New Orleans, Louisiana, Aug. 4, 2002; "Housing in the
Macroeconomy." Remarks at the O ce of Federal
Housing Enterprise Oversight Symposium,
Washington, DC, March 10, 2003; and "Reputation
and the Non-Prime Mortgage Market." Remarks at the
St. Louis Association of Real Estate Professionals.
July 20, 2007.

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