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Home > Former President Jim Bullard > Speeches, Presentations and Commentary

From the President

Bullard Discusses U.S. Economy, COVID-19 Risk
Management in Milken Institute Webinar
June 23, 2020

A Conversation with Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President
and CEO James Bullard
Milken Institute


St. Louis Fed President James Bullard shared his views on the performance of the U.S.
economy during the COVID-19 pandemic and risk management going forward. He also
discussed the labor market and in�ation during a webinar that was part of the Milken
Institute Summer Series.
Despite the second quarter being the worst quarter of all time from an economic growth
perspective, quarterly output looks like it will be 90% of what would be produced in a normal
quarter, Bullard said. He attributed this to people working from home and the ability of
essential businesses to adapt.
"I think the bulk of the economy will be able to get back to the production levels that they

were at," he said. However, he added that it's a different world with a new mortality risk in
the economy that isn't going away in the near term. "We're going to have to adapt and learn
to cope with it as best we can and mitigate the risk to the most vulnerable individuals as best
we can," he said.
Bullard noted that one of the goals of the current situation is to stay out of a �nancial crisis,
and another is to stay out of a depression.
"If you get into the depression scenario, the health outcomes and the economic outcomes
will be worse. I think that's really why we should all be motivated to think about how we can
stay out of that situation," he said.
Addressing a question about making monetary policy that's aimed at racial justice, Bullard
said that ideally unemployment would be as low as possible nationwide with no statistical
differences in unemployment rates across racial and ethnic groups. He noted that Black and
Hispanic unemployment rates have consistently been higher than white unemployment
rates in the postwar era, but that the gaps were narrowing coming into this crisis.
Some of the economics literature on this topic suggests that one of the best things that can be
done for racial equality and racial justice is to keep economic expansion going for a long
time, Bullard said.
"That's very much tied to our mandate from Congress, and we certainly try to carry that out
as best we can," he said.
He also talked about in�ation, which has generally been below the Fed's 2% in�ation target
in recent years.
"We've got a lot of very aggressive monetary policy and �scal policy in place to respond to
this crisis," Bullard said. "I'm hopeful that we can get a pretty robust recovery in the second
half here and that in�ation will actually come up to our 2% target."
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