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Statement by
J. Charles Partee
Member, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
before the
Subcommittee on Manpower, Compensation,
and Health and Safety
of the
Committee on Education and Labor
House of Representatives
April 8, 1976

I appreciate the opportunity to present the views of the
Federal Reserve Board on H.R. 50, the "Full Employment and Balanced
Growth Act of 1976." This bill would amend the Employment Act of
1946, which requires the Federal government to utilize all of its
resources in order "to promote maximum employment, production and
purchasing power."

The Federal Reserve Board fully recognizes its

responsibility under the 1946 Act and has reported regularly to
Congress on its efforts to further the objectives of the law.


central question facing Congress as 1t considers H.R. 50 is whether
or not the proposed amendments will help advance the goals of the
original Act.

I am sorry to say that I do not believe they will.

The bill is both too rigid and too inflationary and, on balance, would
likely prove to be inconsistent with the long-term economic well-being
of the nation.
Unemployment has been a very serious problem recently in the
United States, as in many other countries.

But this condition is mainly

a product of the recession, which in turn was caused by the excesses
and imbalances that had developed earlier in the economy.

With economic

recovery, good progress is being made in restoring jobs, and the unemploy­
ment rate has dropped 1-1/2 percentage points over the past year.
Substantial further progress is necessary in creating new
job opportunities, thereby reducing unemployment and providing for the
absorption of a steadily growing labor force.
objective of governmental economic policy.

This must be a primary

It is also of crucial

importance, however, that we avoid recreating the conditions that led



to the past recession, and could do so again.

This means that continued

attention must be directed to questions of economic structure and balance,
including avoidance of the extremely injurious effects of rapid inflation.
We at the Board are gravely concerned that the net effect of
H.R. 50 would be to add substantially to the inflationary bias already
evident in the performance of the nation's economy, without generating
a lasting increase in productive employment opportunities.

Surely, the

events of recent years have demonstrated that rapid inflation can
undermine prosperity and exacerbate unemployment.

The inflation of

1973 and 1974, with its adverse effects on real incomes, attitudes and
the quality of economic decision-making, was a major force contributing
to the subsequent deep economic recession.

It should be clear from

this experience that such conditions exact their toll in terms of
economic inequity and social discontent.

The American people have

become painfully aware of the costs of inflation and of the need to
control it.
It is of the utmost importance, we believe, that the containment
of inflation be recognized explicitly as an important national priority
inseparable from the goals of maximum employment and production.


a principal flaw in the 1946 Act is its failure to identify clearly price
stability as a long-run economic goal.

H.R. 50 shares and extends this

In the Board's judgment, the anti-inflation provisions of

the bill are too weak and too vague to be satisfactory.
there workable safeguards against inflation.

Nowhere are

Instead, the bill has

many provisions that would contribute further to conditions and practices

-3that would likely result in an intensification of upward price
Certainly one inflationary feature is the bill's objective
of 3 per cent adult unemployment to be reached, and sustained, within
four years following enactment.

This is a most arbitrary target.

Historically, a 3 per cent adult unemployment rate is very low.


the past 30 years, the jobless rate for those 18 and over has been in
the neighborhood of 3 per cent only during 1952-53 and 1968-69, years
in which the number of men in the armed forces was over 3-1/2 millionhalf again as high as the present level.

Moreover, both of these periods

of heightened economic activity were characterized by demand-pull inflation
and were followed eventually by major recessions.

Thus, our postwar

experience suggests that achievement of 3 per cent unemployment typically
is accompanied by substantial inflation and followed by economic decline,
rather than by sustained full employment.
In addition, the setting of a rigid unemployment goal ignores
the dynamic character of the American labor force.

The jobless rate of

a decade or so ago does not have the same meaning as the current rate,
principally because of the shifting composition of the labor force and
the more liberal nature of our Federal income-support programs.


labor force has relatively more new entrants and reentrants— chiefly
the young, and married women— than it did then.

These groups typically

have higher rates of joblessness as they search— often intermittently
and through trial and error— for a satisfactory job.

It is reasonable

to think that this has had an upward bias on the official jobless rate.



Indeed, the fact that the bill sets forth an unemployment
target while making no mention of a comparable specific objective with
regard to inflation is illustrative of its uneven treatment of these
two economic problems.

I would not urge that any fixed target for

short-run price behavior be set; the meaning of an inflation rate,
in its own way, can be as changeable as the meaning of a jobless rate.
My purpose is simply to point out the bias of H.R. 50 in favor of one
important national goal at the expense of another.
Some of the countercyclical and structural programs of
H.R. 50 are likely to introduce important new elements of inflationary
bias into our economic system.

A significant problem of many past

stabilization programs has been timing.

Although the bill calls for

the establishment of triggers and allocation formulas, I believe it
still unlikely that we would avoid the pitfall of applying the aid
too late in an economic downturn and continuing it too far into a
recovery, when the effect on price pressures can be most pronounced.
Experience has shown that such defects in timing have been particularly
marked in programs of accelerated public works— one of the bill's
recommended options.

The inflationary implications of some of the

other suggested programs— including those to stabilize State and local
government budgets over the cycle and to extend unemployment insurance—
also require careful evaluation.
The major inflationary thrust from the countercyclical programs,
however, would come from the specific provisions of this bill that make
the Federal government the employer of last resort.

While worthy in

-5principle, the program as specified in H.R. 50 has a critical flaw.
It requires the payment of prevailing wages, defined where applicable
as the highest of the following:

the Federal minimum wage, the State

or local minimum wage, the prevailing wage in State or local government,
or the prevailing wage in construction as specified by the Davis-Bacon
This program— and these wages--would have profound inflationary
consequences for several reasons.
substantial cost-push pressures.

First, the program would result in
Private labor markets would be

tightened, and this would cause private employers to bid up wage rates
in order to obtain and retain workers.

Also, by making public jobs

available at attractive wages as a matter of right, the program would
encourage workers now employed in the private sector to press for even
larger wage gains, or to transfer to governmental jobs.

As an example,

any construction project under this bill would pay the going union
rate; but since a large proportion of building in the U.S. is nonunion,
this wage would be higher than many construction workers now receive
and would provide an alternative preferable to their existing jobs.
Second, the employer of last resort program, as specified,
would very likely come to generate significant demand-pull pressures
on prices.

Given our demonstrated national reluctance to raise taxes

sufficiently to cover increases in government spending, the financing
of the program would tend to add to the Federal deficit-very substantially
so, at some points in time.

This year, for example, the Federal government

will spend close to $3 billion to support some 320,000 public service

-6employment jobs in State and local government.

The program proposed

by H.R. 50 has the potential of being many times larger than this.
Its attractive wage provisions would draw not only from the unemployed
but also from those working part-time or at less desirable jobs, and
from those not presently in the labor force, including retired persons,
housewives and students.

The upper bound of potential participation

cannot be estimated with any degree of accuracy.

But it seems quite

possible that several million jobs might come to be needed to employ
all of those seeking these positions at the relatively attractive rates
of pay that would be offered.

Such a program might therefore involve

$30 billion or more in outlays at current average pay scales.

I might

note also that we have learned from the existing public service employment
programs that cost offsets in terms of reduced transfer payments under
other programs may not be as large as is often thought.

Only about

a fourth of these enrollees in 1975 had been receiving unemployment
insurance or public assistance prior to participation in the program.
Far and away the most significant defect of the bill as far
as inflation is concerned, however, results from the limitations it
places on the exercise of monetary and fiscal policy.

If I interpret

H.R. 50 correctly, such policies are to be directed solely to the
achievement of the 3 per cent unemployment goal until this target
is reached.

Only when that rate is below 3 per cent can macro-economic

tools be directed in any degree to the problems of inflation and
economic instability.

Instead, these fundamental techniques of demand

management— used throughout the world in governmental efforts to combat

-7inflation as well as unemployment— are to be supplanted in the bill
by a series of specific program initiatives.
substitute measures includes the following:

The list of these
a comprehensive information

system to monitor inflationary trends; programs to encourage greater
supplies of goods, services and factors of production; export licensing;
establishment of stockpile reserves of food and critical materials;
encouragement to labor and management to raise productivity through
voluntary action; and proposals to increase competition.
Whatever the individual merits of these programs— and some
are worthy of careful consideration— one fact is abundantly clear.
They do not constitute an effective policy of inflation control.


believe that it would be a most serious mistake to discard the use of
monetary and fiscal policy without first finding some effective
alternative means of constraining inflation on an enduring basis.
Moreover, the bill's adoption of a trigger point with regard
to economic goals simply does not provide a workable basis for employing
accumulated knowledge about the behavior of the economy.

It would not

be practicable, in my view, to focus macro-economic policies exclusively
toward a full employment goal and then, at a given point, abruptly shift
attention to the containment of inflation.

That is analogous to approaching

a stop-light at top speed, and then applying the brakes with equal vigor;
the momentum would be sure to carry one into the intersection, or the
deceleration to send one through the car's windshield, or more probably

There needs to be the latitude to modulate and balance policy

objectives to changing economic circumstances if we are to have any
hope of achieving a lasting economic prosperity.

-8The changes required by the bill would go considerably
beyond narrowing the options for modulating macro-policy objectives
in accord with perceived needs of the economy.

They would also alter

dramatically the features of the existing process for review and
oversight of the monetary policy function.

In this regard, I would

like to direct my comments to two specific provisions.

First, the

President is required to recommend a particular plan for monetary
policy and to submit it annually to the Congress along with his
numerical goals for employment, production and purchasing power.
Second, within 15 days of the President's report, the Federal Reserve
Board is required to submit its intended policies for the coming year
to the Congress, indicating the extent to which its plans support the
goals of H.R. 50 and providing justification for any variation from the
President's recommendations.
The Federal Reserve Board strongly objects to these proposed
new procedures on two grounds:

(1) they would alter the traditional

relationship between the Congress, the Federal Reserve and the Executive
Branch in a way that could well prove detrimental to the economic well­
being of the nation, and (2) the procedures specified would seriously
impair the current operational flexibility needed in the formulation and
conduct of monetary policy.
The Federal Reserve Act was carefully drawn to specify a
relationship between the Congress and the Federal Reserve System that
would serve to insulate the monetary authority from short-run political


This feature of the Act stemmed from a well founded concern

that excessive government spending could be aided and abetted if the
executive were granted the authority to control a nation's money supply.
It is a fact of economic history that governments everywhere have come
under great pressure to engage in massive deficit spending, at one time
or another, even though this patently jeopardized the longer-run health
of the economy.

History also is replete with the inflationary consequences

that have followed when governments have given in to such temptations,
and have then simply run the printing presses in order to supply the
money needed to finance their deficits.
The need to turn to private financial markets in order to
finance deficit public spending performs an important function.


process of financing shifts purchasing power from private savers to the
government, thus neutralizing much of the potential inflationary effect
of deficit financing, while the necessity of finding willing investors
imposes a market discipline on the scale of such deficits.

But even

in the United States, where this discipline has largely prevailed, the
Federal budget has been in deficit every year but one since 1960.
There is nothing in this record that suggests that we can relent in the
battle to avoid excessive deficit financing.

But instead, H.R. 50 proposes

to weaken one key safeguard against inflationary public finance by
introducing the Executive Branch explicitly and publicly into the
making of monetary policy.

And were the Congress to mandate these

-10new procedures, it also would significantly dilute its preeminent role
in the oversight of the monetary policy process.
Moreover, the proposed procedures for the planning and
evaluation of monetary policy are, for operational reasons, inferior
to those now in place.

Under House Concurrent Resolution 133, the

Federal Reserve Board presently reports quarterly on economic and
financial developments, and specifies its current expectations for a
variety of monetary aggregates to the appropriate oversight Committees
of the Congress.

The great advantage of this reporting procedure is

that it permits the Federal Reserve the flexibility necessary to
adapt monetary policy to changing economic conditions.

The procedures

proposed in H.R. 50 would sharply curtail such flexibility.
There are two major changes in the existing process required
by H.R. 50:

(1) policy planning is moved from a quarterly to what would

effectively be a 12 to 15-month reference period, and (2) there would
appear to be an unalterable commitment to longer-term plans for monetary
policy in support of specified numerical national economic goals.


the basis of experience, the Board is convinced that these changes
would make the proposed planning and evaluation process too rigid to
be workable.

In the first place, the ability of economists to forecast

economic events for a year or more into the future with any high degree
of reliability simply does not exist.

Two rather notable recent

illustrations of forecasting imprecision come quickly to mind:


extraordinarily high rates of inflation that developed in 1973 and 1974

-11that virtually no one foresaw, and the severity of the 1974-75 recession,
which was also quite unexpected.

In either case, it would have been a

serious error to adhere to outdated plans based upon economic forecasts
that proved to be wide of the mark.
In addition, the current state of knowledge about the relation­
ship between movements in the monetary aggregates and real economic
activity is not nearly so precise as the comments of some economists
would have you believe.

In recent quarters, for example, there appears

to have been a dramatic reduction in the amount of money needed to
finance the rise in GNP.

Under these circumstances, holding to a course

of monetary expansion that might have been suggested by historical money/GNP
relationships could have been quite damaging.

Speculative activities

would have been encouraged, thus sowing the seeds for future economic
instability, and the monetary base might well have been laid for a renewal
of intense inflationary pressures.
Technical and financial innovations, accompanied by regulatory
changes, undoubtedly have accounted in part for the slower growth in the
narrowly-defined money stock.

For example, the spread of overdraft checking

account credit privileges, increased use of credit cards to facilitate
transactions, and the introduction of savings accounts at commercial
banks for business firms all have tended to encourage greater economizing
in the use of currency and checking account balances.

These effects could

not have been estimated with any accuracy in advance, however, and in any
event, I do not think that they provide a complete explanation.

The fact

-12is that there is a potential for short-run volatility in monetary
relationships that can make economic forecasts based on monetary inputs
very treacherous indeed.
These uncertainties about monetary and economic relationships—
uncertainties that are particularly marked at present--will require
vigilance and flexibility by the Federal Reserve in the months ahead,
and serve to point out the need for flexibility as a characteristic of
the monetary policy process.

Ours is an extraordinarily complex and

dynamic economy; its linkages and responses are still imperfectly
understood and probably always will be.

Thus, in order to accomplish

the objectives of economic stabilization, the formulation and conduct
of monetary policy need to retain their flexibility to adapt to unforeseen
developments in our economic and financial system.

For these reasons

we believe the provisions of H.R. 50 with respect to the monetary policy
planning process would serve to reduce the contribution the Federal
Reserve can make in helping to achieve our national economic goals.
Let me turn now to what this bill has to offer by way of
improving the tradeoff between unemployment and inflation.
We have all painfully learned that the unemployment-inflation
trade-off— which is generally thought to be determined by our endowment
of human and material resources, our economic institutions and processes,
and our social practices and aspirations— has grown distinctly more un­
favorable in recent years.

A simple but useful illustration of this

deterioration is the so-called discomfort index, which adds together the
unemployment rate and the rate of increase in consumer prices.


-13year, that index was 15.6,while a decade ago it was 6.4 and two decades
ago 4.8.
High unemployment side by side with high rates of inflation
presents the most difficult problem facing economic policymakers, not
only in the United States but throughout the world.

The sources of this

problem are far from fully understood, but an important part appears
to be structural in nature and, therefore, relatively immune to monetary
and fiscal policy.

A look at last year's unemployment figures illustrates

some of the structural impediments in labor markets.

Groups experiencing

the greatest barriers— discrimination, marginal skills, location in
depressed areas— have jobless rates well above the national average,
even when the economy is not in a recession.

For example, in 1973,

when the national average unemployment rate was 4.9 per cent, black
joblessness was 8.9 per cent, while 14.5 per cent of all teenagers
in the labor force were unemployed.
The bill properly recognizes the importance of structural
problems and suggests a variety of programs to alleviate them.


are many such programs that might prove beneficial, but I believe that
two broad areas deserve special emphasis.

First are programs that would

help increase competition in product and factor markets.

There is need

to reassess the effectiveness of our antitrust legislation— with regard
to both business and labor practices— and the anti-competitive effects
of Federal regulation of all kinds.

We need also to reexamine the costs

and benefits of such Federally mandated programs as the Davis-Bacon Act,
the minimum wage for teenagers and extended unemployment insurance.


-14are programs that would serve to Increase over time the employability
of the jobless.

We need better and more imaginative training programs

and an improved labor market information system that would match job
vacancies with available people, perhaps on a national basis.
Other programs are worthy of consideration.

We should seek

out ways to encourage more investment in productive plant and equipment,
through stronger incentives and perhaps some revisions in the tax laws.
We should stress programs to improve efficiency in both the private
and public sectors.

In this regard, the Board would endorse the principle

of zero-based budgeting, which appears to be contemplated by the feature
of H.R. 50 requiring an annual review of one-fifth (by dollar value) of
all Federal government programs.
A new emphasis on structural programs such as these, together
with prudent monetary and fiscal policies, will provide our best hope
for achieving the goals of the Employment Act of 1946.

But the Board

believes that H.R. 50, while reasserting these goals, would in the end
be counterproductive in the effort to achieve them.

The bill would

release a powerful combination of demand-pull and cost-push pressures
on prices.

As has been demonstrated by the experience of many other

countries— and, to a degree, by our recent experience here at homerapid inflation can breed economic instability and ultimately retard— not.
promote— the growth of productive jobs.

If we are truly to commit

ourselves to the broad goals of the 1946 Act, we need programs and
policies that achieve a greater balance among our economic objectives
than is recognized in H.R. 50.

* * * * * * * * * *