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South Dakota Executive Committee of UMRDC
Pierre, January 30, 1967
Dinner meeting






"High, Wide and Handsome1' was the title of a book about Montana written
some years ago by Joseph Kinsey Howard.

But in a larger sense, these three

words describe the physical features of the Ninth Federal Reserve District.
The Ninth Fe eral Reserve District comprises the full states of Montana, North
and South Dakota, and Minnesota, plus the northern portions of Wisconsin and
Michigan -- an area encompassing a rectangular block of mid-United States 1,800
miles from east to west, and 400 to 500 miles from north to south.

It is an

area with many contrasts along with many similarities ( SLIDE -- S00 LOCKS )
from the heart of the Great Lakes at the Soo, which was settled first, with its
mines and forests and abundant water supply; across the Great Plains of the
CSuOfc - G £
Dakotas and eastern Montana, capable of great swings of weather and crop con­



ditions within a few miles or a few days; ( SLIDE -- GLACIER ) to the heights
of the Rocky Mountains, with forests rather typical of the Pacific Northwest.
Like ti

variations in altitude - from 600 feet to 13,000 feet - the range of

almost every other measure of the district, whether it be physical, social or
economic, requires a heroically sized chart.


In much of the area it can be said the land has shaped the people.
They have been prisoners, as well as exploiters, of the environment.

Many of

thr common denominators of this region are born of this simple fact.

G eo­

graphically, all the region is remote from the mass consumption and industrial
markets of the East and the West.

Transportation costs from the region to

these markets are high -- and have limited the types of goods that can be


However, the region is blessed by abundant supplies of natural

resources -- iron ore, copper, oil, natural gas, forests and farm lands.


is the exploitation of these which dominates the economic activity in the
Partly-because of the_pat^erTT^lTlfas^u

ther "41T*

was l^Ti'euXtural, lumbering , or mining -- and parbly ibec^se ^f^?tne Dime frank
in which this pattern developed, tjfie people withip trie district share
common ciiltural background ofK^k^the^

Ethnic origins and tfy

preservation of e t h ^ c ^ M r ^ ^ ^ ^ e f e r e n c e have infTifenc^d patterns of d e ­

ss of these ethnie-group^ftSs^been a source of

ta 1 1 t-y-r—

of rnnsprv^ f 1 sm on occasion ^hat^ has Vii^

this profile of the district, I hope to give

you a sense of the economic development of this region, and some idea as to the
pattern of population development and shifts -- for where the people are, who
they are, and what they*re doing now influences modern economic growth as
surely as the presence of white pine forests, native copper deposits, iron ore
and gold did a century ago.

But first a few general comments.

A case can be made, I think, that nationally viewed our most precious
natural resources may be space, air, and water.

T h e ,map itself is proof of

the space, especially when the population distribution is considered, as will
be developed later.

Except in isolated areas, air and water pollution are not

of the same dimension as they are in other areas of the United States.

the distribution of rainfall.

This slide shows in broad outline

Within these averages, particularly in the

Dakotas and Montana, are concealed the significant seasonal variations that
can make or break a rainfall dependent crop.

The difference between a success­

ful season or a bust can be measured in hundredths of an inch at the crucial
t%i me.

In the eastern part of the

district and on the western slope of the Rockies are those areas where natural
surface and sub-surface storage have changed the face of the land and m a n fs

This slide combines the water and forest resources distribution, which,

for obvious reasons, have a common pattern.
quantities and usable qualities.

Here water comes in abundant

The many lakes and rivers - surface water -

alone provide an ample supply of water for many activities - from recreation
to mining.
The water of the western sections tells a different story.

There, the

maldistribution of water has been one of the major limiting factors in economic

Only a careful husbanding of water can provide adequate supplies for

industry and agriculture.

But it is being brought under control.


engineering technology, and lots and lots of money have taken us a long way.
No longer does the lack of water greatly constrict the alternatives open to man.
prominent example.

The Missouri Basin development is the most

Its multi-purposes are to provide municipal and industrial

water, control floods, permit irrigation, recreation, wildlife development,
and navigation, abate pollution and, lastly, generate electric power.
construction work on six mainstem dams is now fully completed.
illustrates relative storage and stream flows.
will be stored in the two largest reservoirs;


The chart

Between one and two years' flow
Oahe and Garrison.

Modern agriculture, like modern industry, requires enormous quantities
of water on a predictable basis -- most places in western sections this means
a controlled basis.


This slide depicts one of

the great projects currently under way -- the Oahe diversion, which will make
Missouri River water available several hundred miles from the Oahe Dam, an area
larger than the State of Delaware.
On a similarly heroic scale is the Garrison Dam diversion, designed to
assure an irrigation source almost across the State of North Dakota.
The most difficult problem in preparing this talk has been to place
in some sort of order of importance the salient identifying features of the
district*s economy.

Of necessity, it has had to be done with a very broad

brush, which is dangerous, for it is so easy in this once-over-lightly presenta­
tion to give the impression of monolithic industries with common objectives and

Nowhere is this more evident than in a general discussion of the

role of agriculture in this district, with its connotation of unity and

Those same physical environmental factors briefly touched upon

earlier have had an obvious impact on the development of this industry.


for the common desire they share with all American business -- to make money
I doubt there is much common identity among the dairy farms of Minnesota and
Wisconsin, the cattle ranches of the western Dakotas and eastern Montana, the
great wheat ranches of the high-line (as the northern layer of counties across
the western part of the district is referred t o ) , the corn and row crops of
southern Minnesota and western South Dakota, not to mention the Christmas tree
culture, poultry, and the many other forms of agricultural endeavor.

Nor is

there any similarity in size.

Agriculture is practiced in one form or another

on units of 100 acres or less to large holdings of 100,000 acres or more.


there are points of similarity. These are the more obvious ones. ( SLIDE -(VConf
First of all, agriculture has been one of our major
industries, and I doubt its contribution to our aggregate economic numbers,
as we pass from surplus to near deficit food production, is likely to diminish.
In fact, a case might be argued for the proposition that, given an opportunity,
agriculture could make a larger contribution to redressing our deficit balance
of payments position than general manufacturing.


* The second point is the declining

number of individuals involved.

It is an obvious fact that the number of

people engaged in agriculture has been declining; but employment is hardly
an adequate measure of the economic impact of this industry.

FM *

S i z r Of F A * * * )


Farms are getting larger, unit income

is increasing, even though agricultural price/cost relationships have shown a
deterioration over the years.
In 1965 the Ninth District numbered less than 275,000 farm units,
which was 95,000 fewer than 1946.

As the number has

decreased, due to pressures

of technology and capital costs, the value of the production has increased.
Gross farm income in this district was nearly $4 billion in 1965, or 50% greater
than 1946.

The increase in income has obviously not been uniform, but on an

average the net farm income has improved by 50% from 1946 levels to 1965.


This chart shows dramatically what has been

happening to agriculture in the sense of inputs and outputs.


While the input

curve has not shown an upward trend, the output curve started rising sharply
in 1945, and has continued into the 60*s.

Output per man and per farm has

increased so remarkably that the characterization of agriculture as a growth
industry has elements of truth.

Farm investment Has increased proportionately.

Farmers are dependent on capital inputs to a degree only dimly perceived in
most quarters.

The implications of this for machinery manufacturing,

petroleum production, and the fertilizer industry are far reaching.


the increase of nearly $14 billion in the value of investment is due in part
to the increase in land values, this should not be permitted to obscure the
role played by modern technology and the attendant dependence on mechanical
and chemical aids.
of farming, areas.

In th

These are:


Dairying and”
*wood products


Dallying and general fafmi
Corn and livestock feeeffng
Small grairi s g ^ f a l t y crop
Small gpaejfn, corn transitional
rain, J,iVestock fanning;
iivestock ranching areas;
Areas where small


gafrton fanning, o-nd wood

A com


Recall as you look at this slide the topographical map, and remember as we move
from east to west across the district, the upward tilt of the land is accompanied
by decreasing rainfall and shorter growing seasons until you reach the western
slopes of the Rockies.
Just as a point of reference, you might be interested in seeing where
the major divisions of agriculture are in this district.

This s ejatSMEt slide/ shows the

I.n.r»»>of the livestock industry.

Soy beans, grains, and corn are the

major crops.
( ^SLIE^E.-+ •/, W H E A T )

Of these, wheat is, of course, the most widely

known agricultural product of our district.

This industry is concentrated

substantially in the northeastern quarter of Montana, North Dakota, and a
small part of northwestern Minnesota.
Let's turn to non-agricultural industrial development.
industry is electrical power.

Key to modern

Electric energy is to modern industry what

Wheaties (to advertise a product of this district) is to people.

I think we

can gain a few useful insights into the Upper Midwest economy by portraying
the type and scope of this element in its industrial diet.

This has been done by putting all electrical generating plants

with capacity of 40 megawatts or more on this map.


The color indicates the type of plant.
The shape indicates the ownership.
The size indicates the capacity.


One thing is immediately apparent.

In the west, the c o l o r s t a n d s

-&-rcr£ indicates hydroelectric power plants.

Remember those same dams

indicated a few slides ago bear the label of multi-purpose dams, and among
these purposes, the generation of hydroelectric power is important.

The western

portion of the region depends almost entirely on hydroelectric power, while the
eastern portion uses it sparingly.

The topography of the west dicates hydro

as the cheapest and most feasible source of power.

The Continental Divide cuts

down through the mountains of western Montana, and the rapid drop of water p e r ­
mits the easy storage for power generation in both the Columbia Basin to the
west, and the Missouri Basin to the east of the Divide.

Installed hydro

capacity in Montana developed 1.3 million kilowatts (by January 1, 1965) with
a potential for an additional 7.4 million kilowatts.

Both private utilities

such as Montana Power Company and Washington Water Power Company, and federal
installations such as at Hungry Horse Dam, take advantage of the Continental
Divide to generate hydro power.

This cheap and large source of power has

attracted aluminum and copper smelters.

Mines and sawmills are large consumers

of the power, also.
Flowing eastward from the Rockies, the great Missouri River system
collects the snows and rains of the high mountains, and carries them eastward
across the "dry plains'* of Montana and the Dakotas.
the power needs of this area, too.

Hydroelectricity supplies

The half-dozen mainstem dams along the

Missouri both store water and generate power.

Five of the largest 24 hydro

plants in the United States are found in our region, and three of these are
Missouri River dams in the Dakotas.

The total capacity of these five largest

hydro plants is 2,000 megawatts -- which compares in generated power to the


Grand Coulee Dam in Washington and the Robert Moses plant at Niagara Falls.
Little unused hydro capacity remains in the plains area, but the areas*s
enormous lignite deposits are being increasingly used for power generation by
such private utilities as Montana-Dakota Utilities and OtterTail Power, and by
the electrical cooperatives.
The eastern part of the region presents a contrasting picture.
steam electric generating plants dominate the supply.
plants burn coal, and some use natural gas instead.


Most of this area's
The largest plants, in­

cluding two currently in construction, are owned by the Northern States Power
Company, and are in the region's principal metropolitan center - the Twin Cities.
Much of the large generating capacity in the northeastern section - northeastern
Minnesota and Upper Peninsula - is used for mineral processing.

Just as the

water requirements help to control the location of beneficiating of iron ores,
so does electrical power -- for beneficiating requires nearly ten times the
electricity per ton of refined ore as was needed to refine higher grade ores.
Erie and Reserve -- two major taconite companies in Minnesota -- and White Pine
Copper in the Upper Peninsula, operate their own generating plants.


taconite operations depend on the utilities in the area, such as Minnesota
Power and Light Company, and Upper Peninsula Generating Company, to supply
their power needs.
Nuclear power has been introduced to the region in plants of two
electrical cooperatives and one private utility.

Construction of a major

nuclear powered generating plant north of the Twin Cities has just been begun
by Northern States Power Company.

The Upper Midwest is an ideal environment

for leading the nation in development and use of this power source.
things suggest this.


First, the industries in the region have had considerable

experience in developing highly technical products.

For example, three of the

nation's eight major electronic computer companies are based in the Twin Cities.
Secondly, the area is surpassed only by Boston and California in the availa­
bility of the academic research facilities necessary for such an undertaking.
Thirdly, the large supply of water -- preferably nonsaline -- which is necessary
for a coolant in nuclear power plants, is available in large quantities of
usable quality in the Upper Midwest, as I mentioned earlier.

Future develop­

ments in nuclear power may very well change locational advantages of power cost.

Getting back to conventional fuels, you might

be interested in the competitive cost position relative to other areas.
chart illustrates this.


Fuel costs are plotted according to the steam electric

plants located near the representative large cities.

Notice that the Twin

Cities (and Mississippi River sites to the south) have lower fuel costs than
many of the largest industrial cities.

In fact, the lignite burned near mine-

site in Montana and the Dakotas does not cost much more per B.T.U. than natural
gas burned at Dallas generating plants, or coal at Pittsburgh plants, the two
lowest cost locations.
So, the Upper Midwest has an abundant supply of water in the eastern
part, and an adequate supply in the western part, it has space, air, and it
has low cost power generation.
economic activity"?

What does it do with these "prerequisites to

The Upper Midwest's most important economic activities

center on its natural resources -- its iron ore, its copper, its lignite, its
petroleum, its forests, and its farm lands.

The economy of northern Minnesota, northern Wisconsin, and Upper Michigan


has not changed greatly since the last century.
industries are still the major employers.

Mining and forest-based

Dramatically changed, though, has

been the type of resource, the technology, and market demands.

No longer are

we dealing with high quality iron ores, great deposits of easily mined native
copper, and stands of white pine and hardwoods.

"Taconite11 is the magic word

in the iron industry -- "open pit" in mining and copper -- and "pulp and
plywood" for the forest products industry.
is a modern success story.

A few words about each of these.
First, the taconite industry.


The Lake Superior area has dominated the iron

industry of the United States, and will continue to do so for many years to
come, thanks to taconite.

Plants presently on stream can produce 44 million

tons of pellets, and are employing 10,000 to 11,000 workers.

It is estimated

that the range can support 100 million tons of pellet production per year for
many decades to come.

The commitments already made and contemplated for years

ahead indicate the confidence the steel industry has in this area.

This map shows the iron ranges which

have had a long history of natural ore production, and the taconite plants, in­
cluding those currently under construction and expected to be producing in 1967.
How about copper?

In the west there is the Anaconda property at Butte,

now substantially shifted to open pit mining.
the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

In the east are the deposits of

On this map are shown the latter areas.


the old range area, Calumet & Hecla has recently made.a much publicized finding
of huge additional reserves of copper ore, which will involve deep mining
operation similar to that of South Africa.


The White Pine Mine of the Copper

Range Corporation is currently employing 2,000 employees, and is in the process
of doubling its copper production.
But there are other mining endeavors that should be mentioned in

The largest domestic gold producer is in western South Dakota,

Homestake Mine, in the Black Hills.

Then north of Lake Superior, International

Nickel is leading the way in the exploration and development of the coppernickel deposits of northeastern Minnesota shown on the map.
The district is reasonably well supplied with fuels.


Williston Basin, extending through western North Dakota and

eastern Montana, is the newest major petroleum development in the district.


central Montana, the Shelby and Cutbank fields have been producers for many

About 58.4 million barrels of petroleum were produced in the district

in 1965.

If output is maintained at the rate set in the first half of 1966,

the total 1966 production should be about 63 million barrels.

The production

from the Williston Basin declined after the first push, but it has rebounded
with the discovery of two additional fields in 1964.

Similarly, northern

Montana, through technology and new discoveries, has had a rebirth in the
Cutbank-Shelby fields

The petroleum industry has shared in the high cost of

transportation common to this district.


This map

illustrates the extension of pipelines has been of strategic importance to
the development of the industry.

There is one advantage our petroleum areas

have -- they supply only the Upper Midwest, and not all of that -- so the
distance to market is not great.

Secondly, pipeline transportation is available

from all major producing areas in the Upper Midwest.

About 85% of the crude

flows into the Upper Midwest refineries by pipelines.

These refineries now

number 17, with the major refineries at Billings, Great Falls, the Twin Cities,
and the head of the Lakes.
Enormous deposits of lignite are present in the Dakotas.

A pellet plant

for gassification of lignite has been authorized by Congress, and will be built
in northwestern South Dakota.

The implications of this for major owners, such

as the Northern Pacific Railroad, will cause them certainly to watch it with
All told, the value of the annual output of minerals is in excess of
$1 billion.

About 32,500 people are employed in the industry, which is perhaps

more relevant than the value of production -« for much of the value of pr o­
duction comes from the mineral itself, and does not go into the region*s economy.
is its forests.
shown on the map:

One of the Upper Midwest*s most valuable resources

Forest products of the district occur in two distinct areas, as
the largely virgin forests of western Montana, and the second

growth forests of northern Minnesota, northwestern Wisconsin, and Upper Michigan.
These two areas -- the east and the west of our region -- have different but
competitive timber resources.
Montana*s forests are populated by coniferous softwoods - high quality
lumber from which Montana derives $150 million annually.

The major problems

of Montana*s forests are these -- 1) limited supply, 2) a production rate 40%
greater than new growth, and 3) the ownership, which is concentrated in the
federal government, Northern Pacific Railway, and the Anaconda Copper Mining

At the other side -- the eastern side - - o f our region, the opposite
problem makes trouble -- the problem of insufficient demand.
part, 450 million more board feet are grown than cut.

In the eastern

For example, Minnesota

has approximately the same growth as Montana, but cuts only one-fourth the
lumber Montana cuts.

One explanation of the surplus lies in the supply.

stated, much of the wood in the trees is not recoverable.


Whereas the eastern

part has about 50% of the region's wood in its trees, it has only 30% of the
recoverable lumber.

Much of the growth in this part of the region is in the

smaller trees, which, of course, is not cut regardless of demand.

Then too,

the eastern forests are 60% second growth hardwoods, inferior to the softwoods
that were cut there long ago, and are being cut in Montana today.
How can the hardwoods be utilized?

There has been much research into

new products and production processes which could use hardwoods.

The changes

in pulpwood production have been encouraging, for the pulp and paper industry
is the major forest-based industry of the area.

Production of pulpwood in the

area has increased 60% from 1952 to 1963, with nearly twice the volume of
hardwoods as softwoods now being used by the pulp and paper industries of the

What about the banking structure of this area?

The commercial banking system has a total of 1,347 members, most of which are
quite small.

The average is $7.6 million per bank, but this is not a particu­

larly useful statistic.

For example, the 495 members of the Fed have average

deposits of $14 million each, as against $3.7 million for each of the 852 n on­

Even more importantly, perhaps, approximately 21% of these deposits

are concentrated in the reserve city banks, and 50% of the total deposits in


the two major banking groups, Northwest Bancorporation and First Bank Stock.
Limited branch banking is permitted in Michigan, prohibited in
Minnesota, may be possible on a limited basis in Montana (depending on the
outcome of Banco's attempted merger of banks in Anaconda and Butte); in North
Dakota, paying and receiving stations only are permitted; branch banking is
permitted in South Dakota, while in Wisconsin, it is the Fed's view, at least,
that branch banking is not permitted because of the state law - - a position in
which, I believe, the Controller's officedCs^s not concur -- and that is
"TA-C,t/ s/t
neither novel nor unexpected, I might add. If I were to guess, I would say
that an extension of some form of branch banking will probably take place
throughout the district, as capital pressures become more acute, and depend­
ing somewhat on continued pressure from the Controller.

Certainly it is true

that the industrial developments within the district, as well as the demands
of agriculture, will require increasing loan capacity.
/M^ O n e ^ f i n a l industry should be mentioned, and that is the recreation

( SLIDES 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 )

Lord knows, the caveats applied to

agriculture, cautioning you away from any impression that agriculture is an
organized industry with substantial common denominators, should be applied
doubled to outdoor recreation.

Although the aggregate numbers are enormous,

contributing as it does in excess of $1.5 billion to this region, it is still
composed of many, many small units in varying degrees of financial distress,
except for those few especially favored geographically or with exceptional

There are signs that this industry is about to enter the same

phase of consolidation and growth in which we find agriculture.

The entry of

General Baking Company into Yellowstone Park, with the acquisition of Yellowstone



Park Company -- the purchase of Sun Valley, although not in our district, by
the Jar.s brothers -- is another indication of the interest being shown in o u t ­
door recreation by major investors.

There are also a number of individual

operators who are successfully making the transition from single-season and
single-use developments to multi-season and multi-use.
going to grow is obvious.
are still unknowns.

That this industry is

But the direction of growth and the financing of it

Certainly technology and public demand are going hand in

hand to reshape its future.
No discussion of this tremendous district would be complete without a
reference to the people.

I have mentioned the decline in agricultural and

resource employment.

These people are migrating when and as they can, and
•4they are moving to the cities. ( SLIDE -- IN-MIGRATION )
There is movement
into the Midwest from other urban areas, as is shown by this chart -- for there

has been substantial in-migration, which you will notice has come from a number
of places.

However, there has been net migration

out of the district, largely to both coasts, so that the area has suffered
from a net out-migration.

The total population of the region has been increasing

at a lesser rate than the nation, roughly about half the growth rate.


They have also been moving about within the district.


This has meant, as it has in the rest of

the nation, the cities with momentum have gotten bigger at the expense of the
rest of the district, and that more and more of the people of the district are
to be found in urban centers.

Conspicuous examples of the lag, though, are the

two Dakotas, which together with Mississippi, West Virginia and North Carolina,
are showing not only net out-migration, but a comparatively low rate of urbaniza­


you an idea of where the urban centers are.

This chart gives

You will notice the Twin Cities

are enormous by comparison with the rest of the district, with 24% of the
total population of the district concentrated in this metropolitan area.


there is every statistical reason to believe this gap will widen.
GROWTH Q F ^ U B 3 A N^ A R E ^ ^ )
But this is not the whole story. The Twin Cities,
as do the other metropolitan centers in the district, affect a much wider
area in terms of jobs, recreation, and the like, than would be indicated just
by the barebones of city boundaries.

This map gives you some

idea of how far out the Twin Cities now affect population, and how this may
be expected to grow.

But this same fact is significant in other areas, and

indicates one of the strengths of the region.

Because of the desire to hang

on to marginal farming lands, or seasonal unemployment on even the productive
small farms, there is a willingness to commute substantial distances for an
industrial job.

This availability of unemployed agricultural labor, coupled

with the stability of these people, I suspect, has been part of the reason for
the success of some of the communities of the area in attracting and developing
small industries.
It i
most a r e a ^

,r y y /

have-dominated. the d i s t r i c t ^in

\ js

Mijnn^sota ijs suppo^e.dlT)^^^

a scho<u of known e xc d lle tf^^irn ^ number o| areas.




icte/ses p f the/Twin Cij^ares^are

the iWin Gities is that

iToWdstern defense reseai

Comp 1 ex... ^ t a n f o^drResearciiXIn s t i t ^

y. wel 1 known.

The cultural i


The/ major potential of

and devel< >pment
.thp JTtj-tn _ .

Cities at the direction of the Office^\of the Secretary of Defense* This study
analyzes in remarkable aetajrt7 and with considerable clairity, the economic/"^
structure of the T w i p ^ i t i e s .

All o / the desirable characteristics aVe present.

' large andcj^verse
/ /
/ \ \
There is a relatively
defense research/ and dptfelopmfert

capability in the existence (^fa significant number, of engineers apd scientists.
So far, ther£ is a relfit'ivelV^bto^d base of industrial c a p a c i t y ^ ^ t h / u t the
degree of sij^gie-industry-br single-contractor dominance pre s e n t , fpr example,
Tucson and OrlaAdo,Vwhichxwerex\sin^JLed out for/ comparative purposes
in jfiie stiKj^T Yet"^there are tfe^economies of /scale providing competitive ad!
\// X
^ I
vantages?./Fidally, there ar& a number of companies With basic productive
capacity\and market orientation in the civilian atea that give^ a resilience
and regenerative XapACJLty/tTt5fc present in areas where there is 4ole dependence
on continuation of R and D expenditures. Out of the scientific’
C o m m u n i t y of


the Twin Cities have come a number of good small or medium sized companies that
merit closer attention.

I commend this report to the attention of anyone

iUteres ted in purjsu ing^~tfre~~potentiat-o£-~t hi&~4i s£xi ct in greater deta i 1

Of fed r ?Of 2
And so we come to the conclusion of this profile.
probably at least as significant as the items included.



The omissions are
It has required c on­

siderable self-restraint to keep this from degenerating into a panegyric for
this magnificent area, which, after roughly 100 years of. settlement, is still
in its infancy.

The energies of the people, the tremendous natural resources

still available, the excellence of its academic establishments, and the amenities
of life in this district, give assurance to our confidence in its growth.


its economic prospects, like its topography, can be described as high, wide and


v i< 4