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An Address by
Hugh D. Galusha, Jr.
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

Before the
Rotary Club of Saint Paul
Saint Paul, Minnesota

December 6, 1966

T H E



Future anthropologists are going to be badly divided in listing the
major instruments of change in the pattern of homo sapiens.

Some may still

vote for the wheel -- others for controlled chemical change, whether it be
as simple as fire, or as complex as nuclear fission -- but there will be some
line up behind the computer.

And all will probably turn to a descendent of

today's computer for a decision.

Of all the changes wrought by the computer, its entry into money,
banking and credit will be the most pervasive.

Almost every commercial

transaction will be affected -- and within a comparatively few years.

Perhaps -- but even more startling is the realization the hardware,

the technology, is already in existence.

And the spur that has advanced every

innovation in our commercial and industrial society is forcing this one on us
at an accelerating rate.

This spur is the competition among all our industrial

enterprises, big and little, for a larger share of their market, which in turn
requires faster and more effective use of funds.

Banks and other financial

intermediaries are as reactive to this spur as any -- perhaps even more, if
the volume of media advertising during the interest rate escalation of the
last twelve months is considered.

But in the use of computers for credit

purposes, there may be many entries in the contest, for the prize will be great.

What are the components of such a system?

Roughly, there are four:

Small, inexpensive and reliable terminal devices at the point of
These might be referred to familiarly as the little black boxes.


Huge, random access computer files of information, known as the

CIF, in which all manner of information about the user would be stored.


account balance, his credit rating, even statistical data would be examples.


A fast communication network linking the black boxes with the CIF

centers, with probably central switching computers to speed access.

A machine-readable unique identification card for each individual.

May I repeat -- the basic hardware is in existence.


telephones with a card dialer are here.

Third generation computer c o n f i g u r a ­

tions of adequate capacity are in use.

The Bell System and some private n e t ­

works are presently linking computers for data processing.

It is possible to

adapt the card dialer to requirement number 4 -- plus perhaps additional safe­
guards like the voice identification experimenting going on -- for a human
voice is as unique as fingerprints.

A checkless society is now developing in this country, and will probably
evolve to full maturity in the 1970s.
will be operative by 1975.

To be more precise, let's say that it

This system, be it called a checkless society, an

electronic cash and credit system, or a direct funds transfer system, will d e ­
velop by stages.

We are in the embryonic stage, with both the transfer of funds

and the transfer of credit information a reality.

I need cite only a few

instances with w h i c h you may already be familiar:

• The on-line, real time credit transfer system being studied
jointly by the Bank of Delaware, IBM and the Bell Telephone
• The Universal Bank Card System in the Los Angeles area.
• The California Bank Card System in San Francisco.
. The Midwest Bank Card Plan in the Chicago area.

All of these developments are in the large metropolitan areas.

This is

Such areas generate at least 80% of the check volume of the

nation, and can economically justify the cost of experimentation and d e v e l o p ­

It is these same centers that will lead the way in establishing a c h e c k ­

less economy.

This will occur more rapidly than we expect because of the

competitive advantage that will accrue to participants in such an automated

Our present system of payments is cumbersome and very costly.

costs your bank 12 to 13 cents to process each check that you draw.


If these

checks are deposited in a bank other than the drawee bank, you can add another
4 or 5 cents to the processing cost.

When one considers the billions of checks

that pass through the banking system each year, it is evident that our payments
mechanism, as presently constituted, is a very costly proposition.


electronic transfer of funds will not only reduce the cost to the banking
system, but it will also prevent us from becoming buried under an avalanche
of checks that is increasing at a rate of 6% to 7% a year.

In 1965, the Federal

Reserve System processed over 5 billion checks and other cash items at a capacity
rate of 60,000 per hour on a high speed computer, contrasted with 1,500 per hour
on a proof machine of a few years ago.

The improved mechanism will spread from

the urban centers throughout the country and, by the end of 1975, the check as
an instrument of general use for transferring funds, will be a thing of the

It will not be limited to urban centers.

The small town banker may even

have an advantage, for he can either enter a joint use program with other small
banks in his area, or rent time from an existing computer owner.
As you can readily visualize, this will be a massive undertaking.


data communication system with the entire banking system on-line is enough to


stagger the imagination.

Furthermore, each individual bank will be the center

of a network that reaches out to all of its customers.
accomplish this vast undertaking is available now.

The technology to

All of the experts are in

full agreement on this fact.

Although we have the technology, there is still a big area unresolved.
This is the area of design and implementation of the systems and procedures.
The implications are far-reaching.

There are many legal questions.

such a cash and credit system be owned.
will man such a system?

How will

Where will the people come from that

Knowledgeable people are now in short supply, and

the problem is getting worse.

How will we assure customer acceptance?


about business groups that will be adversely affected -- as, for example, the
check printers and the envelope makers?
Mbig brotherism"?

What about the impending threat of

Even now the Congress is debating this question.


are factors of great importance to the federal government and its many agencies.
You can readily see the involvement of the Treasury, the Federal Reserve System,
the Federal Communications Commission, the Department of Justice, and many others.

Is the Ninth District likely to keep pace with the rest of the United
States in the development of new payments mechanisms?

What is the problem?

The answer has to be

The biggest problem lies in an operational

Although the District abounds with advanced and thriving computer

installations serving increasing numbers of banks, amid this scene of computer
plenty is found the continuance of the nonpar legacy.

Nonpar banking is the

practice by some banks of paying the person to whom a check is drawn less than
its face amount, although the deposit account of the drawer is charged the face

The difference, called exchange, is additional income to the bank in


which the drawer, or maker of the check, keeps his funds.

40% of all nonpar

banks in the United States are in the Ninth District -- 25% are in Minnesota.
They constitute a majority of the banks in only five states -- the Dakotas,
Minnesota, Georgia, and Mississippi.
in all.

There are only fifteen nonpar states

Nonpar banks are generally in the smaller towns -- but a blanket

criticism of them is unfair.

Many are useful, productive forces in their

There are those among their numbers who acknowledge the practice

must phase out -- but they are reluctant to be first -- and they are even more
reluctant to give up a fairly easy and lucrative practice.

Our District bankers have been in the forefront of the regional d e v e l o p ­
ments designed to attract new industry.

Justifiable pride can be taken in the

contributions of our Ninth District bankers to their communities and the Upper

But many District bankers still cling to nonpar banking.


in the development of a new payments mechanism as part of a pattern of industrial
growth cannot be developed in areas where there is a duplication of collection
systems for par and nonpar banks.

One of the basic lessons usually learned early in any automated operation
is that "exception items" (e.g., nonpar checks) can cause problems to such a
degree that economic feasibility may be lost.
stumbling block.

Nonpar banking is such a

Money and credit are flowing at high velocity now to match

the fast pace of modern industry and agriculture, and the pace is increasing.
To keep even with this acceleration of our economy, the checkless society must
come soon.

If Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota are to share in this

growth outside the major cities, the obstructions to the free fast flow of
money and credit -- the life's blood of our economy -- must be removed, or they
will be bypassed.


It behooves us to start thinking now and planning for an orderly
transition to a fully automated credit system,,

Experience in industry emphasizes

the substantial lead times required for designing and implementing a large-scale
information system.

Years of effort are involved.

Fortunately efforts are now

being coordinated through the American Bankers Association, the Federal Reserve
System and NABAC, the Association for Bank Audit and Control, to define an
orderly framework within which this gigantic data processing and communications
system may develop.

It is vital that such planning proceed to completion and

public acceptance in the period of a few brief years.

Credit systems and money

transfer systems are now developing, and will continue to develop either in a
well established framework with compatible long-range goals, or in a heterogeneous
conglomeration of institutional systems that will complicate the problem of
eventually establishing a unified system for the transfer of funds.

And in

this District we must actively encourage the transition from nonpar to fully
par banking if all of our communities are to be part of that system -- and part
they must be if we are to share in the national economic growth such a system
will be designed to serve.
