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8:00 A.M. EST


Remarks by
Henry C. Wallich
Member, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
"Toward a Restructuring of Federal Budgeting"
a public policy research program of
The Conference Board
Washington, D.C.
December 2, 1982

Remarks by
Henry C. Wallich
Member, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
"Toward a Restructuring of Federal Budgeting"
a public policy research program of
The Conference Board
Washington, D.C.
December 2, 1982

Relations between monetary and fiscal policy have run through a
series of stages.

At the present time, we face a situation where considerable

economic effectiveness is generally ascribed to monetary policy, while fiscal
policy seems to be more part of the problem than of the solution.

It will

be helpful to review earlier phases of this relationship, beginning with
the 1920's when the Federal Reserve first had an opportunity to play a
peacetime role as a central bank.
During those halcyon years, the concept of a flexible fiscal policy
had, of course, not even been formulated.

The budget was generally in surplus

and the large debt accumulated during World War I was being reduced at a good

Income taxes were cut repeatedly.

The government was a net supplier of

-2savings, and the long-term Interest rate sometimes was below the short-term
rate as generally high economic activity called for some degree of monetary
Monetary policy, of course, was oriented toward interest rates
primarily, with considerable attention given to the balance of payments.
Nevertheless, considerations that today would be called monetarist were
not absent.

Irving Fisher's quantity theory of money was the dominant

analytical approach.

The Federal Reserve's chief statistician Carl Snyder

argued for a stable rate of money growth of 4 percent.

Price-level stability

was regarded as the principal objective of monetary policy, combined with a
mild anticyclical orientation to deal with the moderate fluctuations of the
period following 1921.

Monetary policy generally was regarded as a powerful

economic tool.
The 1930's brought the great depression and the advent of fiscal
policy as a major policy tool.

Monetary policy increasingly became downgraded.

It had failed to stem the depression, and it seemed unable to bring the economy
back to full employment.

Banks were choked with excess reserves, the money

supply (Ml) was growing at 11 percent over the years 1933-40.


interest rates were close to zero, long-term rates were dropping, with inter­
ruptions, to and even below the 2-1/2 percent level at which World War II
was financed.

Monetary policy ended up having no other function than to peg

this interest-rate structure in order to facilitate Treasury financing.
It is difficult today to visualize the low opinion then held by
most economists of the capabilities of monetary policy.


hearings in 1952 again and again brought out the view that monetary policy

-3could do very little to curb inflationary pressures.

Business and consumers

were very liquid and thus protected against monetary restraint.


restraint, on the other hand, would cause serious difficulties in managing
the public debt, perhaps cause the bond market to fall into a "bottomless

It was against broad-based resistance that the Federal Reserve finally

broke loose from the obligation to support federal debt and Treasury financing.
It was then able to restore gradually a monetary policy oriented toward price
and cyclical stability.
This development marked the end of an important phase in the sub­
ordination of monetary to fiscal and debt policy.

Even then, monetary policy

for many years continued to be regarded as the junior partner in the fiscalmonetary team.

This clearly was so during the vogue of the "new economics"

of the 1960's.

Nevertheless, with each succeeding business cycle, increasing

evidence appeared of the power of monetary policy both to restrain and to
The fiscal policies pursued during the 1960's were supported by a
monetary policy oriented mainly toward interest rates, a combination which
brought strong inflationary pressures.
money supply.

Inflation turned attention to the

In the course of the 1970's, monetary policy shifted toward

money-supply targeting.

This powerful device significantly altered the

balance of power between fiscal and monetary policy.

It soon became apparent

that fiscal policy was a powerful instrument only so long as monetary policy
supported it by allowing the money supply to accelerate.

Once it became the

goal of monetary policy to avoid undue acceleration, the potential of fiscal
policy was much reduced.


At the analytical level this change has been symbolized by the
ascendancy of monetarism.

Beyond that, the frustrations encountered by

both monetary and fiscal policy have given rise to a new line of economic
theorizing which says that neither fiscal nor monetary policy, as it has
been pursued in the past, are likely to have any effect.

If people have

rational expectations, i.e., if they understand Chat the government, faced
with unemployment will inflate and, when faced with inflation, will allow
unemployment, they will act to protect themselves.

Their protective action

reduces the effect of government policy to mere changes in the rate of infla­
tion without lasting impact on the real economy.

The Structure of the Federal Budget
To examine the relation between monetary policy, the budget, and
the debt, a look first is needed at the general contours of budget and debt.
Other participants in this symposium will examine the numbers of the budget
in greater detail and with more authority.

I merely want to indicate the

general configuration that I have in mind as I assess the environment for
monetary policy.

I believe that we are looking today, for a considerable

period, at a budget deficit of about 5 percent of GNP, of which something
like 2 percent is structural, the rest cyclical.

That is to say, at high

employment, calibrated at about 6 percent unemployment, there would remain
a deficit, making allowance for the 1983 midyear tax cut, of 2 percent or


$55-65 billion.

In all probability, this is much too large both in terms

of long-run growth needs and of the smooth functioning of the economy in
the intermediate future.

I am not addressing myself to the very short-run

problem of our present recession.
As regards long-run growth needs, they must begin at least at a
theoretical level, with an assessment of the desirable level of our capital

A capital stock that is too small will not, over time, give us the

maximum of consumption, because total output will not be large enough.


capital stock that is larger than optimal, on the other hand, will also
hold down consumption because of the higher investment and, therefore,
saving required to keep the stock growing and replacings its wear and
A study made by the staff of the Federal Reserve Board suggests
that the present capital stock is not seriously inadequate and that a higher
rate of saving and investment than has prevailed on average in the past
would not yield large benefits.

I have some difficulty with this finding,

because I think of the pace of technical change as being influenced by
investment, so that more investment would accelerate growth also through
that channel, which, in turn, would call for and justify a larger capital

In any event, however, the Federal Reserve study provides nc justifica­

tion for large structural budget deficits.

At high employment, a balanced


budget or better a surplus, seems appropriate In terms of long-run growth

Given a cyclical economy, balance on average may mean surpluses at

high employment.
If I may digress for a moment, in order to illustrate the situation
of the U.S. economy, it is instructive to look at Japan.

That country has a

very high saving rate, quite possibly in excess of what its optimal capital
stock requirements and indeed in excess of what the Japanese economy, at least
under present conditions, can absorb.

In a closed economy in the short run,

this condition could mean unemployment, with the excess savings going
uninvested despite low interest rates, while in the long run it would imply
a wasteful level of investment.
by investing abroad.

Actually, Japan is able to export its savings

In doing so, it depresses the yen, which generates an

export surplus that effectuates the capital transfer and maintains high

The United States is likely to find itself in an opposite
High absorption of savings by the government is making the

supply of capital for the private sector inadequate.

The result is a high

level of interest rates that drives up the dollar and generates a currentaccount deficit.

In that way, the United States becomes a capital importer.

To say that optimal growth of the American economy requires invest­
ment and, therefore, savings of some particular fraction of GNP does not, of
course, necessarily imply that this level of investment would be forthcoming
even if the savings were available.

This is a question of investment

-7opportunlties, of the responsiveness of investment to interest rates, of
the tax system, of regulation» and of other aspects of the investment climate.
About all of these factors we hear a great deal.

In particular, there has

been a continuing very adverse interaction between business investment and
deficit spending.

Government has run deficits, and on an increasingly

large scale, in order to reduce cyclical and perhaps secular unemployment.
But its policies seem to have been of a sort, not to elicit complementary
private investment, but to discourage it.

As a result, deficits have expanded

and business investment has retreated from what it would have been.


deficits were to be eliminated, would business investment fill the void?
Or would, perhaps, interest rates and, therefore, the dollar fall to a level
at which the United States became a large capital exporter with a large export

That would maintain full employment although it might not be optimal

for growth of the capital stock.

Or would the savings go to waste, with

attendant unemployment?
These are questions concerning the basic resiliency of the American
economy for which I have gut feelings but no statistical response.
feeling is simple:

My gut

under favorable conditions as to tax treatment, regulatory

treatment, appropriate monetary policy, and general investment climate, the
private sector of the American economy should be able to absorb the full
employment savings of the economy with the federal budget in balance and
even in moderate surplus.

Given a more realistic set of conditions, I fear

that the private sector of the economy has been so debilitated that it may
not in the short run at least be able to absorb full-employment savings.


That would imply the need for either a sizable export surplus or else a
structural government deficit.

Given the need of the developing world for

more capital, it is obvious which way the choice should go.

However, there

is the question of how to finance a larger flow to developing countries of
private or public funds which I cannot address at this point.

I am left

with the concern that we may have put ourselves in a situation where some
structural high-employment budget deficit may be needed, although obviously
much smaller than the present.
It will be helpful to set forth some of the magnitudes that are
relevant to evaluating the kind of structural deficits that I have sketched.
The gross saving of the economy (as conventionally measured to include
personal and business saving, including corporate and noncorporate capital
consumption allowances» and all government saving including the negative saving
of the federal sector) are of the order of 17 percent of GNP.

After capital

consumption allowances in the neighborhood of 10 percent, there are left some
6 to 8 percent net saving to finance private domestic and foreign investment.
(These data come from the National Income and Product Accounts, and the
corresponding federal deficit measures do not exactly match the Office of
Management and Budget numbers.)
To appraise the absorption of saving by the federal government and
resultant crowding out, the difference between gross and net saving is

From the point of view of the financial markets, gross flows

are significant, at least in the short run, since part at least of capital
consumption allowances accrues in liquid form and can enter the capital

But ultimately net saving

1« a more significant concept.

It is

-9the size of the capital stock which ultimately determines the return on
capital and the real interest rate that must on average be equated to it.
Increases in the capital stock can come only out of net saving, after wear
and tear has been made up.

In the aggregate, making up wear and tear absorbs

the capital consumption allowances, even though in terms of particular firms
and households there is no precise replacement of worn out equipment.
Thus, present total deficits of about 5 percent of GNP and highemployment deficits of about 2 percent of GNP in the main must be weighed
against gross saving

several times larger but net saving not very much

Crowding out is therefore a very real possibility under the present

budget structure.

On the other hand, a balanced budget, if it were possible,

would leave us with a need to increase investment by a very large factor.
Hence*the probable need for a full employment deficit of some,hopefully modest,
In addition to the size of the federal deficit, both structural and
cyclical, it makes a difference, of course, at what overall level of federal
spending a given deficit occurs.

The federal government would absorb fewer

resources and leave more for the private sector if it were to reduce its
share in GNP by cutting both expenditures and taxes.

The resources released

by the federal government can be used by the private sector for both invest­
ment and consumption.

In all probability, only a small proportion of

resources released will be saved, the larger part going to consumption.
Nevertheless, as we look at the absorption of resources by the budget, we
should be aware that things can be improved not only by cutting the deficit,
but by cutting the budget on both sides without reducing the deficit.

-10The Fiscal-Monetary Mix
The concept of the fiscal-monetary mix goes back to the period of
the 1950's and 1960's when monetary policy was thought of primarily in terms
of interest rates, and when inflation was analyzed principally in terms of
excess demand.

The quantity of money played a secondary role in either

It then seemed plausible to believe that a combination of a

budget surplus and low interest rates would be favorable to investment, with
the government supplying additional savings and monetary policy facilitating
their investment.

This mix seemed to have a desirable orientation toward

faster economic growth.

Alternatively, a combination of budget deficits and

high interest rates could be designed that would produce the same degree of
overall stimulation or restraint.

It would do so, however, with less invest­

ment and a stronger balance of payments, since foreign capital would be attracted.
This mix commended itself when there was a need to strengthen the dollar, even
though at the expense of growth.
The analysis was not carried to the point of asking what would happen
to the money supply under regimes of low or high interest rates respectively.
It seemed sufficient to conclude that either mix could be made noninflationary
by aiming at a nonexcessive level of aggregate demand.

However, at low

interest rates the money supply may be expected, other things equal, to be
higher relative to GNP than at high interest rates.

Thus, the relationship

between the money stock and nominal GNP would develop differently under
different mixes.

Those who believe that in the long run this relation matters

would have to conclude that the neutrality of alternative mixes with respect
to inflation could hold only in the short run.

In the long run, the

-11easy money/tight budget mix would be more inflationary than its opposite.
That also would mean Chat initially low interesC races would evenCually be
pushed up by inflaCion.
Given Che view chac in Che long run Che sCock of money matters,
and chac excess money musC lead Co inflation, ic follows ChaC monecary policy
has lasCing power only over nominal races, noc over real races.


policy can influence nominal rates by influencing the rate of inflation.
Specifically, the sequence of events following an "easing" of monetary policy
would be an initial drop in short- and long-term interest rates, then, as
inflaCion began Co acceleraCe, a rise ac lease in long races while Che
cenCral bank was holding down shore races.
sCrucCure would be forced up.

EvenCually Che whole race

In Che opposiCe case of a tightening of

monetary policy, interest rates first would rise; subsequently they would
come down as inflation was reduced.

Moreover, once Che markeC had come Co

underscand this mechanism, ic might Celescope Che process via expeccacions.
Knowledge chac a policy of low inCeresC races wich an aCCendanC acceleraCion
of Che money supply was underway, long-Cerm interesC races, which Che cenCral
bank cannoC easily conCrol, would move up immediately, before higher inflacion
actually set in.

Even more, the inflation itself would be anticipaCed by Che

markeC and prices and wages would move up before pressures on capaciCy began
Co be felc.
Under such circumsCances, Che cenCral bank has lose conCrol over
real inCeresC races.

IC can only influence nominal rates, which, however,

with a lag, will move in the direction opposite to that which it had intended.
The only influence over real interest rates that can be exerted is that of
fiscal policy.

A budget surplus increases savings, a deficit absorbs them.

-12Interest rates, other things equal, will move accordingly.

Instead of a

fiscal-monetary mix, we then have fiscal policy as the sole control over
real interest rates, with monetary policy determining nominal rates via
the rate of inflation.
These are hypotheses about the behavior of markets.

For the Federal

Reserve, the critical question is how quickly the assumed processes work.
If we are talking about a decade before a change in the relation of money
stock to GNP makes itself felt in prices, there is plenty of time for
temporary changes in the fiscal-monetary mix, provided they are reversed
soon and are not allowed to affect the money stock permanently.

This may

have been the situation during the 1950's and may be the most appropriate
interpretation to be given to then-emerging theories of the fiscal-monetary

Alternatively, if the effect of money on prices comes quickly, or worse

yet if expectations cause this effect to be anticipated, there is little room
for mix manipulation.
If the market is sophisticated, however, it should be possible for
the central bank to enlist expectational effects on its side.

In some

countries, such as Germany and Switzerland, the market seems to believe that
the central bank, or more plausibly the entire government, or still more
plausibly the entire population, will not allow much inflation to occur.


market then will not interpret every change in the mix designed for a temporary
problem as a decision for all time to go for higher or lower inflation.

In a

country where the market seemingly needs to be convinced by week-to-week and
month-to-month adherence to a rigid money-supply target, temporary departures
from target must remain much more limited.

-13Finally, in a cyclical framework, the optimal combination of
fiscal and monetary policy is not necessarily a "mix" aiming at a constant
degree of overall stimulation or restraint.

Instead, there may be a need

for simultaneous tightening cr easing of both fiscal and monetary policy.
The history of anticyclical policy has not been particularly creditable
since the middle 1960's.

Previously, however, so long as adequate efforts

were made to prevent expansive phases from far outweighing contractive
phases, there was a degree of success.

The possibility of future situations

in which both policies should be pulling in the same direction deserves to
be borne in mind.
This form of interaction of fiscal and monetary policy also provides
an explanation of historical circumstances conveying the impression that
monetary policy was being dictated by the administration.

Two policymakers

looking at the same set of facts may well arrive at similar conclusions as to
the need for stimulative or restraining action.

It is a measure of the degree

to which we have today become accustomed to wide differences in the thrust of
fiscal and monetary policy that this obvious interpretation sometimes is

Monetary Policy and the Structure of the Public Debt
Long gone are the days when the structure of the public debt was
regarded as a major determinant of the effectiveness of monetary policy.


the .late 1940's and early l(>r*0's, banks, corporations, and the general public
held large amounts of short-term debt that provided a liquidity cushion.


was nor. obvious that a ris* in short-term rates from or«* percent to 1-1/4 percent

-14would greatly reduce that liquidity.

Neither was it very apparent why

exchanging a 90-day Treasury bill for a bank deposit, with an attendant
increase in the money supply, would significantly increase liquidity.
these questions have disappeared.
any size.


Few transactors hold demand deposits of

Host forms of money yield high interest rates.


Treasury securities, although they constitute 7 percent of the Federal
Reserve's broadest money-supply measure (L), do not seem to influence much
the behavior of that variable.

Under these conditions, the structure of

the public debt, and especially the proportion of short-term debt, seems
to matter a great deal less for monetary policy than it did at one time.
Gone also is the influence that "even-keeling" of Treasury issues
had on the volume of money and bank reserves.

In days of smaller deficits

and little inflation, the Treasury was in the market perhaps once a quarter
trying to sell a mixed bag of securities at a fixed price*

The Fed helped

to the extent of not making major changes in monetary policy before and
shortly after the issue.

Under a regime of interest rate targeting that

meant pretty much keeping rates stable.

The danger of unintended debt

monetization from that source has passed now that the Treasury, while it
is in the market almost constantly, operates on an auction basis.
The heavy short-term component in the government's debt, which the
Treasury has valiantly tried to hold down, has implied wide swings in interest
costs for the Treasury.

This can lead to unhappiness on the part of the

Secretary of the Treasury and the Director of the Budget.

By and large,

however, it has been seen as a necessary cost of a firmly restraining
monetary policy.

-15On the other hand, wide swings in interest rates have shown
themselves to be a serious burden for the private sector, both for business
and for financial institutions.

Corporations today are acutely aware of

the need to increase the liquidity of their balance sheets by funding short­
term obligations.

Thrift institutions and even banks have suffered from a

mismatch of the maturities of their assets and liabilities.


there appears to exist another mismatch, in the form of the allocation of
relatively scarce long-term funds to the users that need them least.


that the Treasury seems better able to bear the uncertainties inherent in
short-term debt, something would seem to be gained by reducing its competition
with the private sector for long-term funds.

The danger that the private

sector might lock itself into high coupon issues with long maturities to an
undue extent would be minimized by the fact that corporate issues typically
provide only five- or ten-year call protection, in contrast to the almost
complete call protection of Treasury issues.

The task of monetary policy

would be eased if the impact of tightly restraining money-supply targets
on business interest costs could be softened.
The role of the public debt, and the impact of debt creation on
the economy and on monetary policy, is obscured and complicated by inflation.
At a high rate of inflation, part of the debt is inflated away each year.


one were to ignore other inflation-related adjustments, such as the indexing
of unfunded social security liabilities, one could arrive at the conclusion
that, on an inflation-adjusted basis, the deficit was much smaller than
appears or possibly nonexistent.

Alternatively, one could say that the

-16inflation premium contained in the interest on the public debt was a form
of debt amortization.

In that view, a considerable part of the $90 billion

of net interest payments on the federal debt really would represent debt
repayment, i.e.,

is not part of the deficit.

Analogous statements could

be made, of course, about corporate and other private debt.
hand, the inflation premium is taxed.

On the other

Furthermore, it is not clear whether

the recipients of high interest payments correctly separate out the inflation
premium and add it back to principal, in which case their real interest rate
after tax in many cases would be negative.

Taxability and tax deductibility

of the inflation premium tend to push up interest rates.

Among the victims

are interest payers who cannot deduct interest and the central bank which
must count with wider interesi-rate swings than a money-supply target would
otherwise imply.

Debt Monetization
I have already noted that the importance of debt monetization
depends on how significant is the distinction between monetary and nonmonetary
assets under prevailing conditions.

Under present-day conditions, the evidence

seezis to show that it is substantial.
often been a cyclical phenomenon.

Historically, debt monetization has

Banks bought Treasury securities in

recessions to repl&ce business loans that were boing paid off.


adequate control over the money supply, this has not been an inflationary
Finally, the absence of monetization of public (teht is no assurance
against excessive mon^y creation if ¡.fher financial assets are acquired by the
banking system.

The reason why there is concern about monetization of public

-17debt in the presence of the large deficit is the fear that the debt could
not be placed outside the banking system.

In many countries other than the

United States, this fear is well-founded, owing to limitations of national
capital markets^

Where nonbanks do not possess a highly elastic demand for

government paper, especially short-term, this paper necessarily gravitates
into the banks.

In the United States, an extensive nonbank market exists

for short-term government paper, making the monetization of this debt a good
deal less than inevitable.

On the other hand, the accumulation of short-term

paper in nonbank hands can represent an increase in liquidity which, in
circumstances less liquidity-constrained than the present, could quickly
become inflationary.
Under these circumstances, monetization or nonmonetization of public
debt remains a decision for Federal Reserve policy.

Adequate control over

the growth of the money supply prevents or limits monetization.
monetize debt, to be sure, raises interest rates.

Refusal to

But so does monetization,

although with some lag until the inflationary consequences are perceived.
The difference between monetization and nonmonetization of a large deficit
is that if debt is not monetized, interest rates will rise, and if it is
monetized, they will rise too, but a little later, and possibly much higher.

Deficits and Inflation
Do deficits cause inflation?

It is a fairly safe bet that a simple

correlation between inflation and deficits would show them to be negatively

Deficits, after all, mount during recessions, when inflation tends

to go down.

This says little about their causal relation.

But it makes

-18suspect econometric evidence that claims not to find a positive relation,
because it is not easy to control for the joint effect of the business cycle
on both variables.
It is widely believed that deficits cause inflation.

This view

receives support from the basic Keynesian analysis which identifies deficits
with an increase in aggregate demand and takes for granted that monetary
policy will finance the deficit.

The popular view also reflects frequently

repeated assertions by businessmen and bankers (including central bankers)
and some politicians, many of whom find this a convenient alibi.


popular view is helpful to the Federal Reserve, because it imposes some
constraint on political spending in a world where little such constraint
sometimes seems to be left.
Analytically, it is just as wrong to say that deficits are necessarily
inflationary as to say that deficits have no adverse consequences of any kind.
Deficits are expansionary, those resulting from expenditure increases more so
than those resulting from tax cuts.

Their expansionary effect can be contained

by a restraining monetary policy, as is happening now in the United States.
Deficits raise interest rates, other things equal, owing to the government's
increased demands on the financial markets.

Higher interest rates increase

monetary velocity and so can cause inflation with a given money-supply growth,
unless the Fed counteracts this by appropriately slowing the money supply.
Deficits can also cause inflation simply because people believe they do.
In that case, expectations will engender actions that cause prices and wages
to go up even when there is no immediate pressure.

-19Deflclts and Interest Rates
Much the same can be said of the relation between deficits and
interest rates.

The simple correlation probably is negative, because

deficits rise in recessions when interest rates tend to fall.

Ergo ....

Obviously it does not follow that deficits reduce interest rates.


question is by how much they raise them.
As pointed out earlier, the federal deficits projected for 1983
and succeeding years will absorb a significant portion of the economy's
gross savings and a very large part of its net savings.

I have also noted

that gross savings may be more relevant in evaluating the effect of deficits
on interest rates, because at least part of the amortization allowances which
differentiate gross from net savings is likely to reach the financial markets
in (me form or another.

However, the very high absorption of net savings

makes the prospect more ominous still.
At issue, of course, are real interest rates more than nominal.
The government's demands on the financial markets are likely to raise both
by the same number of basis points, except as the deficit also raises the
rate of inflation.

A given number of basis points means more with respect

to the real rate, of course, than the nominal rate.
Since our present and prospective deficits are the results mainly
of tax cuts rather than of expenditure increases, their impact on interest
rates may be somewhat mitigated.
some fraction will be saved.

From the income restored to the taxpayer,

It would be highly optimistic, however, to expect

this fraction to be very large.

In the absence of wealth effects, the marginal

saving out of incremental income is of the order of .3 for most income brackets.

-20If higher interest rates depress the price of assets, the resulting negative
wealth effect may encourage some additional saving because people want to
restore their wealth.
For the Fed, the deficit creates a problem not only in terms of
higher interest rates in and of themselves, but also in terms of the crowdingout effect to which they give rise.

Crowding-out is the nature of the

Somebody will be crowded out.

It occurs even at low interest rates.

However, the supply of funds becomes more inelastic the higher rates go.
Crowding-out then becomes more severe.

The conflicting claims of different

borrowers generate pressures, both of a financial and a political kind.


Fed does not allocate credit, but it does have to be concerned about the way
the markets operate, and what consequences for the allocation of credit ensue.
It also needs to be concerned with the safety and soundness of financial and
nonfinancial institutions all of which are affected by interest rates.


absorption of so large a part of the available saving flow in a country where
both gross and net saving already are very low in international comparisons
constitutes a serious problem.

The Deficit and the Dollar
The deficit impinges upon the exchange value of the dollar through a
complex sequence of reactions, the final outcome of which is not fully
discernible at this time.

To begin with, higher interest rates attract

foreign capital and, in a floating exchange-rate system, tend to raise the
value of the dollar.

The proper measure of interest rates for this purpose,


in the United States as well as abroad, are real interest rates.

An increase

in nominal U.S. interest rates accompanied by an even greater increase in the
rate of inflation, implying a decline in U.S. real interest rates, would not
make the dollar attractive to foreigners.

The rise in the dollar by itself

helps to reduce the rate of inflation which is a significant advantage.
This in turn helps to make the dollar still more attractive internationally.
But a high dollar, as we are observing cvsry day, hurts exports,
encourages imports, and pushes the current account of the balance of payments
toward deficit.

To the extent that such a deficit emerges, which seems very

likely for 1983, the United States becomes a net importer of capital.


of capital, in real terms, are possible only through a net transfer of goods
and services.

Th* rise in the dollar and the creation of a cur rent-account

deficit is the mechanism that generates the real transfer.
To the extent that the budget deficit in this manner is financed
abroad, some of its domestic repercussions diminish.

It is tempting to think

that the United States might lay off a good part of its budget deficit on
other countries, by running a balance-of-payments deficit.

The magnitudes

of the two deficits, however, at least in historical terms, are very

U.S. current-account deficits have never exceeded $15 billion.

It would take an implausibly large payments deficit to make much of a dent
in the financing of our budget deficit.

This quite aside from the question

of whether it is economically and politically appropriate or even feasible for
the richest country in a capital-short world to expect others to so finance
its budget deficit.

There is the further question, however, of what large payments
deficits would do to the dollar.

Theory and experience indicate that

currency values are depressed by large payments deficits, probably because
the market believes that the continued financing of such a deficit would be

To be sure, when the payments deficit has arisen in the first

place out of a strong desire of foreign investors to get into the dollar,
it is not immediately clear why the deficit should discourage further
capital inflows.

The good inflation performance of the dollar (a synonym,

in this case, for high real interest rates) may lend further support to our
At the same time, a current-account deficit works against economic

Net exports, as a component of GNP, can swing from positive to

negative and seem to be in the process of doing so.

Getting part of our

deficit financed abroad, therefore, is costly in terms of domestic output and
employment so long as the economy operates at low levels anyway.
The Fed, even though it does not target on exchange rates any more
than on interest rates, cannot ignore exchange-rate effects.

Wide swings in

exchange rates are damaging to our economy as well as to those of other

Insofar as the budget deficit contributes to them, it involves

an additional cost.

Concluding Remarks
I have tried to show in this essay that while monetary policy can
cope with the consequences of a large budget deficit, it can do so only at
considerable costs. These costs in the aggregate are likely far to exceed any
benefits derivable from a deficit, at least in the foreseeable future.

A lower

level of investment, lower economic growth, greater difficulty in bringing
down inflation, and international disturbances are the main consequences.
This does not mean that an instant reduction of the deficit, in the face of
a deep recession, would bring an immediate improvement.

It is the forward-

looking character of the deficit, the difficulty, under present conditions,
to anticipate a significant reduction, that creates the most serious
difficulties for monetary policy and, of course, for our economy as a whole.
