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"If the city man expects to escape a f u r t m r increase in the high
cost of living, he will have to get "behind the farmer and supply the
money and credit required to produce the things needed to feed and clothe
the world," said Mr. Moehlenpah.
"At no time has the world "been far removed from famine.
conditions are grave.

But today

Indications are that the grain acreage this year

in the corn "belt will be smaller than for many years.
situation is acute throughout the country.

The farm labor

Many farmers in the best sec-

tions of Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Missouri, are seeding
down their corn land to hay, because hay can be harvested and marketed
with less labor than corn.
"Investigations made by the Hew York State Agricultural College,
and the United States Bureau of Crop Estimates, shows that the number of
persons on flew York farms decreased 3 per cent between February 1, 1919,
and the same date in 1920, while the number of hired men employed on the
farms decreased 7 per cent during the same period.

Percentages probably

would be as large if not larger in the western states.
"And early reports indicate that crop conditions are below normal in
many districts.

Reports from the western district indicate that pasturage

is in relatively bad condition, being only about 79$ as compared with
last year.


The southwest reports a decrease in acreage of winter wheat

of at least -lOOyQOQ acres as compared with 1919.

In the irrigated sec-

tions of the west winter wheat is reported about 80 per cent of normal.
In the St. Louis district much winter wheat has been killed by alternate
freezing ana thawing.

In Oklahoma the condition of winter wheat is

estimated at about 55 per cent of normal.
"The situation in Europe is not such ss to warrant the expectation
that there will be an early return to normal production of food crops.
Any considerable shortage in any one section of the world will mean