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For Release on D e l i v e r y
March 24, 1987
12:00 Noon E.S.T.

Anchoring the International M o n e t a r y System

H. Robert Heller
M e m b e r , Board of G o v e r n o r s of the Federal Reserve System

International Economic D e v e l o p m e n t Working Group Luncheon
The H e r i t a g e F o u n d a t i o n , W a s h i n g t o n , D.C.
March 24, 1987


Anchoring the International Monetary System

It is widely acknowledged that the performance of the
current international monetary system has been less than
satisfactory. As a result, there have been numerous calls
for reform.

The Need for Improving the Current System

President Reagan called for a conference on the
international monetary system in his 1986 State of the Union
address. Both the Group of Ten industrialized countries, and
the Group of Twenty-Four, representing the developing
countries, published reports concluding that the functioning
of the present system needs improvement. Staff members of
the IMF have also issued a report on Strengthening the
International Monetary System that analyses the problems of
the current system and explores various reform alternatives.

There is near unanimity among academicians, businessmen, and
government officials on two broad propositions: One, stable
prices are desirable and two, exchange rate stability is

Unfortunately, international monetary systems often focus on
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one or the other policy objective and leave the other
variable free to adjust. For instance, while the gold
standard assures exchange rate stability, it forces national
price levels to adjust to the imbalances that may impact not
only on the domestic economy, but also on the world economy.
In contrast, a flexible exchange rate system gives countries
the freedom to attain domestic price stability while leaving
the exchange rate as the key adjustment variable.

Neither situation is satisfactory to policymakers,
businessmen, and consumers who would like to achieve both
objectives. What is needed is an anchor or reference point
that can serve as a guide for both domestic and
international monetary policy purposes.

Today I would like to explore with you the possibility of
improving the functioning of the international monetary
system through reliance upon a set of commodity price
indicators that may provide useful guidance for both
domestic and international monetary purposes.

Such a system

may result in improved national and global price stability
and bring about more stable exchange rates.

Alternative Exchange Rate Systems

Most observers will agree that stable exchange rates are
a desirable policy objective. Stable exchange rates
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assuming they are at the right level —

will promote an

expansion of international trade and capital flows, lead to
more efficient global resource allocation, and promote price
stability. But the various schools of economic thought
differ on the best way to achieve exchange rate stability.

The various international monetary systems differ with
respect to the degree of automaticity implied by the system
and in their reliance upon alternative economic variables,
such as exchange rates, prices, or income levels to bring
about the desired adjustment.

Four broad approaches may be distinguished: one, the gold
standard; two, a system of fixed, but adjustable, par-values
of exchange rates as prevailed under the Bretton Woods
system; three, a system of flexible exchange rates; and four,
policy coordination with or without explicit target zones for
exchange rates.

Each one of these systems has certain advantages and
disadvantages, many of which have been catalogued in the IMF
staff paper referred to previously.

Thus, there is no need

to repeat the advantages or disadvantages of the various
systems. But in order to provide a backdrop for the use of
international commodity price indicators that I wish to
discuss today, it may be useful to enumerate briefly some of
the key shortcomings of the four systems mentioned.
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The gold standard relies totally on an automatic system that
leaves no flexibility to national policy makers.

Events in

one part of the world may lead to international gold flows
that will dictate an expansion or contraction in national
money supplies that sovereign countries may be unwilling to

Under a gold standard the two largest gold producers of the
world, the Soviet Union and South Africa, might also gain an
unacceptably large influence over the national monetary
policies of the United States and the other Western
democracies. For that national security reason alone the
adoption of a strict gold standard may be less than

Second, the Bretton Woods system of fixed, but adjustable,
par-values of currencies has much to commend itself as long
as all countries pursue policies that are acceptable to all
other countries.

But as the experience of the 1960s showed,

an excessive monetary expansion on behalf of one country —
in this case the United States —

resulted in unacceptable

inflationary pressures in other countries.

When the

commitment of the United States to pursue non-inflationary
policies was called into question, other countries were no
longer willing to accept the policy consequences.

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Furthermore, under the Bretton Woods system there was no
orderly way to provide for increases in international
liquidity, although that particular flaw of the system was
remedied by the creation of additional reserve assets in the
form of Special Drawing Rights.

Third, the system of floating exchange rates among the major
currencies that prevails today relies upon appropriate
monetary policies in the various countries to result in
exchange rate stability. As the experience of the last
decade and a half has shown, this system resulted in larger
short-term fluctuations of exchange rates than prevailed
under the Bretton Woods system and also did not prevent an
apparent medium-term overshooting of equilibrium exchange

It should be said in favor of the system that the last 15
years were not particularly tranquil as far as the global
economic and financial environment is concerned.
Consequently, the system of flexible exchange rates may have
been put to a hard test.

Nevertheless, in the judgment of

the various official study groups cited previously the
system needs to be improved.

Improved policy coordination and IMF surveillance is the main
hope held out by the IMF staff study for a better functioning
of the system in the future. Within that framework, some
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observers, such as the Group of Twenty-Four, advocate the
use of "target zones" to attain greater exchange rate
stability. However, a majority of the industrialized
countries represented in the Group of Ten considers target
zones as undesirable and impractical because the obligation
to intervene in foreign exchange markets might undermine
efforts to pursue sound and stable domestic policies.

A simple agreement to stabilize exchange rates may not be
sufficient to bring about lasting stability in the external
accounts or an inflation-free environment.

The experience of

the 1960s and 1970s has shown that the opposite may well be
true. During that period, the United States pursued
excessively expansionist policies.

These policies resulted

in inflationary pressures in the United States. The attempt
by other countries to maintain fixed exchange rates versus
the dollar then resulted in a generalization of inflationary
pressures on a global basis.

In other words, exchange rate

stability alone is no guarantee for an inflation-free,
stable national or international monetary environment.

In addition, there is the thorny problem of defining an
appropriate exchange rate in a multi-country world. For
instance, if the U.S. authorities were to commit to hold the
exchange rate against the German mark fixed, the dollar-yen
rate may well vary widely. In a multi-polar world, it may be
impossible to stabilize a significant number of crossrates.
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Trying to stabilize a broadly based index of the foreign
currency value of the dollar may not be desirable either.
Stabilizing an index of the nominal exchange value of the
dollar might be of little value if that index includes highinflation countries. Again, national inflationary pressures
would be globalized.

The attempt to stabilize real effective exchange rates may be
associated with further problems.

Clearly, exchange rates

reflect commercial policies, such as tariffs and quotas,
just as much as changes in competitive conditions and
underlying inflation rates. It may be difficult to argue
that the United States should adjust its monetary policy
just because another nation chooses to impose a new tariff
or quota. Furthermore, real effective exchange rates can be

calculated only with a considerable time lag, rendering the
procedure operationally troublesome.

Due to these difficulties, the imposition of a fixed exchange
rate system may encounter serious problems. In particular,
two thorny questions will have to be resolved: One, which
exchange rate or exchange rate index should be stabilized and
two, what country will have what intervention or policyadjustment obligations.

These are the same questions that will have to be faced in a
system that relies upon increased policy coordination or
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policy surveillance to bring about the desired exchange rate
stability. The key difference is whether rules or individual
consultations will trigger the necessary actions. The policy
actions that need to be implemented would be largely the

The Need for Domestic and International Policy Congruence

One basic reason for the failure of the various international
monetary systems is their inability to guarantee both
internal and external stability.

The fixed exchange rate

systems rely primarily upon domestic prices and income
levels to do the adjusting, while the flexible rate system
places more of the burden upon exchange rate adjustment.

Neither procedure is costless, as businessmen and politicians
are quick to recognize. Whenever domestic and international
objectives diverge, different interest groups will suffer
unequal cost burdens, and hence there are strong pressures to
avoid or delay the called-for adjustment.

Economists frequently fail to recognize the importance of
these adjustment costs, because they tend to focus on the
attainment of a new static "equilibrium", which will be
efficient from a global resource allocation perspective.
The costs associated with the shifting of these resources are
often ignored.
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For instance, there have been few, if any, rigorous attempts
to estimate the resource reallocation costs associated with
the rise in the value of the dollar between 1980 and 1985
and its subsequent decline.

Yet, it is evident to even a

casual observer that entire industries disappeared in the
United States during the period of the dollar rise, while
new ones were created in the countries with depreciating
currencies. Due to the fall in the value of the dollar since
early 1985, some of that process may now be reversed.
Scrapping existing factories and building new ones in other
countries is not costless. But there is nobody who has even
a vague idea of the actual dollar costs involved.

If such episodes of resource misallocation and the associated
costs are to be avoided, we need an international monetary
system that assures both internal and external stability.

The Domestic Price Objective

There is probably a broad consensus in this country and in
roost other countries that the maintenance of price stability
should be a key objective for monetary policy.

By its very

essence, monetary policy deals with money, and price
stability is nothing but maintenance of a stable value of
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If it is possible to define a price objective that has both
domestic and international relevance, domestic and
international monetary policy objectives can be unified and a
consistent national and international monetary policy will

While it is easy to argue for domestic price stability, it is
not easy to operationalize that concept. There will always be
changes in relative prices, and in a modern economy there are
various alternative ways to define the price level. Some
observers prefer a GNP deflator, others a GDP deflator, a
consumer price index, or a producer price index. All of these
indicators have various pros and cons associated with them.
For some, such as the GNP and GDP deflators, the data are
available only quarterly. Other indicators have to be revised
frequently because spending patterns change. There are
difficult problems associated with the changing quality of
certain products, and problems of measuring appropriate
quantities of output persist especially in the service

The Advantages of a Commodity Price Index

Given these difficulties, the use of a broadly-based
commodity price index may be worth exploring.

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One, commodities are traded daily in auction markets, and a
commodity price index can therefore be calculated on a
virtually continuous basis.

Two, most commodities are produced, consumed, and traded
on a world-wide basis, so that the index has relevance for
the entire world.

Three, internationally traded commodities are standardized,
so that few quality measurement problems are likely to

Four, commodities are at the beginning of the production
chain and serve as an input into virtually all production
processes. Changes in commodity prices therefore often
provide "early warning" signs of future changes at the
wholesale and retail level. However, the correlation is less
than perfect and special circumstances, such as bad harvests
or oligopolistic pricing practices may have to be taken into

Focusing on commodity prices as an early and sensitive
indicator of current and perhaps also future price pressures,
the monetary authorities may take such an index into account
in making their monetary policy decisions.

In times of

rising commodity prices, monetary policy might be tightened
and in times of falling commodity prices, monetary policy
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might be eased. Other indicators may be factored into the
decision as well.

There is no need to react to every small fluctuation in
commodity prices or to do so on a daily basis. But if
commodity prices exhibit a broad trend, a policy action
might be considered.

Commodity Prices and Exchange Rate Stability

Using a broadly based commodity price index as an indicator
for monetary policy purposes may also be useful for exchange
rate stabilization. As I pointed out before, commodity
prices are rather uniform around the world and the same
prices may be observed in a large number of countries.
Because most commodities are traded internationally, the law
of one price will hold with greater strength and consistency
than among non-traded goods.

Because world production, world trade, and domestic U.S.
consumption patterns of commodities are rather similar,
various commodity price indices using alternative weighting
patterns yield rather similar results.

Consequently, it

makes little difference whether we use global or domestic
commodity price indicators for domestic monetary policy

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If other central banks would use the same global commodity
price index as a consideration in their monetary policy
decisions, there would tend to be a congruence of domestic
monetary policy actions across countries.

As a result,

exchange rate stability might be enhanced.

A few additional considerations may be taken into account.
First of all, the developing countries have argued for a
long time for the stabilization of their export commodity
prices. The proposed stabilization of a world price index
would accomplish that objective. That objective would not be
attained through intervention purchases or sales of
commodities and an international commodity stockpile, but by
using the commodity basket as a guidepost for monetary

Of course, the determination of the base period may

be somewhat contentious.

Second, one may also consider a redefinition of the Special
Drawing Rights of the IMF in terms of the new global
commodity basket. By that the SDR would be stable in terms
of the world commodity basket and constitute a truly stable
international standard of value and a unit of account that
should be acceptable for international transactions,
especially among governments.

Third, one may allow for an "escape hatch" to avoid the
automatic ratification of a commodity price increase brought
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about by the oligopolistic actions of a few key countries or
sharp commodity price fluctuations due to natural disasters
and other exogenous events.

Under such circumstances,

countries may agree through the IMF to redefine the
commodity basket to sterilize the extraordinary and
hopefully temporary aberration.


The use of a global commodity price index as an indicator
for monetary policy might help stabilitze primary commodity
prices in the United States. Due to the significance of
commodity prices as an input and as an early warning
indicator, such an action might also contribute to overall
price stability in the United States.

If other nations were to follow a similar procedure, greater
global stability of primary commodity prices probably might
result, and greater exchange rate stability might be
achieved as well.

In essence, paying more attention to

commodity prices might help to anchor not only the domestic
price level, but result in greater exchange rate stability
as well.

Of course, changing the international monetary system
requires much thought and careful deliberation, but I
believe that it would be worthwhile to subject this proposal
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to further study and scrutiny as it may well help us to
achieve greater domestic and international monetary

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