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Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


G. William Miller

Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Held At

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

San Francisco, California

February 8, 1979

Mr. Salles.

Some of you, I'm sure, were here last June for Chairman

Miller's last San Francisco press converence, held in conjunction with a
major address that he gave to the Bay Area Council.

We're delighted to

have you back, Mr. Chairman, and I think the floor is open.
Mr. Miller.

I do not have a prepared statement,

Thank you, John.

and so I'll just open it up to your questions.


Mr. Miller, much is being said these days about what we

can do to try to control inflation.

Although the Administration says that

it is being controlled, it seems that the paychecks.and so forth are

actually not keeping pace with the inflation.

What can the Federal Reserve

do about this?

Well, the Federal Reserve's responsibility in the anti­

inflation fight is restricted to monetary polijcy, which affects money and
credit and thus is very much related to the whole problem of inflation.

In order to look at the probabilities of wringing inflation out of our

economy, we need to know something about how it came about.

The inflation

we are now experiencing in the decade of the 1970's is higher than we've

ever experienced in peacetime.

a dozen years.

But the origin of the inflation goes back

It started with the policies dealing with Vietnam, and the

fact that we did not at that time feel that we could or should tax the

American people to pay the bill.

So we started off.with building inflation

ary forces, and over the decade of the 70's we've been trying in various

ways to cope with those forces.

What will be necessary to bring inflation

down towards zero, where it should be, is a multi-year -- five, six, seven

year -- campaign against inflation. With that campaign, we not only have
to take care of the transitory aspects, but also uproot the embedded
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-1features of inflation which have become so structural that it's going to
take a consistent and prolonged warfare to eradicate them.


What's being done about eliminating and cutting down

government spending?

There are a number of policies that are important in order

to control inflation.

spending and taxing.

One is fiscal policy, which has to do with Federal
Here, one of the asDects of inflationary pressure

has been the build-up of large Federal deficits over a number of years, the
cumulative amount of which is quite large.
we'll double our Federal debt.

During the decade of the 70's

In other words, in ten years we'll double

the debt which had been accumulated over two hundred years of the republic.
Obviously that scale of accumulated Federal debt creates substantial pres­

sures on our financial system.

The financing of that Federal debt competes

with the capital needs of the private sector, where the creation of jobs
through investment is essential if we're going to accomplish our economic

So the important thing is to continue to bring the Federal deficit

down to zero -- and more than that, to reduce the level of Federal expendi­

tures in relation to the total economy from the recent 22-percent figure to
something like 20 percent of GNP.

That would transfer $60 or $70 billion

over time back to the private sector, where the cumulative effect of indi­
vidual and business spending decisions will be far more effective and do

more long-term good for the economy.



Various political solutions to this problem are being sug­

One is limiting taxes, the other is limiting spending.

Can you

comment on which of these two is more effective, or are both needed in the

long-run to contain inflation and stabilize the economy?
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



In order to accomplish the fundamental purpose, we've got to

limit Federal spending to not more than 20 percent of Gross National Product,

and that can be accomplished by continuing the present trend over the next

couple of years.

Once you've limited spending, and have an objective of a

balanced ful1-employment budget, then obviously you have to limit taxes

As you keep Federal spending lower in relation to the total

economy, you need to tax less in order to cover it.
dividend back to the private sector.

In that way, you get a

So it's very important to recognize

that on the spending side, we must have discipline, and once we have exer­
cised that discipline we can cut taxes commensurate to the cut in spending.

It would be very dangerous to cut our taxes and just increase the Federal
deficit without cutting spending.


It's said that any bureaucracy can probably defeat any presi­

dent by just holding the line and doing nothing.

of resistance in trying to cut spending?

Let me declare my colors.

Are you running into a lot

Can it really be done?
I'm from the central bank, which in

the United States is called the Federal Reserve System.

Its responsibility

in this area is of course monetary policy -- the regulation of money and credit
in the banking system.

So when we talk about fiscal policies, we're talking

about policies that belong to the Administration and Congress, but which are
important to the Federal Reserve because we need to have help in dealing with
monetary policy issues.

If the fight against inflation were left to monetary

policy alone, it would be necessary for us to put a terrible crunch on the

economy to wring out inflation.

By getting parallel discipline on the fiscal

side, it very much helps us on the monetary side.

Of course, decisions on

spendino and taxing belong to the President and Congress and not to the Federal
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But it is important that we express our views on these questions

because they relate to the posture of monetary policy, to the growth of
money and credit, which is extremely important if we are to wring out in­


We must have monetary discipline, but that discipline will be

more effective and work through the economy with less hardship if it's
coupled with fiscal discipline.

The present plans for raising the prime rate and other in­


terest rates seem to be taking money out of the pockets of consumers and

adding to inflation.

Is this successful or not?

Well, I don't think I can respond to plans to increase those

kinds of costs.

The prime rate is set by banks in a marketDlace dealing

with the supply and demand of a commodity, money, which is like any other

commodity such as wheat or corn.

It is true that the Federal Reserve's

posture in fighting inflation has been to restrain the growth of money and
credit, and that makes it scarcer and tends to make short-term costs higher.

But, without that restraint, there would be an excessive flood of money in

the economy -- and the demand for goods and service would accelerate, and
the inflation would accelerate, and interest rates would accelerate further,

and the penalty would be even greater.

So trying to restrain the monetary

aggregates and the growth of credit does cause some short-term rates to go


Let me tell you a couple of things about that, however.

Number one,

long-term interest rates have not gone up as much as short-term rates, be­

cause long-term rates are based upon the evaluation over a longer period of

time of what may happen to inflation.

At the moment, there are higher rates

in the long-term capital markets, but those rates have increased much less
than short-term rates.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

The short-term market is where the battle is being

-5waged to try to dampen the forces of inflation.

uo of two components.

One is inflation.

But interest rates are made

If you lend me $100 at the begin­

ning of the year, and if inflation is 8 percent during that year, you need
$108 back at the end of the year to have the same purchasing power you had


If you've got 8-percent interest, and there is an 8-percent infla­

tion, you would receive zero real interest.


So that's one component of in­

The other component is real interest, how much more do you have to

pay to return the same purchasing power.


If we keep going at the present rate, are we going to be

in for a recession or depression?

Well, we certainly are not going to be in for a depression.

That's just not in the cards; there's nothing in our economy that would

suggest that.

We have a well-balanced economy.

Our activities in the

process of fighting inflation -- discipline on the fiscal side, incomes

policies, efforts to defend the dollar, and monetary restraints -- all
have the objective of dampening down the economy so it doesn't bubble up

too strong.

And as you dampen an economy, there is a risk that it might

slow too much and go into a recession.
going to have a recession in 1979.

It's my judgment that we're not

I have said previously that our policies

are so dedicated to fighting inflation that we'll have to take the risk
that there might be a recession, but it's not our purpose or desire, nor
is it likely.

It's not likely now because the economy is well-balanced

and consumer spending is supported by increasing employment; the number of

jobs in our economy has risen by 7 1/2 million in the last two years, and
this has created new purchasing power.

Along with that, we've continued

to have a very well-balanced inventory position, so that we don't have an
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overhang of unsold inventory that would require an adjustment of production


We've had housing maintained at a fairly decent level -- its

decline this year should be only moderate.

Business spending will not

be particularly bullish, but will be maintained at a level pace.

And so

we have a very balanced condition overall.


If we could back up for just a second, what is your best

guess as to where we are right now on the interest cycle?

Are rates

about to break and go down, or are they going to climb some more?


Well, the interest-rate cycle will be determined by the

confluence of all the policies I mentioned, and the degree to which the

dampening of the economy translates itself into a reduction in demand

for money and credit.

We have been endeavoring to pursue a policy which

would create a dampening, and would therefore make it unnecessary to have

greater restraint that would drive interest rates higher.
tell when the peak in rates may come.

None of us can

Last June when I was here, I said

that the 1978 peak in interest rates would come in 1978, and they did.

And the 1979 peak in interest rates will come in 1979, which of course is
no answer to your question.


Do you feel we're on the threshold of the peak now or

in the next few weeks?

No, I can't say that.

I think we must be prepared to take

whatever monetary and fiscal action is necessary to restrain inflationary


We can't predict exogenous events -- can't predict what will

happen to oil supplies in the world or what will happen to crops, so I
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don't think anyone should try to predict interest rates.
predicted interest rates.

I've never

My answer is not meant to be facetious; it's

meant merely to illustrate that I think we would be unwise to have

a fixation on interest rates.

of rates on the economy.

We should look at the underlying effect

I'm very interested in getting more people to

understand the objectives of our monetary policy, including our interest-

rate objective.

The objective of monetary policy has been, number one,

to restrain the growth of money and credit in order to dampen real
activity in the economy to a sustainable level.

Second, the policy has

been to bring this about smoothly, with the restraint being put on
steadily and smoothly, and not with some disruption to the economy.

there has been a steady application of the pressure.


And third, there

has been an effort to bring about this restraint, not only smoothly, but
also in a balanced way, so that we don't throw too much of the burden on
any one sector of the economy.

This has been accomplished as I mentioned.

And a fourth objective has been to dampen the level of output and real
activity in the economy, but not to recessionary levels.

We see a

strategy of maintaining slower rates of growth for longer periods of time,

rather than a strategy of up and down, which is so disruptive to an
economy and so distressing to most Americans.

Questi on.

Do you feel that Congress will pass a bill this year to

resolve the attrition in the Federal Reserve System?

We're very hopeful about the reintroduced monetary-improvement

legislation, which was initiated last year and which Congress addressed
but could not complete because of the time limits on the last session.
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We're very hopeful that this legislation will develop into a sound package

to improve the relation between the central bank and the banking and
depository institutions, and thus improve our capacity to deal with monetary


There are two objectives of that legislation.

One is to improve

the conditions of fair competition among depository institutions, so that

we have a strong competitive equality among such institutions.

The second

is to improve the capacity of the Federal Reserve to exercise monetary

That is accomplished by assuring that adequate coverage of deposits

in the United States is subject to central-bank reserve requirements, so

that the predictability of monetary policy will be greater -- and therefore
the probability of action coming out in the way we desire will be greater,

with less sloppiness and less room for error.


Do you really feel that universal reserve requirements

have a chance, in view of all the opposition to it?

Let's look at the constituencies who are affected.

It seems

to me the purpose of this legislation has been to put forward some farreaching yet very fair proposals, and then to assess the legitimate concerns
of those affected and to try to accommodate those concerns.

This isn't

some preconceived idea that is being rammed down somebody's throat.


democratic process involves taking the real issues that affect the economy
and making sure that they have been talked through and debated.

This is

not a question of us just trying to accomplish something without considering
how it affects various institutions.

Member banks certainly should support

this move because it would lessen their burden, lessen the tax that applies

only to member banks through reserve requirements, and make them more able
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to compete with other depository institutions.

Nonmember banks would

benefit because we would stabilize the environment for competition between
banks and non-banks and near-banks, and this means with some established
ground rules that the environment would be more equitable — that non­

member banks would have a more certain future.

Smaller banks and smaller

thrift institutions would be benefitted because they would have access to
the central bank and yet be exempted to a large degree on deposits up to

a substantial level.

So they would have the benefit of the backup of the

central bank -- its services and its discount window -- without the burden
of reserves.

Thrift institutions would benefit, in my opinion, because

reserve requirements would affect only their transactions accounts, which
means you lessen the tension as thrifts seek new asset powers.

If they're

subject to the same ground rules, then we're likely to see those powers
develop in a more orderly fashion that if they have a preferred position.
The Federal Reserve benefits because we gain better monetary control.

The U.S. Treasury is a beneficiary, because if we do not take such action,

Treasury revenues are going to drop off.
going to be able to benefit.

It seems to me that everyone is

So I think we'll find that there will be a

growing consensus, and an understanding of how this works, and a resolution

of those areas of difficulty which need to be examined to see if there's
any particular part of this that could be improved in some way.


What message do you bring from Washington to the middle-

income wage earner who can no longer buy a car every couple of years, who
can't afford a home, and who gets a raise and yet brings home less pay?
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I bring to every American the message that inflation is a

clear and present danger -- it threatens the economic well-being of those

Americans and of every other American.

The disease has come upon us

because of long-term conditions, yet whatever short-term adjustments and

sacrifices each of us will have to make will be worth it.

We must wring

That is the only way to assure the prospects for growth

out inflation.

in real income and for the maintenance of real values -- the opportunity
for middle America to go back to the period where they've experienced

annual improvements in real income.
there will be no hope of that.

If we do not wring out inflation,

Every American family, therefore, ought

to enlist in the war against inflation, ought to be willing to be more
austere in their personal choices of spending, be willing to forego some
items in order to dampen the pressures of demand, and be willing to take

substitutes for products that are escalating too much in price.

We ought

to become better disciplined in our families in order to contribute in a

massive way to the discipline that is essential.

The reward for that is

price stability, full employment, a sound dollar, and a return to periods
when we will have annual improvements in real income.

What sort of an inflation rate do you find acceptable?



Do you really think that's possible?

Questi on.

I certainly do.

Between 1961 and 1965, for about five years,

this country had the longest period in the post-World War II era of peace­
time economic expansion.

price stability.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

That whole era was characterized by virtual

The annual increase in prices -- that is the inflation


rate -- was on the order of 1 percent, but that was virtually zero
because the quality of goods was changing enough to account for the 1


In that period, we had a remarkable expansion of business

fixed investment, which produced a remarkable period of productivity
gain and which made it possible for all families to achieve annual real

increases in income.

Therefore, since prices weren't going up, we

experienced perhaps one of the most congenial times we've seen with real

Now there's no real reason we cannot return to that.


must do it by exercising discipline in the fiscal area and the monetary

We must all put our support behind incomes policies — the wage

and price moderation the President has called upon business and labor

to implement.

We must be willing to really address ourselves to pro­

Our productivity has fallen way behind other nations.

capital investment has fallen behind other nations.

that in order to get capital flowing back.


We must incentivize

That produces both the jobs

and the lowering of costs that would break this vicious cycle of wages
chasing prices and prices chasing wages.

We must defend the dollar

because a weak dollar introduces inflation, and we must promote our

exports to close our trade gap.

We must be more serious about energy

Here we have OPEC increasing prices this year.

The price

by the end of this year will be 14 1/2 percent over what it was in


I do not detect anywhere the kind of response that I think

Americans ought to make.

We ought to cut down by 15 percent the gasoline

we individually use this year.

And I can tell you that in any family I

know, that can be done with a little caution without interrupting the
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standard of living at all.

We waste that much just by not being careful.

And if we would begin to take seriously these issues and respond indivi­
dually and collectively, the cumulative effect would be fantastic.

How quickly, under the slow and steady pressure that you


talk about -- and assuming that you can keep it all in balance and not
go into recession -- how quickly do you think we can get back to roughly a

zero inflation rate?

Well, when you come to the top of an inflation cycle, and

start down the slope of the other side, your rate .of change downward is


So we'll start off with slow reductions of inflation, of 3/4 percent

a year perhaps.

But it will take five years minimum -- and depending on

how hard we work at it, perhaps longer -- in order to bring inflation down

to the 3-percent range.

And at that point, of course, I think the momentum

of reducing inflation will carry us on down to something approaching the

zero rate.

We won't be able to measure it when you get down below 2 percent,

because changes of mixed individual desires and kinds of products will make

it difficult to see whether we're really changing prices or changing our

standard of living.

But that's a time table that we've got to realize,

which means that our character, our will, our seriousness, our determination,

our unity as a nation is going to be tested.

That's why I talk about this

being equivalent to war, and talk about marshalling our weapons.


got to be willing to stay with this program as a nation -- not as monetary

authorities, not as Congress, not as President, but all of those plus every

American -- we've got to stay willing to fight this dread disease for this
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period of time.

Now it's not that hard, because this year we should

see some progress, and that should give us encouragement -- and in two
or three years I think we will see enough progress that we will no longer
be so distressed and we'll be well on our way to a solution.

But we've

got to stay with it for five, six, seven years.


Is Emmett Rice going to be appointed Governor?
I don't know, that's up to the President.



Is he being considered?
There are a large number of people being considered, and I


read in the newspapers that he's being considered.

I'm sure the White House

has a hundred names under consideration.


What do you see as the impact of the Iranian oil situation

on inflation?


Well, the reduction of the Iranian source of supply is quite

serious, because that nation was a large producer and exporter of oil.
The impact is greater for some other nations than for the United States —
but it affects the worldwide supply, and the availability of oil affects


So it just accelerates the need for us to be more vigorous in our

determination to reduce our dependence on imported oil.

It makes it more

urgent that we look at every way to conserve our uses of energy.

It makes

it urgent that we create a climate for developing more indigenous sources

of energy.

Now a lot has happened since the oil embargo in 1973.


industry, there has been quite a bit of progress in reducing the amount of
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energy per unit of output.

Up until 1973, energy was so small a part of

cost in most industries -- except of course in aluminum, some chemicals
and a few other areas -- that most industries did not pay too much
attention to the problem.

We built an industrial system which consumed

far more energy per unit of output than other nations because we had

abundant and inexpensive energy.

But industry since 1973 has achieved

an improvement of some 25-30 percent in its energy use per unit of output.

We haven't had a commensurate improvement in households -- in weatherization

of homes or conservation -- nor in public buildings or commercial buildings.
Nor have we reduced our energy needs per mile of transportation.
those things are coming.

But all

Still, we've got to really make this more of a

critical issue if we are to offset the effects of the oil shortage.


If you get down to a 2-percent or zero inflation rate,

what would this do to unemployment?

And will the Democratic Congress

stand for a rise in unemployment?

Well, the prospects for full employment are much greater

with low inflation.

The period I cited in the 60's of course was a period

of very low unemployment.

There's just no question that when you have

high inflation you have instability, you have uncertainty, and businesses

are very reluctant to invest, and consequently you have problems of job


And with high inflation you have more of a probability of

cyclical behavior.

There is a recessionary bias that comes from excess

inflation as behavioral patterns of spending and investment are upset,

and this creates unemployment.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

The best way to assure full employment is

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to have a stable economy with low inflation, where businesses would be
willing to invest because they can predict their costs in relation to

their markets.

In fact, we cannot achieve full employment without low

The attitude before was that those goals were somehow competing.

But there's no way that we can achieve anyone of our economic goals unless
we achieve all of them.

Our primary economic goals, at the bottom line,

And you can't

are full employment, price stability, and a sound dollar.
have any one without the others.


If fiscal policy doesn't regain a balanced budget, would

that call for a constitutional convention?

Well, I think the objective of discipline in fiscal policy

is very important.

I think that behind that call for a convention is a

sincere concern about the growth of these federal deficits.

But I would

suggest that the Constitution is the basic charter and framework for our
nation, and it seems to be inappropriate to use it as the basis for imposing
a discipline upon our political and economic system which we should impose

through our governmental process.

As I mentioned, this is the only decade

in over two hundred years of this nation where we've had high inflation

in peacetime.

Do we know why it exists?

Why don't we just get about the

business of taking care of it rather than running to our Constitution to do
something instead?

We don't know what the future will bring, and a con­

stitutional amendment creates an inflexibility for future generations in
responding to problems we don't know about.

I think what we need is for

every Congress and every elected official to be disciplined every year, and
not create some limitation that could affect the future.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

We might come to

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a period in the world where there were disruptions again.
in the 1930's.

We saw this

And I would hate to see it happen that we can't handle

those problems because of some such limitation.


Are you considering making any changes in the new money-

market certificates?


At the moment, I know of no pending changes.

open-minded and will continue to look at the situation.

I think we're

The money-market

certificates have performed a useful service, making it possible for the

intermediaries (banks and thrift institutions) to provide funds for the

housing industry and to avoid the massive disintermediation that took
place in 1973-74.

Since that has been successful, we would be reluctant

to interfere and have more regulatory restraint on market flexibility.
Some of the thrifts are concerned that their profits may be squeezed as

more of their deposits shift into this form, and as their costs of money grow,
and also as market restraints or legal restraints affect their mortgage


But so far, I think the system is adjusting itself, and at the

moment I think the best thing is to let the managements of those insti­

tutions make up their own minds.

After all, the authorizations for these

certificates do not require that they be offered at the maximum price,

or that they be compounded or that they be offered at all.

So maybe it's

time for all of us to get more used to managing our own affairs and less

used to having the government manage them for us.

I'd like to see the

market system work a little more before we consider any changes.


Can you foresee any circumstance that might bring about

mandatory price controls and wage controls in the near future?
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I really do not.


I think they're ineffective and

They won't work, and I would be opposed to them under


any circumstances that I can see.


What are you forecasting in the way of recession,

which is of such great concern right now?

Well, the economy is well-balanced.

It is slowing down,

as we had hoped that it would, so that it would dampen the forces of


But the present circumstances of the economy do not indicate

an impending recession in 1979.

The various disciplines of fiscal and

monetary policy, and the other actions to fight inflation, have somewhat
dampened the economy, which is necessary to help bring down inflation.

And those restraints on the economy have a risk of a reaction into a
recessionary mode.

But at the moment there is no such indication.


economy is well-balanced, and there are no clouds on the horizon that

would indicate a recession.

We do expect slower growth rates, but still

not negative growth.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

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