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For years spokesmen for regional interests on the other side
of the Rockies have demanded that something be done to reduce the lion's
share of national defense contracts which California and the West
continually obtain. Yet all they get for their pains is the knowledge
that the West now dominates the new aerospace industry even more than
it ever dominated the defense industry. The West's response to the
perennial Eastern outcry has taken several forms.
The pessimists in
our camp argue that the West is unduly dependent on a single crop—
aerospace— and worse still that this single industry is unduly dependent
on the whims of a single major customer. The boosters, on the other
hand, welcome the new industry and suggest that Eastern money and Western
brains represent the proper allocation of resources for its rapid
development. The philosophers, with their longer view, can find a
spokesman in the Harvard historian, Oscar Handlin; as he suggests in his
new history of American civilization, the nation's progress has occurred
through the westward surge of immigrants across the Atlantic, across the
wide Missouri to California and the Pacific shore, and thence onward and
upward into space.
The important point, whether you're interested in the trend of
civilization or just in the trend of your sales figures, is that
California and the West are at the center of this crucial new development
T5ie new products and processes which may well affect significantly the
course of our economy for the remainder of this century, and probably for
centuries to come, are now being developed right here. In other words,
California and the West are making the innovations that may change the
course of the universe and of our own smaller world here at home. Just
as Chicago was the center of the railroad age, just as Detroit was the
center of the automobile age, so the West Coast is now the key point in
the new age of aerospace.
But what can we say right here and now about this dominant new
activity? First of all, aerospace is close to being the largest single
American industry, even though it has only recently become recognized as
distinct industrial sector. This industry, which includes research,
development, and production of space vehicles, missiles and components,
has more than doubled in size within the last five years. It now employs
about 700,000 workers, or just about as many as are employed by the
hitherto-dominant automobile industry.
The industry, as you all know, already has developed several
unique characteristics. Unlike the durable goods industries that have
long dominated the American economy, its production is based not on
tin-bending but on the research and development activities of skilled
scientists and engineers. Aerospace, combined with the related aircraft

* Speech made by Eliot J. Swan, President, Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco, at the Saint Mary's College Symposium,
"The American Businessman in Space," January 30, 196k .

The Western Economy and the Space Industry


and electrical equipment industries, accounts only for one sixth of total
manufacturing employment, but those industries employ more than one half
of the nation's 350,000 R and D engineers and scientists, and expend more
than one half of the nation's $12 billion annual bill for R and D.
Aerospace manpower requirements accordingly differ from those
of the hitherto-dominant manufacturing industries; its needs are for
electronic engineers, physicists, mathematicians, tool and die makers,
secretaries, etc.— but not for unskilled workers. Bius, the prime
contractor for the Apollo project--a firm which had only about 4 per cent
of its employees in scientific, engineering and technical categories during
World War II— now is forced to allocate about 25 per cent of its employees
to those categories. That firm also requires, in its supervisory and
operating jobs, scientists representing about 30 disciplines and hundreds
of concentrated specialties— men who can produce a space system incorporating
all the latest advances in metallurgy, molectronics, thermionics, cryogenics,
ionization, and cybernetics.
The new industry is also unique in that its marketing activities
are geared to an advisory and management type of professional relationship
with a single major customer. It is an industry dependent not on the ups
and downs of the business cycle but rather on changes in international
relations, defense, and the politico-economic atmosphere in which the budget
is formulated. The marketing man in the aerospace industry, instead of
dealing with hundreds of fickle housewives accompanied by checkbook-carrying
husbands with budget limitations that probably will not be observed, must
deal with only a single major consumer— who is accompanied by checkbookcarrying clerks with budget limitations that are very real. The industry
may well experience alternating periods of expansion and contraction, but it
is Government policy, rather than market, considerations that will influence
the result.
The new aerospace industry offers certain opportunities but also
dangers for the small firm. The experience of the last several years
suggests that a talented small firm can successfully bid on small contracts,
but only at the cost of moving into the difficult job of hardware, which
demands greater capitalization than the average small firm can support.
These pressures, which of course are found in other industries as well, have
placed a premium on large-scale operations. Consequently, 90 per cent or
more of total employment in the industry is centered in plants with 1,000
workers or more, and small firms consistently encounter difficulty in
gaining more than a one-sixth share of total space-and-defense spending.
Another feature of the new industry is the type of contract
procedure that has developed under the influence of the industry's single
major customer. The cost-plus-fixed-fee contract has assumed major
importance, but that type of contract provides no reward or penalty for
performance and also tends to bring about excessive attention to management
details on the part of the industry's major customer. The need for an
incentive-type contract to reward good performance, timely completion, and
low-cost operations undoubtedly is obvLous to all concerned, and this type

The Western Economy and the Space Industry


of contract thus promises to replace the cost-plus-fee contract more and
more as a major management tool.
This then is the shape of the nation's dominant new industry—
an industry with unique requirements for manpower, marketing, and
management. But why has the industry come to be centered here in
California and the West? Why is it that this State especially, which
prior to World War II was known primarily for sunshine, oranges, oil, and
Hollywood, should by now dominate the key industry of the future? The
causes are many and complex, but there are several features that we can
all agree on.
For one thing, California is a natural location for the test
centers which are so important for the aerospace industry; it has clear
weather, large uninhabited areas, as well as access to the Pacific missile
range. For another thing, California's pioneering research and development
work lead inevitably to production contracts on aerospace vehicles.
Moreover, the skilled scientific manpower that is so crucial to the
development of the industry demands California living conditions; as
evidence, I might note that less than one fifth of a recent crop of Cal
Tech Ph.D.'s came originally from California, but more than half of that
crop remained to work in California.
Whatever the reasons for California's dominance, the fact of its
crucial role is unquestioned. California employs more than one third of
the 700>000 workers in the aerospace industry, and the West as a whole
accounts for one half of the national total. When we add in aircraft
employment, we find that more than one third of California's manufacturing
employment is accounted for by aerospace and related industries; this means
that these activities are relatively twice as important here as they are in
the rest of the country. With almost $6 billion received in military prime
contract awards in fiscal 1963, California accounts for almost one fourth of
the Pentagon's total spending. More important for our subject, California
accounts for about one half of NASA's spending and this is true whether you
count only prime contracts or whether you consider spending on sub-contracts
as well.
Now, since California and the West exert such a dominant influence
on the new industry, it stands to reason that the industry will in turn
exert a massive impact on the West— especially in such areas of concentration
as Los Angeles, the Bay Area, San Diego, and Seattle. Moreover, given the
industry's unique characteristics, it appears likely that the industry's
influence will be both quantitative and qualitative; for example,consider
just the employment impact in one major center, Los Angeles.
In that area probably more than *40 per cent of manufacturing
employment depends on sales to NASA or the Pentagon. In otherwords, two out
of five manufacturing jobs there are generated either directly through
prime-contract work for the space-defense sector, or indirectly through
sub-contract activities. In addition, probably about 1*5 per cent of aerospace

The Western Economy and the Space Industry

sales are made to prime contractors and sub-contractors in the Los Angeles
area; another 25 per cent are split evenly between other California and
other western firms, and the remaining 30 per cent of the sales dollar
goes East.
These and other data suggest that four jobs in local
sub-contract work can be generated by every ten jobs which result directly
from prime contract awards to a space or defense center. In addition, there
is the induced effect on the local economy caused by the consumption spending
of the well-paid employees engaged in space and related work.
Consumer markets in California and the West obviously benefit from
the fact that well-paid R and D men are concentrated in an industry which in
turn is centered here.
The local concentration of these people helps
California to maintain its 25 per cent differential in per capita income over
the rest of the nation, but more than that, it helps to shape spending
patterns in a special way. The R and D producer, as a consumer, can be
counted on to support the higher end of the price line and, in particular, to
support those products which are practically synonymous with California
living— suburban housing, power boats, sportswear, stereo sets, and California
wines, to list just the essentials. Without too much exaggeration— but also
without much statistical proof— we can credit the employees of the aerospace
industry with contributing appreciably to the diversification and upgrading of
the American consumer market.
But what happens to the jobs created by aerospace contracts, and what
happens to the consumer markets dependent on those jobs, when the industry's
only major customer changes his mind? Instead of becoming the Detroit of the
new era, do we become the South Bend instead? Those questions must have
occurred to many here, especially since we can no longer blithely assume-that
NASA spending will continue to double every year. In this connection, let me
remind you that California and the West have lived through periods of
uncertainty before— periods when shifts in Federal spending plans occurred
here, there, and yet not everywhere. Consider California's record just in
the past year. Employment in aerospace and related industries dropped by 2 per cent
or more, but California's total employment in that period increased at least
3 per cent, and total personal income rose at least 5 per cent.
The longer-run answer, of course, is unclear, but a possible solution
to the problem may be to enter fields subject to the discipline of the market
place rather than to continue being subject to the budget discipline of the
single customer. This means that the industry must gear itself to meet the
market demands of businesses and consumers— undoubtedly a dismal prospect for
those who remember the aluminum canoe market of the early postwar era. Even
so, the optimum long-run solution for the industry, if it is to play its proper
role in accelerating economic growth, lies in this field of spillover— the area
which was discussed today in Dr. DuBridge's luncheon address.
As you know, the aerospace industry has been criticized for
developing comparatively few useful civilian products and processes. Despite

The Western Economy and the Space Industry


the existence of NASA's Technology Utilization Program, the Denver Research
Institute recently concluded a two-year study with the charge that
"relatively little importance can be attached to the direct transfer of
products from the missile-space program to the civilian economy.” This
criticism waa made despite the development in the program of wonder metals
and new fuel sources, not to mention the Telstar boon to communications or
the Tiros-Nimbus boon to weather forecasting.
The controversy leads to the heretical conclusion that an increase
in research and development spending does not necessarily accelerate the
growth of the national economy. One economist, Robert Solo, points out that
research and development spending has risen tremendously during the past
generation but that industrial productivity has consistently hovered around
its historical growth trend of about 2.5 per cent per year. He suggests, by
way of explanation, that research and development has been mis-allocated in
favor of the aerospace industry at the expense of growth-oriented civilian
Solo argues that economic growth depends upon a very limited number
of creative industrial geniuses— men who sure lost to activities which
contribute to civilian technological growth if they are diverted to aerospace
research and development. Thus, their loss can only be offset by an intense
spillover of aerospace technological advances into the civilian sector. These
advances can come through a direct application of products and processes
developed in aerospace exploration; for example, the items that I just mentioned.
These advances must come predominantly, however, through the difficult mechanism
of applying new discoveries to revolutionary advances in business and consumer
markets. We may not be able to visualize what those advances will be— who,
looking at the first internal-combustion engine, could visualize a freewaycentered civilization?— but the constant search for applications of space-age
inventions must still be made.
Here is the challenge that the western industrialist and financier
must face. On the basis of the studies I have cited, their success is by no
means certain. Yet, as the businessmen most intimately concerned with the new
aerospace industry, they must realize even more than businessmen elsewhere that
the changes which spell opportunity tomorrow will come from the esoteric world
of research-based science and science-based technology— worlds removed from the
everyday experience of the typical industrial enterprise.