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Remarks by Governor Edward M. Gramlich

At the Retirement Research Consortium Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.
August 12, 2004
Rules for Assessing Social Security Reform

Just as the crocuses bloom and the robins sing every spring, the Social Security reformers
come out of the woodwork in the year following a presidential election. For three years
these reformers lie dormant, biding their time and fine-tuning their plans. It is not yet time,
they caution. Let's wait until presidential politics are out of the way.
This conference seems to be a first shot in the 2005 reform round, much like the first robin
song of spring. I confess that in the past I have been a part of the reform campaign, though
my efforts in 1997 were largely dictated by the advisory council I had chaired for the
previous three years. As everybody knows, the 1997 round came to naught, as did the 2001
round, the 1993 round, the 1989 round, and the 1985 round. The odds are that the 2005
round will come to naught too, but hope springs eternal.
In 1997 I advocated a plan that I still think is sound, and one that I still like better than any
alternative I have seen. It contained some steps to tighten up the present system--most
notably indexing the retirement age to overall life expectancy. One could buttress these
steps, and add modestly to system progressivity, by changing the maximum taxable wage
amount or by adjusting benefit bend points or marginal replacement rates.
My plan also featured small-scale add-on individual accounts. I thought small-scale
individual accounts would be viewed as a nice, moderate solution to the problem of
generating new national saving and new saving for retirement, but in fact they were
universally condemned. Basically, liberals seem to fear any new individual accounts, and
conservatives don't like accounts that are too small. Small individual accounts can also be
criticized as a costly way to raise saving. Were I playing this time around, I might
compromise with political reality by foregoing the individual accounts. Low national saving
is still a very important issue, but dealing with it through general fiscal policy would be
more efficient. As for Social Security, perhaps we could just index the retirement age and
take some other measures, of which there are many possibilities, to bring the system into
actuarial balance.
But that approach may not be universally appealing either, and I will probably sit out the
2005 round. Just like an aging player who turns to umpiring when he can no longer hit the
fast ball, for this talk I am going to focus not on reform plans themselves but on the rules of
the game. When liberals or conservatives fashion their reform plans this year, they ought to
play by certain rules, and I want to list and defend those rules. Some of these rules are
merely repeated from our 1997 advisory council report, and some I developed later in
response to what I consider to be policymaking false advertising.

1. Stick to standard assumptions
Many assumptions go into Social Security forecasts and reform plan forecasts. The trustees'
report is the source of these assumptions, thirteen of which are important. For both
economic and demographic assumptions, the trustees and their staffs, covering four
government agencies, work with two outside trustees, as well as the actuaries for Social
Security and Medicare, to review past information and to project sensible assumptions.
From time-to-time technical panels have reviewed and assessed the trustees' assumptions.
The trustee process has generally worked very well. It has been remarkably free of political
influence, a considerable achievement in view of the stakes involved. Advisory councils and
outside analysts alike have used the trustees' assumptions, and most of the ensuing
arguments have involved the policies themselves, not the assumptions.
These assumptions are sometimes controversial. In recent years the trustees have arguably
used overly pessimistic productivity assumptions, which would tend to worsen the actuarial
balance of the Social Security trust fund (SSTF), and overly pessimistic mortality
assumptions, which would tend to improve the SSTF actuarial balance. In a deeper sense, it
has not always been clear that the trustees' assumptions have come from a common
theoretical framework. The process would certainly benefit from more concentrated
attention on how the macroeconomy should be modeled in the long run. Questions that
could be asked include whether the real wage assumptions are consistent with the real
interest rate assumptions, whether the retirement assumptions are consistent with the
mortality assumptions, and whether the population assumptions are consistent with the
factor-augmenting productivity assumptions from a production function.
The process will also benefit from the input of other agencies, such as the Congressional
Budget Office. Two sets of analyses are better than one, and the trustees' assumptions
should be improved and refined over time with the added debate. At the same time, I would
still argue that the trustees' assumptions, long the bedrock of Social Security forecasts,
should continue to play a central role. The base case of all plans should be analyzed with the
intermediate assumptions of the trustees.
2. Conduct proper stochastic simulations
But base cases aren't everything. Even when the forecast period is only one or two years,
economic forecasters should show alternative simulations. Social Security forecasters
should certainly make alternative projections further into the future, an activity known as
sensitivity analysis. In the past, the trustees have carried out optimistic and pessimistic
simulations by varying all thirteen important assumptions up or down. Although better than
nothing, this approach could give a misleading view of the stochastic uncertainty, because it
is highly unlikely that all thirteen variables will go one way or the other.
Statisticians have long known how to deal with such issues--they just estimate the full
variance-covariance matrix and vary the assumptions probabilistically. Then they run a large
number of Monte Carlo simulations and compute the sensitivity bands from that. One
cannot literally do that with Social Security assumptions because the forecasts are
appropriately not all taken from past data with computable standard errors. At the same
time, the trustees do have lower and upper bounds on all assumptions, and the Monte Carlo
methodology could be approximated. Indeed, I am pleased to see that the trustees are
already taking steps in this direction.

Most designers of reform plans have stuck to the base case in costing out their plans, but this
convention should change as well. Some plans look better or worse in particular scenarios,
some are actually structured to reduce true stochastic uncertainty for the whole system, and
some increase stochastic uncertainty. It is important to know how various plans fare on this
dimension. Hence, along with the stochastic simulations of the present system, we should
also require stochastic simulations of alternative plans, to learn how the system would fare
under different scenarios.
3. Conduct simulations for which the end point doesn't matter
For years the trustees have assessed the long-run solvency of the program over a seventyfive-year period. Seventy-five years seems like a long time, but for Social Security purposes
it may not be long enough. If trust fund inflows and outflows were roughly in balance
beyond the seventy-five year horizon, a simulation of that length might be adequate for
judging the long-run sustainability of the system. But in fact, the years beyond the horizon
are ones of large imbalance. Hence, the seventy-five-year results give a misleadingly
optimistic picture of SSTF finances. Not only that, but because each passing year brings a
new high-deficit year into the forecast period, the passage of time alone with no forecast
error moves the system into a deeper actuarial deficit. Were the Congress somehow to make
changes that solved the seventy-five-year actuarial deficit, it would take only one year for
the system to fall again into imbalance. Such a situation could cause political discomfort, to
say the least.
There are a number of ways to deal with this problem. Before 1965 the trustees determined
the long-run solvency of the system by making calculations in perpetuity. This method was
changed in 1965, partly because of the difficulty of making super long-run projections--say,
projecting birth rates in 2450 (even though, because of discounting, those projections will
not matter much). In our advisory council report we hit on the idea of requiring any reform
plan to stabilize the trust fund ratio (trust fund balance over annual expenditures) in the
eighth decade out. Such an approach avoids the end-point problem without using numbers
beyond the seventy-five-year forecast horizon, though there could still be problems beyond
the eighth decade. One could also factor in some measure of automaticity--say, having tax
rates or retirement ages gradually adjust to trends in spending or taxes.
We should still show flow results at various stages in the future, or cumulative results for
subperiods, to prevent game-playing with time horizons. But when results are cumulated
into the present payroll tax change that would cover all future deficits, or other such
magnitudes, let's make this calculation independent of end points. And let's eliminate the
situation in which the passage of time alone, with no forecast error, can change the actuarial
balance of the SSTF.
4. Integrate disability insurance
Social Security is really two programs--a program for old-age and survivor assistance and a
program for the disabled. The disabled do not get analyzed much, but they are surprisingly
important--at latest count numbering 18 percent of benefit recipients.
Benefits for the disabled are computed within the overall Social Security benefit formula.
Essentially, instead of averaging earnings over the high thirty-five-year career earnings, the
averaging takes place for the time of the worker's disability back to age twenty-one. This
means that when reformers alter retirement ages, bend points, or marginal replacement rates,
disabled workers are more or less dealt with in a proportionate manner, though some

reformers have introduced special adjustments.
But disabled workers would not necessarily be dealt with in a proportionate manner by
changes that convert normal payroll contributions to individual accounts, for the simple
reason that the workers lose years in which to build up their accounts. Compensatory
adjustments can, of course, be made. My only point is that adjustments ought to be made, or
at least considered, to integrate disabled workers. Plans that convert to individual accounts
should not get a free ride because they ignore the disabled.
5. Require reform plans to be internally financed
So far most of my strictures could be taken right out of a statistics book, or from the report
of the advisory council that I chaired. I will now get a little more controversial.
One development that does make it difficult to choose among competing Social Security
plans is that analysts have begun assuming fiscal transfers. Such transfers can obviously
improve the attractiveness of the present system or of reform plans. For example, the present
system could be preserved simply by transfers from the non-Social Security part of the
federal budget. Alternatively, workers could be allowed to divert their tax contributions into
individual accounts and make up the difference with budgetary transfers. Our advisory
council did not recommend any such transfers, but many subsequent plans have.
Let's stop the practice and require all plans to be internally financed. This seems the only
fair way to compare plans. I argued this point a few years ago when federal surpluses were
projected and many of those who hold overall views about Social Security similar to mine
were proposing fiscal transfers. That time seems long ago. Now that we have budget deficits
as far as the eye can see and deficits that are large and getting larger, my case for fiscal
abstinence should be much stronger.
This stricture would not abolish plans with transition costs--it would require only that any
taxes or benefit cuts needed to fund the transition should be explicitly identified and
assessed. I would even extend the stricture to prevent loans of general revenues that might
be paid back late in the transition period because we have no guarantee that these loans will
in fact be paid back and because the possibilities for false advertising are too great.
Even if, by some miracle, the general government budget comes back into something
approaching balance, I would still argue my case on the grounds of an even-handed
comparison. Perhaps the political imperatives won't be as strong then, but I still cannot find
a strong reason why Social Security reform should not be internally financed.
6. Do not incorporate an equity premium
Many Social Security reform plans involve investing in equities, either publicly by the SSTF
or privately through individual accounts. There are sound reasons for such investments, and
I make no criticism of the investments themselves. But let's score the investments fairly.
It is true that for very long past periods stocks have outperformed bonds. But stocks have
not outperformed bonds for every decade within these long periods, and decades are
relevant for analyses of individual accounts. Over the future, every canon of modern-day
finance, indeed every canon of traditional finance, suggests that prospective risk-adjusted
rates of return should be the same on stocks and bonds. So, plan reformers, invest in equities
if you wish, but claim the same risk-adjusted rate of return for stocks and bonds. Claiming

higher returns on system or individual portfolios invested in equities is legitimate only if the
simulation also factors in the greater investment risk. Overall system finances should not
benefit from portfolio shifts.
The first four of these scoring suggestions should not be controversial and should certainly
be feasible with modern analytical techniques. The last two may be more controversial, but
they strike me as the only fair way to make comparisons across plans.
All these suggestions are consistent with reform, even dramatic reform. My main point is
that we should analyze different reform plans from a common statistical basis, making
common assumptions and fair comparisons, aware of all the benefits and costs.
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Last update: August 12, 2004