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Remarks by Governor Edward M. Gramlich

The Samuelson Lecture, before the 24th Annual Conference of the Eastern Economic
Association, New York, New York
February 27, 1998

Monetary Rules
The question of whether the Federal Reserve Board should use rules in the conduct of
monetary policy is almost as old as the Fed itself. For a brief time in the Fed's history it used
a policy-making rule based on monetary aggregates, and today many are suggesting that it
use a rule based on the federal funds rate. Other countries have used policy-making rules that
are based on explicit inflation targets. While at this moment the Fed is an institution where
members vote on monetary policy using their own best judgment, the issues illustrated in
discussing the question of rules are still interesting and controversial. These issues are what I
plan to talk about today.
There are several types of policy-making rules. The simplest form is an unconditional rule,
such as having the monetary authorities raise the money supply x percent per year, come
what may. An alternative approach would base a rule on some target objective, such as stable
prices, and have monetary authorities reduce the inflation rate to some specified amount,
however the authorities choose to do that. An intermediate approach might be called a
feedback rule. Under this approach policy objectives, or targets, might be specified in the
rule and the authorities would respond in a regular way to deviations between actual values
and the target levels of these variables.
Rules could also vary in how binding they are. At one extreme, they might be mandated by
Congress, as would have been the case in a stable price bill introduced by Senator Connie
Mack in the early 1990s (but never passed). They might be self-imposed, as happened in the
late 1970s, when the voting members of the Fed's open market committee agreed to follow a
pre-specified rule based on monetary quantities. In either case they might carry exceptions
for special circumstances. At the other extreme, they might be simple informal rules of
thumb that guide some members in their votes on monetary policy.
There are a long set of pros and cons for rules in general. On the con side, rules must
inevitably oversimplify and one might think that monetary authorities could conduct policy
better simply by using their own best judgment. Moreover, there may be several competing
monetary objectives - say, reducing inflation and smoothing exchange rates. Rules based on
one objective may be inconsistent with rules based on other objectives. Or, rules may simply
not work that well, or may work well in one set of circumstances but not another.
At the same time, there are also some powerful advantages to rules. One is that central bank
policy becomes clear, regular, and consistent. Rules (like models) may help monetary
authorities sort through a welter of conflicting statistics and provide good roadmaps. Rules
can give quantitative guidance, when authorities are aware in a general way of the need to

tighten or ease, but do not know how much. Rules can discipline central bank behavior,
especially when the central bank may be facing political pressures. Rules can be worked out
in advance in ways likely to stabilize the economy, they can be tested historically, and they
can incorporate complex lag patterns. In general, they might be preferable to flying by the
seat of one's pants, or indeed to flying blind.
In the early days, before most countries had central banks, countries operated under the gold
standard, which entailed its own set of rules. The world supply of money was determined by
the usable gold supply. New gold discoveries would lead to monetary expansions in recipient
countries, which would then experience rises in prices and output. Contractions in the supply
of usable gold would require contractions in prices and output. If a country on its own overinflated demand, say by fiscal policy, its demand would spill over to foreigners and its gold
would flow out.
While the gold standard was in this sense self-regulating, it was not a perfect system.
Monetary policy was not set consciously in terms of the economic needs of the country, but
by the world gold market. The world gold stock would fluctuate in line with international
discoveries, while the stock in particular countries reflected trade flows. There was no
automatic provision for money or liquidity to grow in line with the normal production levels
in the economy. John Taylor (1998)1 has shown that this regime was responsible for large
fluctuations in real output, much less stability in real output than has been achieved in the
post gold standard era. In the gold standard period of 1890-1905, for example, the US
economy suffered five major recessions.
The Federal Reserve started up just as the gold standard was shutting down. While it took
some years for Federal Reserve practices to evolve, over time it has become understood that
the rate of growth in money or liquidity set by the Fed determines the normal long run
inflation rate in the United States. If inflation is too high, monetary growth can be cut back.
If there is unemployment, monetary growth can be expanded. This has all been encapsulated
in the Fed's motto that it should "lean against the wind."
An Unconditional Rule: CROG
But how much should it lean against what type of wind? Economists have debated this from
the beginning. The great conservative economist of the twentieth century, Milton Friedman,
has long espoused an unconditional rule that would have the Fed simply allow the money
supply to rise by about four percent a year, the rate Friedman determines would lead to
approximate long run price stability. The great liberal economist of the twentieth century,
Paul Samuelson, has on the other hand argued that the Fed was given two eyes, one to watch
the money supply and one to watch interest rates. With these two eyes and presumably the
rest of its head, Samuelson figures the Fed is able to set monetary policy magnitudes
judgmentally, without any need for rules or rules of thumb.
The logic of the Friedman constant rate of growth (CROG) standard is that if the trend
growth of real output is on the order of three percent per year, the trend growth of money of
about four percent per year would permit for some low, and perhaps irreducible, inflation and
also account for positive or negative trend changes in velocity. Were there expansionary or
contractionary fiscal shocks, interest rates would rise or fall to stabilize output. As contrasted
with the gold standard, overall liquidity would rise at a steady pace set to accommodate the
normal growth in the economy, rather than an erratic pace set by worldwide gold discoveries.

At the same time, CROG too contains potential difficulties. A first, pointed out by William
Poole (1970),2 is that there could be shocks in the demand for money, related to
technological or regulatory changes in the money creation system, foreign flows, or
whatever. The CROG system would be buffeted by these, much as the gold standard system
was buffeted by disturbances from the gold market. Moreover, as with the gold standard,
there is no role in CROG for short term discretionary monetary actions. Even with automatic
monetary stabilizers, economic cycles, under either the gold standard or CROG, could be
long cycles and there would be no way to shorten them.
This last issue brings up a key point of issue between those who became known as
stabilization policy passivists, such as Friedman, and stabilization policy activists, such as
Samuelson and Arthur Okun. To the passivists it is a virtue that there is no role for
discretionary policy actions -- they feel that activist policy is intrinsicially either too little or
too late (or too much or too soon) -- and they are perfectly comfortable in forswearing its
use. Activists, on the other hand, might admit that certain historical policy mistakes had been
made but still hold out the hope that discretionary actions could on balance stabilize the
Pragmatically, the ability of a policy strategy such as CROG to stabilize the economy
depends on the stability of money velocity. If velocity is stable, either constant (as the
classical economists used to think) or slowly changing, keeping money growth on a smooth
trend will keep overall GDP growth on a smooth trend. If on the other hand, velocity is not
stable, by definition CROG would imply big cycles in total output unrelated to money
growth. Figure 1 shows the actual path of velocity (M2 basis) over the 1959-97 period. There
are clear upswings and downswings. Until 1990 these swings could be related to a measure
of the opportunity cost of money (which still would not save a simple version of CROG), but
since 1990 the movements in velocity cannot even be explained by movements in the
opportunity cost of holding money. These swings now make it very difficult to use of CROG
as a rule of thumb for monetary policy.

A Target Rule: Inflation Targeting
A different approach, used in a number of industrialized countries (Canada, the United
Kingdom, New Zealand, Sweden, Australia, Finland, Spain, and Israel, to name a few) is
known as inflation targeting. Rather than have some monetary quantity under the control of
the authorities advance x percent per year, the idea of inflation targeting is to move right to
the ultimate goal of monetary policy, stable prices - overall price levels should grow no more
than y percent per year. Rather than having monetary authorities operate in terms of a simple
rule, the authorities are simply told to get inflation down, one way or another. In this sense,
inflation targeting is a very different type of rule. It gives very great discretion to the
monetary authorities to pursue one objective, and no ability to pursue any other objective.
While inflation targeting would seem to force central banks to become very specific about
their policies, in fact the actual inflation targeting strategies have been more flexible. They
have usually required the central bank to target between one and three percent inflation. They
have also been defined in terms of some version of the underlying rate of inflation - the
overall inflation rate less food and energy prices, the impact of exchange rates, excise taxes,
and perhaps other clearly exogenous prices. Moreover, the real world inflation targets that
have been instituted usually give the central bank an out, if this quarter it wants to worry
about exchange rates, output gaps, or other economic goals (Ben Bernanke and Frederic
Mishkin, (1997)).3 While not as loose as rules of thumb, nor have inflation targets been
entirely rigid.
The advantages and disadvantages of inflation targeting are much as for those of the other
policy rules. On the one hand, central bank policy becomes more transparent and more
logically related to what most people would say should be the underlying goal of central
bank policy. On the other hand, there is a great loss of central bank flexibility. All central
bank objectives apart from stabilizing prices are relegated to the background. Moreover, in
the event of adverse price shocks, which impart a negative correlation between price and
output movements, inflation targeting may force the central bank into undesirable
contractionary policies just when unemployment is rising, though the fact that the targets can
be written in terms of underlying inflation mitigates this concern. There are also timing
questions. Often inflation targets are adopted when countries' inflation rates are clearly too
high. In this event, should central banks be required (asked) to stabilize inflation gradually or
abruptly? If there are nonlinearities in the inflation process, output gaps would normally be
less if the central bank were to try to reduce inflation more gradually.
A close relative to inflation targeting is nominal income targeting, suggested by Robert Hall
and Greg Mankiw (1994).4 The main difference between inflation targeting and nominal
income targeting is in the shocks. If there are price shocks, nominal income will not change
as much as inflation, and the central bank would be better off targeting nominal income than
inflation directly. On the other hand, if there are output productivity shocks, these shocks
could alter nominal income and force the central bank to expand or contract even if inflation
were on target. In general it is difficult to tell whether price shocks or productivity shocks
will be larger and more prevalent, and hence whether nominal income targeting will or will
not improve on inflation targeting.
A Feedback Rule: Taylor's Rule
An intermediate approach has been devised recently by John Taylor (1993).5 Taylor's rule
has the monetary authorities manipulate a variable they can easily control, the federal funds
rate, in response to deviations between actual and target values of objective variables. These

actual variables thus feed back onto policy.
Taylor works backwards by determining how the federal funds rate, a short term interest rate,
should respond to inflation and output. Using the funds rate directly eliminates the influence
of shocks in the demand for money. These now become details that only the trading desk has
to worry about. But working out the response patterns preserves the desirable stabilizing
properties of a CROG rule.
The Taylor rule can be expressed in a simple formula
1. PFR = r* + p + .5y + .5(p - p*)
where PFR is the prescribed federal funds rate in nominal terms, the magnitude to be set by
the monetary authorities. The equilibrium funds rate in real terms is r* and the actual rate of
inflation is p. The deviation of output from its long-term trend is y and desired inflation is p*.
While Taylor's rule is often expressed in terms of contemporaneous values of inflation and
output, if there are lags in monetary policy, p and y could be forecast values, so that
monetary policy could be made forward-looking.
Suppose that monetary authorities were close to policy-making bliss, with no actual or
forecast output or inflation deviations. Then the authorities would simply set the nominal
funds rate at r* + p*, its desired long run value. If there were an inflationary shock, the
monetary authorities would raise the funds rate by 1.5 times the change in inflation (the
derivative of PFR with respect to p). This means that the real funds rate would rise as
inflation rises, preserving the overall system stabilizing properties. If on the other hand, there
were a recession, either current or forecast, the implied negative value of y, or output gap,
tells authorities to lower the funds rate. The coefficient levels of .5 were inferred by Taylor
from the properties of large simulation models of the time, though later research has shown
that larger response coefficients would make the rule even more stabilizing (Andrew Levin,
Volker Wieland, and John Williams, 1998).6
The adjustment coefficients already build stabilizing properties into the Taylor rule. If
inflation rises, the rule tells the Fed to raise the real federal funds rate. If output falls, the rule
tells the Fed to lower the real funds rate. But there could be even more stability implicit in
this rule than meets the eye, through the behavior of long term bond rates. For any given
funds rate, if output rises the spread between long term interest rates and the funds rate will
rise and dampen output demand. If output falls, the spread will fall and stimulate output
demand. So there are direct stabilizing properties built into the rule, and indirect properties
through the behavior of long term bond markets.
While such a simple rule might seem woefully inadequate as a descriptor of complex, subtle
monetary policy, it turns out to explain actual monetary behavior in recent years quite well.
Figure 2, taken from Taylor's 1998 paper, shows the plot of the actual funds rate over the
1987-1997 period. Rule 1 uses the coefficients of .5 and .5; rule 2 doubles the output
response coefficient (g in the Figure). By historical standards, the 1987-97 decade was a
good decade for the Federal Reserve, with only one recession and with gradually declining
inflation rates. The equation tracks the actual path of the federal funds rate over this era of
relatively successful policy very well. One could make the fit even closer by fitting equation
1) econometrically -- the fit becomes tighter and the estimated response coefficients rise.
While most actual voting members of the open market committee during these years would

probably be horrified that their behavior could be captured in such a simple equation, it
seems that it can be.

Taylor (1998) himself takes the reasoning further by going farther back in time, to eras when
central bank policy was less successful. He uses his rule to show that:

In the 1960-63 period, the time of high unemployment, monetary policy was too tight.
In the 1965-79 period, the time of accelerating inflation, monetary policy was too easy.
In the 1981-85 period, the time of high unemployment, monetary policy again became
too tight.

Many fans of Taylor's rule are reluctant to take the analysis this far. First, there is a technical
question -- Athanasios Orphanides (1997)7 shows that Taylor's clear results become much
more muddled when the actual data that were available to policy-makers at the time are
inserted into the rule. Moreover, the Taylor rule presumes that monetary policy is
independent in the sense that the Fed is free to vary the funds rate. Since the United States
was on fixed exchange rates in the early 1960s, monetary authorities would have been
substantially less free to lower the funds rate, as Taylor's rule would have recommended.

Finally, there is a question of historical context. If the Federal Reserve were confronting the
overhang of fifteen years of accelerating inflation combined with very large anticipated
budget deficits, as it was in the early 1980s, policy might be forgiven a modest
overadjustment according to the Taylor rule.
But while there are problems with Taylor's historical analysis, the central conclusion of this
analysis -- that monetary policy was far too easy most of the time (1965-79) and could have
benefitted from a rule is certainly borne out by others (see Richard Clarida, Jordi Gali, and
Mark Gertler (1998)).8 Taylor's cautious implication is that sometime in the 1980s, well
before Taylor wrote his path-breaking paper, monetary policy has gotten on track and has
pretty much stayed on track since. After all these years the Fed may finally be learning how
to conduct monetary policy.
The previous paragraph sounds like a basketball announcer describing a player who has
made his last thirty free throws. No sooner are the words spoken than the player puts up two
bricks. Is the Fed really learning how to conduct monetary policy?
Perhaps. But there are uncertainties all over the place, both about the Taylor rule and indeed
about rules in general. At the present time there are at least four main uncertainties about the
Taylor rule.
The inflation objective. The Taylor rule requires the monetary authority to get specific about
price stability. Exactly what index is the Fed trying to stabilize, at exactly what level?
Because there are well-known measurement problems with all price indeces, it is not
necessary for the Fed to shoot for zero inflation, but the Fed does have to shoot for p*, and it
certainly has to know whether actual or forecast inflation is above or below p*. That is not so
hard when the economy is clearly suffering from inflation by anybody's definition, but it can
become tricky as inflation declines and approaches its goal.
The output objective. Uncertainties are even worse as regards the output term. Deviations of
output from its trend are usually defined in terms of the so-called non-accelerating inflation
rate of unemployment (NAIRU). If, for example, the actual unemployment rate is above
NAIRU, there is an implied output gap and the Taylor rule tells the Fed to lower the funds
rate. As with the inflation term, the Fed must then know where NAIRU is, and know whether
current or forecast unemployment implies a positive or negative output gap.
The unexpectedly quiescent behavior of inflation in the face of low unemployment in the late
1990s has led economists into major soul-searching about NAIRU. Whereas earlier in the
decade most economists would have pegged NAIRU at about six percent, now opinions and
estimates range all over the map. A recent Journal of Economic Perspectives (1997)9
symposium finds some economists who still believe in a stable NAIRU, some who believe in
the concept of NAIRU but argue that its level changes, and some who think the whole
concept is a snare and delusion. While the notion of a time varying NAIRU is conceptually
attractive, there is again a question about how much time varying NAIRU should do, with
respect to what. This NAIRU uncertainty then transfers over to output gap uncertainty. For
the Fed to lean against the wind of output gaps, it has to know what the output gaps are, and
that too can become quite tricky as unemployment approaches its desired level.
The equilibrium funds rate. Even if inflation and output are on target, the Fed still has to

determine what value to use for r*, the equilibrium real federal funds rate. An easy approach
is to get that by the regression method - simply fit the Taylor rule and compute r* from the
regression intercept. The problem with this approach is that it is only descriptive - fitting the
Taylor rule only estimates how previous policy-makers might have responded to inflation
and unemployment. To get to the normative concept of what the equilibrium real funds rate
should be is harder.
One approach might be to use the rate on newly-introduced long term indexed bonds as a
measure of the equilibrium real interest rate for an economy that saves roughly as much as
that of the United States. The saving clause is necessary because in most economies longterm equilibrium real interest rates depend on national saving rates. Subtracting a stable price
term structure premium then gives an estimate of r*. There might be other ways of inferring
r*, but however that is done, it must be done.
Lags. A last problem in applying the Taylor rule is lags. Since there are long (and perhaps
variable) lags in the impact of monetary policy, monetary policy must in principle move well
in advance of the inflation and output gaps. These gaps then have to be forecast, and the
forecast in principle must be for a period far enough ahead that monetary policy can act in a
timely matter. This is a strong requirement and one can get misleading policy prescriptions
by not looking ahead far enough, as is shown by David Small (1996).10
So the Taylor rule generally describes monetary policy well in years when policy was
relatively successful, and also generally describes how monetary policy may have gotten off
track in years when policy was less successful. It has desirable theoretical and stabilization
properties. It gives clear signals when output and inflation are far from their target values.
Yet it can still be very difficult to apply such a rule. There are interpretation problems on all
the relevant targets - desired inflation, desired output, and the desired equilibrium funds rate.
The rule may also have to be applied well in advance to be successful. The rule gives
guidance, but certainly not complete guidance.
To return to the theme at the outset, there have been attempts to reduce monetary policy to
formula - first in terms of unconditional rules involving monetary aggregates, then targeting
rules involving inflation, and now in terms of response rules involving the federal funds rate.
There are advantages and disadvantages to each form of rule, with perhaps the net edge for
the advantages being greatest for the Taylor rule.
The uncertainties implicit in using any rule of thumb, however well it might have performed
in the past, are probably sufficient that policy-makers should retain their discretion. There
can also be periods when the Fed is pursuing multiple goals. At the same time, the science of
rule-building may have advanced to the point where monetary rules of thumb might play
some useful role in the conduct of monetary policy. Myriad short term uncertainties and
special factors mean that rules still cannot deal with many ad hoc situations. But in view of
the deeper uncertainties about how hard monetary authorities should lean against what wind,
rules of thumb might give good guidance to policy-makers. They might help authorities
avoid large and persistent mistakes. Rather than replacing judgment, in the end rules may aid


Note. I have benefitted from the comments of Joseph Coyne, Roger Ferguson, Robert Frank,
Donald Kohn, David Lindsey, Laurence Meyer, Athanasios Orphanides, Susan Phillips,
Alice Rivlin, David Small, and Volker Wieland.
1 John Taylor, "A Historical Analysis of Monetary Policy Rules" (Stanford University,
2 William Poole, "Optimal Choice of Monetary Policy Instruments in a Simple Stochastic
Macro Model," Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 84 (May 1970), pp. 197-216.
3 Ben S. Bernanke and Frederic S. Mishkin, "Inflation Targeting: A New Framework for
Monetary Policy?" Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol. 11 (Spring 1997), pp. 97-116.
4 Robert E. Hall and N. Gregory Mankiw, "Nominal Income Targeting," in N. Gregory
Mankiw, ed., Monetary Policy (University of Chicago Press, 1994), pp. 71-94.
5 John Taylor, "Discretion Versus Policy Rules in Practice," Carnegie-Rochester
Conference Series on Public Policy, vol. 39 (December 1993), pp. 195-214.
6 Andrew Levin, Volker Wieland, and John C. Williams, "Robustness of Simple Monetary
Policy Rules Under Model Uncertainty" (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, 1997).
7 Athanasios Orphanides, "Monetary Policy Rules Based on Real-Time Data" (Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1997).
8 Richard Clarida, Jordi Gali, and Mark Gertler, "Monetary Policy Rules and
Macroeconomic Stability: Evidence and Some Theory" (New York University, 1998).
9 "The Natural Rate of Unemployment," Symposium, in Journal of Economic Perspectives,
vol. 11 (Winter 1997), pp. 3-108.
10 David Small, "The Simple Analytics of Choosing the Optimal Response Parameters in a
Monetary Policy Rule for Nominal Income Targeting" (Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, 1996).
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