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Remarks by Governor Edward M. Gramlich
At the Community Reinvestment Act Conference, San Francisco, California
April 17, 2000

The Digital Divide
The recent economic expansion has proved gratifying in many respects. During the past five
years, in contrast to the preceding ten years, wages and labor income have risen across the
board for low- and high-wage workers alike. Unemployment rates for minorities and for
those without college education have dipped, for many groups to historic lows. Long-term
unemployment is way down. State and local treasuries are flush with revenue, limiting the
cuts in social spending that characterized earlier periods.
Access of low- and moderate-income groups to credit has dramatically increased as well. As
a result of the good economy, technological change, and innovative financial products, lowincome credit has exploded in recent years. Between 1993 and 1998, conventional homepurchase lending to low-income borrowers increased by nearly 75 percent, compared with a
52 percent rise to upper-income borrowers. Conventional mortgages to African-Americans
increased by 95 percent over this period and to Hispanics by 78 percent, compared with a 40
percent increase in all conventional mortgage borrowing. This expansion of credit has
permitted many low-income and minority borrowers to realize their dream of owning a
home and a chance to realize the capital gains that have so increased the wealth of upperincome households.
Technology is at the root of both the overall economic changes and the expansion of credit
to low- and moderate-income households. While technology holds the promise of spreading
benefits to all Americans, low- and high-income alike, this spreading is not automatic. Until
recently, technology had seemed to increase disparities in wage income. Lately that is no
longer the case. Beyond this, many observers justifiably worry about what is known as the
"digital divide," the gap between those who have the resources and skills required to access
and use technology and those who do not. In a series of recent studies, the National
Telecommunications and Information Administration of the Department of Commerce has
found that location, income, and race are the primary factors identifying the technologically
under-served. Households in rural areas are least likely to have access to computers and the
Internet, followed by low-income minorities living in central cities.
Follow-on studies show this divide more graphically. Census data from 1998 show that
although more Americans now have access to telephones, computers, and the Internet,
disparities in home-based Internet access continue to increase. Households with incomes of
$75,000 and higher are five times more likely to have home computers than those at the
lowest income levels, a gap that expanded by 29 percent between 1997 and 1998. White
households are roughly two and one-half times more likely to have home-based Internet
access than African-American and Hispanic households, a disparity that increased by 38

percent in the same one-year period. The gap between those at the highest and lowest
education levels who can access the Internet at home increased 25 percent.
Recognizing that there are enormous overall benefits to technology and the Internet and that
innovations will naturally be adopted first by those with high incomes and educational
achievement, one can still worry about this digital divide. As more and more routine
business and interacting is done on the Internet, it becomes more likely that those who are
not connected will be excluded from opportunities that are available to others. In this sense
it is critical that public, private, and nonprofit sectors collaborate to design policies and
programs that will enable all segments of the population to reap the benefits that technology
offers. Today I want to discuss some challenges in this area, and also recount some positive
Increased Competition, Broader Markets
Technology has enabled free-market forces to operate at unprecedented levels through the
efficient delivery and use of information -- the key to efficient market operation.
Technology has significantly increased our capacity to obtain, store, and use data so we can
make better decisions, both as professionals and as consumers. As information becomes
more readily accessible, competition increases, resulting in more disciplined markets where
the providers of goods and services are required to operate more efficiently in order to meet
consumers' demand for the best product at the best price. The Internet has demonstrated the
power of information on markets, and we have seen incredible opportunities emerge as this
communications system has been transformed into a worldwide marketplace for delivering
information and goods.
Even the banking industry, traditionally known for its conservatism, has used technology
effectively. For consumers, technology has fostered the creation of new delivery systems for
financial services that have dramatically increased convenience and obliterated geographical
limitations. Through automated teller machines (ATM), bank-by-phone services, and online banking, consumers can now conduct nearly any banking transaction at any time of the
day or night, regardless of where their financial institution is actually located. For financial
institutions, technology has provided complex databases that offer the ability to access and
correlate information on their customers' saving and spending patterns, breeding new
products and business strategies that have enabled banks to respond to consumer needs and
to identify new market opportunities.
Credit scoring is one example of how technology has revolutionized lenders' capacity for
underwriting loans. Sophisticated computer programs have enabled creditors to quickly
assess a borrower's creditworthiness by processing key data through complex statistical
formulas and assigning numerical credit scores. This process has brought benefits to lenders,
consumers, and regulators alike. For lenders, credit scoring decreases expenses associated
with the time and expertise required to make a credit decision, enabling lenders to increase
loans and reduce credit costs simultaneously. Since the evaluation criteria are standardized,
these loans can be packaged and sold more easily in secondary markets, reducing an
institution's interest rate risk, improving its liquidity, and further increasing its capacity to
originate loans. Consumers obtain much quicker responses to loan requests, and they may be
more likely to receive credit since computer models are much more objective than loan
officers. Regulators also benefit from credit scoring. The predictive nature of the statistically
based models mitigates risk and promotes safety and soundness. Uniformly applying
underwriting criteria also promotes fair lending by curtailing the influence of personal

biases on credit decisions.
The Internet has played a significant role in shaping the new economy by enabling firms to
communicate and conduct commerce on a global basis regardless of their location or asset
size. The banking industry is using the Internet to expand customer bases, increase service,
and reduce operating costs. For community groups, the Internet has provided a costeffective medium for tapping into a multitude of resources, both financial and informational,
to fund new programs, identify best practices, and recruit new partners.
But there are challenges as well. One, particularly for a relationship-intensive business such
as banking, is the perception that technology will become a substitute for personal contact.
When conducting financial transactions, consumers and bankers often must interact
personally. The Internet might seem hostile to personal interaction, but in fact banks have
used it to establish and preserve interpersonal relationships, particularly for those customers
who need extra assistance. They can reach underserved populations and build sustainable,
mutually beneficial business relationships. A recent article in the American Banker
illustrated the complementary roles that branches and the Internet play in delivering
financial services. One banker noted that 80 percent of his Internet customers go to branches
to purchase their financial products, while another said that sales of on-line accounts
increased by five times when marketed through branch offices. Findings like these illustrate
ways that the industry can leverage high-tech banking without sacrificing the personal
Another challenge involves credit scoring. While credit scoring has been instrumental in
extending credit to new markets, it has potential unintended consequences. Bankers and
regulators must recognize that strict use of credit scoring models could result in the
extension of credit to only those clients whose financial lives fit neatly into predefined
boxes. Since personal financial management behavior is influenced by culture and
education, these formulas may not be able to incorporate nontraditional information that
could demonstrate true creditworthiness. As regulators, bankers, and community developers,
we must continue to challenge these models to ensure that they yield accurate predictions
and remain free of discriminatory biases.
A third challenge involves the protection of consumers' privacy. Fundamentally, information
sharing is beneficial to markets and consumers. Data, when used appropriately, can enhance
competition and service by matching new products and services to individual consumer
needs and preferences. But the easy transmission of information on the Internet can lead to
privacy abuses as well. Information sharing and protection of consumers' financial privacy
are not necessarily mutually exclusive, but they can be. Again, vigilance is necessary.
Rising to the Challenge
The digital divide presents challenges, but some have met these challenges. The
fundamental strategies used to address needs related to affordable housing, welfare-to-work,
and microenterprise development have created new homeowners, employees, and small
business owners. This in turn has opened new markets for financial services. These models
can serve as the framework for addressing digital divisions.
Community developers can play a pivotal role in meeting these challenges. With your local
knowledge and leadership, you can help design programs that will best serve your

communities' education and access needs. In addition to the traditional partners -government, financial institutions, community organizations, and foundations -- the private
sector should be enlisted to help close the digital divide.
I would like to share with you a few examples of programs that helped close the digital
divide, usually by bringing together many or all of these players. A national initiative by
PowerUP provides underserved youth with computer access and training. It builds upon
existing community infrastructures such as schools, community centers, and affordable
housing communities. The goal is to establish 250 sites throughout the country partnering
with groups like America OnLine, the Case and Waitt foundations, Sun Microsystems,
Americorps, and the U.S. Department of Education.
The National Urban League has five technology centers where residents of underserved
neighborhoods can use computers and access the Internet. The Boys and Girls Clubs of
America, in partnership with Microsoft, has established 15 technology centers housed in its
local chapters.
In this Federal Reserve District, Utah's American Express Centurion Bank has donated
computer equipment, including modems, to affordable housing groups, shelters, youth
resource centers, and self-sufficiency programs that assist underserved populations. Such
donations have helped to equip a walk-in center and eight business offices that provide
Native Americans with information on affordable housing and small business development.
Here in San Francisco, OpNet, a public-private partnership, offers media-related computer
skills training and job placement to provide career development opportunities to low-income
individuals. To ensure that this training results in sustained employment, OpNet also
provides counseling and support services to its students.
The Greenlining Institute, partnering with AT&T and McCaw Cellular Communications, is
creating a team of community leaders to develop strategies, products, and services to meet
the telecommunications needs of the low-income, minority, and disabled communities.
Projects include the design and marketing of products to facilitate access by the handicapped
to wireless services, language translation facilities, and the expansion of neighborhood
technology centers.
The Digital Divide Network, a web site created by the Benton Foundation, the National
Urban League, and several high-tech firms, plays a vital role as an information
clearinghouse. This site identifies public-private initiatives that direct resources to
communities in need of computers and educational programs and shares best practices for
designing strategic collaborations. These are just a few examples of successful partnerships.
There are many more.
While computers, the Internet, and technology have been responsible for enormous
improvements in American life, there is clearly a digital divide. If not properly addressed,
the digital divide can threaten a basic American goal-- equality of opportunity
But potential problems also suggest potential opportunities. The ability to share information
rapidly has led to notable advances for low-income and minority citizens--increased lending,
credit scoring, ATM machines, and other specially tailored financial products. As the
programmatic examples I mentioned illustrate, many community groups have recognized

the challenges and risen to meet them. You and your colleagues have done well in this
regard, but much remains to be done.
As one final matter, let me encourage you to regard the Community Affairs Offices of the
Federal Reserve System as your partners. It is through this network of twelve regional
offices that we at the Fed seek to support our economic growth objectives by fostering
cooperation among community organizations, government agencies, financial institutions,
and other community development practitioners. We promote the flow of community
development information through training workshops, conferences, publications, and a
recently launched web site that links users to each of the Community Affairs Offices across
the country. The Federal Reserve is already a valuable resource, and we hope to become
even more so.
I look forward to the future success of your partnerships.
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