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a b s t r a c t o?


Tuesday, December 3, 1 9 2 9 ,
by Edmund P i a t t



Speaking i n f e r n a l l y "before the tanking classes of the Wharton

of Finance,


under the auspices of Professor Karr,

December 3rd,


on the subject "Banking L e g i s l a t i o n Past

and P r o s p e c t i v e , " w i t h some reference to the causes of bank f a i l UreS


1 9 2 0




Reserve Board,

Mr. 3 d m n d P i a t t ,

Vice Governor of the

s a i d that the banking l e g i s l a t i o n of



state and n a t i o n a l , might be treated by a s a t i r i s t


in such a way as to show that we as a nation have mani- •

nested rather l e s s f i n a n c i a l

commercial n a t i o n s .

bedded i n i t s constitution,
sacredly f i x e d for a l l

common sense

Our largest

than the people of other

state once had firmly im-

where it was doubtless regarded as

time, a prohibitory amendment

e a n i 2 a t i o n of banks.


I n those days the good people of the

ate of Texas regarded banks as rather worse than saloons,


t e


and it

admitted that some of the banks of the o l d days of wildcat

a t e banking were p r e t t y bad.

!7e made a good early start under

abls leadership of Alexander Hamilton towards a national


banking system, a n d it is i n t e r e s t i n g to note that the F i r s t
of the United States had to be wound up and l i q u i d a t e d i n 1811
Sely because of opposition from the city which is today the



center of the United States and perhaps of the world.


cnarter b i l l f a i l e d i n the U n i t e d States Senate i n 1811 because of
opposition and vote of George Clinton of New York, and Clinton

• •




was "backed by cone of the leading barkers and financiers of New
York City,

including John Jacob Astor.

Luring the years that

followed we had a second Bank of the United States 1816 - 1835,
but until

the Civil War brought the National Banking Act busi-

ness most of the time was under the tremendous handicap of a
fluctuating local state bank note currency, with the notes issued in one state or even in one city almost always at a discount
i f presented elsewhere.

In How England, New York and Pennsylvania

the state banks were generally pretty strong and reliable and were
organized under reasonably sound general acts, while in the older
southern states banks continued to be specially chartered by the
legislatures and were,

therefore, usually large,

strong institu-

In the newly formed western states the " f r e e barking"


which started in New York, ran w i l d and resulted in every sort of
banking experiment, most of them disastrous.

In Indiana for some

years there was both the best banking system and the worst almost
side by side at the same time.
A good deal of our tanking legislation has been restrictive
rather than constructive, and the great constructive measures that
have been passed by the Congress of the United States,
National Banking Act and the Federal Reserve Act,

such as the

were passed for

the purpose of correcting the most glaring defects of an individual,
local, unit banking system without recognition of the fact that

of the trouble was due to the local unit system i t s e l f .

n e e d

no v







some of the restrictions i n the present

laws so as to allow some development towards a better system.'



- 3 -

McFadden Act of February 1927 went a l i t t l e way toward removing
unnecessary r e s t r i c t i o n s but the changes were of b e n e f i t mostly
to city banks.

The UcFadden Act prevents country banks even i f

located in a d j o i n i n g

towns from pooling their resources.

Of the

4513 bank f a i l u r e s reported to the Federal Reserve Beard from
1221 to 1927 i n c l u s i v e ,

63 per cent were banks with a capital


$ 2 5 , 0 0 0 or l e s s and 61 per cent were of banks located i n towns
of less thai 1 , 0 0 0 inhabitants,

which may be taken,

s a i d Mr.

"as conclusive evidence that the American e f f o r t

vide banking f a c i l i t i e s

in very small places

to pro-

by means of very

small u n i t banks is a f a i l u r e and cannot be made to succeed except when a l l surrounding economic conditions are


Too often economic conditions have been unfavorable - crop failles,



neighborhood i t s e l f

f a i l u r e s or merely the f a i l u r e of the

to grow."

from the address of Mr.
Bank of Decatur,

Mr. P i a t t quoted with approval

Clyde Hendrix of the Tennessee Valley


at the meeting of the American Bankers'

Association i n San Francisco,



"Every banker is acquainted with the aopallin,^ mort a l i t y record of the small unit banks located i n purely
agricultural t e r r i t o r y .
2To doubt, the lack of proper
management and dishonesty account for a small percentage
of such f a i l u r e s , but in the main the wholesale, colossal
number of small bank f a i l u r e s can properly be charged to
the system i t s e l f . "


s a i d


- Piatt,

Comptroller of

is substantially

the Currency,

*ore severe r e s t r i c t i o n s ,

the b e l i e f of the present

"who is recommending as a cure not

or more elaborate supervision,

o l a x a t i o n of some of the present

but a

r e s t r i c t i o n s upon banking so

OfcOX 1


—— -

1 OM3X.



that a gradual change of the system i t s e l f can take place - a
change by which some of the small unit hanks may ce merged with
"banks i n other places so as to provide larger hanks, with funds
sufficient to provide good management, and covering a territory
wide enough to insure a diversification of loans and investments."

"Just what form the Comptroller's recommendations to

Congress may take,

just what limits he may propose - for he is

not in favor of unlimited or nation-wide branch barking - will
not be made known until his annual report goes to the'speaker
of the House of Representatives about the middle of the present

He has arrived at his conclusions not only as the re-

sult of long experience as a bank examiner and as the head of
the supervisory forces of the United States Government, but as
the result of careful study.

In my opinion he is on the r i ^ i t

track and deserves full support not only from economists and
students of banking, but from business men and bankers,"
Mr. Piatt made no reference during the course of his address
to the recent stock market panic except to remark that while the
year 1929 up to the close of October has recorded 521 bank suspensions as compared with only 375 during the sane period of 1928,
no suspensions or failures have been attributed to the recent
stock market panic up to date.

i n

Practically a l l suspensions have

too West and South, and the banks are mostly so small

as to have l i t t l e or no effect upon the general financial


tion of the country.

digressed from his main subject long enough to refer to





the development of the b i l l market, or market for b a k e r s '
ances during the present year.


"For the f i r s t time since the

Federal Reserve System was established," he said,

"the bill market

has during this year been standing on its own feet without any
nursing by the Federal reserve banks.

Early in the year the rate

at which Federal reserve banks purchased b i l l s from member banks
or from dealers was placed above the Federal reserve rediscount
rate, with the result that investors,

including banks,


tions and individuals began to purchase b i l l s because of the attractiveness of the rate.

2,lore recently,

investors have been

outbidding the Federal reserve banks and have been taking the
new b i l l s in spite of very low rates.

This may be due to the

fact that some of the corporations and individuals who had been
loaning money on call in the stock market are now buying b i l l s . . .