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Remarks by
Donna Tanoue
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Before the
National Association of Affordable Housing Lenders
Washington, D.C.
February 17, 2000

The National Association of Affordable Housing Lenders is known for its longstanding
commitment to community development and affordable housing. Each of you here today
has successfully pioneered ways to promote affordable housing and to provide fair and
open access to credit. The FDIC applauds your success - and I personally commend
you for the outstanding job that you do.
This week is National Consumer Protection Week, so it should come as no surprise that
I am here today to seek your assistance, again, in protecting the consumer, and, in
particular, protecting the consumer from an increasing risk, the recent rise in predatory
lending practices. First, I will talk about what predatory lending is, and how it can harm,
not only individuals, but financial institutions and communities as well. Second, I will
discuss how we - in consultation with state non-member banks, consumers, and other
regulators - plan to ensure that banks and thrifts do not unwittingly lend support to the
predatory lending practices of nonbank lenders. And, third, I will explain what we at the
FDIC will do - in cooperation with federal and state regulators - to combat predatory
Predatory lending is intended to achieve abnormally high returns by taking advantage of
consumers. The term typically is used to describe a combination of unfair or abusive
loan terms, unscrupulous and misleading marketing, and high pressure lending tactics
that limit information or choices available to a consumer. Predatory practices are
anathema to responsible lenders, but they are occurring every day, especially in poorer
neighborhoods, particularly those that are the home of a disproportionate number of
elderly or minority homeowners. The abusive practices that predatory lenders use

Fraudulent, high-pressure, and misleading marketing and sales efforts;
excessive fees and exorbitant interest rates that are well beyond the levels
appropriate or necessary to cover risk and a profitable return;
the "packing on," and financing, of those excessive origination fees as well as
fees for excessively priced -- or unnecessary -- products;
prepayment penalties that trap borrowers in an unfavorable or unaffordable loan;
balloon payments that conceal the true cost of the financing and may prompt


"loan flipping," or overly frequent refinancing, with fees folded into the loan again
and again, sometimes masked by lower monthly payments;
the "stripping" of equity out of the home through frequent refinancing of loans or
through artificially reducing monthly payments through negative amortization; and
abusive collection practices, including the aggressive capture of equity.

Predatory lending takes many forms and reaches many markets. Abusive practices
occur in the mortgage, home equity, credit card, auto lending, and payday lending
markets. It is especially unfortunate, however, that home loans, which are keenly
important to consumers, have offered unscrupulous lenders numerous opportunities to
carry out abusive and predatory practices.
The plight of one 68-year-old woman in Atlanta, Georgia, who has owned her home for
29 years, is an almost "textbook" example of predatory lending. Retired, she lives alone
on Social Security. Over a period of six years, she received six mortgage loans - her
initial loan was then refinanced five times. The first loan was for $20,300. The last loan
was for $34,800. The first four loans were made by a national finance company. A major
bank subsequently purchased the company. The company -- now a subsidiary of the
bank -- then made two additional loans to her.
The woman was not able to afford the monthly payments. So approximately once a
year, the lender would refinance the loan. In each of the six loans, the lender sold credit
life insurance to her. Single-payment premiums ranged from $2,300 in one transaction
to $2,900 in another transaction. She also was required to pay closing costs of more
than $2,500 for each loan. The single payment of the premium and the closing costs
associated with each loan were of little use to the borrower, but were a great financial
benefit to the lender.
As the woman had difficulty making her payments, the lender reportedly subjected her
to a campaign of abusive debt collection tactics. Minutes after the regional collection
office would call her demanding payment, threatening foreclosure, the local branch
office would repeat the process. Ultimately, she was forced to seek assistance from the
local legal aide society in an effort to keep her home.
Indeed, many who fall prey to predatory lenders risk losing their homes in the process.
Predatory lenders define default aggressively. Rather than working with a borrower who
falls behind on a payment, which is the usual banking industry practice, a predatory
lender often quickly deems a loan to be in default. As in the case above, loans are often
repeatedly refinanced with excessive fees charged each time. Ultimately, abusive
collection practices can follow, through repeated telephone calls to customers' homes
and places of employment.
One such case occurred in a predominantly minority neighborhood in Boston. A woman
living in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston refinanced her mortgage to pay for
home improvements. On a mortgage of $134,700, she was charged $13,000 in
origination fees and $4,000 in broker fees. She fell behind in her payments and the

company promptly initiated foreclosure proceedings. Fortunately for her, the state's
attorney general intervened on her behalf. He alleged that the bank had violated a
Massachusetts consumer protection statute, and he successfully filed an injunction
against the mortgage company to stop the foreclosure. In a subsequent court action, the
lender was ordered to pay $500,000 in restitution and the woman kept her home.
Many victims of predatory lenders, though, are not so fortunate. A recent Chicago area
study found that foreclosures on properties with high-cost loans grew by more than 500
percent from 1993 to 1998.
And just two weeks ago, residents of rural Fayette County, West Virginia, awoke to a
news account of a neighbor's plight in the Sunday newspaper. The widow of a coal
miner, with a seventh-grade education and in poor health, was the victim of a predatory
She and her deceased husband owned their home in a small town in this county. She
borrowed money from a home-loan company that promised her easy cash and low
monthly payments. A series of eight loans ended up costing her $434 per month in
payments. At the time, her income was $448 each month. In 1997, she lost her home.
The loan company foreclosed. Now, she lives in an apartment in another town and is
one of a growing number of West Virginians who have been targeted by home equity
loan companies.
Large cities and small towns; different ages and races; three women targeted for
abusive and predatory practices.
Predatory lending is not new -- it has always existed. Historically, however, most banks
and thrifts haven't been involved. That remains the case today. Predatory lending is
largely the province of nonbank finance companies that specialize in lending to
individuals with flawed or no credit histories. And those companies have undergone
tremendous growth over the past decade. According to one estimate, home purchase
loans originated by these lenders increased by 760 percent from 1993 to 1998.
To the extent that banks and thrifts focus more attention on higher income customers to
cross sell account and investment products, mortgage and finance companies will
continue to step in to fill the void in lower income communities. And the recent increases
in homeownership in lower income and minority communities may lure predatory
Predatory lenders have become quite adept in targeting those markets. They use
computer-based data mining techniques to target homeowners that may be
experiencing financial difficulties - due, for example, to excessive consumer debt or
unpaid health bills from recent medical problems. They encourage homeowners to tap
their home equity -- with the promise of getting out of their troubles or to pay for repairs
to their homes.

When practiced aggressively in a lower income neighborhood, the overall effect of these
practices -- an increase in vacant housing -- can be devastating to the property values
and well being of other residents. This, in turn, undermines the legitimate investment
made by community-based banks and thrifts and other affordable housing lenders -- like
you -- in these neighborhoods. It undermines the financial well being of financial
institutions and residents alike.
The FDIC is concerned because predatory lending can harm consumers and damage
communities. We are particularly concerned that these practices have a
disproportionately adverse effect on those who may lack access to other sources of
credit, financial expertise, or financial counseling. Regrettably, under-served low -and
moderate-income, minority, or elderly borrowers often fall into one of these categories.
The benefits that have arisen from banks' and thrifts' enormous investments in
community development lending and other activities promoted by the Community
Reinvestment Act are in danger of being eroded by finance companies engaged in
predatory lending.
While the problem does not involve most banks and thrifts, it reflects badly on the
industry. While banks and thrifts may not engage in direct predatory lending, you may
participate in it unknowingly through loan purchases from, and credit lines provided to,
predatory lenders - or by providing other banking services to them.
Unless the trends I mentioned change, there is a very real risk that predatory lending
will continue to rise. The FDIC will address this risk. I seek your assistance to do so in
three distinct ways:
First, I have directed FDIC staff to begin working with FDIC-supervised institutions,
community organizations, and our fellow federal and state banking agencies to develop
guidance -- through a series of roundtable discussions -- for FDIC-supervised
institutions and examiners:
Guidance to ensure that those state non-member banks do not unwittingly purchase
loans from a predatory lender . . .guidance on how to best screen out loans made
through unethical originators . . .guidance that encourages lenders to provide good
quality loan products and other banking services that meet the needs of elderly,
minority, and lower-income customers. We will also, in cooperation with all concerned,
review our CRA examination practices to ensure that a bank's purchase of loans
containing predatory terms from low- and moderate-income areas does not serve to
improve the bank's CRA rating.
I believe that it is possible to develop a code of "best practices" that will help banks to
guard against predatory practices. To all of you here today, I welcome your support,
ideas, and participation in this effort.
Second, I plan to hold several public forums across the country where community
organizations, government officials and members of the financial community can meet

together and create solutions to the problem of predatory lending. As a group, we will
explore the steps that the government can undertake to protect consumers.
While we know a good deal about predatory lending, there is more to learn. And there is
certainly more we need to learn about how best to reach out to the people most
frequently targeted by predatory lenders - low- and moderate-income households, the
elderly and underserved communities in urban and rural areas.
We will announce the first of these forums shortly. Just as we will soon announce the
details of several other financial literacy projects we have in the works - projects that will
give people the tools to weigh whether deals that they are offered are too good to be
We invite your active participation.
Finally, I will reach out to my fellow regulators, city government officials, and state
attorneys generals. In doing so, I will step up the FDIC's cooperative efforts with other
public officials, including those who have recently adopted or proposed safeguards to
address predatory practices.
To this end, while the FDIC has no authority over finance companies, we will work more
closely with the Federal Trade Commission, which does regulate those lenders. We will
work with the FTC to assist in identifying predatory lenders and warn FDIC-supervised
institutions against involvement with them and their deceptive practices.
Recently, the FDIC, the U.S. Treasury Department, and the Social Security
Administration assisted the FTC in its investigation of a non-bank firm that issued credit
cards serviced by a state non-member bank. This investigation resulted in a financial
settlement by the firm, and other actions, to redress alleged deceptive practices. FDIC
examiners will work with the FTC to learn more about the deceptive practices of
predatory mortgage companies, loan brokers and automobile dealers.
Because I believe that predatory lending by any institution - bank or non-bank - affects
the reputation and public perception of all lenders.
The most important asset of any bank is the public's trust in its integrity.
In closing, let me stress again that predatory lending practices should not be tolerated
by any of us.
We should not allow predatory lenders to migrate into our system of insured financial
institutions - and we should work with banks and thrifts to assure that they do not
inadvertently support such practices.
I want to commend the banks and thrifts for all that they have done to meet community
financial needs - to serve the unbanked - to encourage financial literacy in the
communities you serve.

You have done so much, but there is so much more to do. Predatory lenders thrive on
taking advantage of people who have little choice -- no alternative. I challenge you to
help us counsel and inform them. I challenge you to offer them your services, to provide
an alternative, a better way. I challenge you to observe National Consumer Protection
Week - every week -- not just in words - but also in deeds -- by protecting the vulnerable
from those lenders who would prey on them.
Last Updated 02/17/2000