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For release on delivery
10:30 a.m. EST
February 28, 2007

Statement of
Donald L. Kohn
Vice Chairman
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
before the
Special Committee on Aging
United States Senate

February 28, 2007

Chairman Kohl, Senator Smith, and members of the Committee, I am pleased to be here
today to discuss some recent research at the Federal Reserve on the effect that population aging
may have on the growth of the labor force.1 The research is careful and important, but I would
like to emphasize that it is a staff product and so does not necessarily represent the views of the
Federal Reserve Board.
As we all know, the United States is at the front edge of a massive and important shift in
the demographic composition of the population. The onset of the traditional retirement years for
the oldest members of the baby-boom generation,2 coupled with a trend toward greater life
expectancy and relatively low fertility rates, will cause the share of older individuals in the
population to rise markedly in the years ahead. How our society responds to the challenges
associated with demographic change will have important consequences for the longer-run
prospects for economic growth, average living standards, and the distribution of income and
consumption across generations.
The main demographic story is in exhibit 1, which shows that around 2003, the
population of those aged 62 and older began growing as a share of the population aged 16 and
older. Age 62 is important as the time at which individuals become eligible for Social Security
retirement benefits under current law. According to projections from the Bureau of the Census,
shown in the shaded area of exhibit 1, the upward trend in aging will steepen noticeably in the


Stephanie Aaronson, Bruce Fallick, Andrew Figura, Jonathan Pingle, and William Wascher (2006), "The Recent
Decline in the Labor Force Participation Rate and Its Implications for Potential Labor Supply," Brookings Papers on
Economic Activity, 2006:1, pp. 69-154.
The baby boom is generally taken to be children born from 1946 through 1964. The Census Bureau estimates that
roughly 78 million American baby boomers were alive as of July 1, 2005, and that approximately 2.9 million
Americans turned 60 in 2006. U.S. Census Bureau (2006), "Facts for Features: Special Edition, Oldest Baby
Boomers Turn 60," press release CB06-FFSE.01-2, January 3,

- 2 -

next few years. The share of the adult population that is aged 62 and older, now at about
19 percent, is projected to rise to more than 22 percent by 2015.3
A subset of the adult population is the labor force-that is, those who are either actively
looking for work or have a job. Because the participation of men and women in the labor force
declines sharply after age 55, as shown in exhibit 2, the rising share of older individuals has
important implications for the nation's labor supply. In particular, the aging of the population
will put significant downward pressure on the total labor force participation rate in coming years,
provided the basic pattern of participation over the lifecycle is maintained.
Changes in labor force behavior within age groups also have the potential to add to the
downward trend in labor force participation. Exhibit 3 shows that by the time men born in 1935
reached age 30, about 97 percent of them were in the labor force. In contrast, only about
92 percent of 30-year-old men born in 1976 were in the labor force. Although not shown in the
exhibit, a roughly similar pattern exists for men older than 30, and, all else equal, the gradual
reduction in labor force participation of men has put downward pressure on the overall
participation rate.
Exhibit 3 also shows that, until recently, the decline in the labor force participation rate of
successive generations of men had been more than offset by a steady increase in the participation
rates for each new generation of women. Women born in the 1920s and 1930s had low
participation rates at age 30, but three-fourths of 30-year-olds born in 1960 were in the labor
force. However, participation rates for more recent generations of 30-year-old women have not
risen any further.


This projection combines the latest estimates of population from the Bureau of the Census for 2006
( with the Census Bureau's projections of population growth by age
through 2015 (

-3Economists at the Federal Reserve have developed a model that combines information on
the decline in labor force participation at older ages, shown in exhibit 2, with information on the
changes in labor force participation across generations, shown in exhibit 3. Exhibit 4 shows the
actual participation rate, the model's estimate of the underlying trend in the total participation
rate between 1995 and 2006, and-under a specific set of assumptions~a projection of the trend
out to 2015. The fluctuations in the actual participation rate around the trend largely reflect
cyclical influences. For example, the strong demand for labor in the late 1990s caused
participation to rise above its longer-run trend, whereas the 2001 recession and subsequent weak
labor market caused participation to fall below the trend. Currently, actual participation is again
above the estimate of the long-run trend, according to this model, largely because of the current
strength of the labor market.
A point more relevant to today's hearing is that the estimated trend has been declining
since about 2002 and is projected by the model to fall substantially further, from about
65-1/2 percent today to about 62-1/2 percent by 2015. That decline in the overall participation
rate, coupled with the slowing in the growth of the working-age population projected by the
Census Bureau, would be consistent with a slowing in the annual growth of the labor force from
the roughly 1-1/4 percent average pace seen in recent years to only 1/4 percent by 2015.
By its very nature, the model can only illustrate what will happen if workers, employers,
and policymakers behave in the future in line with the assumptions embodied in the projections.
Specifically, the-forecast proceeds under the assumption that (1) participation rates among the
elderly will rise gradually, (2) the average participation rate for men aged 25-61 will continue to
edge down, and (3) participation rates for women in the same age group will not increase further.

Of course, these assumptions may not be borne out. As outlined in exhibit 5, several factors may
work toward raising the labor force participation rate.
In particular, increasing longevity and improvements in health may induce many more
individuals to remain in the workforce well past age 65. For their part, employers, upon facing
slower growth in the labor force, may look for ways to attract workers into the labor market.
Paying higher wages is one obvious approach. But they could also create flexible work
schedules, increase the availability of part-time work, encourage telecommuting, increase
training for older workers, and provide additional health care coverage as a way to retain and
attract older workers. Such changes might also boost the labor force participation of other age
Government policies can also influence the attractiveness of remaining in the workforce.
For example, to raise participation rates among older individuals, policymakers could seek ways
to preserve or enhance the incentives to work beyond traditional retirement ages. Government
policies could also be designed to make work more attractive to other demographic groups.
Finally, to a limited extent, immigration has the potential to alter the future pace of labor
force growth. Most directly, if future immigration rates exceed those assumed by the Census
Bureau, the population, and hence the labor force, would grow faster than the Census Bureau
currently projects. In addition, because new immigrants tend to be younger and are more likely
to participate in the labor force than are native-born individuals, higher immigration would also
lead to a higher overall participation rate.
Some of the influences described above may already be boosting the participation rate
relative to the model's prediction. As shown in exhibit 6, the labor force participation rate of
individuals aged 62 and older had been trending down since the late 1970s but has been rising

-5markedly since 1995. To some extent, this increase simply reflects the aging of a generation of
women who were more likely to be in the labor force throughout their lifetimes than were earlier
generations of women. However, the magnitude of the rise is greater than can be explained by
this factor alone.
Because the factors just discussed have the potential to offset some of the effects of
population aging, and given the considerable uncertainty that surrounds any long-term economic
projection, economists hold a range of views about the pace of future labor force growth. A
projection from the Congressional Budget Office is shown in exhibit 7. The CBO foresees the
pace of trend labor force growth slowing to 1/2 percent per year by 2015, a smaller deceleration
than projected by the model developed by Board staff but still a significant slowing.
As I indicated at the outset, the aging of the population has important implications for the
living standards of current and future generations. Because total output is equal to output per
worker times the number of workers, a slowdown in the rate of labor force growth will, all else
equal, tend to slow the growth of output—as shown in the right-most column of exhibit 7.
Moreover, if the growth in the labor force is lower than population growth, output per person
will, all else equal, rise even more slowly than output per worker. Indeed, as indicated in the
exhibit, both the Federal Reserve staff projection and the CBO projection for the growth of the
labor force through 2015 are lower than the growth of the population expected in that period by
the Census Bureau. Consequently, on these projections, the level of output per person will be
lower than it would have been without population aging.
Increasing labor force participation would help reduce these effects, but is unlikely to
completely offset them. Thus, without an offsetting increase in productivity growth, the aging of
the population likely means that output per person will have to be lower than it would have been

in the absence of population aging. Accordingly, a critical question is how that burden will be
distributed across generations. If we do nothing, it will, by default, fall entirely on future
generations. However, by forgoing some consumption to increase national saving, we can take
on some of that burden today and thereby raise the living standards of future generations.4 A rise
in saving can achieve that shift because the extra savings would be used to increase the nation's
stock of capital and increase our net holdings of foreign assets. Increasing the amount of
productive assets owned by Americans increases the amount of consumption that future
generations will be able to enjoy. Determining the best way to distribute the burden associated
with the aging of the population should be high on society's list of priorities.


The relationship between population aging and living standards is explored in more detail in Louise Sheiner,
Daniel Sichel, and Lawrence Slifman (2007), "A Primer of the Macroeconomics of Population Aging," Finance and
Economics Discussion Series 2007-01 (Washington: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, January).

Exhibit 1

Population Aged 62 and Older as a Share of
the Population Aged 16 and Older, 1990-2015






Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics.




Exhibit 2

Labor Force Participation Rates of
Men and Women, by Age, 2006
















Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics






Exhibit 3

Labor Force Participation
Rates of Men and Women
at Age 30, by Birth Year





1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Exhibit 4

Total Labor Force Participation Rate



. of trend






Source: FRB staff paper.








Exhibit 5

Possible Changes Not Anticipated
in the FRB Staff Model
• Individuals: Increasing longevity and
improvements in health may induce many
more individuals to remain in the workforce
well past age 65.
• Employers: Facing slower growth in the
labor force, employers may look for ways to
attract workers into the labor market.
• Government: Government policies can alter
the attractiveness of remaining in the
• Immigration: If future immigration rates
exceed those assumed by the Census Bureau,
the population would grow faster than the
Census Bureau currently projects.

Exhibit 6

Labor Force Participation Rate of Individuals
Aged 62 and Older


1I L


Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics.


2005 15

i i i i i i i


Exhibit 7

Actual and Projected Growth of the Labor Force,
Population, and GDP
Population aged
16 and older

Labor force

FRB Staff Paper

Census Bureau
Budget Office






















1. The projection assumes that growth in output per worker is 2 percent per year, equal to the average from 1995
to 2005, and that employment growth equals the projection of trend labor force growth in the FRB staff paper.