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For release on delivery
10:00 a.m. EST
March 5, 2009

Statement of
Donald L. Kohn
Vice Chairman
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
before the
Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
United States Senate

March 5, 2009

Chairman Dodd, Ranking Member Shelby, and other members of the Committee, I
appreciate having this opportunity to discuss the role of the Federal Reserve in stabilizing
American International Group, Inc. (AIG). In my testimony, I will detail the support the
Federal Reserve, working alongside the Treasury, has given AIG and the reasons for each of
our actions. Before I go into the extended narrative, however, I think it would be useful to
briefly put our decisions in their broader context.
Over the past year and a half, we have all been dealing with the ongoing disruptions
and pressures engendered by an extraordinary financial crisis. The weaknesses at financial
institutions and resulting constraints on credit, declines in asset prices, and erosion of
household and business confidence have in turn led to a sharp weakening in the economy.
The Federal Reserve has employed all the tools at its disposal to break this spiral and help
address the many challenges of the crisis and its effects on the economy. One of the most
important of these tools is the Federal Reserve’s authority under section 13(3) of the Federal
Reserve Act to lend on a secured basis under “unusual and exigent” circumstances to
companies that are not depository institutions. Since last fall, in order to foster the stability
of the financial system and mitigate the effects of ongoing financial stresses on the economy,
we have used that authority to help to stabilize the financial condition of AIG.
AIG is a widely diversified financial services company that, as of September 30,
2008, which is the reporting date closest to the date we first provided it assistance, reported
consolidated total assets of more than $1 trillion. AIG was at that time, and continues to be,
one of the largest insurance companies in the world and, in terms of net premiums
underwritten, is both the largest life and health insurer in the United States and the second

-2largest property and casualty insurer in the United States. It conducts insurance and finance
operations in more than 130 countries and jurisdictions and has more than 74 million
individual and corporate customers and 116,000 employees globally. In the United States, it
has approximately 30 million customers and 50,000 employees. AIG is the leading
commercial insurer in the United States, providing insurance to approximately 180,000 small
businesses and other corporate entities, which employ approximately 106 million people in
the United States. It is also a major provider of protection to municipalities, pension funds,
and other public and private entities through guaranteed investment contracts and products
that protect participants in 401(k) retirement plans.
AIG has also been a major participant in many derivatives markets through its
Financial Products business unit (Financial Products). Financial Products is an unregulated
entity that exploited a gap in the supervisory framework for insurance companies and was
able to take on substantial risk using the credit rating that AIG received as a consequence of
its strong regulated insurance subsidiaries. Financial Products became the counterparty on
hundreds of over-the-counter derivatives to a broad range of customers, including many
major national and international financial institutions, U.S. pension plans, stable value funds,
and municipalities. Financial Products also provided credit protection through credit default
swaps it has written on billions of dollars of multi-sector collateralized debt obligations
(CDOs). Financial Products did not adequately protect itself against the effects of a
declining economy or the loss of the highest ratings from the credit rating agencies, and
thereby was a source of weakness to AIG. While Financial Products has been winding down

-3and exiting many of its trades, it continues to have a very large notional amount of
derivatives contracts outstanding with numerous counterparties.
It is against this background that the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department
have taken a series of unusual actions to stabilize the company. These have entailed very
difficult and uncomfortable decisions for a central bank. These decisions were particularly
difficult and discomforting because they involved addressing systemic problems created
largely by poor decision-making by the company itself. Moreover, many of these decisions
involved an unregulated business entity that exploited the strength, and threatened the
viability, of affiliates that were large, regulated entities in good standing. However,
uncomfortable as this was, we believe we had no choice if we are to pursue our responsibility
for protecting financial stability.
Our judgment has been and continues to be that, in this time of severe market and
economic stress, the failure of AIG would impose unnecessary and burdensome losses on
many individuals, households and businesses, disrupt financial markets, and greatly increase
fear and uncertainty about the viability of our financial institutions. Thus, such a failure
would deepen and extend market disruptions and asset price declines, further constrict the
flow of credit to households and businesses in the United States and in many of our trading
partners, and materially worsen the recession our economy is enduring. To mitigate these
risks, the Treasury provided equity capital to AIG and the Federal Reserve provided liquidity
support backed by the assets of AIG.
The Federal Reserve’s involvement in AIG began in mid-September of 2008. AIG’s
financial condition had been deteriorating for some time. The financial and credit markets

-4were experiencing severe stress due to various economic problems arising out of the broadbased decline in home prices, rise in delinquencies and foreclosures, and substantial drop in
values of mortgages as well as mortgage-backed securities and other instruments based on
such assets. In short-term funding markets, very high spreads between lending rates and the
target federal funds rate and very illiquid trading conditions in term money markets had
come to prevail. AIG was exposed to these problems because of the protection Financial
Products had written on mortgage-related securities, because of investments AIG had made
in mortgage-related securities in connection with its securities lending program, and because
its counterparties had begun to withdraw funding. These pressures mounted through
September. The private sector worked through the weekend of September 13-14 to find a
way for private firms to address AIG’s mounting liquidity strains. But that effort was
unsuccessful in a deteriorating economic and financial environment in which firms were not
willing to expose themselves to risks--a risk aversion that greatly increased following the
collapse of Lehman Brothers on September 15.
Under these circumstances, on September 16, 2008, acting with the full support of the
Treasury, the Board authorized the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (New York Reserve
Bank) pursuant to section 13(3) to lend up to $85 billion to AIG through a revolving credit
facility (Revolving Credit Facility) in order to ease the liquidity strain on AIG. The liquidity
pressures experienced by AIG during that time of fragile economic markets threatened its
ability to continue to operate, and the prospect of AIG’s disorderly failure posed considerable
systemic risks in various ways as a consequence of its significant and wide-ranging
operations. Such a failure would also have further undermined business and household

-5confidence and contributed to higher borrowing costs, reduced wealth, and general additional
weakening of the economy. Moreover, at the time the Board extended the Revolving Credit
Facility, there was no federal entity that could provide capital to AIG to help stabilize it. The
Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) legislation was requested in part to fill that void and
authorized by Congress on October 3, 2008.
The Revolving Credit Facility was established with the purpose of assisting AIG in
meeting its obligations when due and facilitating a restructuring whereby AIG would sell
certain businesses in an orderly manner, with minimal disruption to the overall economy.
AIG would repay the Revolving Credit Facility over a period of two years as it sold assets.
Importantly, the Revolving Credit Facility was (and remains) secured by a pledge of a
substantial portion of the company’s assets, including AIG’s ownership interests in its
domestic and foreign insurance subsidiaries. As additional compensation for the Revolving
Credit Facility, AIG agreed to issue to a trust for the benefit of the Treasury, preferred stock
convertible into 79 percent of AIG’s outstanding common stock. With these protections, the
Board believed that the authorization of the Revolving Credit Facility would not result in any
net cost to taxpayers.
In connection with the extension of credit, AIG’s CEO was replaced. In addition, the
New York Reserve Bank established a team to review the financial condition of AIG, and
monitor the implementation of AIG’s plan to restructure itself and repay the Revolving
Credit Facility. Furthermore, as an ongoing condition of the Revolving Credit Facility, the
New York Reserve Bank staff established an on-site presence to monitor the company’s use
of cash flows and progress in pursuing its restructuring and divestiture plan. The Federal

-6Reserve does not have statutory supervisory authority over AIG or its subsidiaries as we
would over a bank holding company or state chartered bank that is a member of the Federal
Reserve System. Rather, the rights of the Federal Reserve are those typical of a creditor and
are governed by the credit agreement for the Revolving Credit Facility. Using these rights,
the Federal Reserve works with management of AIG to develop and oversee the
implementation of the company’s business strategy, its strategy for restructuring, and its new
compensation policies, monitors the financial condition of AIG, and must approve certain
major decisions that might reduce its ability to repay its loan.
The Federal Reserve has a team of about 15 staff members, led by senior officials,
who conduct oversight of the company pursuant to the credit agreement. The team has
frequent on site contact at the company to make sure the Federal Reserve is adequately
informed on funding, cash flows, liquidity, earnings, asset valuation, and progress in
pursuing restructuring and divestiture. Federal Reserve staff is also assisted by qualified
advisers in its monitoring and coordinates with officials of the Treasury.
We routinely make our views known on key issues, such as major incidents of
corporate spending and executive compensation. For example, we pressed for the company
to ensure that robust corporate governance surrounds all compensation actions and worked
with AIG management on limits to executive compensation that restrict salary and bonuses
for 2008 and 2009. The Treasury has also imposed standards governing executive
compensation that are broader than the general restrictions under the TARP Capital Purchase
Program. The Treasury has also required a comprehensive written policy on corporate
expenses that may be materially amended only with the Treasury’s prior consent.

-7Following the establishment of the Revolving Credit Facility, AIG accessed its funds
to meet various liquidity needs and by October 1, 2008, the company had drawn down
approximately $61 billion. In part these draws were used to settle transactions with
counterparties returning securities they had borrowed from AIG entities under a securities
lending program used by AIG insurance subsidiaries. The cash collateral received by AIG in
these lending programs was used to purchase a portfolio of residential mortgage-backed
securities (RMBS). As the value of RMBS declined, these transactions became a significant
source of liquidity strain on AIG. When securities borrowing counterparties chose to
terminate their securities borrowing transactions with AIG, AIG was unable to immediately
dispose of the illiquid and price-depressed RMBS as a source of repayment to securities
borrowers without realizing substantial losses. As a result, AIG had to supply cash from its
own resources to repay the securities borrowing counterparties.
To reduce these liquidity pressures, the Board approved an additional credit facility
(the Secured Borrowing Facility) that permitted the New York Reserve Bank to lend to
certain AIG domestic insurance subsidiaries up to $37.8 billion in order to allow them to
return the cash collateral they received from their securities borrowing counterparties. The
Secured Borrowing Facility was designed to provide the company additional time to arrange
and complete the orderly sales of RMBS and other assets in a manner that would minimize
losses to AIG and disruption to the financial markets. AIG borrowed approximately $20
billion under the Securities Borrowing Facility by November of 2008. State insurance
authorities of AIG’s regulated insurance subsidiaries participating in the securities lending
program supported the Board’s action.

-8Additionally, toward the end of October, four AIG affiliates began participating in the
Federal Reserve’s Commercial Paper Funding Facility (CPFF) on the same terms and
conditions as other participants. The CPFF is a generally available program that involves the
purchase, through a special purpose vehicle with financing from the Federal Reserve, of
three-month unsecured and asset-backed commercial paper directly from eligible issuers. As
of February 18, 2009, the AIG-affiliated CPFF participants had borrowed approximately $14
billion in the aggregate from the facility.
During the month of October, credit markets continued to be severely stressed and
liquidity pressures on AIG did not abate even with access to government credit. The
company was negatively affected by the decline in market value of many assets owned by
AIG entities or to which AIG entities were exposed through derivatives. Losses on the
RMBS portfolios in the securities borrowing program and credit default swap protection
Financial Products had written on multi-sector CDOs together accounted for approximately
$19 billion of the $24.5 billion in losses announced by the company for the third quarter of
2008. The losses experienced through the third quarter, and the consequent capital erosion
placed in jeopardy the credit ratings of AIG. Had the credit ratings agencies downgraded
AIG in November, AIG would have been required to find additional funds to meet collateral
calls and termination events on the exposures held by Financial Products alone.
The Board and Treasury therefore took a series of actions, announced on November
10, 2008, to mitigate the effect of third quarter losses and liquidity drains on AIG and its
subsidiaries, and provide for a more stable capital structure. These actions were designed to
facilitate AIG’s execution of its divestiture plan in an orderly manner, and thereby protect the

-9interests of the taxpayers, both by preserving financial stability and by giving AIG more time
to repay the Federal Reserve and return the Treasury’s investment.
As part of the set of actions, Treasury invested $40 billion in newly issued Senior
Preferred Stock of AIG under its recently granted TARP authority. In connection with that
investment, the Federal Reserve modified the terms of the Revolving Credit Facility to be
more sustainable: The maturity of loans extended under the facility was extended to five
years (due 2013), the maximum amount available was reduced from $85 billion to $60
billion, and the interest rate and commitment fees were reduced. The facility remained
secured by substantially all of AIG’s assets, and the company continued to be required to
apply proceeds of asset sales to permanently repay any outstanding balances under the
At the same time, the Board approved the establishment of an additional lending
facility that would provide a permanent solution to the AIG securities lending program’s
losses and liquidity drains, thus eliminating the need for the Securities Borrowing Facility.
Under the new facility, the New York Reserve Bank extended approximately $19.5 billion in
secured, non-recourse credit to a special purpose limited liability company in which AIG
would hold a $1 billion first-loss position (Maiden Lane II). Maiden Lane II then purchased,
at market prices, RMBS with a par value of $39.3 billion from certain AIG domestic
insurance company subsidiaries. This facility allowed AIG to terminate its securities lending
program and to repay fully all outstanding amounts under the Securities Borrowing Facility,
which was then terminated.

- 10 The Federal Reserve also took steps to help address the drain of liquidity on AIG
arising from potential collateral calls associated with credit default swap contracts written by
Financial Products on multi-sector CDOs. The New York Reserve Bank made a secured,
non-recourse loan in the amount of $24.3 billion to another special purpose limited liability
company (Maiden Lane III). Maiden Lane III then purchased, at market prices, multi-sector
collateralized debt obligations with a par value of approximately $62 billion from credit
default swap counterparties of Financial Products in return for the agreement of the
counterparties to terminate the credit default swaps. AIG provided $5 billion in equity to
Maiden Lane III to absorb future losses on the CDOs held by Maiden Lane III.
The Federal Reserve loans to Maiden Lane II and III have a term of six years and are
secured by the entire portfolio of each company. The Federal Reserve reports the amount of
the loans to these facilities and the value of the supporting collateral regularly on its website.
The investment manager to the New York Reserve Bank for these entities projects that, even
under very stressed scenarios, the loans to Maiden Lane II and Maiden Lane III will be
repaid over time with no loss to the taxpayer.
On Monday, March 2, 2009, AIG announced a loss of approximately $62 billion for
the fourth quarter of 2008, ending a year in which AIG suffered approximately $99 billion in
total net losses. As a consequence of increased economic weakness and market disruption,
the insurance subsidiaries of AIG, like many other insurance companies, have recorded
significant losses on investments in the fourth quarter of 2008. Commercial mortgagebacked securities and commercial mortgages have experienced especially severe impairment

- 11 in market value, requiring a steep markdown on the companies’ books, despite a lack of
significant credit losses on these assets to date.
The loss of value in the company’s investment portfolios, which totaled
approximately $18.6 billion pre-tax, was primarily attributable to the insurance subsidiaries’
holdings. This loss was a substantial contributor to AIG’s fourth quarter loss. The
remainder of the fourth quarter loss was significantly associated with the mark to market of
assets transferred to Maiden Lane II and Maiden Lane III during the middle of that quarter,
losses due to accounting on securities lending transactions that occurred during the fourth
quarter, impairment of deferred tax assets and goodwill, and other market valuation losses.
At the same time, general economic weaknesses, along with a tendency of the public to pull
away from a company that it viewed as having an uncertain future, hurt AIG’s ability to
generate new business during the last half of 2008 and caused a noticeable increase in policy
In addition, these extreme financial and economic conditions have greatly
complicated the plans for divestiture of significant parts of the company in order to repay the
U.S. government for its previous support. Would-be buyers themselves are experiencing
financial strains and lack access to financing that would make such purchases possible.
To address these weaknesses, the Federal Reserve and Treasury, in consultation with
management of AIG and outside advisers retained by the Federal Reserve, announced on
March 2, 2009, a plan designed to provide longer-term stability to AIG while at the same
time facilitating divestiture of its assets and maximizing likelihood of repayment to the U.S.
government. The plan involves restructuring the current obligations of AIG to the Federal

- 12 Reserve and Treasury, additional capital contributions by Treasury, and continued access to
Federal Reserve credit on a limited basis for ongoing liquidity needs of AIG.
Under the plan, Treasury will create a new capital facility that would allow AIG to
issue to the Treasury up to $30 billion over five years in new preferred shares under the
TARP as liquidity and capital needs arise. This brings the total equity support of the
Treasury to $70 billion.
Additionally, Treasury will restructure the $40 billion in preferred equity AIG issued
to the Treasury in connection with the actions taken to aid the company in November. This
restructuring, along with the injections of capital from the new preferred shares, will bolster
AIG’s capital position and reduce its leverage, bolstering confidence in the company.
Under the plan, the Federal Reserve also has agreed to reduce and restructure AIG’s
outstanding debt under the Revolving Credit Facility. Capacity under the Revolving Credit
Facility will be reduced from $60 billion to $25 billion. The current outstanding debt of
$39.5 billion will be restructured in several ways. First, up to about $26 billion will be
satisfied by providing the Federal Reserve with preferred equity interests in AIG’s two
largest life insurance subsidiaries, American Life Insurance Company (ALICO) and
American International Assurance Company (AIA). The actual amount will be a percentage
of the fair market value of AIA and ALICO based on valuations acceptable to the Federal
Reserve. This action would be a positive step toward preparing these two valuable AIG
subsidiaries for sale to third parties or disposition through an initial public offering, the
proceeds of which would return to the Federal Reserve through its preferred equity interest
stake in these two companies.

- 13 Another component of the debt restructuring involves the use of an insurance industry
tool to monetize cash flows on a specified block of life insurance policies already in
existence. Under the plan, the Federal Reserve would extend up to $8.5 billion in credit to
special purpose vehicles (SPV) that would repay the obligation from the net cash flows of
identified blocks of life insurance policies previously issued by certain AIG domestic life
insurance subsidiaries. The total amount of principal and interest due to the Federal Reserve
on this credit would represent a fixed percentage of the estimated net cash flow from the
underlying policies that would flow to the borrowing SPVs. This “buffer” between the
amount of the credit and the net cash flow would provide the Federal Reserve with security
and provide reasonable assurance of repayment.
Each of the decisions to provide assistance to AIG has been difficult and
uncomfortable for us. However, the Federal Reserve and the Treasury agree that the risks
and potential costs to consumers, municipalities, small businesses and others who depend on
AIG for insurance protection in their lives, operations, pensions, and investments, as well as
the risks to the wider economy, of not providing this assistance during the current economic
environment are unacceptably large. The disorderly failure of systemically important
financial institutions during this period of severe economic stress would only deepen the
current economic recession. We have been and will continue to work alongside the Treasury
and other government agencies to avoid this outcome. At the same time, in exercising the
tools at our disposal, we are also committed to acting only when and to the extent that our
assistance is necessary and can be effective in addressing systemic risks and we are
committed to protecting the interests of the U.S. government and taxpayer.