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For release on delivery
7:30 p.m. EDT
October 4, 2006

Economic Outlook

Remarks by

Donald L. Kohn

Vice Chairman

Board of Govemors of the Federal Reserve System

at the

Money Marketeers of New York University

New York, New York

October 4,2006

I am pleased to be with you tonight to discuss my views on current economic
conditions and the economic outlook. These have been challenging times for economic
forecasters and policymakers. Since the summer of2005, the economy has absorbed a
wide variety of shocks--major hurricanes, ongoing geopolitical tensions, and substantial
increases in energy prices--and has adapted to a rise in short-term interest rates to more
normal levels. Yet real gross domestic product (GDP) increased a respectable 3-112
percent from the second quarter of 2005 to the second quarter of 2006, and the
unemployment rate fell to 4-3/4 percent. At the same time, however, headline consumer
price inflation has been quite high, and an upward movement in core inflation has raised
concerns about the persistence in price pressures, a very worrisome development from
the point of view of a monetary policy maker.
The economic outlook for the next few years will be importantly shaped by
ongoing responses to these developments. Reflecting those responses, economic activity
has slowed noticeably over the course of the year, and inflation, though down from its
level earlier this year, remains uncomfortably elevated. However, I expect that the
continuing adjustment will be relatively benign overall: The economy will grow at a
moderate pace for a while, somewhat below the rate of increase of its potential, and then
growth will begin to strengthen. In addition, as the cost pressures from the run-up in
energy and materials prices begin to play out, or perhaps even partly reverse, and as
pressures on resources ease slightly, I think we will likely see much lower headline
inflation and a gradual diminution of core consumer price inflation.
I know that to some this story of a soft landing seems too good to be true--the
triumph of hope over experience. One question is whether it is even feasible. Can

-2inflation pressures decrease with only a modest shortfall of economic growth from
potential? And is it possible that a modest decline in resource utilization will not
cumulate into something more serious, as it has tended to do in the past--at least without
a major adjustment of policy? My view is that this economy is capable of generating the
type of favorable outcome that I have just sketched, but, as in any period of transition,
policymakers must be aware of heightened risks on all sides of the forecast. I must
emphasize that these views are my own and not necessarily those of my colleagues on the
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC).l
Economic Activity

Based on the data we now have, the growth of real GDP in the third quarter
appears to have remained as subdued as it was in the second quarter and may well have
slowed further. As we enter the fourth quarter, little in the way of hard economic data or
anecdotal information suggests any sharp shift in the pace of economic activity. If that is
so, the economy could be in the process of registering several consecutive quarters of
growth below its potential rate, the first time it has done so since early 2003.
After three years of growth above potential, some slowing was inevitable and
desirable. Trees do not grow to the sky, and neither do the stocks of houses and durable
goods held by households and businesses. In addition, the run-up in energy prices sapped
consumers' purchasing power and cut into firms' profit margins. These hits to real
incomes have restrained the growth of household and business spending. The effects of
the high relative price of energy that we have experienced for much of the past year do
appear to be reducing the demand for energy-intensive products. In particular, the major
domestic automakers are cutting production to eliminate unwanted stocks of gas1 Charles

Struckmeyer, of the Board's staff, contributed to these remarks.


guzzlers, and these cuts are exerting a further drag on the growth of real GDP in the
second half of this year.
Spending is also being restrained by the removal of monetary policy
accommodation over the past two years. Without these policy actions, the developing
pressures of demand on potential supply would have added to inflationary pressures. As
anticipated, higher interest rates have been felt most clearly in the market for residential
real estate. The adjustment in these markets has proven to have been more rapid and
deeper than many economists had predicted, and we have yet to see signs that indicate
just how the process will work itself out. Given the importance of housing markets in the
evolution of the economy, I will spend a bit more time discussing the performance of this
sector over the past five years and the factors that are likely to shape the adjustment
process that is now under way.
From a trough of fewer than 1.5 million units at an annual rate during the
recession of 2000, starts of new single-family and multifamily homes rose to a postWorld War II high of2.2 million units last year. Sales of new and existing homes
followed the same broad pattern, and the boom in residential real estate markets was a
powerful force driving the post-2000 economic expansion. Monetary policy played an
important role in these developments: Responding to the weakness in other sectors of the
economy, the FOMe held short-term interest rates at unusually low levels over much of
this period. With inflation expectations well contained, with investment weak relative to
saving in other countries, and with investors requiring much less extra compensation for
holding longer-term obligations, long-term mortgage rates also dropped to historically
low levels. Housing affordability increased substantially, and the homeownership rate hit

-4new highs. In addition, a speculative element may have emerged in this market as
investors projected rapid price increases into the future.
And those price increases were considerable. Between the beginning of2001 and
the end of 2005, the constant-quality price index for new homes rose 30 percent and the
purchase-only price index of existing homes published by the Office of Federal Housing
Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) increased 50 percent. These increases boosted the net
worth of the household sector, which further fueled the growth of consumer spending
directly through the traditional "wealth effect" and possibly through the increased
availability of relatively inexpensive credit secured by the capital gains on homes. By the
end oflast year, however, the high price of houses and rising interest rates had begun to
take a meaningful toll on demand for homes.
Determining the exact timing of the recent peak in the housing market is difficult
given the effects oflast year's hurricanes, the volatility in the data, and timing differences
in the evolutions of home sales and housing starts. That said, the fourth quarter oflast
year seems to provide a reasonable reference point: Since that time, housing starts have
fallen about 20 percent, and home sales are down 10 percent. Home-price appreciation
has also slowed dramatically since late last year, and some local markets have
experienced outright price declines. Homebuilders report that cancellations have
increased sharply, especially for second homes. Realtors note that existing houses are
staying on the market longer, and sellers must increasingly make concessions to buyers.
How much longer will the correction in housing last, and how much deeper will it
go? I do not have a definitive answer but would venture four observations. First, the
reported declines in new home prices in a number of areas should help to facilitate the


rebalancing of supply and demand in those markets--though it may accentuate the
adverse spillover of the housing market correction to other sectors. Deeper price cuts
would allow builders to clear out their inventories of unsold homes sooner, helping to
stabilize the pace of residential construction activity faster, but the near-term hit to
household wealth presumably would also be greater. Second, calculations about the
sustainable level of housing starts based on demographic factors, such as population
growth and household formations, suggest that starts may be closer to their trough than to
their peak. Although such calculations are, in general, not particularly useful for nearterm forecasting, they do suggest that any overbuilding in 2004 and 2005 was small
enough to be worked off over coming quarters at close to the current level of housing
starts. Third, the Federal Reserve has returned short-term interest rates only to morenormal levels and long-term rates are unusually low relative to those short-term rates.
This situation stands in sharp contrast to some past downturns in the housing market that
followed actions by the Federal Reserve to tighten credit conditions significantly. And
fourth, continuing growth in real incomes should underpin the demand for housing and,
as home prices stop rising, help to erode affordability constraints.
To date there is little evidence that this correction in the housing market has had
any significant adverse spillover effects on other parts of the economy. The production
of construction supplies has decelerated, but in general, resources freed up in the
residential market appear to have been largely absorbed in nonresidential building or
elsewhere. Indeed, after languishing for many years, the market for nonresidential
structures seemed to revive around the time that the residential market was starting to
show signs of slowing. This shifting of resources can likely continue for a while longer


given the declines seen in office and commercial vacancy rates and the higher rates of
capacity utilization in manufacturing.
Still, adverse spillovers will occur, and, as I indicated, their extent depends in part
on the changing mix of prices and quantities as the housing market adjusts. In the past,
outright declines in the nominal prices of houses have been relatively rare and localized.
If something like this pattern prevails again, the decline in real housing wealth relative to
incomes will be modest, and household saving rates should trend gradually higher. Such
a rise in personal saving would not be an adverse outcome for an economy that generates
relatively little saving domestically.
One reason I expect the economic expansion to continue despite the retrenchment
in housing markets is the recent declines in energy prices. Oil prices have fallen around
$15 a barrel from their recent highs this summer, and because of abundant supplies and
cooperative weather, the spot price of natural gas is down significantly as well. If
sustained, these lower prices are likely to boost consumers' purchasing power and help to
offset to some extent the adverse spillover effects from weakness in the housing market.
In addition, financial conditions remain quite supportive of borrowing and
spending. Market interest rates are not high in nominal or real tenns; credit spreads are
narrow and equity prices continue to rise, conditions that keep the cost of business
finance down and suggest investor confidence in the future course of the economy.
As the inventory overhangs in residential housing and automobiles are worked
off, economic growth should pick up again to a rate closer to the growth rate of its
potential. One potential pitfall in this argument is that, in the past, a noticeable and
sustained shortfall of growth from its potential and an accompanying decrease in resource

-7utilization have often cumulated into a full-fledged recession. Several features of the
current financial situation, however, support my contention that "this time will be
different." These recessions have often been triggered by a highly restrictive stance of
policy and a generalized tightening of credit conditions through high long-term rates,
wide risk spreads, and a pull-back of bank lending. Obviously, these conditions are not
present today. Although one cannot rule out the possibility that a withdrawal from risktaking could impinge on credit supplies and intensify downward pressure on activity, the
preconditions for such a response do not seem to be in place. Business balance sheets are
in very good shape and financial institutions are quite well capitalized.
To be sure, the risks to these expectations of a limited shortfall of growth from
potential seem to me to be weighted toward a weaker outcome. The housing market is
not yet clearing, prices are still elevated relative to rents, the overhang could be larger
than I perceive, and the attendant readjustment could be more abrupt and destabilizing-and could possibly even overshoot on the downside. And spillovers from the housing
market could extend well beyond wealth effects if households had been relying on easy
access to rising housing equity to finance a substantial portion of their consumption
spending. Consumer confidence could erode as job growth and income gains slow,
thereby sparking a steeper rise in saving. But, given current information, including on
consumer confidence and spending, I judge my more benign scenario the more likely

Would such an outcome for economic activity be consistent with an abatement of
inflation pressures? As you know from our announcements, minutes, and public

-8utterances, the members of the FaMe are very concerned about the rise in core consumer
price inflation over the past year. From a pace of2'percent in the twelve months ending
in August 2005, the rate of core personal consumption expenditures (peE) inflation has
risen to 2-112 percent.
One of the key issues in the analysis of core inflation is the role of the passthrough of energy cost increases into the prices of other goods and services. The passthrough turns out to be harder to find either econometrically or in the price data
themselves than any savvy consumer might think. Turning first to the data, a detailed
breakdown of the consumer price index shows that the prices of the most energyintensive services, such as air travel or refuse collection, have picked up considerably, a
result likely attributable, at least in part, to the run-up in fuel prices over the past few
years. But these items represent a relatively small part of the core index; the small
acceleration in many other nonshelter portions of the index, while consistent with a small
pass-through of energy costs, could also be attributable to non-energy factors.
When we try to model energy pass-through econometrically, the results indicate
that a break occurred in pricing patterns in the early 1980s: Pass-through is clearly
evident before 1980 but it is difficult to find thereafter. I suspect this pattern has
something to do with the monetary policy reaction to those shocks and its effect on
inflation expectations. In the 1970s, monetary policy not only accommodated the initial
shocks but also allowed second-round effects to become embedded in more persistent
increases in inflation. Since the early 1980s, the pass-though to core prices has been
limited or non-existent, at least in part because households and firms have expected the
Federal Reserve to counter any lasting inflationary impulse that they might produce. This

-9result reinforces the need today to keep inflation expectations well anchored. In addition,
movements in relative oil prices were more persistent before 1980 and less persistent
after--until recently. After 1980, households and firms probably expected deviations of
energy prices from long-run averages to be largely reversed and saw less reason to try to
adjust wages and prices in response to what they viewed as transitory changes in energy
In the final analysis, I think we probably saw some pass-through of higher energy

costs into core inflation once price and wage setters came to believe that the rise in
energy prices would not soon be reversed. But the magnitude of the effect has been
small--perhaps on the order of a cumulative 112 percentage point or less since the end of
2003. If crude oil prices hold at close to current levels over the next few years, the
resulting absence or even partial reversal of these energy cost shocks should, all else
equal, put some modest downward pressure on core inflation.
Consumer energy prices have already flattened out according to the August data,
and we will probably see a big decline in September's report. This decrease will not
erase the increases of the past few years, but I believe that it will contribute to a lessening
of consumers' fears that continued energy-price increases wi1l1ead to a ratcheting up of
inflation in the long run. Indeed, the most recent readings on inflation expectations from
the University of Michigan Survey Research Center showed a noticeable decline in
September, especially in the inflation rate expected twelve months ahead. In financial
markets, the spread of nominal over indexed yields has also retreated substantially at the
near end of the yield curve. To a monetary policy maker focused on the evolution of

- 10 inflation expectations, these developments are indeed steps (albeit small) in the right
Another major force driving up core consumer price inflation over the past year
has been shelter costs, especially tenants' rent and owners' equivalent rent. Together,
these two components account for a substantial part of the core price indexes--38 percent
for the consumer price index (CPI) and 17 percent ofPCE prices--and as a result, small
shifts in price trends in these areas can have a noticeable effect on core inflation. For
example, after running at about a 2-112 percent pace for several years, increases in
owners' equivalent rent stepped up to an annual rate of 5 percent in the six months ending
in August. As you know, these prices are imputed from the rental housing market, and
quite possibly this acceleration resulted from a shift in demand toward rental housing as
higher interest rates and hom(~ prices, along with reduced expectations of capital gains,
made the owner-occupied market increasingly less attractive. In response to greater
demand, the supply of rental housing should increase over time, in part by drawing from
the overhang of owner-occupied units; hence, I do not expect rents to be a major
influence on core inflation a year or two from now, the horizon that is the focus of
monetary policymaking. Clearly, however, the band of uncertainty about such a forecast
is rather wide.
Not only should the contribution of energy and shelter costs to underlying
inflation be diminishing over coming quarters, but the generalized pressure of demand on
supply should also decrease if, as I am anticipating, economic growth falls short of
potential for a time. I would not expect modest changes in the output gap to exert more

- 11 than a marginal influence on inflation. But the anticipated slower pace of growth will
result in an environment in which finns will be less able to pass on increases in costs.
One potential source of higher costs comes from the labor market. I would not be
surprised to see a gradual rise in labor costs as workers capture a greater share of the
productivity gains of recent years. However, compensation per hour, a measure derived
from unemployment insurance tax records, indicates that labor costs accelerated sharply,
to a pace of 7-3/4 percent from the second quarter of2005 to the second quarter of2006.

In contrast, readings from the employer cost index (Eel), which is derived from a
probability sample of finns, shows labor costs decelerating. Some ofthe divergence
appears to be the result of an increased volume of stock option exercises in early 2006-an occurrence captured by the compensation per hour measure but not by the ECI--and
these option exercises should not represent costs that finns actually internalize when
calculating their marginal cost of production. Thus, in my own thinking, I have tended to
discount, though not dismiss, the latest readings on labor costs. However, I acknowledge
that rising labor costs are an upside risk to my inflation outlook, especially if they occur
under product-market conditions in which finns can readily pass costs through.
In sum, I think that the odds favor a gradual reduction in core inflation over the
next year or so, but the risks around this outlook do not seem symmetric to me:
Important upside risks to the outlook for inflation warrant continued vigilance on the part
of the central bank. I say that not only because of the questions about underlying labor
costs and about the future direction of energy and shelter prices but also because our
understanding of the inflation process is limited, and I cannot rule out the possibility that
the upward movement earlier this year reflected a more persistent impulse that I cannot

- 12 -

now identify. Although I believe I have offered plausible explanations for the
acceleration of inflation this spring and summer and reasonable rationales for expecting
inflation to moderate, I would feel much more confident about where we are heading if I
had a more accurate bearing on the direction from whence we have come. In addition, in
my view, if inflation failed to abate it could impose considerable costs on economic
performance over time, a concern that brings me to the topic of monetary policy.
Monetary Policy

Even if my relatively favorable forecast comes true, the level of short-term
interest rates that will produce this forecast remains uncertain. Obviously, as my FOMe
voting record indicates, I believe that, for now, the current level of short-term rates has
the best chance of fostering this outcome. Looking ahead, policy adjustments will
depend on the implications of incoming data for the projected paths of economic activity
and inflation. I must admit I am surprised at how little market participants seem to share
my sense that the uncertainties around these paths and their implications for the stance of
policy are fairly sizable at this point, jUdging by the very low level of implied volatilities
in the interest rate markets.
As I have outlined tonight, I think that the risks to my outlook for economic
activity may be skewed a bit to the downside, while those to my forecast of gradually
declining inflation are tilted to the upside. In my view, in the current circumstances, the
upside risks to inflation are of greater concern. Although to date inflation expectations
have remained contained, failure to check and then reverse the greater inflation pressures
of earlier this year would risk embedding those higher inflation rates in the decisions of

- 13 -

households and businesses, an outcome that would be costly to reverse and would
impinge on the economy's long-term performance.