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Remarks by Chairman Donald E. Powell
Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Before the American Bankers Association Annual Convention
Palm Desert, California
September 26, 2005

Thank you. I am pleased to be here with you today.
For the past month, most of us in Washington (and, of course, the Gulf Coast) have
been preoccupied with hurricanes and their aftermath—first Katrina, and this past
weekend, Rita. I know I speak for everyone here when I say that our thoughts and
prayers are with the people whose lives have been forever changed by these
devastating natural disasters.
As for the FDIC, we have been doing all we can to assist the displaced victims as well
as the insured institutions in the Gulf Coast area. In spite of the disruption and the
distress, we are encouraged by the resilience and shear will of the people of Louisiana
and Mississippi, and now Texas, to rebuild and restore what was lost.
Today, however, I am going to focus on the future of banking. I'm going to talk about the
dual banking system that has served this nation so well for almost 150 years.
When I think of a strong dual banking system, I think of strong communities. I think of
local and regional engines for economic growth and job creation. I think of choice,
innovation and diversity.
I believe that the dual banking system is at a crossroads. The share of banking activity
conducted through state-chartered banks is dwindling and there is every reason to
believe that trend will continue. The issue goes well beyond market share, to
fundamental issues about competitive fairness and states' ability to enforce laws
protecting consumers.
It's not an exaggeration to say that this issue is of Constitutional proportions. It gets to
the heart of how our federal union should work, and how much power rests with the
These days, any discussion of the future of the dual banking system must begin with the
OCC's preemption regulations.
Ever since their creation in 1863, national banks have enjoyed some degree of
exemption from state law. In Riegle-Neal, passed 130 years later, Congress provided
that state laws would apply to the interstate branches of national banks in four key
areas, as long as these laws are not preempted by federal law and do not discriminate
against national banks on the basis of their charter. Those key areas—known as "the

big four"—are intrastate branching, consumer protection, fair lending and community
Since the passage of Riegle-Neal, OCC legal interpretations and court decisions have
suggested that the preemption powers granted national banks are even greater than
some might have imagined. In 2004, the OCC issued a regulation that preempts all
state laws that obstruct, impair or condition a national bank's activities. This sweeping
regulation contains no exception for state consumer protection, community
reinvestment, fair lending or intrastate branching laws. Also, in its regulations, the OCC
determined that state law is preempted for operating subsidiaries of national banks to
the same extent that it is preempted for their parent national banks. For example, a
consumer doing business with a mortgage company, title insurance company, finance
company or retail securities brokerage may subsequently discover that some of his
state's consumer protections do not apply, because these businesses are operating
subsidiaries of a national bank.
Many sincere people believe the OCC's 2004 regulation was entirely correct; many
equally sincere people believe it overreached. As with any truly tough issue, there are
strong arguments on each side.
Ultimately, the courts, or Congress, will have to decide who is right. An "ultimate" end to
uncertainty, in this case, could take many years. That is why most bankers, who have to
plan their business based on today's realities, are probably considering OCC
preemption as a fact of life.
The facts of life today with regard to preemption are fairly simple. A state-chartered
bank that wants to do business across state lines is at a substantial competitive
disadvantage relative to a national bank or federal thrift. The national bank or thrift can
operate with somewhat uniform standards, while the state-chartered bank must comply
with a far greater range of localized requirements in the states in which it does
Ironically, this situation is the opposite of what Congress intended when it passed
Riegle-Neal II in 1997. In Riegle-Neal I, Congress did not give the same preemption
rights to state-chartered banks that it gave to national banks. But within a few years, it
became clear that state-chartered banks were operating at such a competitive
disadvantage that it threatened the dual banking system. In response, Congress passed
Riegle-Neal II, which preempted some host state laws for branches of out-of-state statechartered banks.
The uneven playing field facing state-chartered banks that operate across state lines is
affecting the proportion of assets in the state-chartered banking system. Until recently,
the relative share of state-chartered-bank assets remained fairly stable at about 40
percent of commercial bank assets, with little change during both good times and bad.
In the past two years, however, that share has dropped to just over 30 percent at the
end of March. Among commercial banks with interstate branching networks, the

proportion is even higher; almost 80 percent of the assets of interstate banks are in
national banks. Twenty years ago, four of the ten largest banks were state chartered,
including the fourth-fifth-, sixth- and seventh-largest insured commercial banks. At the
end of March, only one of the ten largest insured commercial banks had a state charter.
That bank was the last on the list.
While the share of assets of state-chartered banks has dropped, the percentage of
state-chartered banks has increased. In the 1980s, two-thirds of all commercial banks
were state chartered. Now, three-quarters of all banks are state-chartered. In short, we
are seeing a state banking system that is increasing in relative numbers and decreasing
in relative size.
Going forward, there is every indication the relative decline in the assets of statechartered banks will continue. Today, more than three out of every four new commercial
banks opt for state charters when they start up. When banks reach a certain size and
their geographic operations expand beyond a single state, though, the pressures to
switch to a national charter, whether through merger or charter conversion, become
hard to resist.
In my view, there is little doubt what the current competitive imbalance, if not addressed,
means for the future. The state-chartered banking system is headed for being a system
of small banks competing under a different set of rules than their larger counterparts.
These small state institutions will be important within their own communities, but make
no mistake, they will conduct less and less of the nation's banking business—and they
will be in the ranks of the acquisition targets, not the acquirers.
Many people see this trend as an unfortunate development that portends more
concentration of banking and regulatory power, perhaps even a gradual loss of local
and regional economic autonomy.
A few months ago, the Financial Services Roundtable submitted a petition to the FDIC
to publish a regulation that would address these issues. Essentially, the petition asked
the FDIC to determine that state-chartered banks operating across state lines enjoy the
same preemption of host state laws that national banks do. In other words, a statechartered bank would be allowed to operate nationwide under the laws and regulations
of its home state, to the same extent a national bank could operate nationwide under
the laws and regulations applicable to national banks.
On May 24, we held a public hearing at the FDIC to help us decide how to respond to
the petition. We heard from bankers and lawyers, trade groups and consumer groups,
and a number of state banking commissioners. We met all day. I heard every session
and I can assure you it was a great day of testimony.
We heard articulate, thoughtful views, but no agreement on how the FDIC should
proceed. Some witnesses said current state laws discriminate against some financial
service providers in a way that violates the intent of the Gramm Leach Bliley Act. Those

witnesses said the FDIC can, and should, act to remedy the uneven playing field that
now exists between federal and state institutions. Others said the FDIC cannot, and
should not, address the issue, and expressed concern about a race to the bottom,
where states would compete for charters by relaxing their consumer protection laws.
I understand the passions on consumer protection, but I do not see the real choice as
being between host state consumer laws and home state consumer laws. I see it as
being between some state consumer laws and no state consumer laws. Let me explain.
Every state and national bank has to comply with a baseline of federal consumer
protection law. If we cannot adequately protect consumers using federal law, then we
have a serious consumer protection problem that needs to be addressed at the national
level, regardless of what happens with this petition. If consumers would be endangered
by doing business with an out-of-state state-chartered bank that must comply with
federal law, they must be at least as endangered by doing business with a national bank
What's more, if the relative decline in the assets of state-chartered banks continues, as I
think it will if nothing is done, more and more consumers will be dealing with national
banks, which, under the OCC's regulations, are not subject to most state consumer
protection laws. Congress recognized this problem when it passed Riegle-Neal II.
Representative Marge Roukema, the principal sponsor of the legislation, said at the
time that, "The essence of this legislation is to provide parity between state-chartered
banks and national banks," but she added that, "This legislation is also important for
consumers, because if we do not enact this legislation, State banks will likely convert to
a national charter. . . . The end result could be that there will be no consumer protection
at the state level. . . ."
Riegle-Neal II clearly eliminates the disparity between the treatment of national bank
branches and state-chartered-bank branches with respect to host state law. This is
black letter law from Riegle-Neal II, which has been codified into the Federal Deposit
Insurance Act. In light of what we heard at the hearing, though, I think that we should
consider whether additional clarity from the FDIC might be beneficial.
For example, Riegle-Neal II leaves several unanswered questions—several gaps—
concerning the scope of the preemption rights of state-chartered banks. Among the
most obvious of these is a state-chartered bank's right to invoke Riegle-Neal II when an
activity is conducted through an operating subsidiary.
A few months ago, I asked the staff to bring these issues before the FDIC Board for its
consideration. I was not committed to a particular response to the petition. In fact, I
wanted to put out a range of options and get comments from you and the public.
The majority of the Board, however, preferred to forego public comment on the range of
options and instead is considering a specific proposal implementing Riegle-Neal II's
provisions. I expect staff will present this proposal to the Board soon. It is premature to

speculate what the outcome of the Board's deliberations will be or even whether it will
put the proposal out for public comment. What is absolutely clear to me is that the FDIC,
as a federal regulator, has a responsibility to implement all existing laws for statechartered banks. And we should do so in a manner consistent with the letter of the law
and intent of Congress, and in a way that is unambiguous for those to whom it applies.
Equally clear is that the state banking system is at an important fork in the road.
Inaction at the federal level will keep us on the road where states retain their
unchallenged regulatory sovereignty—but only over the dwindling fraction of banking
activity that is not conducted through federally chartered institutions. It is ironic that if
this path is followed in the name of consumer protection, most consumers will end up
doing business with federally chartered institutions, and the states' role in consumer
protection will have been diminished.
It is theoretically possible that the share of assets in the state system will stabilize or be
reversed without federal action. This result, however, seems unlikely, unless each state,
somehow, relinquishes some regulatory control in the interests of a more uniform and
competitive playing field for state-chartered banks. None of us knows today how or if
this can occur, and many do not agree that it should occur.
Action at the federal level is the only real hope of preserving the dual banking system
that we have known in the past. Even if the FDIC takes regulatory action, however, it
may not completely level the playing field for state chartered and national banks.
Ultimately, Congress will have to decide this issue, in my opinion. The important
questions of federalism it presents—the ability of banks to effectively compete in
interstate commerce and state's interest in consumer protection—call inevitably for
congressional decision making. In the end, Congress may choose to level the playing
field and preserve the dual banking system or it may, through inaction or otherwise,
choose not to, and let the dual banking system fade into history. In my opinion, that
would be a mistake.
Thank you.

Last Updated 09/26/2005