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For release on delivery
9 : 3 0 a.m., e.s.t.
March 4, 1993

Statement by

David W. Mullins, Jr.
Vice Chairman
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

before the
Committee on Small Business
United States Senate

March 4, 1993

Mr. Chairman and members of the Committee.

I am pleased to

be here this morning to discuss the credit crunch and the
availability of credit for small businesses.
The financing of small business enterprises is a central
issue in the future growth and vitality of the U.S. economy.
Small businesses account for almost two-thirds of the nation's
work force.

They created 80 percent of the new jobs in the

1980s, a decade in which the U.S. economy created almost 20
million jobs, despite the fact that Fortune 500 firms reduced
their employment.
The sources of small business financing are substantially
more limited than those of large firms with continuous access to
the depth and liquidity of public capital markets.

For debt

financing, small businesses are generally dependent on financial
institutions, primarily commercial banking firms.

It is because

of the importance of small businesses to the growth of the U.S.
economy, especially job growth, that the protracted weakness in
business loans at banks is an important public policy concern—
one worthy of rigorous analysis and concrete action.
Why have business loans by banks fallen?

In our view, there

are a number of contributing factors on both the demand side and
the supply side of this market.
First, the demand for bank loans typically declines during
recessions as economic activity slows, reducing firms' needs for
working capital and new plant and equipment.

In the recent

downturn this has been amplified by a broad-based desire by
businesses to reduce their dependence on debt financing.


deleveraging phenomenon, which has been apparent for both
businesses and households, followed a decade in which debt
financing expanded to historically very high levels.


leverage in conjunction with a weak economy reduced the credit
worthiness of many firms as well.
Federal Reserve surveys indicate that supply side
constraints on the availability of financing may have played a
role in reduced business borrowing.

They demonstrate that large

banks have systematically tightened the terms and standards for
granting business loans to customers of all sizes.

Of course,

some of this tightening was likely justified as an appropriate
response to the lax credit standards of the 1980s and the
resulting heavy loan losses of the early 1990s.

Although no

substantial reversal or easing is yet apparent, our surveys
indicate that tightening of credit standards has ceased.
An important factor influencing the availability of
financing during this period has been the condition of the U.S.
banking industry.

The debt financing of the 1980s left banks

with record nonperforming loans— especially commercial real
estate loans— in the early 1990s.

These asset quality problems

produced large loan losses which reduced the capital base of the
U.S. banking industry.

In response, the banking industry over

the last 2-1/2 years has focused on identifying and working out
bad loans, and rebuilding capital and liquidity.

In short, the

banking industry has been engaged in an intensive process of

financial healing— dealing with embedded asset quality problems
and rebuilding its financial strength.
This retrenchment process has involved reducing loan growth,
investing in government securities, cutting expenses to enhance
earnings, retaining a larger portion of these earnings, and
issuing new equity to bolster depleted capital bases.

While this

process may have adversely affected loan growth in the short
term, it was a necessary prerequisite to the industry's return to
financial strength capable of supporting and sustaining new
lending and growth.
It should be noted that, in our view, the Basle risk-based
regulatory capital standards appear not to have played a
significant role in motivating banks to curtail lending.
During this entire retrenchment period, the overwhelming majority
of U.S. banks met these minimum standards, most by a very wide

Indeed, those banks with capital far above the minimum

standards have been responsible for the overwhelming majority of
bank investment in government securities.
government securities,

In investing in

it is not likely that these very well

capitalized banks were motivated by minimum capital standards.
Finally, other financial institutions not subject to Basle riskbased standards, such as credit unions and finance companies,
exhibited the same pattern of retrenchment characterized by
reduced lending growth and increased investment in government

This suggests that neither Basle capital standards

nor bank examiners were primarily responsible for these


Indeed, all financial institutions responded in a

similar manner to this economic environment of deleveraging and
impaired asset quality regardless of whether they were subject to
risk-based capital standards.
The pressure to increase capital beyond the regulatory
minimum— in effect to build a notable cushion of capital above
the minimums— came from several sources.

Faced with uncertain

large loan losses, banks themselves raised their assessment of
the necessary capital base to sustain future lending; the capital
markets demanded higher capital in order for banks to have lowcost access to funds; regulators, and changes in statutes,
recognized that a sound capital base is the best protection for
the federal safety net and the taxpayer.

All concluded that

adequate capital is required for banks to be able in the future
to sustain lending in both good times and bad.

it is worth noting that this is a worldwide
The retrenchment from the financial imbalance built

up in the 1980s has produced stress in financial institutions in
Japan, the U.K., Sweden, and Australia to name a few countries.
This financial retrenchment has contributed to the economic
slowdown in many industrial countries.
and the rest of the world,

Both in the United States

it is quite likely that some banks,

some bank lending officers, and some bank examiners may have
become overly cautious.


in the United States, the

federal banking agencies, and the previous and current
administrations, have attempted to assure that our examiner

staffs and examination guidelines do not impede the flow of sound
loans to credit-worthy borrowers.
Where do we stand today?

These efforts continue.

The U.S. banking industry has made

impressive progress in improving its financial health.

Over the

past 4-3/4 years through the third quarter of 1992, U.S. banks
have charged off $123 billion in bad loans; yet increased
reserves by $5 billion and added $77 billion in equity capital.
Moreover, with loan loss allocations declining and after several
years of stringent cost controls, 1992 was a record year for bank

Bank capital ratios now are the highest level in

more than a quarter of a century.

While a segment of the

industry remains under stress, the bulk of the U.S. banking
industry has made remarkable progress in working through a very
difficult economic cycle and emerging with renewed financial
While this retrenchment process has been painful and may
have constrained credit availability during the adjustment
period, the banking industry now appears to have a strong capital
base and ample liquidity to fuel the economic recovery.


addition, the interest rate spreads on small business lending
appear attractive relative to alternative bank investments, and
the deleveraging process by firms seems to be well advanced,
though perhaps not entirely completed.
The recently revised estimate of 4.8 percent GDP growth in
the fourth quarter of 1992 confirms that U.S. economic growth
accelerated markedly during the second half of last year.


suggests that loan demand should be picking up as well.


both improved supply and demand cyclical factors bode well for
the outlook for increased small business lending.
There are signs that business lending at smaller banks—
whose customers tend to be smaller firms— may have begun to

Such increases in small business loans may well be

masked in the aggregate data by the extensive restructuring of
corporate debt.

In recent years,

larger businesses with access

to the public capital markets have issued record volumes of bonds
and stocks and used much of the proceeds to repay short-term

including bank loans.

More generally,

for at least two

decades, banks have found it difficult to retain those large
business customers who can directly tap U.S. and foreign markets
more cheaply.

This widely recognized trend has contributed to a

decline in business loans as a share of total bank assets.


this trend may well continue, small businesses will remain
reliant on banks for their external finance.

Thus, the continued

importance of banks to small businesses warrants taking a look at
those factors that may be constraining credit to small firms that
do not have access to public capital markets.
One possible contributing factor may be changes in the
nature of bank supervision and regulation in recent years.


1980s were characterized by a sharp increase in the failure of
federally insured financial institutions, both S&Ls and banks.
In response, rigorous regulatory statutes were enacted including

the S&L reform legislation, FIRREA in 1989, and the FDIC
Improvement Act, FDICIA, in 1991.
These statutes produced, directly and indirectly, a
substantial increase in regulatory burden on the banking

For example, each of the federal banking agencies had

to create over 60 separate working groups to write the
regulations to implement FDICIA regulations, a process which is
still not entirely completed.

This process itself likely

contributed to subdued loan growth.

Banks may have been

understandably hesitant to launch major new lending initiatives
before knowing the standards and regulations that would apply to
these new loans.
While many of these new regulatory requirements have been
worthwhile and important and have enhanced safety and soundness,
a good many provide less clear-cut benefits that may not justify
their cost in terms of increased burden.

Higher burdens raise

the cost of financial intermediation and can adversely affect the
cost and availability of bank credit.

Recent research by Fed

staff has suggested that the least risky and lowest cost credit
extensions to smaller businesses by banks in the 1980s were
unsecured relationship lending.

If recent statutory and

regulatory changes have required additional documentation or
collateral on such loans, the quantity of lending to these safer
borrowers may have declined, because banks pass through the
additional underlying costs or because these borrowers cannot
provide the additional documentation or collateral.

Indeed there is every reason to think that recent
regulations and statutes have changed the nature of supervision
and regulation.

The process has become progressively more

standardized and mechanical, more dependent on documentation,
analytical formulas, and rigid rules as opposed to examiner

This may have disproportionately affected small

business lending, which often takes the form of character and
cash-flow loans, requiring judgement, and where the bank's return
comes from a thorough knowledge and working relationship with the

These loans are heterogeneous in nature, and they may

be less amenable to the increasing standardized character of
supervision and regulation.
At the same time, the focus on homogeneous,


lending products may have encouraged lenders to shift toward
areas such as mortgages and consumer loans, which are more easily

scored and categorized.

To understand the potential

bias from this process, one need only to consider the cost and
difficulty in documenting— especially for public or examiner
scrutiny— the soundness of a character loan for small firms with
unaudited financial statements.
standardized mortgages,

Compare this to placing funds in

in mortgage-backed securities, or

consumer loans amenable to computerized credit scoring.
Now it is true that a more rigorous supervisory process has
many beneficial consequences.

But one unintended effect may have

been to make small business lending more difficult and costly

because such a regulatory process may be in many ways simply
inconsistent with the inherent nature of small business lending.
What can be done to ensure the availability of credit for
small businesses?

First, we need more rigorous insight into the

nature of small business finance, and, to this end, the Federal
Reserve Board last year initiated a substantial research project
to sample the financial behavior of a large number of small
business firms.

This study will focus on the full range of

financing alternatives available to small business, not just bank

The objective is to gain a rigorous understanding of

the nature, problems and trends in this area.

This is a major

research project which will take some time to complete, and it
underscores the Board of Governors' commitment to this important
component of the economy.
As for the near term, we need to ensure that the regulatory
process does not impede the flow of credit to small businesses.
The suggestions for accomplishing this that have appeared in the
public debate include exploring ways to reduce excessive
documentation, perhaps by considering small business loans as a
portfolio, rather than requiring each individual loan to bear the
full regulatory documentation burden— an approach currently
employed for consumer loans.

Some have also suggested examining

whether the FIRREA real estate appraisal requirements have
unintentionally imposed an undue burden on business lending, a
large portion of which involves real estate collateral.


it is useful to explore ways in which the regulatory

process might be tailored to be more congruent with the inherent
nature of small business lending, rather than trying to force
business lending into a standardized regulatory mold.
To this end, the Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve
and the other banking agencies are engaged in a systematic
analysis of the possible regulatory impediments to business

The objective is to design a set of regulatory actions

which will eliminate unwarranted restraints on lending.


scope of the analysis encompasses the full range of issues
associated with the regulatory burden on banks and possible
problems in the examination process.

In addition, we believe it

is important to focus explicitly on impediments to small business

In attempting to streamline regulatory procedures for

such loans, we are all committed to maintaining essential
standards of safety and soundness including adequate capital

While it is premature to discuss specifics, a

detailed set of proposals should be completed in the near future.
A further avenue of attack for this problem, and one that
has been proposed in various forms is securitization.
Securitization of business loans could measurably increase
access to capital for small businesses.

Such programs would be

most productive for loans other than relationship loans, since
the latter are not easily standardized.

Because of the

heterogeneous nature of small business loans, this will not be

More work needs to be done to standardize loan terms and

various legal, regulatory and accounting problems need to be
resolved before securitization will be feasible.
We at the Board of Governors generally favor efforts,
including appropriate legislation, that would encourage

We generally do not favor the establishment of a

new government-sponsored enterprise involving business loan
securitization because of our concern about adding to the already
enormous overhang of contingent government liabilities.
While securitization has the potential to increase credit
availability for small businesses, there will still likely remain
an important role for banks in small business financing.
Securitization is unlikely to be feasible for a basic staple of
small business lending— the character loan.

These loans are

critically dependent on lenders' judgment, their knowledge of the
firm, its principals, business and community, and they require an
ongoing working relationship between the lender and the borrower.
Even if securitization is successful, there are a large number of
borrowers whose loans will not lend themselves to securitization.
These borrowers are likely to remain dependent on a healthy flow
of bank credit.
In summary Mr. Chairman, the outlook for small business
finance seems encouraging.

Loan demand should be reviving as the

economic recovery progresses, and the U.S. banking industry now
possesses a strong capital base and ample liquidity to support
increased lending.

Nonetheless, the weakness in bank business

lending and the importance of small businesses to job growth

suggest that it would be unwise to remain complacent and rely
entirely on improving cyclical conditions to fuel small business
loan growth.

This is why we are working actively to try to

identify and eliminate any unwarranted bank regulatory
impediments to business lending.

We feel this effort is wholly

consistent with the Federal Reserve's fundamental objective of
promoting maximum sustainable noninflationary growth in the U.S.

Thank you Mr. Chairman.