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Speech by
Darryl R. Francis, President
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
at the
National Association of Business Economists Seminar
The Palmer House Hotel
Chicago, Illinois
April 4, 1973

I am delighted with the invitation to be with you
today and have this opportunity to present a few of my views
regarding the role of applied econometrics to the policymaker.
Since I am not a builder of econometric models or
a practicing econometrician or statistician, I shall speak
today as a consumer of the results of econometric models.
In broad terms I shall discuss what I expect from my
research staff and how I fold the products of their labors
into my policy recommendations.
Policymakers' stabilization actions are arrived at
through their judgment about the general course of
economic activity and the effectiveness of various tools
available to them. All policymakers have some view of
how the economy operates and how their actions affect



the economy. This concept or hypothesis is usually based
on years of experience and is not usually formulated as
rigorously as an econometric model.
I believe that the concepts policymakers form
about the operation of the economy should be constantly
subjected to rigorous scientific analysis. Econometric
models provide a valuable means of formulating and
testing our hypotheses about the economy which can
then be subjected to statistical analysis. In other words,
we can determine whether our beliefs hold water or have
big holes in them.
Before getting into specifics, let me make a few
general remarks about the context within which I see
a role for scientific research. Most of what has been
done by our staff over the years has begun with the
formulation of testable, and therefore deniable, statements
or hypotheses. Specifically, we frequently begin merely
with the statement of a policymaker to the effect that if
a specific event should occur, then certain subsequent
events will occur. We then seek to formulate such a
statement into a hypothesis in such a way that it is not
a truism. To do so, we state the conditions which would
be acceptable as a denial or rejection of the hypothesis.


Let me illustrate the importance of this by doing
the opposite. Suppose someone makes a statement such
as "More rainfall may or may not result in a larger corn
crop." That statement is empty of content since there is
no event which would falsify it. In a nutshell, to engage
in worthwhile research we must be willing to be wrong.
This has been the underlying philosophy of our research
efforts. We seek to pursue our theoretical formulation
and empirical testing in a professional manner, and then
to present our results for all to examine. If subsequent
events should prove us wrong, then we will accept it.
In this manner economic knowledge is advanced.
As a Federal Reserve policymaker I must live in
the real world. Therefore, advice from my staff that I
should support a policy that would shift the LM curve
is of very iittle use to me. As a member of the Federal
Open Market Committee I know that the actions I can vote
for are changes in Federal Reserve holdings of Government

securities. As President of a Federal Reserve Bank, I can
recommend to our Board of Directors that they should
submit a change in our Banks1 discount rate. I cannot
recommend to the Open Market Committee that the LM
curve should be shifted one way or another. I can only


recommend actions in terms of the instruments at hand.
The justification for my position must be couched in
terms of the probable effects on prices and employment.
In recent years, especially with the advent of
computers, there has been a great surge in the amount
of mathematics and statistics used by economists. A l though the mathematical trappings of economics may
not seem too impressive to trained mathematicians, to
most policymakers who have only a limited background
in math,they pose a formidable barrier to understanding
how economists derive their results. The bewildering
struggles that occur between model builders over specification errors,

structural versus reduced-form models,

recursive versus non-recursive systems, etc., are
meaningless to most policymakers.
This is not meant to deny the usefulness of
math and statistics.

These are very powerful

tools, and their use has helped to advance knowledge
in many fields of science. However, math is not an
empirical science. When it comes down to the time
of making a policy recommendation, I must still have
a concrete interpretation in terms of open market operations.
Also, beyond being told what to expect from a given policy
action, I want to have some understanding of how the

results we re obtained.

-5The type of economic models that policymakers use
depends largely upon the goals of their business. For
example, the goal of General Motors is to produce and
sell automobiles in order to maximize the net wealth
of their stockholders. Therefore, GM policymakers would
be interested in understanding the factors influencing
the demand for autos and being able to forecast such
The goal of the Federal Reserve, at least as I
view it, is to promote high employment growth without
inflation. As a monetary policymaker, I am interested
in what the Fed can do to achieve these goals. Therefore,
I have directed our research staff to investigate the process
by which Federal Reserve actions influence economic
First, I wanted to determine what measure of
Federal Reserve actions was most closely related to
aggregate economic activity. Through extensive research
we have concluded that changes in the money stock provide
a highly reliable means of gauging the effect of monetary
actions on total spending. However, recognition of this
fact alone was only half the battle. To be at all useful
in policy recommendations, it was necessary to determine
whether, with its available policy instruments, the Federal
Reserve can control the growth rate of money. Study of


other economists' work and our own investigative efforts
proved conclusively that the money stock can be controlled
with a relatively high degree of accuracy.
I think it is important at this point to make a
distinction between monetary actions and monetary policy.
For my purposes I am not solely interested in a measure
of the rntentions of policymakers. I am primarily interested
in the results of their actions. If the effect of monetary
actions is to accelerate money stock growth and hence
accelerate inflation, that is of interest to me even if the
intent of policy was to keep interest rates from rising.
If his research is to be of use to a policymaker,
an economist must be able to tell me the results to be
expected from a particular course of action. For example,
if the Open Market Committee takes some action, such as
directing the Trading Desk at the New York Federal Reserve
Bank to slow money stock growth, I would like to know
what this means in terms of the growth of total spending,
output, and prices. There are two extreme situations
which are not very useful to policymakers. One involves
magnitudes which they control absolutely, but which have
no effect on, or any relationship to, an ultimate policy
objective. The other involves magnitudes which seem to
be good causal predictors, but which are completely outside
the control of the policymakers.



An economist must state his recommendations in
a form that has empirical content. I am not primarily
interested in statements that express relationships in
abstract terms. I want to know what operations to direct
the Desk to perform and how and when the performance
of these operations will affect the prices people pay for
goods and services and the number of people employed.
Therefore, it is not enough for my research
staff to tell me that the Fed can control the money
stock. As a member of the Open Market Committee, I
know the Federal Reserve buys and sells Government
securities; it does not fly a blimp across the land dumping
out money. The assertion "the Fed can control the money
stock" must be given empirical content in terms of what
the Fed can directly control. The result of this demand
for an operational procedure has led us to the use of the
monetary base concept and the development of a procedure
for determining the effects of a growth rate of base on
growth of the money stock.
Here, I feel it necessary to say that I think it
should be required of other people who recommend that
the Federal Reserve control other variables, such as
interest rates, that they also provide policymakers with
an operational means of achieving this control. It is



wrong to take at face value the statement the "Fed can
control interest rates" without the corresponding
explanation of how the Fed can do this, and what would
be the consequences of doing so.
As a policymaker, I am primarily concerned with
projection of where the ultimate goals are tending and
what will be the effect on these goals of altering the
rate of growth of the money stock. Therefore, we build
models to help us understand the effect of growth of the
money stock on policy goals.
As an example of our attempts to use models to
understand the effects of monetary policy on the economy,
I could mention the so-called "St. Louis Model." The
original equation of this model was developed to test
competing conjectures about the relative strengths of
the growth of the money stock and fiscal actions. How
do monetary and fiscal policy actions interact? Does
money matter? Can the Fed continue an expansionary
policy and force fiscal policy to bear the burden of restraint?
As you can see, these are questions of great importance
to a policymaker.
Once the computers have stopped running and my
research staff has analyzed the results, I consider
these results in my policy recommendations, keeping



several points in mind. First, I am aware that no model
is the absolute truth. All models have had their hours
of glory in addition to their periods that their creators
would prefer not to mention. Second, when attempting
to see into the future, it is useful to compare the results
of more than one model. When the results diverge
substantially this is frequently of more value than when
all models give pretty much the same results. A divergence
forces us to examine the reasons for the discrepancies and
carefully think about the implications of the causes of
these differences. Third, all the results of models must
be examined to see if they are consistent with our
accumulated evidence from history, theory, and
practicial experience.
My personal preference is for small models,
rather than large models. This stems partly from my
view that the Federal Reserve should be concerned with
the aggregate effects of policy, and should leave the
a I locative effects to the operation of the market place.
Also, not being a practicing econometrician, I prefer
models whose operation I can understand. I am
willing to trade some so-called "structural richness,"
much of which refers to matters I do not consider to
be the proper concern of monetary policymakers, for an
ability to understand the process by which the model



comes up with its results. I have never been willing
to simply accept the results of any model. As a policymaker, I want to know as fully as possible the basis for
my policy recommendations.
Policymakers also are interested in forecasting
and planning. Forecasts give us some idea of where the
economy is headed, given past policy actions. However,
our job does not end with attempts to analyze the effects
of policy actions on the economy and to forecast subsequent
events. We must also engage in planning. This involves
determining desired future values for prices and employment and deciding how to achieve these goals. At the
planning stage, both understanding of the economic process
and forecasting future developments must blend together.
When we seek to influence the course of prices and employment, our research staff is required to use all of its
knowledge about forces influencing the economy in order
to monitor forecasts of the effects of changes in policy.
These forecasts, upon which we depend in deciding our course of action, involve some assessment
of the pattern of developments to be expected following
a certain action. Let me be more specific. It is not
sufficient for an economist to tell us that a slower


-11growth in money will eventually result in a slower rate
of price increase. As a policymaker, I would like to
have better information as to the specific open market
transactions that would achieve, with a high probability,
a desired growth of money. I am also vitally concerned
with the time distribution to be expected with regard
to changes in prices and output for a given change in
the rate of growth of money. Then I want to know how
some tangible results can be expected with regard to
prices and output, and how the pattern will appear in
the data subsequently reported.
Economic research can never tell policymakers
what are "good" or "just" policy goals. However, by
giving the policymakers an indication of the expected
results of different policy actions, economic research
can provide a valuable service.
As much as politicians hate to admit it, we live
in a world of trade-offs. One of the gravest diseases
afflicting rational policymaking is the refusal to accept
the fact that we cannot always have our cake and eat-it-too.
I well remember a couple of years ago the recommendation
of the Joint Economic Committee of Congress that called
for the attainment of a 2 percent rate of inflation and a 3
percent unemployment rate in a short period of time. All


-12accumulated economic research indicated that these
two goals were mutually incompatible in the foreseeable
Frequently in the past six years we at the
Federal Reserve have found ourselves perched on the
horns of a dilemma where failure to slow money growth
meant accelerating inflation, but slowing money growth
meant rising interest rates. Unfortunately, rather than
recognize the short-run trade-off implied by economic
research, we have ended up with both accelerating
inflation and higher interest rates, rather than less
inflation and lower interest rates which longer-range
policy planning could have provided.
Monetary policy cannot "fine-tune" out all
fluctuations in economic activity. However, given
the current state of economic knowledge, monetary
policy can avoid inducing a high rate of inflation or a
recession in the economy. Thus, I would like policy to
remain neutral with regard to cyclical movements in
economic activity rather than run the risk of reinforcing
them. I believe econometric models have been an aid to
policymakers in outlining the available alternatives, and,
therefore, have added to rational policymaking.


-13I would like to conclude my remarks by liberally
paraphrasing from an article that appeared in the Quarterly
Journal of Economics some years ago.
It seems that in a certain kingdom there was a
school for the education of princes approaching manhood.
Since the king and his court spent much of their time
playing chess, it was decided that the subject called
"games" should be added to the curriculum of the
school. A wizard of the school was assigned to develop
the course.
Since the wizard had never played chess, he
corresponded with wizards in other kingdoms who told
him that the main concern was that the course in "games"
should be rigorous and intellectually challenging. Long
ago the wizards concluded that chess, as actually played,
was so complicated it was impossible to develop the
principles and rules necessary to teach it in the classroom. Therefore, they introduced a number of
simplifying assumptions which tidied-up the game
and made it much easier to teach and give exams.
Having received a copy of the rules of this
game the wizard began teaching it to his students,
passing those who learned it well, and failing those
who did not adequately master all the rules. The wizard


-14maintained an active correspondence with wizards in
other kingdoms, gradually modifying the rules of this
game. For convenience, they referred to the game as
chess, although it was taken for granted that everyone
knew their game was not quite the same as the chess
played in the real world.
One day the king summoned the wizard and
asked him to describe the method used to teach chess
in school. The king was naturally amazed to hear that,
in classroom chess, all pieces moved in straight lines
and the wizard used terms like "jumping men" and
"double jumping" which were Greek to the king; the
wizard never referred to things the king was familiar
with such as queens, rooks, bishops, pawns, and
Somewhat puzzled, the king asked the wizard
if he had ever observed chess being played in the real
world. The wizard replied, "no, but I do carry on
correspondence with other wizards. This is better
since everyone knows wizards are smarter than chess
Then the king asked "After finishing your
course, are the princes better chess players because
of what they learned in your class?"


-15To which the wizard replied, "No offense, sir,
but we wizards view the purpose of our courses as
being to teach the princes to think, not to prepare
them for a mere vocation."
The moral of this little tale for the economics
profession is: "An education in checkers does not prepare one for a life of chess."
The moral for the businessman is: "A consultant
who wants to play his own game, rather than yours, is
Like the king in the fable, I too want to be a
better chess player. However, I do not just want to
learn the abstract rules of the game — I must play in
the real world.