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Remarks by
Darryl R. Francis, President
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
before the
Students and Faculty of Washington University
for the
Dedication of the Center for the Study of American Business
Washington University
April 3, 1975

It is a distinct privilege to be the first speaker to address the
Center for the Study of American Business. I view the


of this center as a timely event, and one that marks the beginning of a
program that could have a profound impact on the future of economic
freedom in America. While my discussion will be limited to economic
freedom, the ideas that I will express have a bearing on all freedoms.economic, social, and political. In my view the three are interdependent,
and no one of them can exist without the others.
Let me begin by stating the basic premises upon which
the discussion will rest. I view economic freedom as the freedom to
determine and to seek to satisfy one's own wants as he sees them.
Aside from its desirability as an end in itself, I subscribe to the
widely held doctrine that the promotion of economic freedom is consistent
with the attainment of the maximum possible standard of living for

-2society. According to this view, state regulation should be viewed
with suspicion as a potential enemy of society's material well-being. On
the other hand, maximum freedom for individuals to act in their own
self interest should be viewed as a source of the variety and diversification of ideas, experiments, and innovations which lead to the discovery
of new products and more efficient means of production. If one accepts
these premises, then a free economy should be viewed not only as
precious in itself, but also as the most promising means by which the
standards of living of all members of a society can be raised.
If we accept the foregoing proposition, as I am sure most
of us do, what then is the role of public policy in assuring a free
economy? I see the role as follows. The maintenance of maximum
economic freedom demands the organization of our economic life
largely through individual participation in a game with definite rules.
The necessity of rules arises because absolute economic freedom
is impossible. One man's freedom can conflict with another's security
and property rights. Hence, each person must give up some freedom in
order to resolve individual conflicts. The major problem is determining
those freedoms which the individual should give up in order to resolve
conflicts with others.
Just as a good game requires acceptance by players both of
the rules and of an umpire to interpret and enforce them, so a good


society requires that its members agree on the general rules that
will govern relations among themselves, and on some device for
enforcing compliance with them. Unfortunately, we cannot rely on
custom or consensus alone to interpret and to enforce the rules; we
need an umpire. These then are the basic roles of government in
a free economy.- to provide a means whereby we can establish some
set of general rules, and to enforce compliance with the rules on the
part of those few who would otherwise not play the game.
The advocate of a laissez-faire policy today realizes that
there is a constructive role for government in the economy; he is not
an anarchist. He recognizes that a system which promotes maximum
economic freedom may not be a god-send and that its existence depends
in part upon affirmative government action. However, he also recognizes
that each new governmentally enacted rule of the game involves a loss of
some freedom. Herein lies the problem; where do we draw the line?
At what point does affirmative government action begin to have a net
negative impact on economic freedom?
I can offer you no hard and fast principles on how far
it is appropriate to use government to maximize economic freedom. However, I would suggest to you that in any particular case of proposed
intervention that we should make up a balance sheet, listing separately
the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed policy. In particular,

-4we must always enter on the liability side of any proposed government
intervention its effect in threatening freedom, and give this effect
considerable weight. For it is an undisputable, yet frequently overlooked, reality that by its nature every new rule has its costs in terms of a loss
of some freedom.
We have witnessed abroad the culmination of movements
from constitutional government to dictatorships, from freedom back to
authority. This spectacle, for most of us, is revolting, and something
to be avoided at all costs. Yet, faced with the same problems as these
other nations, we too have often adopted measures which call for more
government authority and less individual freedom. We have often been
too eager to justify and rationalize policies which propel us in a direction
which we overwhelmingly disapprove of. As an indicator of how far and
how fast we have moved in this direction, consider for a moment just a
few facts and figures which are indicative of the tremendous growth of
the government's influence on our economy.
1) It took 186 years for the Federal budget to reach the
$100 billion mark, a line we crossed in 1962, but in only nine more years
we reached the $200 billion mark, and in only four more years we broke the
$300 billion barrier.
2) In W30, prior to the New Deal, government spending
at all levels accounted for just 12 percent of our gross national product.
Today, government spending accounts for over 32 percent of our gross

-5national product, and if present trends continue, government could
account for as much as 60 percent of GNP by the year 2000.
3) As the role of government has increased, the bureaucracy
has also grown so that today one out of every six working men and
women in this country works directly for either Federal, state, or local
Why is it, in light of the record, that the burden of proof
still seems to rest on those of us who oppose new government programs
which curtail our freedoms? Why is it that in spite of our high standards
of living and economic freedom we seem so bent on curtailing the very
freedoms that have netted us these results?
I submit to you that the reason for this drift is that there
are natural biases in its favor. One of these biases has to do with
what I will call the regulatory reflex that seems to have grown to almost
epidemic proportions in our country. The other has to do with the same
political realities which led Joseph Schumpeter to argue thirty years ago
that there was in irreconcilable conflict between democracy and free enterprise.
The regulatory reflex operates in the following manner.
Upon observation of what some individuals deem to bean undesirable result
produced by the free enterprise system, government officials or the press
suggest that this is an area in which the government should "do something".
This usually has meant the creation of a powerful new government agency, or
an increase in the powers of an existing one. Such an agency is empowered


to make decisions regarding the allocation of resources according to
its own interpretations of what is best, rather than leaving the outcome
to determination by the market process.
Implicit in this reflex is the assumption that the free
market system produces undesirable results and that government planning
is the more efficient means of achieving a more desirable end. Unfortunately, the desired end sought by a group of regulators is frequently
not the same as that which the members of society would choose for themselves. The process often results in some group of zealots determining
that others should not have what they want, but rather that which the
regulators consider to be best for them. This type of thinking, combined
with the power to implement it, poses a tremendous threat to freedom,
and yet it is becoming increasingly common. For example, witness the
proposed compulsory health insurance, social security, seat belt interlock mechanisms, and the issuance of food stamps instead of money to the
poor, and the not so poor, to name just a few.
Another aspect of this regulatory reflex is that there
are many people who still subscribe to the medieval notion that all
business is a zero sum game. That is, many people believe that one
person's profit is another person's loss. Such notions are behind the
frequently heard demands that the government should intervene in the
market to limit what some consider to be the "obscene" profits of entrepreneurs and "protect" the powerless consumer. This kind of thinking is
based on a notion that is absolutely false. Its acceptance requires that


we also accept the proposition that parties to all transactions are
either irrational or victims of a fraud.
Free individuals will enter a transaction only if they can
benefit their own interests as a result. Business transactions are
never a zero sum game as long as the participants are free to choose
for themselves and as long as they have alternative choices. There
is no question that there are shoddy practices in every profession and
that market economies produce goods that are often undesirable to
some individuals or poorly made. However, the beauty of the free
market system is that if the consumer doesn't want to buy them, he
has alternatives and the businesses that produce them will either shift to
accommodate consumer desires or they will fail. The fact is that the
alternative to free markets, planning by government bureaucracies,
also results in the production of shoddy and expensive products (the
postal service and automobile modifications, for example). The crucial
difference is, however, that the plans pursued by bureaucracies are
not subject to the forces of market competition and therefore there is no
way to test their relative efficiency or acceptability.
I believe that much of the blind faith in the efficacy of government
intervention stems from impatience and short sightedness on the part of
many individuals, aided, of course, by the lobbying of those who
stand to gain directly from a particular regulatory proposal. Most policies

-8are formulated with an eye to the short run. In a familiar pattern we
see a situation arise in which the short run outcome of the interaction
of free market forces is considered by many to be less than socially
optimal. The key question is - what is the alternative? For example,
we have experienced several years of inflation. Impatience leads many to
clamor for the quickest solution to the problem. Certainly, in this
case, many people believe that wage and price controls fit the bill. A
rigid system of wage and price controls will in fact keep reported prices
from rising in the short run. Unfortunately, such controls will
also create shortages and distortions in the economy that result in
severe bottlenecks in the production process. Reported prices are
temporarily fixed, but the consumer is robbed of the right to purchase
those items which are in short supply. However, everyone concentrates
on the immediate impact of the controls on the movement of reported
price indices and says, "You see how simple that was?"
So it is with most cases of state intervention. The seemingly
beneficial effects are direct, immediate, and visible. On the other hand,
the bad effects are often gradual and indirect, and are frequently considered
only when they actually occur, if even then. However, the ignored long
run costs of such intervention eventually show up. And, when they do,
there is a call for more short run intervention to correct the problems
which arose as a result of the earlier policies. Over a long period of time

-9there is a cumulative and disastrous effect which erodes freedom and
detracts from the efficiency of the economy.
It is unfortunately a truism that regulation begets further
regulation and that regulations outlive their rationale. Though most
government regulation was enacted under the guise of protecting people
from abuse, much of today's regulatory machinery only provides
jobs for the regulators, increases the cost of doing business, and
shelters those who are being regulated from the normal consequences
of free enterprise competition. In some cases, the ICC for example, the
original threat of abuse no longer exists. In other cases, the regulatory
machinery has simply become perverted. In still other cases, the
machinery was a mistake from the start. In any case, the individual, for
whatever presumed abuse he is being spared, is paying for the regulation
through both a loss of freedom and a loss of material well-being.
While many regulatory programs seem to accomplish their
goal (desirable or not) in the short run, they are seldom successful in
the long run. The central problem with all of these measures is that
they all involve an abridgement of some freedoms. They seek through
government to force some individuals to act against their own immediate
interests in order to promote a supposedly general interest. They substitute
the values of outsiders for the values of participants. Some people are
telling others what is good for them, or else the government is taking

-10from some to benefit others. These measures are therefore counter
to the attempt by millions of individuals to promote their own interests
and to live their lives by their own values. This is the major reason
why the measures have so often had the opposite of the intended effects.
Despite the fact that the regulatory reflex contaminates so
much of our society, I do not believe that it could be as pervasive as it
has been unless it were provided with a political framework conducive to
its proliferation. Consider the situation in a community in which the
mass of the people are in favor of economic freedom of choice in their
daily lives and against government direction. As will normally happen,
however, many groups are formed which perceive an opportunity for
material gain through a particular form of government intervention.
Under the guise of such slogans as "fair prices," "equitable wages,"
or "fair trade" laws, they perceive an opportunity to be protected
from the forces of competition In such situations a political party
hoping to achieve and maintain power will have little choice but to
use its powers to buy the support of these special interest groups by
catering to their legislative demands. The reason they will do so is not
necessarily because they think that the majority of society is interventionist,
but rather because they cannot achieve and retain a majority if they do
not solicit support through the promise of special advantages. This means
in practice that even a statesman wholly devoted to the maintenance of

-IIfreedom, and who realizes that every new regulation is an abridgement
of those freedoms, will be under constant pressure to satisfy the interventionist demands of organized groups.
Some special interest groups undoubtedly favor intervention
not for personal gain as much as for what they determine to be for the
good of society. These groups labor under the illusion that they can
draft a law to prevent every outcome which they, and frequently only
they, deem undesirable. In this case, the operation of the regulatory
reflex merely feeds an insatiable appetite for power on the part of those
who wish to impose their values on the rest of society. When regulation
fails to accomplish its goals, as it almost inevitably does, these people
do not call for the repeal of the laws. Instead, they push to amend
them into infinite complexity until the purpose of the original law is
lost. As a result, the hand of regulation ends up touching every aspect
of human action. It is not only wasteful, but serves to destroy incentive
and to discourage ingenuity.
It is ironic that groups which constantly look for problems in our
country insist on inhibiting the ability of the economy to respond to
these problems. For example, present technology does not permit us to
have surgically clean air and plentiful electricity at less cost at the
same time. However, there is no reason to believe that future technology
could not provide those benefits. The essential ingredient is freedom to

-12react to incentives and an understanding that individual liberty is
not only precious, but efficient. Just as thought control is the great
enemy of the freedom of inquiry in academia, economic controls are
the great enemy of economic freedom and the entrepreneurial spirit
which is needed to solve our problems.
Rediscovering the indivisibility and efficiency of political and
economic freedom will take time in a society which has become so
accustomed to overreliance on government intervention. The political
and intellectual bias against the free market is strongly entrenched,
and there are some who will always find a platform to continue to feed
this bias out of a complete misunderstanding of both the political and
the market function.
Those of us who firmly believe in the preciousness and
efficiency of a system which maximizes economic freedom more often
than not find ourselves on the defensive. Given the biases that seem
to continuously propel our society away from such a system, being
merely defensive is not nearly enough. We must take the offensive
and encourage others to restudy the philosophy of free enterprise. It
is in this regard that I applaud the inauguaration of the Institute for
the Study of American Business. We need to drive home the point that
every new rule of the game involves the loss of some freedom and that
one cannot erode freedom in one sector of society without adversely

-13affecting all others. In other words, we must insist that public policy
be based on a recognition of the desirability, efficiency, and interdependence
of political, social, and economic freedom.