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For release on delivery
3:30 p.m. EST
November 10, 2009

Supervising and Resolving Large Financial Institutions

Remarks by
Daniel K. Tarullo
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Institute of International Bankers Conference on Cross-Border Insolvency Issues
New York, N.Y.

November 10, 2009

Proposals for the creation of a special resolution process for large financial firms
have rightly assumed prominence in the wake of the financial crisis. Some events during
the crisis have also focused attention on the difficult problems often created by the failure
of a large, internationally active financial firm. In my remarks this afternoon I want to
elaborate a bit on the relationship between resolution processes and an effective overall
system of financial regulation and supervision in both the international and domestic
At the risk of some oversimplification, I would state that relationship as follows:
First, an effective domestic resolution process is a necessary complement to supervision
that would bring more market discipline into the decisionmaking of large financial firms,
their counterparties, and investors. Second, the high legal and political hurdles to
harmonized cross-border resolution processes suggest that, for the foreseeable future, the
effectiveness of those processes will largely depend on supervisory requirements and
cooperation undertaken before distress appears on the horizon. I would further suggest
that the importance of proposed requirements that each large financial firm produce a socalled living will is that this device could better tie the supervisory and resolution
processes together.
A Resolution Regime for Large, Interconnected Firms
During the financial crisis, serious distress at a large financial firm presented
authorities in the United States and many other countries with only two realistic
alternatives. First, they could try to contain systemic risk by stabilizing the firm through
capital injections, extraordinary liquidity assistance, or both. Second, they could allow
the firm to fail and enter generally applicable bankruptcy processes.

The views expressed are my own and not necessarily those of other members of the Board of Governors.

-2Faced with the possibility of a cascading financial crisis, most governments
selected the bailout option in most cases. Yet this option obviously risks imposing
significant costs on the taxpayer and supports the notion that some firms are too-big-tofail, with consequent negative effects on market discipline and competitive equality
among financial institutions of different sizes. Indeed, too-big-to-fail perceptions
undermine normal regulatory and supervisory requirements. However, as the Lehman
Brothers experience demonstrated, permitting the disorderly failure of a large,
interconnected firm can indeed unleash just the systemic consequences that motivated the
The desirability of a third alternative is thus obvious--a special resolution process
that would allow the government to wind down a systemically important firm in an
orderly way. As compelling as the case for such a process is, the debate around
resolution proposals has shown how challenging it is to craft a workable resolution
regime for large, interconnected firms that will effectively advance the complementary-but at times competing--goals of financial stability and market discipline. Still, I think
there are certain key features that are essential.
First, any new regime should be used only in those rare circumstances where a
firm’s failure would have serious adverse effects on financial stability. That is, the
presumption should be that generally applicable bankruptcy law applies to non-bank
financial firms. One way to help ensure that the regime is invoked only when necessary
to protect the public’s interest in systemic stability is to use a “multi-key” approach--that
is, one that requires the approval of multiple agencies and a determination by each that
the high standards governing the use of the special regime have been met. Once invoked,

-3however, the government should have broad authority to restructure or wind down the
company in an orderly way. This authority should include--among other things--selling
assets, liabilities, or business units of the firm, transferring the systemically significant
operations of the firm to a new bridge entity that can continue these operations, and
repudiating burdensome contracts of the firm, subject to appropriate compensation.
Second, there should be a clear expectation that the shareholders and creditors of
the failing firm will bear losses to the fullest extent consistent with preserving financial
stability. Shareholders of the firm ultimately are responsible for the organization’s
management (or, more likely, mismanagement) and are supposed to be in a first-loss
position upon failure of the firm. Shareholders, therefore, should pay the price for the
firm’s failure and should not benefit from any rehabilitation of the firm through a
government-managed resolution process. To promote market discipline on the part of the
creditors of large, interconnected firms, unsecured creditors of the firm should also bear
losses, although the extent of these losses and the manner in which they are applied likely
would need to depend on the facts of the individual case.
Third, the ultimate cost of any government assistance provided in the course of
the resolution process to prevent severe disruptions to the financial system should be
borne by the firm or the financial services industry, not by taxpayers. The scope of
financial institutions assessed for these purposes should be appropriately broad, reflective
of the fact that a wide range of financial institutions likely would benefit, directly or
indirectly, from actions that avoid or mitigate threats to financial stability. However,
because the largest and most interconnected firms likely would benefit the most, it seems
appropriate that these firms should bear a proportionally larger share of any costs that

-4cannot be recouped from the failing firm itself. To avoid pro-cyclical effects such
assessments should be collected over an extended period.
International Efforts on Resolution Issues
The looming or actual failure of a large, internationally active financial firm
inevitably complicates the already challenging process of resolution. Mismatches in the
amount and maturities of assets and liabilities held by the firm in the various countries in
which it operates can lead host governments to take special action to protect the interests
of depositors and creditors. Different insolvency regimes apply to separately
incorporated subsidiaries across the world. Some of those regimes may be substantively
inconsistent with one another, or may not account for the special characteristics of a large
international firm.
A natural response, which one can find peppered through various law journals
over the years, is to propose an international treaty that would establish and harmonize
appropriate insolvency regimes throughout the world. Just to state the proposition is to
see the enormous hurdles to its realization. The task of harmonizing divergent legal
regimes, and reconciling the principles underlying many of these regimes, would be
challenge enough. But an effective international regime would also likely require
agreement on how to share the losses and possible special assistance associated with a
global firm’s insolvency.
Despite the good and thorough work being undertaken in both the Basel
Committee on Banking Supervision (Basel Committee) and the Financial Stability Board,
we must acknowledge that satisfyingly clean and comprehensive solutions to the

-5international difficulties occasioned by such insolvencies are not within sight.2 It would
certainly be useful if jurisdictions could at least broadly synchronize both standard
bankruptcy and any special resolution procedures applicable to a failing financial firm.
But even this significant advance would not settle many of the nettlesome problems
raised by a cross-border insolvency.
It thus seems reasonably clear that effective management of these problems will,
at least for the foreseeable future, require regulatory coordination and supervisory
cooperation before a large firm’s failure becomes a real possibility. In one sense, this
observation reinforces the importance of the international agenda for strengthening
capital and liquidity standards. It also counsels continued attention to efforts to ensure
that globally active institutions are subject to effective consolidated supervision, and that
information-sharing arrangements among home and host country supervisors are well
designed and implemented. To this end, the key supervisors and central banks for each
of the largest global banks will begin to meet regularly to discuss crisis planning, with
particular attention to contingency liquidity planning.
The crisis demonstrated that issues around cross-border liquidity support are
difficult. Liquidity pressures may arise in unexpected places; time for coordination will
be short; and failures in one jurisdiction likely will spread quickly to other jurisdictions.
The Basel Committee and the Committee of European Banking Supervisors are working
on definitions of liquid assets, common stress testing metrics and structural balance sheet


See Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Cross-border Bank Resolution Group (2009), Report and
Recommendations of the Cross-border Bank Resolution Group (Basel: Basel Committee, September),
available at and Financial Stability Forum (2009), FSF
Principles for Cross-Border Cooperation on Crisis Management (Basel: FSF, April 2), available at (The Financial Stability Forum
subsequently was renamed the Financial Stability Board.)

-6measures. We are actively discussing the appropriate division of responsibility between
home and host authorities to provide liquidity support and the related issue of how to
approach cross-border branch operations. Some have called into question the traditional
assumption that home country authorities will be willing and able to support all of the
worldwide operations of a banking group headquartered in its jurisdiction. What
approach to substitute remains unclear, however, beyond the obvious need for broad
international consistency and careful calibration with other prudential requirements.
One of the key issues identified by the Basel Committee’s Cross-border Bank
Resolution Group is the complexity and interconnectedness of the largest organizations.
Often the complexity is motivated by tax or regulatory factors, rather than a clear
business purpose. Given the way these firms are structured and their linkages to key
systems and other institutions, resolution of such an organization will carry significant
risk of spillovers to other key markets, payments systems, or systemically important
institutions. The Cross-border Bank Resolution Group consequently recommended
developing initiatives that would result in simpler, less connected structures.
Living Wills and Improved Management Information Systems
This point leads us to one much-discussed idea, that of firm-specific resolution
plans--sometimes referred to more colorfully, though not wholly accurately, as living
wills. In one variant of the idea, each internationally active bank would be required to
develop, and potentially to execute, its own resolution plan--literally to plan for its own
demise. Such a requirement could doubtless be helpful to some degree, but it has notable

-7Most obviously, it is very difficult to predict in advance of a crisis which parts of
the firm will be under greatest stress, what geographical regions may be affected most
severely, and what the condition in various markets and economies will be, as well as the
stability of counterparties and similarly situated institutions. Furthermore, governments
may be understandably reluctant to rely too much upon a wind-down plan developed by
an internationally active financial firm that so mismanaged itself that it is on the brink of
failure, placing other institutions at peril. Finally, management of an institution can be
expected to seek to preserve as much value for shareholders as possible in its planning,
whereas the supervisors’ objective in a crisis is to achieve an orderly resolution, which
will often entail winding down or restructuring the insolvent firm in ways that effectively
wipe out shareholder interests.
The living will requirement could be broadened so as to make it into a potentially
very useful supervisory tool for healthy firms, as well as a resource in the event that
resolution became necessary. Under this approach, the firm would, in addition to
developing a resolution plan, be required to draw up a contingency plan to rescue itself
short of failure, identify obstacles to an orderly resolution, and quickly produce the
information needed for the supervisor to orchestrate an orderly resolution. These plans
will need to evolve as the organization’s business and economic conditions evolve and
will need to become a regular part of normal supervisory processes.
A living will of this type could remove some of the uncertainty around a possible
resolution. It would force firms and their supervisors to review contingency plans
regularly. As part of their ongoing oversight, supervisors could target the areas where a
firm’s planning falls short of best practice. Indeed, by focusing on the legal, contractual,

-8and business relationships among the firm’s subsidiaries, this requirement could yield
significant benefits for prudential supervision in normal times, quite apart from its
benefits in a stressed environment.
Central to the success of a living will as a supervisory tool is the quality of
information it would make available in a crisis. Some of the information would be
relatively static. A firm would have to inventory all its legal entities, along with the legal
regimes applicable to each one, and map its business lines into legal entities. A firm also
would have to document interaffiliate guarantees, funding, hedging, and provision of
information technology and other key services. This information would be needed to
deal with any crisis, no matter what its specific form.
Supervisory discussions will be essential to determine the scope and nature of the
rapidly changing information that would be needed under each firm’s living will. It can
be expected to include matters such as credit exposures, funding, unpledged collateral
and available lines of credit, cash flows, earnings, capital, and so forth--all coded by
identifiers such as business line, legal entity, counterparty, and legal jurisdiction to allow
for the ready retrieval of critical information needed depending on the nature, location,
and type of stress. Much of this information can change monthly, daily, or even intraday.
Once the centrality of accurate, comprehensive information is understood, it
becomes apparent that a very significant upgrade of management information systems
(MIS) may be the only way for the firm to satisfy living will requirements. Improved
MIS are also needed for ongoing risk management at the institution. One of the lessons
of the recent crisis is that many firms had inadequate information systems to measure and
manage their risks. Improvements in automated MIS capacity will likely involve

-9considerable expense. Again, though, the result will be improvements in risk
management that will help avoid a crisis at the firm, as well as to manage such a crisis
successfully should it nonetheless occur.
Supervisory demands for improved MIS could have another benefit. Just as a
homeowner has an incentive to shed belongings to reduce the expense of moving, so a
financial firm may have a powerful incentive to simplify its organizational structure and
rationalize relationships among its corporate entities in order to reduce the cost of
developing comprehensive MIS that enables an organization to retrieve information in
multiple formats across jurisdictions, business lines, and legal entities. Simpler structures
can also be encouraged by re-emphasizing existing supervisory guidance requiring
banking organizations to measure and manage their risks not only on the global,
consolidated level, but also on a legal entity basis. Together, the information
requirements of living wills and the need to measure and manage risks at the legal entity
level can help create the right incentives for firms to simplify their structures without
necessarily requiring a supervisor to delve into the details of a banking group’s structure.
All the work on resolution, both domestically and internationally, is important and
necessary. But we must be realistic about what it can accomplish. In light of what has
happened over the past 18 months, it is imperative that governments convince markets
that they can and will put large financial firms into a resolution process rather than bail
out its creditors and shareholders. Yet no one can guarantee that future resolutions of
systemically important firms will proceed smoothly or predictably. Resolution
mechanisms must be understood not as silver bullets, but as critical pieces of a broader

- 10 agenda directed at the too-big-to-fail problem. Measures such as strengthening capital
standards and bringing all systemically important firms within the perimeter of regulation
are other essential elements of that agenda.