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I only wish I could take my place in the ranks at Harvard and
help in the Victory Loan Campaign.

I should so like to look into the

faces of the Harvard boys and tell them how proud I am of their record
in the war, and to exrress what I feel about those of them now peacefully
sleeping in Prance, who gave ur their lives to save the world
brutal attack upon its civilization, now happily averted.
cannot be. '4 lines are fallen in other ylaces.

from the

But such

or the greater part

of the carzaign I shall be far away and I must content myself with this
messace of cheer and horefulness.
Let Ix say at the outset, however, that there is no necessity
for an appeal to Harvard men for support in the Victory Loan camrairm.
That support Will be given unasked.

They know what a task was laid out

for us; they know that task is not yet done.

The bare suggestion of

breaking training before the last line has been crossed would be resented
by them.
—e have done marvellous things.

We have given our brave Allies

food, clothing, munitions, and battleships;

we have bridged the Atlantic

ocean and sent over the finest army, man for man, in the world.

7ith that

army, in conjunction with our Lilies, we have smashed the Hindenburg Line,
we have taken the St. lihiel salient and have done so many other things
which were considered impo.lsible of achievement that the world's record
has been enthusiastically accorded us.
Our werk is not done.

To the billions of money already spent

in the cause of human freedom billions more must be added and we shall see
it through at whatever cost.

Our national resources are so great, however,

that the job can be finished with little difficulty.

Our country is


easily the richest and most powerful in the world.

Our banking

system is easily the soundest and the strongest in the world.


Secretary of the Treasury now calls on us for a final spurt and the
coal is in sight.

Every Harvard man will respond cheerfully and with

Successful sifbscription to the Victory Loan will not only

put our house in order and clear the way for a marvellous revival of
industry, but will also enable our reople to p4
44 our Allies in their work of reconstruction by giving them the credits
they so sorely need with which to buy the essentials of lifelempolio,
and it will at the same time lay a sure foundation for the future peace
of the world, a peace based upon contentment and justice.